T.C. 1,001 Programme der Spitzenklasse
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Text File
227 lines
Version 1.1
This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk
Vendors, BBS Sysops and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the
SMARTCAT package.
Part 1: Program Information:
Program Name, Category:
SMARTCAT, Windows, Utility (Disk)
Preferred File Name For BBSs Etc:
SMTCATxx.ZIP, where xx is the version number. For example,
version 1.1 would be SMTCAT11.ZIP. Of course, other file name
extensions are perfectly acceptable when compression programs
other than PKZIP are used.
SMARTCAT for WINDOWS - Bringing order to chaos.
SMARTCAT is a sophisticated new floppy disk management system for the
Microsoft Windows operating environment. SmartCat was designed from the
start as a Windows application, not a conversion of a Dos product.
It makes full use of all the features of Windows to provide power and
extensive functionality with the ease of use and familiar style of
operation that the environment allows.
With SmartCat you can effectively manage your floppy disk collection,
improve your productivity, reduce media wastage, simplify the use of
archive tools and much much more. You will be putting yourself back
in control of your data and allowing your creativity and talents the
time to be effective.
SmartCat's Features
Some of SmartCat's advanced features include:-
Full Windows MDI support, allowing the user multiple views of catalog data.
Virus scanner interface. SmartCat can optionally automatically call a
virus scanning program before cataloging disks.
Multiple drive support. Both floppy and hard disks can be cataloged.
Archive support, for the ZIP, ARC, LZH, PAK and ARJ archive formats.
Archive files can be analysed when a disk is cataloged and the internal
files recorded.
Windows association support, where a file which is associated with a
particular application can automatically cause the application to start
with the selected file as its input (the same as 'double-clicking'
a file which has a specified association while in File Manager).
Support for multiple discrete catalogs, and the ability to merge them
for searching, reporting or statistical purposes.
File processing support. Once you have found a particular file you
probably want to do something with it! Smartcat makes it easy to do
almost anything with a file including copying it, moving it, deleting it,
renaming it, running it (if it's executable), processing it (if it's
associated with a particular application), extracting it if archived,
exploding it if it itself is an archive or printing it. If the file is in
an archive it will automatically be extracted first if appropriate to
the requested operation. And if there is something that you want to do
with a file that is not in the list you can probably achieve it with
the user extensibility feature!
User extensibility. SmartCat allows extension of its file processing
features with the provision of seven "user buttons" the text and action
of which the user can configure himself. As delivered the caption of the
first "user button" is set to "VIEW" and pressing it causes the NOTEPAD
program to start with the specified file as its input. The second user
button is set to "SCAN" and is configured to call McAfee's Virus scanning
program.The other six buttons are set to "USER2" - "USER7", and when pressed
initiate the WRITE program. As with all other file processing support if
the file in question needs extracting from an archive first then SmartCat
will do so.
User configurability. Certain parameters are modifiable by the user to
accomodate different working approaches. In particular configuration of
the options of the archive extraction utilities accomodates different
Sophisticated searching capabilities. SmartCat fully supports Dos
Wildcards when searching for files. Additionally, more complex searches
can be requested by the specification of ranges of filedates and filesizes
in addition to filenames.
Sorting support. SmartCat allows sorting of all lists of files, however
produced, in a number of useful orders.
Full ClipBoard support. Any list of files produced from analysis of the
catalog can be copied to the Windows ClipBoard, in the sort order requested
by the user.
Reporting capabilities. Any list of disks or files generated can be
printed on request.
Full Windows Help.
Short Description:
SMARTCAT v 1.1 A sophisticated new floppy disk management system for
Windows. Full Windows MDI support, Virus scanner interface, multiple drive
support, both floppy and hard disks, archive support for ZIP, ARC, LZH,
PAK and ARJ. Multiple discrete catalogs, Sophisticated searching, and
reporting capabilities, plus sorting support. Full Windows Help. By Oakley
Data Services and Shareable Software International. <ASP>
Registration Information:
Registration costs $39.00 + $4.00 shipping in the USA and Canada from
Shareable Software International, Inc. The benefits of registration include
the latest version of the software, a printed manual, free lifetime support
and reduced price upgrades.
Author/Publisher Information:
Vendors in the USA or Canada should contact Bill Dickson at the following
Bill Dickson
Shareable Software International, Inc
PO Box 59102
Schaumburg, IL 60159
Also by voice or electronically as follows:
Phone: (708) 397 1221
Fax: (708) 397 0381
CompuServe: 76226,2652
Internet: 76226.2652@compuserve.com
Part 2: Distribution Requirements
ASP Associate (Disk Vendor) Member Information:
Vendors who are ASP Associate Members in good standing are hereby
given permission to distribute SmartCat. ASP Associate
Members (often called "ASP Approved Vendors") in good standing do
not need to request permission to distribute this package.
This permission is in effect until or unless we notify you
otherwise, in writing.
Other (Non-ASP) Disk Vendor Information:
Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who are not ASP Associate
Members, but who wish to distribute SmartCat must comply with
the following restrictions:
In order for us to ensure that only current versions are
distributed, we request that you contact Shareable Software International
before distributing any of our products.
You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogs,
or other literature which describes our products as "FREE
SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not
Applying for ASP Associate Membership:
If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership (to
become an ASP Approved Vendor), simply write to the following
address and request a Vendor Membership Application Package:
ASP Executive Director
545 Grover Road
Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP
Executive Director 72050,1433.
Please Help Us Serve You Better:
We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
SmartCat. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,
catalog descriptions, or other information you print or
distribute regarding the SmartCat package. Thank you for
your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware
marketing concept.