Thank you for using Reminders! Reminders will check upcoming reminders for up to the next 7 days. Reminders can be once, weekly, monthly or yearly. You can have it run automatically when you start your computer and have it start up minimized. You can even have the number of years elapsed shown, which is great for anniversaries or birthdays.
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Step 1: Reminders is a true 32-bit program. It installs and uninstalls through Windows 95. To install, run SETUP.EXE. If you get a message for Setup to update older system files, then go to step 2. If you do not get this message, then go to step 3.
Step 2: If your computer contains older system files, Setup will update these files. You will then be prompted to re-boot your computer. Do this and then run setup.exe again.
Step 3: Now that we know that you have the up-to-date files on your computer, you can now select the directory that you want to install Reminders into, as well as the group that will contain the shortcuts to start up the program. You will then be asked if you would like a shortcut put in the Startup folder. Select YES to have Reminders load every time that you start your computer. If you plan on using this program occasionally, you may want to select NO. After installation is complete, you may go to the group that you chose for Reminders and then click on the Reminders icon to start it up. If at any time you wish to uninstall the program, go to step 4.
Step 4: For uninstalling Reminders only.
Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Rev Programs, then select Reminders. Click on the Add/Remove button. Reminders will then uninstall itself.
This program is a shareware program and is for evaluation purposes only. It gives the user a chance to try out the program first before actually paying for it. It is a fully functional program with NO missing features. You may use this program 30 times. After 30 uses, the program will not run, but you will still be able to bring up the registration form, at which time you may register the program or quit using it. Registering this program enables the user to receive the licensed registration code and entitles the user to support and free upgrades.
Although I believe this software is bug-free, virus-free, and safe, always take the usual steps such as backing up data and running a virus program first. This software comes with no warranties or guaranties, and I am not liable for any loss of data that a person may incur while using this software.
The registration form can be accessed from the help file.
Although I believe this software is bug-free, virus-free, and safe, always take the usual steps such as backing up data and running a virus program first.
Ron Grau hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this product, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties, guarantees or fitness for a particular purpose. The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the program. The author cannot and will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to the loss of data or any other reason, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall the liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use this software, regardless of the form and/or extent of the claim. The user of this program bears all risk to the quality and performance of the software.
This program is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Shareware versions may be freely distributed, as long as no fee is charged to the recipient. Charging a fee to distribute this program requires the permission of the author. You may install a copy of the registered version on multiple computers, providing that you are the only user of the program and that the program is not run on more than one computer at a time.