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- Part One
- This is a very complex game with an enormous data base. Unlike
- many adventures, it is highly interactive in that varied player
- responses to different situations can cause the game to branch in
- many possible directions. Some paths through Amber will lead to
- a dead end. Others will lead to partially successful
- conclusions, and a few paths will culminate in total victory. As
- Prince Corwin, your final goal is to become a popularly acclaimed
- King of Amber. To do this, you'll need the support of some of
- your family members and you'll have to deal with those who mean
- to destroy you once more as they tried to do in the past. This
- walkthru will guide you along one of the shortest paths through
- Amber to victory. You should be aware that there are many other
- paths that can be taken and lots of exciting things can happen
- when you explore the possibilities of other routes. A lot of
- enjoyment can be had by experimenting and discovering the
- richness of this game. I'll try to suggest other (not
- necessarily successful) branches as we go along. HOSPITAL,
- FLORA, RANDOM As the adventure starts, you wake up in a hospital
- bed with casts on both legs and a man is about to give you a shot
- to make sure you don't stay conscious. Act quickly and HIT MAN.
- Now that he's in dreamland, BREAK CASTS to gain some mobility.
- You need to escape, so EXCHANGE CLOTHES, which will give you a
- disguise and some money in the pocket. READ CHART to find out
- who you're supposed to be and who put you there. LEAVE puts you
- outside on the street, and instead of wandering about, TAKE BUS
- or TAKE TAXI, which will get you to your sister's house in the
- suburbs. Having nothing better to do, you KNOCK which gets you
- admitted to the house and escorted to the library to meet your
- sister. HELLO, you say, and your sister's response tells you
- your real name is Corwin and she wants no trouble from you. Just
- say YES at this point; other responses may get you thrown out or
- torn apart by her vicious dogs. You want her on your side, so
- FLATTER her and SUPPORT her and generally AGREE with anything she
- says. She'll depart shortly, leaving you alone in the library.
- Get some flavor of the game with EXAMINE BOOKS and READ BOOK.
- THen get nosey and SEARCH DESK, which will get you a pack of
- Tarot cards. At this point the phone will ring, so you ANSWER
- PHONE. When the caller asks if Evelyn is there, you say NO and
- say CORWIN when asked for your identity. It's your brother
- Random and he needs your help. YES, you say and he hangs up.
- Now, EXAMINE CARDS and you get some information about your family
- and discover that Evelyn is really Flora. If you want more
- descriptive detail, you can check out the Trumps one at a time
- with commands like EXAMINE BLEYS, etc. You don't want to
- alienate Flora, so RETURN CARDS and Flora will come back to the
- library none the wiser. Random will show up and get on his side
- with statements like AGREE, SUPPORT RANDOM and ALLY WITH RANDOM.
- A bunch of ugly creatures burst in and since you have no weapon
- THROW STATUE (or CHAIR or DESK) and the baddies will be subdued
- with an assist from the hounds. SMILE or SHRUG at Random's
- comment and AGREE when he suggests a walk. He finds Flora's car,
- gets it running, so you GET IN CAR and off you go. When he
- starts questioning you, play along with statements like YES,
- anything. You can get more information if you ASK ABOUT AMBER or
- ASK ABOUT ERIC. When he asks permission to head for Amber say
- YES and your world changes dramatically.
- Part Two
- As you and Random proceed through the changed world, you are
- intercepted by brother Julian. GET OUT OF CAR when prompted by
- Julian and when threatened, PULL JULIAN FROM HORSE, putting him
- at your mercy. An alternative here would be to DRAW SWORD and
- enter the fencing game (be sure to SAVE before drawing the
- sword). Good sword technique will defeat Julian but it's a lot
- easier just to pull him out of the saddle. There's no need to
- kill him, so TAKE JULIAN HOSTAGE and the three of you will end up
- at a cliff. Now THREATEN JULIAN and ASK JULIAN and he agrees not
- to bother you if you let him go, so you AGREE. Random heads
- north and you FOLLOW him. It gets dark and Random notes the
- danger of using the road so you LEAVE ROAD and you see a clearing
- ahead. APPROACH CLEARING and you find your sister Deirdre held
- captive by Eric's men. At this point if you ABANDON DEIRDRE,
- you'll open a whole new path through Amber and get to meet some
- folks you won't otherwise see. This will not lead to victory, so
- save that idea for future experimentation. Instead, RESCUE
- DEIRDRE, and when she asks for suggestions, say GO TO AMBER. She
- doesn't care for that and departs, leaving you with Random. If
- you had chosen to CONFESS (about your amnesia) another
- interesting branch would have started. You and Random are soon
- accosted by Eric's men and you WAIT to see what happens. Eric
- shows up and you decide to ALLY WITH ERIC and when he asks for
- your fealty, you AGREE and FOLLOW him to Amber. Had you chosen
- to CHALLENGE ERIC and fence with him, another path would have
- started. Try it some other time. At Amber, Random asks you what
- in hell you think you're doing and you decide to CONFESS and ASK
- FOR HELP. He decides to send you to Rebma to walk the Pattern
- and regain your memory and magic powers. He contacts Deirdre via
- her Trump and you TAKE HAND when Random has her on the line.
- Presto, you are in Rebma and ready to take the next step on your
- arrive at the Pattern. SAVE the game at this point, in case you
- mess up in negotiating the Pattern. Then WALK PATTERN until you
- have passed through all five veils and stand in the center of the
- Pattern. The only thing you can do here without ending the game
- is to IMAGINE AMBER and you are transported to the library at the
- very center of Amber and now things are getting interesting.
- BLEYS, ERIC, ESCAPE, DEIRDRE In the library, a deck of Trumps is
- in a glass case. Your dagger is too dull to pick the delicate
- lock, so you EXAMINE your CLOTHES and find a rose pin holding
- your cloak. You PICK LOCK WITH ROSE and get the Trumps. Attempt
- to LEAVE and Julian shows up. Use any one of the friendly verbs
- and he'll sulk and leave. Aha! Someone's trying to contact you
- on the Trump line. ACCEPT the contact and it's brother Bleys.
- Say NO when he asks if you're for Eric and say ASSASSINATE ERIC
- when he asks about your plans. Bleys likes the idea and asks you
- to bring him through to the library. TAKE HAND and there he is!
- (Other paths can be tried here, such as CONTACT RANDOM or not
- telling Bleys you want to assassinate Eric. Try them some time.)
- DISCUSS PLANS with Bleys and Eric shows up. Just what you
- wanted, so you and Bleys KILL ERIC and that's all for him. But
- what's this? Bleys is threatening you with his sword and has the
- drop on you. Treachery! You are forced to SURRENDER and when
- Bleys offers you a regency you say NO. He marches you to the
- door at sword-point, you OPEN THE DOOR and he escorts you to a
- dungeon cell. Following orders you OPEN THE DOOR of that cell
- and he forces you inside. It looks bad, but his attention
- wanders as he fumbles for the key and you FLEE! Bleys is in hot
- pursuit, so you pull out your Trumps and CONTACT DEIRDRE. She
- responds and pulls you through to Rebma. Safe for the time
- being. Deirdre wants to know what's going on and you TELL THE
- TRUTH to your sister. She accepts your story and warns you that
- you can stay only a short while before being discovered and
- extradited.
- Part Three
- While staying at Rebma, you try to CONTACT BRAND and find he is
- a prisoner and you get a picture of the tower where he is being
- held. Since it's dangerous to hang around Rebma you decide to GO
- TO BRAND and soon find yourself at a tower guarded by a fearsome
- serpent. You find you can kill him if you STAB SERPENT IN EYES.
- You ENTER TOWER and KILL GUARD. There's Brand chained to a wall.
- Using your trusty sword, you CUT THE CHAINS and free Brand, but
- he's unconscious. You CARRY BRAND from the tower but the guards
- are alerted and come after you. But you are a Prince of Amber,
- so you WALK SHADOW and escape with Brand over your saddle. As
- you ride, you encounter a mysterious Black Road. This looks
- dangerous so you go ONWARD and arrive in Avalon where you are
- confronted by your brother Benedict. You GREET BENEDICT and when
- he asks about Brand, you must BLUFF, since you don't know if it
- was Benedict who was responsible for Brand's condition. He
- accepts your story and takes you to his camp and deposits you and
- Brand in a tent. You WAIT and Brand revives and you ASK BRAND
- what is going on. He won't discuss it and leaves, saying you may
- follow if you wish (try it sometime). Instead you STAY and you
- get a Trump call. You ACCEPT and it's Fiona, who's heard that
- you rescued Brand. You say YES and to get more information you
- ALLY WITH FIONA. She implies that it was Bleys that imprisoned
- Brand so that he could claim the throne. She breaks contact.
- Benedict comes in and asks you to go to Amber with him. You
- AGREE and go with him, setting the stage for the finale. FAMILY
- MEETING AND CONCLUSION As you enter Amber, you note that the city
- is under attack by the evil forces of Chaos. You and Benedict go
- to the council chamber where the family is gathered. You decide
- to TELL THE FAMILY ABOUT BRAND. A bombshell! When asked for
- more details, you EXPLAIN ABOUT BRAND and ACCUSE BLEYS of the
- crime. Bleys is exposed and Benedict banishes him. Now, showing
- your leadership, you GO TO BATTLE and Amber wins the day. Sit
- Quote of the week: Get some sleep... You may need it.
- [00:04 - 00:55] 1. General Main Menu:
- Command ?