MSG_1=There is not enough disk space to install Attune on the %s drive. Please select another drive.
MSG_2=Setup could not update HTML Help.
MSG_3=Setup fails to enable Core Component Handling.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
MSG_4=Setup will quit now.
MSG_5=An installation of Attune has been found on your computer. If you would like to re-install Attune, then you must uninstall the current version by using the Add/Remove Programs utility in your Control Panel folder.
MSG_6=* Click the Start button, and then point to Settings.
QUIT_MESSAGE=Please click on the OK button to exit setup.
CONFIGURE_ATTUNE=Configuring Attune...
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Attune System Setup
MSG_7=* Select Control Panel.
MSG_8=* Double-click on Add/Remove Programs.
MSG_9=* Select Attune, click on the Add/Remove...button.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
MSG_10=* Follow the directions on screen.
MSG_11=The data file is corrupted. Setup cannot continue.
MSG_12=Attune is not supported on the NT operating system at this time.
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.