T.C. 1,001 Programme der Spitzenklasse
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QUATRIS PRO ver 2.0 - Math Edition
QUATRIS PRO is Copyright (C) 1990 by Eugene Ignatius Kim.
Copyright (C) 1990 by Citadel Corporation.
QUATRIS PRO User's Manual
for IBM Personal Computers and Compatibles
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| QUATRIS PRO, 1st Place "WINNER" of 1990 Rockwell International |
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| Computer Science competetion (LAUSD). |
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| QUATRIS PRO was actually used to help the rehabilitation of |
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| brain-injured patients. This IS the ultimate brain game. |
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I give glory and thanks to my God
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
For helping me write this program.
Citadel BBS : (818)701-7465
System Requirements
- IBM PC, XT, AT, IBM PS/2 Series, or a 100%
compatible computer.
- An EGA/VGA card
- An IBM Enhanced Color display, or equivalent
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible (optional)
- The Disk Operating System, version 2.1 or later.
- The mouser driver program (Mouse.com/Mouse.sys)
should be loaded into memory before you operate
the program if you want to use mouse for user
- QUATRIS PRO program. The game should contain all
of the following files to run :
* G1.IMG
* G2.IMG
* G3.IMG
* G4.IMG
* G5.IMG
* G6.IMG
* G7.IMG
* K1.IMG
* H10.IMG
Quatris Pro automatically checks for the above files.
Quatris Pro will terminate if ANY of the files above
are missing.
Back Up Your Diskettes
It is always advisable to make back-up copies of your
master program disks, to increase the life of the masters
and guard against accidents. Put write-protect tabs on
the original diskettes and follow these steps:
- Use the DOS DISKCOPY command to make a working copy
- Put the original QUATRIS PRO diskette in a safe place.
This way, if working copies are accidentally damaged
your original are safe.
Running The Program
* Quatris Pro probably won't work under Desqview or QEMM.
If you have QEMM installed, please remove it from your
"Config.Sys" file.
To run QUATRIS PRO, type "CITADEL" at the DOS prompt.
The program will display a menu with the following
selections :
- About The Program
- Star New Game
- Start/Continue
- Score Board
- Quit/Save
You may either move your mouse or use your cursor pad to
select a choice in the menu. To play the game, move the
bar to 'Start/Continue' and press enter or the left button
of your mouse. The main menu will disappear and a robot
will instruct you what to do.
Keys To Know
- [LEFT,RIGHT] cursor keys. Move the blocks to the left or
to the right.
- [DOWN] cursor key. Moves the block down faster. Use them
when you are tired of waiting for it to move down automatically
- [UP] cursor key. Turns the grid on/off in the Game-Window.
This helps you determine the position of the blocks better.
- [PgDn] cursor key. Drops the block to the bottom line.
Similar to [Down] key, but this is much faster.
- [Space Bar] key. When you press this button, the robot will
tell you to move a bar that appears in the screen. Move the
bar by using the cursor keys and press "ENTER" at where you
want to drop the bomb.
- [Home] key. This lets the robot to release a Super Bomb
which destroys all the blocks in the screen.
- [Enter] key to turn the block.
Main Menu
- About Program : Information about the program
- Start New Game : This will erase any previously saved game
and start a new game.
- Start/Continue : When you select this choice, the program
will continue your old game. If you haven't saved your
game before, the program will start a new game.
- Score Board : Displays top scores. Your score will be
displayed in the bottom. Your final score will be
inserted into the top-score list when you are game over.
The scores are sorted by the 'IQ'.
- Quit/Save : Save game and quit.
What Do You Do And How Does It Work?
- You can also run "README.EXE" to get help on how to play Quatris.
* You see four sets of blocks in the top of the window
at the beginning of the game.
* These blocks will slowly fall to the bottom.
* You can rotate these blocks by pressing [Enter].
* You can also move them [Right], [Left], and [Down]
by using the cursor pad. However, You can not move
them upwards.
* Move and adjust the blocks in some way so that you
will have no space in between each blocks when they
fall to the floor.
* Try to fill in the bottom most row of the window
with these blocks.
* Main purpose of this game is to completely fill in
one or more rows with these blocks.
* When you completely fill in one or more rows,
that row will disappear and all the other blocks
above the row destroyed will come down one row.
* Repeat this process to keep the blocks from stacking
up to the top.
* Each block has a number in it. When blocks are
destroyed, the program adds up all the numbers in the
row where the blocks are being destroyed--this number
is called block sum in this game.
* This number is then compared with the number given by
robot (Quatris Num). If they are equal, you will
recieve 3 more regular bombs and 1 more super bomb.
* The red bar in the left of the game window displays
current block sum of each row.
* You may also adjust the numbers in the blocks while
playing. Press any number between 0..9 to change
the block numbers. When you use this feature, you
will lose one regular bomb.
Regular Bombs : * Maximum Number - 50.
* Activated by [Space] - Move bomb bar
and press [Enter] to destroy.
* Also used to change numbers in the
block. (See Quatris Number)
Super Bombs : * Maximum Number - 10.
* Activated by [Home] key
* Destroys everything in the screen.
** Problems ** :
Q. My computer system crashes or locks up on me while running
Quatris Pro.
A. If you are running QEMM or DesqView in your system, please
remove them from your "CONFIG.SYS". Quatris may lock-up
your system while displaying the title page if you are
running it under QEMM or DesqView.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this program,
please leave us a message in our BBS.
Citadel BBS PCBoard (818)701-7465 24 hrs.
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▒▓█▓▒ . . . The Pride Of Being A Programmer ▒▓█▓▒
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