home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; Template config script for Dir Menu v1.xx
- ; You can add your own paths to the first display.
- ; Each new path entry must begin after the '#PATHS' line,
- ; and it must be in the following format:
- ; 'Name' 'Path'
- ; Where "Name" a name of path to appear in first display, or one
- ; of the following:
- ; VOLUMES - all known active storage device will be added to the list
- ; ASSIGNS - all assigned items will be added to the list
- ; "Path" is a full path of any directory or file you prefer.
- ; NOTE: If a name lenght is too long then the first display might
- ; not open.
- ; Examples:
- ; "Libs" "hd0:libs"
- ; "C" "c:"
- ; "Tetris" "hd1:games/Tetris"
- ; "Picture" "cd0:pix/horse.gif"
- ; Action List
- ; You can make your own list of files to be executed for different
- ; file types you select in DirMenu.
- ; All entries must begin after the '#ACTIONS' line, with the following
- ; format:
- ; ["]FileType["] ["]FileName["]
- ; If you select a file called 'amiga.iff' then DirMenu will execute
- ; 'FileName amiga.iff', where FileName is a file defined according to
- ; a type of 'amiga.iff'
- ; Note than if there is no file name after FileType, default action will
- ; be executed
- ; File types are defined according to WhatIs library. See DirMenu documents
- ; for more info on how to add new custom file types (Whatis Library).
- ; Each file type in this configuration has the same name as it is returned
- ; by whatis.library
- ILBM "Viewtek >nil:"
- JPEG "Viewtek >nil:"
- GIF "Viewtek >nil:"
- LHArc "lha v >con:20/50/400/200/Viewing_LHA.../CLOSE"
- Guide sys:utilities/multiview
- Text ppmore
- Library version
- "Source C" ed
- ;NOTE: If you write file type without an action it will be ignored.
- ;You can change/add your own programs to the following types
- Exe ;you can add run >somewhere or similar if you want
- Dir ;a directory (if you don't use (/) in paths config
- 8SVX sys:utilities/multiview ;IFF sound file
- "PP ST Mod" ;Soundtracker module
- Zip ;ZIP archive