Labels:bench | fence | fountain | grass | person | reckoner | seat | stairs | table | tree OCR: abedefglisonspqrstwvwxyz ABCD DERGHUKL MNOPO RSTUV 2AXM 0123456789 12 Tse jiswnpe sver Tazy des 18 The yics broam fox jsxmps sver thre Tay dsg 24 The Noick brown fox jswnmps over thre lazy dog 36 The Nick brown fox isoanps over the Jazy dop 48 The yick br oWn fox iwanps over the lazy dop 60 The yoick br oWN fox iwonps over the Jazy The Noick br own fox jsomps over ADCDEPGHI JKLMNOP 156789 Cire lany jwnnps jrwonps jumps quisk isnps