home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Blackhole.c -- File deletion tool. When run, it puts an appicon on the WB
- * screen. Any icons that are dropped on the appicon are deleted.
- * $Revision: 1.32
- */
- #include "header.h"
- #include "prog-protos.h"
- /* Prototypes */
- Prototype BOOL is_mine (char *);
- Prototype void save_prefs (void);
- Prototype LONG get_limit (void);
- Prototype void snapshot (LONG , LONG );
- Prototype void read_prefs (void);
- Prototype void allow_request (BOOL );
- Prototype char *safecat (char *, char *, int );
- Prototype LONG set_current (struct WBArg *, int );
- Prototype LONG error_request (char *, char *);
- Prototype BOOL user_request (LONG );
- Prototype void fail_request (char *);
- Prototype void get_tooltypes (struct DiskObject *);
- Local void wbmain (struct WBStartup *);
- Local void copy_and_add (struct List *, int , struct WBArg *);
- Local void delete_next (struct List *);
- Local LONG add_WBArg_to_List (struct WBArg *, struct List *);
- Local BOOL confirm_deletion (struct List *);
- Local void scrub (struct DiskObject *);
- Local struct HoleArg *create_arg (void);
- Local void free_arg (struct HoleArg *);
- Local void free_list (struct List *);
- Local void handle_messages (struct List *);
- Local int main (int , char **);
- /* Shared Variables */
- Prototype struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- /* Globals */
- static const struct HolePrefs defaultprefs =
- {
- FALSE, /* Ignore protection == FALSE */
- TRUE, /* confirm == TRUE */
- 15, /* DeleteLimit */
- };
- static const char *memfail = "Out of memory.";
- struct HolePrefs currprefs; /* current preferences, copied into HoleArgs for use */
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
- struct WorkbenchBase *WorkbenchBase = NULL;
- struct IconBase *IconBase = NULL;
- struct CxBase *CxBase = NULL;
- struct GadToolsBase *GadToolsBase = NULL;
- struct WBArg *start_icon = NULL; /* name of icon we started from */
- struct MsgPort *appmsgport = NULL; /* AppIcon Message port */
- struct DiskObject *myicon = NULL; /* The icon we have been started from */
- APTR old_window_ptr = NULL; /* For allow_request */
- struct EasyStruct error_req =
- {
- sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "Black Hole",
- };
- BYTE *version = "$VER: BlackHole v1.1 " __DATE__;
- #define ABOUT_STRING "BlackHole v1.1\n" __DATE__ "\nby Alan Singfield"
- #define CURR_SIZE 255
- char current [CURR_SIZE+1]; /* current file we are working on */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define D(x) x
- #define bug printf
- #else
- #define D(x) ;
- #endif
- /* Functions */
- void wbmain (struct WBStartup *wbs)
- {
- struct AppIcon *appicon = NULL; /* The AppIcon itself */
- struct List *list = NULL; /* list of files to delete */
- BPTR olddir = NULL;
- unless (IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37))
- {
- fail_request ("Black Hole requires\nIntuition library v37\n or greater.");
- goto fail;
- }
- unless (WorkbenchBase = (struct WorkbenchBase *)
- OpenLibrary("workbench.library", 37))
- {
- fail_request ("Black Hole requires\nWorkbench library v37\n or greater.");
- goto fail;
- }
- unless (IconBase = (struct IconBase *) OpenLibrary ("icon.library", 37))
- {
- fail_request ("Black Hole requires\nIcon library v37\n or greater.");
- goto fail;
- }
- unless (CxBase = (struct CxBase *) OpenLibrary ("commodities.library", 37))
- {
- fail_request ("Black Hole requires\nCommodities library v37\n or greater.");
- goto fail;
- }
- unless (GadToolsBase = (struct GadToolsBase *)
- OpenLibrary ("gadtools.library", 37))
- {
- fail_request ("Black Hole requires\nGadTools library v37\n or greater.");
- goto fail;
- }
- start_icon = &(wbs->sm_ArgList[0]); /* put name of icon into global */
- olddir = CurrentDir (start_icon->wa_Lock);
- unless (myicon = GetDiskObjectNew (start_icon->wa_Name))
- {
- fail_request ("Cannot open file\nBlackHole.info");
- goto fail;
- }
- get_tooltypes (myicon); /* get user preferences from tooltypes */
- scrub (myicon); /* Remove all the extraneous data from the DiskObject */
- unless (appmsgport = CreateMsgPort())
- {
- fail_request ("MsgPort not opened!");
- goto fail;
- }
- unless (appicon = AddAppIcon (NULL, NULL, wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name,
- appmsgport, NULL, myicon, NULL))
- {
- fail_request ("Could not put AppIcon\non Workbench screen!");
- goto fail;
- }
- unless (list = malloc (sizeof (struct List)))
- {
- fail_request (memfail);
- goto fail;
- }
- NewList (list); /* Intialise the list */
- handle_messages (list); /* The main bit! */
- fail: /* This is the tidy up section */
- if (list)
- {
- free_list (list);
- free (list);
- }
- if (appicon)
- {
- struct Message *mess;
- Forbid(); /* strip messages under Forbid() */
- while (mess = GetMsg (appmsgport)) ReplyMsg (mess);
- RemoveAppIcon (appicon);
- Permit();
- }
- if (appmsgport) DeleteMsgPort (appmsgport);
- if (myicon) FreeDiskObject (myicon);
- if (olddir) CurrentDir (olddir);
- if (GadToolsBase) CloseLibrary (GadToolsBase);
- if (CxBase) CloseLibrary (CxBase);
- if (IconBase) CloseLibrary (IconBase);
- if (WorkbenchBase) CloseLibrary (WorkbenchBase);
- if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase);
- }
- /* In case anyone tries to run us from the CLI */
- int main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- printf ("Run me from my icon, please!\n");
- return (10);
- }
- void fail_request (char *text)
- {
- error_request (text, "OK");
- }
- LONG error_request (char *text, char *gadget)
- {
- struct Screen *psc;
- struct Window *window = NULL;
- int rc;
- if (psc = LockPubScreen ("Workbench")) window = psc->FirstWindow;
- error_req.es_GadgetFormat = gadget;
- error_req.es_TextFormat = text;
- rc = EasyRequest (window, &error_req, 0, "");
- if (psc) UnlockPubScreen (NULL, psc);
- return (rc);
- }
- /* set_current -- update a global buffer current[] with the name of the file */
- /* that is currently being worked on. (Used for error messages) */
- LONG set_current (struct WBArg *wa, int mode)
- {
- char buf[CURR_SIZE+1]; /* temporary buffer for filenames */
- char *end; /* pointer to a character found by FilePart */
- switch (mode)
- {
- case SET_START:
- strcpy (current, ""); /* reset current */
- break;
- unless (wa) return (ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE);
- if ((wa->wa_Name[0] == 0) || !wa->wa_Name) /* is it a dir? */
- {
- if (!NameFromLock (wa->wa_Lock, buf, CURR_SIZE)) return (IoErr());
- if (buf [strlen(buf)-1] == ':') /* is it a disk? */
- {
- sprintf (current, "%s", buf);
- }
- AddPart (current, FilePart (buf), CURR_SIZE); /* put name of dir into current */
- strcat (current, "/");
- }
- else /* must be a file */
- {
- end = FilePart (current);
- *end = NULL; /* remove filename */
- AddPart (current, wa->wa_Name, CURR_SIZE);
- }
- break;
- case SET_EXIT_DIR: /* exit one directory level */
- end = PathPart (current);
- *end = NULL;
- break;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- void get_tooltypes (struct DiskObject *dob)
- {
- char **tt = dob->do_ToolTypes;
- currprefs = defaultprefs; /* Aren't structure assigns excellent? */
- if (FindToolType (tt, "IGNOREPROTECTION")) currprefs.ignore_prot = TRUE;
- if (FindToolType (tt, "DONOTCONFIRM")) currprefs.confirm = FALSE;
- currprefs.CurrentX = ArgInt (tt, "ICONX", currprefs.CurrentX);
- currprefs.CurrentY = ArgInt (tt, "ICONY", currprefs.CurrentY);
- currprefs.deletelimit = ArgInt (tt, "DELETELIMIT", currprefs.deletelimit);
- }
- /* Return TRUE if tooltype is one that Black Hole reads (e.g. ICONY) */
- BOOL is_mine (char *tooltype)
- {
- if (!(stricmp (tooltype, "IGNOREPROTECTION"))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(stricmp (tooltype, "(IGNOREPROTECTION)"))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(stricmp (tooltype, "DONOTCONFIRM"))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(stricmp (tooltype, "(DONOTCONFIRM)"))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(strnicmp (tooltype, "ICONX", 5))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(strnicmp (tooltype, "(ICONX", 6))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(strnicmp (tooltype, "ICONY", 5))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(strnicmp (tooltype, "(ICONY", 6))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(strnicmp (tooltype, "DELETELIMIT", 11))) return (TRUE);
- if (!(strnicmp (tooltype, "(DELETELIMIT", 12))) return (TRUE);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- #define BUF_SIZE 80
- void save_prefs (void)
- {
- read_prefs();
- struct DiskObject *dob = NULL;
- BPTR olddir = NULL;
- char **newtt = NULL; /* new tooltypes created by me. */
- int othercount = 0; /* Count of other tooltypes in icon (like DONOTWAIT, etc) */
- int i; /* general count variable */
- BOOL success = FALSE;
- olddir = CurrentDir (start_icon->wa_Lock);
- unless (dob = GetDiskObjectNew (start_icon->wa_Name)) goto fail;
- /* Count the tooltypes, excluding those we are going to remove */
- for (i = 0; dob->do_ToolTypes[i]; i++)
- {
- unless (is_mine (dob->do_ToolTypes[i])) othercount++;
- }
- /* Reserve the memory for the new tooltypes */
- unless (newtt = calloc (sizeof (char *), NUMBER_OF_MY_TOOLTYPES + othercount+ 1)) goto fail;
- /* Copy old tooltypes to the new by duplicating, excluding any of mine */
- int newcount = 0;
- for (i=0; dob->do_ToolTypes[i]; i++)
- {
- unless (is_mine (dob->do_ToolTypes[i]))
- {
- unless (newtt [newcount++] = strdup (dob->do_ToolTypes[i])) goto fail;
- }
- }
- /* Now write in my tooltypes. */
- char buf[BUF_SIZE];
- if (panel->prefs.CurrentX != NO_ICON_POSITION)
- {
- sprintf (buf, "ICONX=%d", panel->prefs.CurrentX);
- }
- else sprintf (buf, "(ICONX=0)");
- unless (newtt [newcount++] = strdup (buf)) goto fail;
- if (panel->prefs.CurrentY != NO_ICON_POSITION)
- {
- sprintf (buf, "ICONY=%d", panel->prefs.CurrentY);
- }
- else sprintf (buf, "(ICONY=0)");
- unless (newtt [newcount++] = strdup (buf)) goto fail;
- sprintf (buf, "DELETELIMIT=%d", panel->prefs.deletelimit);
- unless (newtt [newcount++] = strdup (buf)) goto fail;
- if (panel->prefs.confirm) sprintf (buf, "(DONOTCONFIRM)");
- else sprintf (buf, "DONOTCONFIRM");
- unless (newtt [newcount++] = strdup (buf)) goto fail;
- if (panel->prefs.ignore_prot) sprintf (buf, "IGNOREPROTECTION");
- else sprintf (buf, "(IGNOREPROTECTION)");
- unless (newtt [newcount++] = strdup (buf)) goto fail;
- /* Now put new tooltypes into icon, and save it. */
- dob->do_ToolTypes = newtt;
- unless (PutDiskObject (start_icon->wa_Name, dob)) goto fail;
- success = TRUE; /* We did it! */
- fail: /* Now clean up */
- unless (success) fail_request ("Could not\nsave preferences");
- if (newtt)
- {
- int i = 0;
- while (newtt[i]) free (newtt[i++]);
- free (newtt);
- }
- if (dob) FreeDiskObject (dob);
- if (olddir) CurrentDir (olddir);
- }
- #undef BUF_SIZE
- /* Read in the user preferences from the gadgets in the control panel */
- /* assumes panel is non-NULL */
- void read_prefs (void)
- {
- panel->prefs.confirm = ((panel->gad_confirm->Flags & GFLG_SELECTED) != 0);
- panel->prefs.ignore_prot = ((panel->gad_ignore_prot->Flags & GFLG_SELECTED) != 0);
- panel->prefs.deletelimit = get_limit();
- /* If value of panel's deletelimit is invalid, use the old one. */
- if (panel->prefs.deletelimit < 1) panel->prefs.deletelimit = currprefs.deletelimit;
- }
- /* Get the delete limit */
- LONG get_limit (void)
- {
- struct StringInfo *si = (struct StringInfo *)panel->gad_limit->SpecialInfo;
- return (si->LongInt);
- }
- /* Snapshot the position of the appicon */
- void snapshot (LONG xpos, LONG ypos)
- {
- panel->prefs.CurrentX = xpos;
- panel->prefs.CurrentY = ypos;
- if (xpos == NO_ICON_POSITION) fail_request ("Icon position\nforgotten.");
- else fail_request ("Icon position\nrecorded.");
- }
- void handle_messages (struct List *list)
- {
- BOOL quitnow = FALSE;
- LONG error;
- int argnum;
- ULONG winmask;
- ULONG appmask = 1<< appmsgport->mp_SigBit;
- repeat /* until (quitnow) */
- {
- winmask = panel ? (1<< panel->window->UserPort->mp_SigBit) : 0;
- /* if there are no files to delete at the moment then Wait() */
- if (IsListEmpty (list)) Wait (winmask | appmask);
- else delete_next (list);
- /* Handle appmessages */
- {
- struct AppMessage *appmsg;
- while (appmsg = (struct AppMessage *)GetMsg (appmsgport))
- {
- if (argnum = appmsg->am_NumArgs)
- {
- copy_and_add (list, argnum, appmsg->am_ArgList);
- }
- ReplyMsg ((struct Message *)appmsg);
- if (argnum == 0) /* did the user double click on our appicon? */
- {
- /* Open control panel, or if already open, activate it */
- unless (open_control_panel(&currprefs))
- fail_request (memfail);
- }
- }
- }
- struct IntuiMessage *intuimsg;
- while (panel && (intuimsg = (struct IntuiMessage *)
- GT_GetIMsg (panel->window->UserPort)))
- {
- /* It's always a gadget, and always an IDCMP_GADGETUP */
- struct Gadget *gad = (struct Gadget *)intuimsg->IAddress;
- GT_ReplyIMsg (intuimsg);
- switch (gad->UserData)
- {
- case GAD_SAVE:
- save_prefs();
- /* No break! */
- case GAD_USE:
- read_prefs();
- currprefs = panel->prefs;
- /* No break! */
- case GAD_CANCEL:
- close_control_panel();
- break;
- case GAD_QUIT:
- /* Assumes nothing else has caused quitnow to be true */
- quitnow = error_request ("OK to quit?", "Yes|No");
- break;
- case GAD_IGNORE:
- /* These need no action */
- break;
- case GAD_LIMIT:
- /* Check that limit value is valid */
- if (get_limit() < 1)
- {
- DisplayBeep (NULL); /* flash the display */
- }
- break;
- case GAD_UNSNAP:
- break;
- case GAD_SNAP:
- /* This doesn't work!!! I hope Commodore patch AddAppIcon so it */
- /* updates these fields in the near future. */
- snapshot (myicon->do_CurrentX, myicon->do_CurrentY);
- break;
- case GAD_ABOUT:
- fail_request (ABOUT_STRING);
- break;
- }
- }
- } until (quitnow);
- close_control_panel(); /* Safe to call this even if panel is closed */
- }
- /* Delete one file from list, which must not be empty. Tries to minimise disk */
- /* swapping by deleting those files that are available first. */
- void delete_next (struct List *list)
- {
- LONG error = 0;
- BOOL done = FALSE;
- struct HoleArg *arg;
- /* Try to delete anything that we can get without prompting the user */
- allow_request (FALSE);
- for (arg = list->lh_Head; arg->node.ln_Succ; arg = arg->node.ln_Succ)
- {
- if (!delete (arg)) /* Returns 0 for success */
- {
- done = TRUE; break;
- }
- }
- allow_request (TRUE);
- /* If that didn't work, just try first on the list */
- arg = (struct HoleArg *)list->lh_Head;
- until (done)
- {
- if (error = delete ((struct HoleArg *) arg))
- {
- if (user_request (error)) continue; /* user says Retry */
- else
- { /* User says Cancel */
- done = TRUE; break;
- }
- }
- else done = TRUE;
- }
- /* Now remove and free the arg */
- Remove ((struct Node *)arg);
- free_arg (arg);
- }
- /* Add filenames from WBArg to the list, copying prefs etc... */
- /* Tries to minimise disk swapping */
- void copy_and_add (struct List *list, int argnum, struct WBArg *arglist)
- {
- if (argnum > currprefs.deletelimit)
- {
- fail_request ("Warning:\nYou are trying to\ndelete too much");
- return;
- }
- struct List *tlist; /* temporary list before we have confirmed */
- unless (tlist = malloc (sizeof (struct List))) goto fail;
- NewList (tlist);
- int lastarg = argnum;
- LONG error = 0;
- BOOL firsttimeround = TRUE;
- BOOL requesters; /* flag saying whether requesters are on */
- int i;
- for (i=0; lastarg; )
- {
- if (!i) requesters = TRUE; /* If we have started the second round, */
- /* allow requesters to be put up. */
- if (i || firsttimeround)
- { /* otherwise requesters are not allowed */
- requesters = FALSE;
- firsttimeround = FALSE;
- }
- allow_request (requesters);
- /* We always add the first arg on the list, because we swap around */
- unless (error = add_WBArg_to_List (&arglist[0], tlist))
- {
- /* everything worked, so swap the used arg to the end */
- { /* and reduce lastarg so that we don't see it again */
- lastarg--;
- struct WBArg targ = arglist [lastarg];
- arglist [lastarg] = arglist[0];
- arglist [0] = targ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!requesters)
- { /* Some error has occurred but we haven't told the user about it */
- /* Put off sorting it out till later by moving arg to the end. */
- struct WBArg targ = arglist [lastarg-1];
- arglist [lastarg-1] = arglist[0];
- arglist [0] = targ;
- }
- else /* An error occurred so put up a requester for it */
- {
- /* If user presses retry then try again */
- if (user_request(error)) continue;
- else goto fail;
- }
- }
- i++;
- if ((i == argnum) && lastarg)
- { /* We've tried all the args, but some have failed */
- i = 0; /* back to the start again, this time requesters will be ok */
- }
- }
- unless (confirm_deletion (tlist)) goto fail;
- until (IsListEmpty (tlist))
- {
- /* Move contents of tlist to list */
- AddTail (list, RemHead (tlist));
- }
- fail:
- allow_request (TRUE);
- free_list (tlist); /* Only does anything if something failed */
- if (tlist) free (tlist); /* free the memory */
- }
- LONG add_WBArg_to_List (struct WBArg *arg, struct List *list)
- {
- struct HoleArg *holearg;
- LONG error = 0;
- unless (holearg = create_arg()) return (ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE);
- unless (holearg->wbarg.wa_Name = strdup (arg->wa_Name)) goto fail;
- unless (holearg->wbarg.wa_Lock = DupLock (arg->wa_Lock))
- {
- error = IoErr();
- goto fail;
- }
- if (currprefs.confirm) /* put name of file into truncname */
- {
- set_current (NULL, SET_START);
- if (error = set_current (&(holearg->wbarg), SET_NEWFILE)) goto fail;
- unless (holearg->truncname = strdup (current))
- {
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- holearg->prefs = currprefs; /* put current prefs into arg */
- AddTail (list, (struct Node *)holearg);
- return (0);
- fail:
- free_arg (holearg);
- return (error);
- }
- void free_list (struct List *list)
- {
- unless (list) return;
- until (IsListEmpty (list)) free_arg ((struct HoleArg *)RemTail (list));
- }
- void free_arg (struct HoleArg *arg)
- {
- unless (arg) return;
- if (arg->truncname) free (arg->truncname);
- if (arg->wbarg.wa_Name) free (arg->wbarg.wa_Name);
- UnLock (arg->wbarg.wa_Lock);
- free (arg);
- }
- /* reserve memory for a HoleArg, returning a pointer to it or NULL if failed */
- struct HoleArg *create_arg (void)
- {
- struct HoleArg *arg;
- unless (arg = calloc (1, sizeof (struct HoleArg))) return (NULL);
- return (arg);
- }
- void scrub (struct DiskObject *dob) /* RKM recommends you do this */
- {
- dob->do_Magic = NULL;
- dob->do_Version = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.NextGadget = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.LeftEdge = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.TopEdge = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.Activation = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.GadgetType = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.GadgetText = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.MutualExclude = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.SpecialInfo = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.GadgetID = NULL;
- dob->do_Gadget.UserData = NULL;
- dob->do_Type = NULL;
- dob->do_DefaultTool = NULL;
- dob->do_CurrentX = currprefs.CurrentX; /* set up position of icon */
- dob->do_CurrentY = currprefs.CurrentY;
- dob->do_ToolTypes = NULL;
- dob->do_DrawerData = NULL;
- dob->do_ToolWindow = NULL;
- dob->do_StackSize = NULL;
- } /* Yaaaaaaawn! */
- /* safe version of strncat that will not write over edge of dest buffer */
- char *safecat (char *dest, char *source, int destlen)
- {
- int num = destlen - strlen(dest);
- if (num <= 0) return (0);
- return (strncat (dest, source, num));
- }
- /* Get rid of Please Insert Volume ... requester */
- void allow_request (BOOL allow)
- {
- struct Process *proc;
- proc = (struct Process *)FindTask (NULL);
- if (!allow && !old_window_ptr)
- {
- old_window_ptr = proc->pr_WindowPtr;
- proc->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)-1;
- }
- if (allow && (proc->pr_WindowPtr == (APTR)-1))
- {
- proc->pr_WindowPtr = old_window_ptr;
- old_window_ptr = NULL;
- }
- }
- #define TEXT_LEN 768
- /* returns TRUE if user says it's ok to delete */
- /* Relies on arg->truncname being filled in previously */
- BOOL confirm_deletion (struct List *tlist)
- {
- unless (currprefs.confirm) return (TRUE);
- char text[TEXT_LEN+1];
- char buf[40];
- char *end;
- struct HoleArg *arg;
- BOOL isdir = FALSE;
- int dirs = 0, files = 0;
- text[0] = (char)0;
- safecat (text, "Delete the following?\n", TEXT_LEN);
- for (arg = tlist->lh_Head; arg->node.ln_Succ; )
- {
- end = arg->truncname + strlen (arg->truncname) -1;
- if (*end == '/')
- {
- dirs++;
- isdir = TRUE;
- *end = 0; /* remove trailing slash */
- }
- else
- {
- files++;
- isdir = FALSE;
- }
- safecat (text, arg->truncname, TEXT_LEN);
- if (isdir)
- {
- safecat (text, " (drawer)", TEXT_LEN);
- *end = '/'; /* restore what we altered */
- }
- safecat (text, "\n", TEXT_LEN);
- /* this must go here since there is a continue statement */
- arg=arg->node.ln_Succ; /* goto next arg */
- }
- if (files)
- {
- if (dirs)
- {
- sprintf (buf, "(%d file%s and %d drawer%s)",
- files, (files == 1) ? "" : "s",
- dirs, (dirs == 1) ? "" : "s");
- }
- else sprintf (buf, "(%d file%s)", files, (files == 1) ? "" : "s");
- }
- else sprintf (buf, "(%d drawer%s)", dirs, (dirs == 1) ? "" : "s");
- safecat (text, buf, TEXT_LEN);
- return (error_request (text, "Ok|Cancel"));
- }
- #define BUF_LEN 255
- BOOL user_request (LONG error)
- {
- char buf[BUF_LEN+1], fault[FAULT_MAX+1];
- char *end;
- strcpy (buf, "Error while deleting\n");
- safecat (buf, current, BUF_LEN); /* put in name of file being deleted */
- end = buf + strlen(buf) -1;
- if (*end == '/') *end = 0; /* if buf has trailing slash remove it */
- if (strcmp (buf, "")) safecat (buf, " :\n", BUF_LEN); /* punctuation */
- Fault (error, "", fault, FAULT_MAX); /* get error message from dos. */
- fault[2] = toupper ((unsigned char)fault[2]); /* capitalise 1st letter */
- safecat (buf, fault + 2, BUF_LEN); /* copy removing ": " at head of message */
- safecat (buf, ".", BUF_LEN); /* finish the sentence */
- return (error_request (buf, "Retry|Cancel"));
- }