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- Dungeon Master Spell List
- compiled by Walt Wakefield
- When you cast a spell it requires at least two symbols. You
- can use any of the power symbols with any of the other
- spells. The following list does not include the power
- symbols so just use whatever power level your champion can
- use.
- I don't know what three of the spells do. I also don't know
- what the Zokathra spell is for but it does create an object
- that you can pick up and throw.
- The caster column is not completely accurate.
- I have not found a spell that uses the GOR symbol.
- Symbols Effect Caster
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- YA = Stamina potion (you need a empty flask) Priest
- YA IR = A shield that covers the whole party Wizard
- YA BRO = Magic shield potion (flask) Priest
- YA BRO ROS = ? Wizard
- YA BRO DAIN= Wisdom potion (flask, temporary) Priest
- YA BRO NETA= Vitality potion (flask, temporary) Priest
- VI = Restore health potion (flask) Priest
- VI BRO = Cure poison potion (flask) Priest
- OH VEN = Poison cloud Priest
- OH EW RA = See through walls Priest
- OH EW SAR = ? Wizard
- OH KATH RA = Fireball ? Wizard
- OH IR RA = Light Wizard
- OH BRO ROS = Dexterity potion (flask, temporary) Priest
- FUL = Torch Wizard
- FUL IR = Fireball Wizard
- FUL BRO KU = Strenght potion (flask, temporary) Priest
- FUL BRO NETA=A shield that covers the whole party ?
- DES VEN = Poison missle Wizard
- DES EW = Weakens non-material beings missle Wizard
- DES IR SAR = ? Priest
- ZO = Opens doors missle Wizard
- ZO VEN = Poison potion (flask) Priest
- ZO KATH RA = Zokathra spell Wizard
- ZO BRO RA = Mana potion (flask) Priest
- I compiled this all in one sitting. I will not guarantee
- that the list is complete but it is awful close.
- Hint
- If your champion does not have enough mana, cast as many
- symbols as you can then let your party sleep( be sure you
- are in a safe place before sleeping ), when your mana
- recovers you can complete the spell and then cast it when
- you need it.