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- M o u s o m e t e r V3.13
- for MUI
- © by Wolfgang Breyha and Michael Matzl
- in 1993-95
- Inhalt
- ------
- Copyright
- Introduction
- Requirements
- Start
- About Window
- Highscores
- Mousebuttons
- Button Records
- Calibration
- Shortcuts
- Future & Authors
- Thanks
- History
- Copyright:
- ----------
- M o u s o m e t e r V3.13
- for MUI
- © by Wolfgang Breyha and Michael Matzl
- in 1993-95
- MousoMeter is SCHNITZELWARE!
- This means if you are using MousoMeter for more than 200 meters, you have
- to send the money for a "Wiener Schnitzel" and a beer to one of the two
- authors (at the time 15DM or 10US$). And guys that's no joke!!
- MousoMeter is (C) 1993-95 Wolfgang Breyha & Michael Matzl.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- No guarantee of any kind is given that the program described in this
- document is 100 % reliable. You are using this material at your own
- risk. The authors CAN NOT be made responsible for any damage which is
- caused by using this program.
- This package is freely distributable, but still copyright by Wolfgang
- Breyha & Michael Matzl. This means that you can copy it freely as long
- as you don't ask for a more than nominal copying fee.
- Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
- collections, especially in Fred Fishs Amiga Disk Library (including CD
- ROM versions of it). The distribution file may be uploaded to Bulletin
- Board Systems or FTP servers. If you want to distribute this program
- you MUST use the contents of the original distribution archive
- `MUIMousoMeter312.lha'. The archive may be distributed unpacked or packed
- with a different archiver, if necessary.
- Introduction:
- -------------
- MousoMeter meassures the distance you drive with your Mouse on your
- Mousepad. For this purpose there are a day and a total counter.
- MousoMeter also remindes the time it was activ and calculates your
- average speed.
- And last but not least MousoMeter stores all activities of your Mousebuttons.
- Requirements:
- -------------
- A mouse;-) For middle-button values a three-button-mouse;-)
- A sofisticated program like MousoMeter makes it nessecary to take
- advantage from many functions of Kickstart 2.04 (V37). So it works
- only on this or later versions.
- And Kick 1.3 is dead! If you are a real AMIGA-User take 2.0 or higher.
- If you are owner of a release V38+ (Workbench 2.1) you are able to
- use the catalogfiles for your prefered language. Possible languages are
- at the time:
- english (built in)
- deutsch
- italiano
- If you are able to help as translating them into other languages read
- the section Future.
- For this release of MousoMeter you also need MUI 2.2 from Stefan Stunz.
- (see ReadMe.MUI)
- In any case you need the following files:
- Fonts/topaz/11
- Fonts/topaz.font
- libs/commodties.library
- libs/diskfont.library
- libs/iffparse.library
- libs/mathieeedoubbas.library
- libs/muimaster.library
- libs/rexxsyslib.library
- Users of V37 & V38 also need the following statement in
- the user-startup:
- assign libs: sys:Classes add
- Startup:
- --------
- You can start MousoMeter from CLI or Workbench. The recommended way is, to copy
- it to the WBStartup drawer.
- The TOOLTYPES and CLI-options are equal. They are:
- CX_PRIORITY look at the Workbench manual
- SAVE_DISTANCE every time you drive this distance MousoMeter will save
- the counters for safety
- CALIBRATION the calibration faktor of your mouse (see Calibration)
- HANDLERPRI the priority of the input-handler (should be >55)
- MAXDATEDIFF if the systemdate is greater then the last safed +
- MAXDATEDIFF MousoMeter will ask you to check your
- systemclock. If the systemdate is lower then the last
- safed MousoMeter reacts in the same way.
- This function is very risky if you don't know how to handle it.
- So if you know nothing about reset-handlers from the keyboard.-
- device set it to OFF. This function can cause read/write errors
- or not validated medias!! The authors know about the risks (and
- also about the goods) of this function but we take no
- responsibility for any damages. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
- RESETDELAY After saving the file in the reset-handler MousoMeter must
- delay the reset to give DOS a chance to write the bitmap to
- the drive. The value defaults to 150/50 secs (3 secs). If the
- delay is to short the errors described in the upper section may
- occure. On my configuration (W. Breyha) a delay of 75 is enough.
- (A2000+GVP Serie II 030 33Mhz+Quantum LPS 240)
- The standard Commodity-Tooltypes POPUP and POPKEY are not supported, because
- they are configured in MUI's Preferences-program.
- There're no more Window coordinates, because they're configured in with the MUI-
- Prefs Editor!!
- About Window:
- -------------
- Here you can see general Informations about MousoMeter and your achieved scores.
- You can see how long MousoMeter was active and your average speed in meters/hour.
- The values from "last time" are those from the last day MousoMeter was active.
- Highscore Tables:
- -----------------
- This table shows the three best and the three worst scores you have achieved in
- the three categories uptime, distance and avarage speed.
- Mousebutton window:
- -------------------
- Here you can see how often you have pressed the buttons of your mouse.
- For each of Last, Today and Total you have also an average value in klicks/hour.
- Button Records:
- ---------------
- This table shows the three best and the three worst scores you have achieved with
- your three mousebuttons.
- Calibration:
- ------------
- Select "Calibration..." in the MousoMenu.
- A window will ask you to hold down your left button. Then move your mouse exactly
- 10 cm horizontal on your mousepad (not on the monitor) still holding the button.
- After that release it. MousoMeter now tells you the new calibration-factor.
- If you press the RESET-button in the requester MousoMeter will set back all
- counters. If you select OK only the new faktor is stored without reset of
- counters.
- After that select "Save Prefs" in the MousoMenu to save the calibration-faktor
- into the .info-file.
- Shortcuts:
- ----------
- right AMIGA + Q -> Quit
- right AMIGA + H -> Hide (Iconify)
- right AMIGA + A -> About
- right AMIGA + S -> Highscores
- right AMIGA + B -> Mousebuttons
- right AMIGA + R -> Mousebutton records
- Future & Authors:
- -----------------
- If you speek a language which is not supported and you will
- make a translation file for us, write to one of the addresses below.
- To make a translation file, you must take the MousoMeter_empty.ct file
- and translate all the english sentences in your language. The english
- definition is always commented with a ";" below stands the alias for
- the C-Code. And below is a empty line. There you must write your
- translation. Take a look at the german .ct file for example. You also
- have to take care about some limits! Take the MousoMeter.cd file and look
- at the parts looking like (?/?/?). If it is (//) there're no limits!
- The format is exactly (string_id/min_chars/max_chars). String_id is
- not very important for you, but you have to take care about the other
- two values! Also take care about the list headers!
- If there are default lines like "o0Ok", you must also generate a line
- in this format! The first character is the Hotkey of this button
- (the underlined character) The "0" is very important to split
- the hotkey from the Button text!
- When you have translated the .ct file into your language call it
- MousoMeter.ct.(your language) (eg. MousoMeter.ct.sweden) and send it
- to one of the authors (per email or normal mail)
- The authors:
- ------------
- Wolfgang Breyha email to: e9025856@stud1.tuwien.ac.at
- Großer Ring 42 IRC-Nick: MASH
- 1130 WIEN
- Österreich
- Michael Matzl
- Maurer-Langegasse 57/1/4
- 1238 WIEN
- Österreich
- advertisments:
- --------------
- If you like Mousometer try to get the other projects of the authors!!
- D.E.R. ST-Player (STP) © Wolfgang Breyha
- A Soundtracker-Moduleplayer with a GUI like a real CD-Player.
- Many features like nonstop playing, random, programmable.
- Plot 3D © Michael Matzl
- A very good 3D function-plotter with Kick 2.0 GUI.
- coming soon:
- .....Meter:
- ask Markus Illenseer (IRC Nick: Ill) He asked me about it in Köln.
- Thanks to:
- ----------
- Reinhardt Franz(Killersoft), Dieter Henkel, Peter Scherbaum
- for beta-testing, bugreports, good ideas and very good friendship.
- following MousoMeter-Fans, which have sent Mail:
- (sorted by date of first mail)
- Michael Thiel , Deutschland, 16 Sep 93 14:43
- Christian Carlsson, Schweden , 16 Sep 93 20:44
- Stefano Peruzzi , Italien , 2 Jun 94 22:02
- Tetsuo , Finnland , 13 Aug 94 12:58
- to all people sending me standard mail
- Tobias Ferber , Deutschland
- Bernd Schäfer , Deutschland
- Kristoffer Larsson, Schweden
- Michael Petrikowski, Deutschland, (Amiga Szene PD)
- to all guys I have met in Köln giving me power for
- new MousoMeter versions (special thanks to Markus
- Ill Illenseer) and to start the next ?Meter project.
- to all of you sending me bugreports, ideas, funny mails,
- money for a Schnitzel or other gifts.
- Special thanks to Stefan Stunz, the father of MUI. I hope
- for all AMIGA-Fans that MUI is the standart of the future.
- to VillageTronic for the Picasso II.
- to F.G.T.H for all their Maxi-Singles.
- to Citroen for the 2CV, my current car.
- to Robert Altman for MASH, the best film ever in cinema.
- to mom and dad for .....
- //
- Commodore for development of the \X/AMIGA.
- and never forget: Intel outside!!
- /* $Revision Header built automatically *************** (do not edit) ************
- **
- ** © Copyright by Modern Art Soft Hietzing
- **
- ** File : MUIMouso.c
- ** Created on : Saturday, 03.07.93 18:37:57
- ** Created by : Wolfgang Breyha & Michael Matzl
- ** Current revision : V3.13
- **
- **
- ** Purpose
- ** -------
- ** - Commoditiy for meassuring mouse-movement in kilometers
- **
- ** Revision V3.13
- ** --------------
- ** created on Thursday, 20.04.95 01:57:49 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Hotkeys for MUI Requesters added (catalogs)
- ** Communication with other *Meter Products to avoid
- ** multiple Checkdate Requesters
- **
- ** Revision V3.12
- ** --------------
- ** created on Thursday, 15.09.94 12:32:14 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - MousoMeter uniconfies now if a requester is coming up
- ** Bug in Save Prefs corrected; Sourceupdate to MUI 2.2
- ** Italian catalog included
- **
- ** Revision V3.11
- ** --------------
- ** created on Tuesday, 24.05.94 22:48:21 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - About-Window fixed for non-laced WB
- **
- ** Revision V3.10
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 02.03.94 00:34:56 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** -*- changed on Tuesday, 08.03.94 21:49:48 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Bug in loadroutine removed (date of first use of 3.09
- ** was not stored correctly!)
- ** -*- created on Wednesday, 02.03.94 00:34:56 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - All EasyStruct Requesters changed to MUI Requesters
- **
- ** Revision V3.09
- ** --------------
- ** created on Monday, 28.02.94 01:01:42 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** -*- changed on Monday, 28.02.94 11:29:06 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Ignore button in both checkdate requesters now.
- ** Minor bug in button window removed (no timeupdate)
- ** -*- created on Monday, 28.02.94 01:01:42 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Problem with average button values fixed (time of 1st usage
- ** of buttons saved)
- **
- ** Revision V3.08
- ** --------------
- ** created on Thursday, 17.02.94 12:29:23 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** -*- changed on Sunday, 20.02.94 23:48:49 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Bug in Resethandler removed (only IORequest not IOStdReq
- ** allocated); code for Helpfile-detection removed since MUI
- ** does it itself;
- ** -*- created on Thursday, 17.02.94 12:29:23 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Button-Highscores included
- **
- ** Revision V3.07
- ** --------------
- ** created on Tuesday, 15.02.94 12:55:11 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Timerrequest changed; new day recognized exactly at 24h now
- ** Resethandler added
- **
- ** Revision V3.06
- ** --------------
- ** created on Monday, 14.02.94 20:45:20 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - CX_PRIORITY is supported now
- ** Mousebutton-Statistic added
- ** Last values added
- ** helpfile location localized
- **
- ** Revision V3.05
- ** --------------
- ** created on Sunday, 13.02.94 23:17:25 by Wolfgang Breyha. LogMessage :
- ** - localized
- ** Ok shortcut in About and HighScore Window enabled
- ** Save Prefs enabled (don't know why it was disabled ;-)
- ** Activate, Disable corrected (no timeupdate)
- **
- ** Revision V3.04
- ** --------------
- ** created on Sunday, 30.01.94 16:54:16 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Online help included
- ** History in documentation included
- **
- ** Revision V3.03
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 19.01.94 00:13:10 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** -*- changed on Thursday, 20.01.94 16:56:49 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - cosmetic sourcechanges, date-check improved
- ** MM uses now .info-file as iconify-icon
- ** -*- created on Wednesday, 19.01.94 00:13:10 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Systemdate-check included
- **
- ** Revision V3.02
- ** --------------
- ** created on Sunday, 07.11.93 20:32:23 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Window-Activation at startup disabled
- ** save every time at startup
- **
- ** Revision V3.01
- ** --------------
- ** created on Friday, 17.09.93 20:47:03 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - (In)active signals from Exchange activated:)
- ** Cosmetic changes in About Window
- ** Iconfiy Image included
- ** some bugfixes
- **
- ** Revision V3.00
- ** --------------
- ** created on Monday, 06.09.93 01:30:00 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Totaly new version using the brand new MUI from Stefan Stunz
- **
- ** Revision V2.01
- ** --------------
- ** created on Saturday, 04.09.93 13:44:12 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Bug in highscoretable removed
- **
- ** Revision V2.00
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 01.09.93 15:27:35 by Wolfgang BREYHA. LogMessage :
- ** - Autosave to .info-file for calibration, window x,y
- ** Measures uptime too now. Aboutrequester changed.
- ** Highscorelist included. Timer.device for newday-check.
- ** Removed many bugs
- **
- ** Revision V1.10
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 25.08.93 00:09:20 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Inputhandler add
- **
- ** Revision V1.02
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 14.07.93 21:38:32 by Michael Matzl & Wolfgang Breyha. LogMessage :
- ** - Added Calibration-routine
- ** didn't save kilometers when window hidden
- **
- ** Revision V1.01
- ** --------------
- ** created on Wednesday, 07.07.93 17:04:48 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** -*- changed on Thursday, 08.07.93 00:37:01 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Enforcer-Hit fixed
- ** -*- created on Wednesday, 07.07.93 17:04:48 by Michael Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** - Bug fixed in CalcKM-routine (y-axis not considered)
- ** click on close-gadget hides window
- ** saved 0 km when started again
- ** menu added
- **
- ** Revision V1.00
- ** --------------
- ** created on Saturday, 03.07.93 18:37:57 by W.Breyha & M.Matzl. LogMessage :
- ** --- Initial release ---
- **
- *********************************************************************************/