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/ SunSoft Catalyst 1995 September to December / CDware_Sep-Dec_1995.bin / .products / Vivids / fig3.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-09-12  |  10KB  |  432x564  |  4-bit (6 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | dialog box | monitor | plant | road | sidewalk
OCR: FontMaker v1.0 File Info Filter /cdrom/cdrom0/alpha/t tqraT Directories Fonts pm/cdrom0/alpha/t tqf. Tekton m/cdrom0/alpha/t tor. Tekton Tekton Bold Oblique Tekton- Oblique Tempo Heavy Condensed Tempo Heavy Condenseditalic Tiepolo Black Tiepolo Blackltalic Add To Selected Fonts Remove From Selecter Fonts Sizes... Seleci ted Fonts Tekton Tekton- Bold Tekton Bold Oblique Tekton Oblique Install Download. Filter Exit fcdrom tqrI Direct tories Selec