"PhalENG": "Distress to husband/wife/children, chances to hear bad rumours, sickness, fear of enemies loss of matter, gold or wealth, money, litigation such stakes or even dangers very close to death suffering as worse as death. ",
"PhalENG": "Illness of wife/husband or children, various stages of family quarrel. Loss to relatives etc. If a child is born during the impact of Venus it will be a female child.",
"PhalENG": "Loss of materials of welfare, legal action or litigation, fear of the thieves. Sorrow, fear of fire. The anger of serpents (Snake), etc. ",
"PhalENG": "The gain of good son, gain of goods, respect of the world, fame, gain of land/property, the favour of higher offices, promotion in office etc.",
"PhalENG": "The meeting of relatives, Birth of a son, respect from higher authorities, the gain of land/wealth, and advantages from education, the acknowledgement of scholars, mental comfort etc.",
"PhalENG": "Vata and Pitha diseases, dental illness, distress of the eyes, such evil consequences coupled with enthusiasm, gain of wife/husband, and gain of wealth such good results.",
"PhalENG": "Family quarrels, destruction of Agricultural crops, the loss of comfort, such evil results as well as good results coming form metallic substances.",
"PhalENG": "Gain of material goods, giving feast to relatives, birth of son, such good results (such things do not occur if the person is in his/her boyhood or girlhood) followed by fear of fire, thieves, the imprisonment of relatives such bad results. But there will great progress in education.",
"PhalENG": "Various kinds observances of charitable and religious activities. General comfort and well-being collegiate education, the welfare of husband/wife or son/children such good results.",
"PhalENG": "Gain of house, wealth, land, (if in boyhood western education) if grown up, union with old woman or man, cohabitation with man or woman of inferior status.",
"PhalENG": "Comfort, Triumph of Education, Gain of relations, gain of wealth, acquire son, great tame, high position. Such good status accompanied by bad results such as illness, sickness etc.",
"PhalTML": " YN§, Lp®«p ùYt±, TQm úNodûL, ULu ©\\l×, ùTÚm ×Lr, EVo TR®, CjÕPu ÑLÅ]m úTô]\\ ùLhP TXuLs."
"MstrPlnt": 2,
"SubPlnt": 1,
"PhalENG": "Constant mental agony and distress, Torture, travelling, association with either crooked women or men, efforts to reach higher states etc. will be experienced.",
"PhalENG": "Ill health, distress, discomforts, spending of money, mental distress, danger from hurricane, lightning, thunder etc. accident, torture of diseases, loss or relative etc.",
"PhalENG": "This will be the most fortunate period, fruits of education, gain of wealth, welfare, and comfort from husband or wife. Such good results.",
"PhalENG": "The period of Venus's impact will be generally good, happy, there is no chance for unhappiness, increase in wealth, fortune and comfort from wife/husband, comfort from the son, promotion in office could be expected during this time.",
"PhalENG": "The time of SunΓÇÖs impact will be almost very good, favour of high officials, comfort. The destruction of enemies, success of attempts, elevation of position and such results.",
"PhalENG": "Fear of enemies, thieves, illness, de-promotion in official life, or facing insult there, the destruction of crops, life away from nativity, travel etc.",
"PhalENG": "Gain of wealth, house, face-lifting and improving of old house such good things are complied with the attack of enemies, mental distress and similar bad effects.",
"PhalENG": "Quarrel, disease, hostility of relatives and friends and similar bad effects, but prosperity in agricultural crops, especially in grains, elevation in the profession, dignity, and such good results will also be experienced.",
"PhalENG": "Distress to the partner of life, wife or husband, legal action or litigation, loss of money and wealth, lack of enthusiasm, foreign travel etc.",
"PhalENG": "Health, the destruction of enemies, and association with good people, the affection and favour of good people, prosperity, gain of a son, marriage, well-being success rough where etc.",
"PhalENG": "Trouble and harassment from enemies, the resentment of relatives, loss of son, destruction of property, fear of fire danger form electricity fear of thieves, such bad effects.",
"PhalENG": "Gain of either wife or husband or marriage, gain of land or property, the detest or hatred of relatives, illness of a phlegmatic or a rheumatic nature such results.",
"PhalENG": "The attack of enemies, disease of the eye, chances for poisoning, fear from fire, travel such bad effects along with conjugal or marital bliss, gain of a non, charitable activities, satisfaction in governmental functions. Such good results.",
"PhalTML": " ®úWô§Ls RôdÏRp, Li úSôn, TVQj§p TVm, ®¥ ATôVm, LpVôQU, ULu ©\\l×, RoU £kRû]."
"MstrPlnt": 6,
"SubPlnt": 4,
"PhalENG": "Many kinds of troubles, loss marital pleasure, mental distress, fall in the production of agricultural crops and wealth, sorrows ceased by own children.",
"PhalENG": "Change of place/position, mental agony illness, trouble from the government, bereavement or separation from the partner loss of cultivation of crops, loss of wealth, troubles or occupational hazards, illness owing extreme heat, are found during the impact of Mars.",
"PhalENG": "All round prosperity, brilliance, honour, and triumph of educational achievements are found and the impact of Jupiter during the Jupiter period is generally good.",
"PhalENG": "Association with bad people-tendency or desire to consume alcohol or to have contact with other women/men. Depressions or recession of profession, loss of wealth, travel.",
"PhalENG": "Lack of health, illness, restlessness and confusion in the family, hostility of the public, separation of relatives (even death of relative), such effects coupled with gain of wealth, visiting of sacred temples, (pilgrimage)",
"PhalENG": "The impact of Sun will be very good, fame, presentation from royalty, prosperity, getting of power, employment, or advancement in the profession, income from vehicles, the acceptance and acknowledgement from the public.",
"PhalENG": "The impact of Moon as in the impact of Sun will also be very auspicious, prosperous generally good results, equal benefits as of the Sun's period.",
"PhalENG": "The pleasure of the relatives will be received, gain from enemies, for example, getting court expenditure etc, from the opponents, fame, brilliance, public support, gain of landed property, promotion in the profession, such good results along with diseases of the eye, travelling, obstruction of duty, failure to fulfil duties such bad effects.",
"PhalENG": "Physical torture, mental stress and strain the loss or destruction of father and other teachers and elderly people, or death, loss of wealth, litigation, court cases ΓÇô etc.",
"PhalENG": "Gain of wealth from people of other castes assets from cultivated land, progress in all aspects, such good results along with mental depressions and gloom, scandal owing to connection with other men/ women, quarrel between husband and wife etc. bad effects also.",
"PhalENG": "Fortunes, wealth, comfort, success in all matters, gain of landed property, success in legal dispute such good results and in the end of the impact of Mercury there is chance of staying in another house.",
"PhalENG": "The period of KethuΓÇÖs impact is not good trouble from fire, wind possible fear of thieves, the hazards from enemies, distresses and sorrows regarding wife/husband or children, entering old or destroyed house, where there is threatening of snake poison to wife/husband or son, or to oneself, such bad results.",
"PhalENG": "Great comfort and well being to wife/husband, construction of a new house, gain of wealth, fame, and literary activity or trade or commercial activity.",
"PhalENG": "Intense fear of enemies, separation of son, loss of relatives, disease of the eye or stomach, loss of wealth, lack of interest in work, either death or similar illness is the result.",
"PhalTML": " ®úWô§Ls TVm, ULu ©¬Rp, Li úSôn, Y«tßY­, TQ SxPm, úYûX«p EtNôLªuûU."
"MstrPlnt": 8,
"SubPlnt": 4,
"PhalENG": "The period of the impact of Moon is the worst, either; to the person or his wife/her husband or to parents, sufferings equivalent to death will be result.",
"PhalTML": " CPUôt\\m, Li úSôn, Ut\\ LxPeLs, TQm YW Yônl×Ls."
"MstrPlnt": 8,
"SubPlnt": 6,
"PhalENG": "Go by the worst paths of life, despair, roaming in many places, loss of wealth, abscess and such skin diseases and in the end of RaghuΓÇÖs impact there is the gain of landed property.",
"PhalENG": "Comfort of home, the well being of children, wife or husband, increase of wealth, gain in every aspect, but these good results will end period of JupiterΓÇÖs impact will be very bad. During this impact of Jupiter one will conduct the marriage ceremony of relatives or friends.",
"PhalENG": "Quarrel, agony of mind, loss of landed property, loss of materials, litigation court proceedings are the results during the impact of Kethu.",
"PhalENG": "Good deeds, services throughout oneΓÇÖs activities, marriage of others conducted, ones own marriage, the contact with very good people, the fortune of having good relatives, such good things happen during the impact of Venus.",
"PhalENG": "Getting many presentations, participate in great treats, gain of vehicles, wealth such good results, even or good job can be expected, those who have jobs already will have promotion, lift etc. etc.",
"PhalENG": "Disease of the eye, sorrow, loss of place change of position, such bad effects are followed by observing very great sacrificial duties, sacred rites, great fame such good results.",
"PhalENG": "Loss of reputation, defamation, loss of wealth, failure in trade or business, threat of poisoning, fear of fire attack, such evil effects are coupled with great benefits from education, gaining of wealth etc.",
"PhalENG": "Recovery from disease, triumph over the enemy, success in good attempts, help of the son/sons; marriage of the son, if there is one could be conducted, gain of wealth such good results.",
"PhalENG": "There is definite destruction of wealth and charity and dharma, illness of Phlegmatic and Rheumatic nature, the job a scribe, or the career of a writer.",
"PhalENG": " During the period of Kethu, fear owing to the displeasures of authority, threat from enemies and thieves wounds from weapons likely, diseases owing to heat, occasions for extracting baseless rumours, slander, etc. weakness to oneΓÇÖs family. There is danger of fire, leaving own place or country is also likely.",
"PhalENG": " During this period chances for sexual pleasures, obtain good vehicles, get cattle, gems ornaments, treasure etc, Ger delight from women/man, conduct marriage ceremonies, receive honours from high authorities.",
"PhalENG": " During the impact of Sun, there will be quarrels, unexpected anger of authority, diseases to relatives, perplexity and consternation, mutual hatred, try to suppress uncontrollable anger, loss of grain and wealth, diseases to wife/husband or children, the attack of fire, wealth may be gained through cruel means, and through the influence of kings or struggle, travel along jungles, bitterness of all kinds exercised.",
"PhalENG": " During the impact of Moon, great mental happiness delights etc, will be experience, many of the ambitious will be fulfilled, good food, women/man etc will be enjoyed, well-being of children, gain of ornaments, gems, precious stones etc. Also cattle and plots of ground, will felicitate teachers, and be felicitated.",
"PhalENG": " During this period of Mars wealth and property will come through cruel deeds, theft, deception, or cheating and through activities related to fire, war, medicine, authority (King) etc. Diseases of blood, bile, fever are likely, contact with bad women/Man likely. The curse of teacher. Jealousy will trouble the mind seeing the rise of enemies and their prosperity.",
"PhalENG": " There will threat from higher authority/ king, thieves, poison, fire, weapon etc. during Rahu, sorrow owing to son, mental disorder, loss of relatives, distress and defamation form wicked people. Great rumours, change place and position wrong use of words, some accidents to legs, and obstruction to progress.",
"PhalENG": " During the impact of jupiter, acts of charity and kindness, will be done, get good children, respect form king or authority, praise on acclaim form respected people, get good vehicles, live in happiness with wife/husband and children etc. All things desires will be achieved.",
"PhalENG": " During Saturn there is every likelihood for the oneΓÇÖs self, his/her wife/husband and children to contract rheumatic complaints and diseases. There will be loss agricultural crops, disputes with lowest people contact with inferior women and men, servant will get separated, stay in alien lands, unexpected loss of the wealth of oneΓÇÖs people, the absence of comfort and distress in many ways.",
"PhalENG": " In Mercury period there will be the return of the relatives, comfort for oneself, scholars will praise you, great fame, the blessings of teachers and elders, skill in conversation, and a readiness for helping others. There are chances for children, wife/husband, to get fame, reputation, wealth and prosperity.",