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- ; check 32 bytes of memory starting at a0.
- ; returns in d0 the erroneous bits set
- ; this routine disables interrupts and may thus affect timing critical programs
- ; on a 7MHz 68000, interrupts are disabled for approximately 200 microseconds
- ; BOOL __asm CheckMemBlock( register __a0 address );
- INCLUDE "exec/funcdef.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/exec_lib.i"
- xdef _CheckMemBlock
- section text,code
- _CheckMemBlock:
- movem.l d1-d4/a1/a2/a6,-(sp)
- move.l 4,a6
- moveq.l #0,d0
- lea _CheckMemBlock(pc),a1
- lea end(pc),a2
- cmpa.l a0,a2
- bmi cont ; block starts higher than end of routine
- movea.l a0,a2
- adda.l #32,a2
- cmpa.l a2,a1
- bmi exit ; block and routine overlap.. assumed memory good
- cont:
- moveq.l #7,d2
- jsr _LVODisable(a6) ; appr 1400 cycles with interrupts disabled
- loop:
- move.l (a0),d1
- moveq.l #0,d3 ; check 00000000000000000000000000000000
- move.l d3,(a0)
- move.l (a0),d4
- eor.l d4,d3
- or.l d3,d0
- moveq.l #-1,d3 ; check 11111111111111111111111111111111
- move.l d3,(a0)
- move.l (a0),d4
- eor.l d4,d3
- or.l d3,d0
- move.l #$55555555,d3 ; check 01010101010101010101010101010101
- move.l d3,(a0)
- move.l (a0),d4
- eor.l d4,d3
- or.l d3,d0
- move.l #$aaaaaaaa,d3 ; check 10101010101010101010101010101010
- move.l d3,(a0)
- move.l (a0),d4
- eor.l d4,d3
- or.l d3,d0
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- dbf d2,loop
- jsr _LVOEnable(a6)
- exit:
- movem.l (sp)+,d1-d4/a1/a2/a6
- rts
- end:
- end