Labels:bulletin board | fence | person | reckoner | vegetarianism OCR: ahedefghijkimnopyr stUVwXvz ABCUEI FGHIJKLMNOPQKSTUVWXYZ 0173456789 ><.[I} "/? The quick hrown fox jumps OVZY the Enp AZel The quick hrown tox jumps Over the dog. The quick hroWn fox jumps OVEY the lazy dog. The quick hbYOWM fox jumps OVeY the Jazy dog. The quick hY0WM tox jumps OveY the lazy dog. 60 The quick bY0WM tox jumps OveY the lazy dog 7Z The quick hY0WM fox jumps 0veY the 01Z3456789 umps aver Arown adwn hYoWN hYOWM Iazy