Labels:text | newspaper | news | person | publication | newsprint | tabloid | clothing OCR: CANADA'S VIRTUAL NEWSPAPER The Microforum Minute press 'esc'to continue Master Criminal Escapes! BARCELONA, Spain A covert agency known only as the Federal Security Bureau, was able to success- fully infiltrate the Virutal Arts Fighting Academy. The Virtual Arts Fighting Academy (VAFA), headed Warbeck escapes by Warbeck is an clutches of FSB organization which New car sure to sell assassinates individuals Millions !...... Faucher indescriminantly, all in Automotive industry expert the name of profit. Rob Faucher predicts that if Warbeck can get his water Warbeck escapes to Spain, unveils powered car to market, he will take the automobile industry by storm. own line of automobiles Mast hack in rehah!