> Hey, Tim! Why is it we only seem to run letters from people who have
> something to complain about? I KNOW we have some positive letters somewhere!
> Gregg Sauter, Associate Publisher
Okay, okay! I admit it; I didn't want this letters section to seem like a big egoboo, so I've avoided running all the compliments people send us - but they DO compliment us! To prove it, here is a sample of the sort of comments people generally send us. I swear, I'm not making these up . . .
> I just got Episode 2 of IE . . . WOW is all I can say. It's an incredible
> "magazine"! With the always funny reviews, to the demos and patches to the
> hints and tips, IE is an A+! I can't subscribe, because 60 bucks is a little
> too steep for a 15 year old, but I will buy occasionally at stores. I had
> some problems with the video, where I could hear the voice but not see the
> videos in the reviews. I also think you should have more shareware games and
> demos, and definitely more hints and tips . . . maybe ask your subscribers,
> or anybody who buys it, if they have a tip or a cheat code for some game,
> that they should send it in. Well, that's all I can say. Good luck on your
> magazine.
> J.R.
> by fax
> Congratulations on a brilliant idea brilliantly executed! You will have
> received my subscription before you read this!
> After thoroughly browsing "Episode" 2, I could not resist the urge to offer
> a little feedback. First off, I would have liked to have been able to send
> you this message on-line. An on-line address (my preference would be America
> OnLine or Internet) would be particularly appropriate for a magazine like
> yours. And if you have an address to write mail to, the natural thing to do
> would be to have a reader- (or would that be listener-?) mail/letters to the
> editor section. Speaking of editors, editorials and/or column-type articles
> would not be out of place. Which brings me to another comment. I would like
> to see the reviewers get bylines. Assuming that the person reading the
> review to me is the person who wrote it, I would like to see a name and a
> face attached to the review. The same would apply to editorials and columns.
> I like the list of options that appears when you click on the screen during
> a review, especially the Pro/Con and second opinion. I would like to see all
> of the options (full text, specs, etc.) available on all reviews. And
> lastly, information on how to get in touch with the people who produce the
> products in the reviews and advertisements would be nice. I wanted to
> learn more about Malibu's CD ROMix, but I don't know where to write.
> But to reiterate, an excellent job.
> E.A.
> Bakersfield, CA
> I feel I need to write this letter as congratulations to your staff and your
> creators, since some letters seem to bag on you guys and your format. I
> personally enjoy the format and have witnessed your improvements since your
> first episode. I can't put into words how I feel when I see a new IE
> episode, but it is sort of the rush you feel when a new game you've been
> waiting for is finally released. I personally thank you for your efforts and
> imagination that go into each episode.
> Even though I think your magazine is the tops, I do have some suggestions to
> you and my fellow readers out there. Please will you print a date on the
> package so it is easier for me to sort and find my old issues, and also I
> would like, if it's not too much trouble, to see how many episodes are in
> circulation or some type of progress report on your business to se how your
> organization is doing. WE CARE!!
> Finally, to my fellow Interactive Entertainees, be sure to give IE credit on
> your registration cards . . . so these people can make some money. Without
> advertisement, IE will not be able to grow and expand, which ultimately hits
> us, the viewers, who will not get the best new demos and inside sneak peeks
> at new games.
> I wish you luck in your endeavors and I hope you make a ton of money to
> bring back to us, your fans. NEVER QUIT!
> M.B.
> Visalia, CA
These are typical of the majority of the mail we get. Most of our letters sound pretty much like this: "Gee, this is really really cool, but y'know, it would be even cooler if you did THIS." Since most of the time, the THIS is different for each letter we get, we feel safe in assuming we're doing okay.
Thanks for all the fine praise, everybody. Keep those letters and faxes coming!