Labels:audio cd | cd rom | door | person | plate | road | table | tree | water OCR: Sun microsystems SUN SOLUTIONS TM CD DISK VOLUME 2000 30 1041 SPECIAL SOFTWARE BONUS Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 U.S.A 650 -960- 1300 704- -3778-12 Revision SOLARIS JAVA Use subject terms are inc. Solutions, from SUN in party and Sun, trademarks are the Solaris, Berkeley the U.S. the software, licensed registered TM used 0 the Sun U.S. c and Inc. LEGEND: BSD U.S. from under and registered 2000 Sun other Solaris FAR is logo, All including trademarks Use, systems, Sun 52. other Government 52 logo, Sun rights license .227 countries font of Microsystems, suppliers. trademarks Java, duplication, 19(6 7015b(6 licensed countries. IS to and SPARC .227-14(g)(2)(6 reserved. 227 /871 Microsystems, and technology, subject All of Portions .7202 95) or license from ar ...