Techno Guide - Aspettando Windows 98
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1. I am having trouble defining keys in the keyboard dialog
window. They appear to be defined correctly, but when I
start NetTerm and login to a host, they don't work.
The problem is, when you defined the keys, the Num Lock
light on your keyboard was on. NetTerm thought you were
defining the keys with the Num Lock modifier. Try defining
your keys again, and make sure that the Num Lock light on
the keyboard is not on, and the green ball next to the Num
Lock status (upper right hand of the dialog box) is not set.
If you really want to define a key with the Num Lock modifier,
then of course you can do so. Simply left mouse click on the
Num Lock key in the dialog box. A green ball will then be
displayed. Now click on the key to be defined, and use the
standard procedure to define the key. In general, you should
never define a key with the Num Lock modifier, or while online.
2. I am having trouble pasting text into the NetTerm window.
I am having trouble doing an ascii file transfer.
NetTerm uses two timing values for both paste text and send
ascii files to a host. These can be specified by selecting
the Options|Setup|Global Settings|File Transfer Tab.
Normally Delay-1 should be 20 and Delay-2 should be 200.
3. I can't get NetTerm to save my phone book entries.
This normally happens when you unzip and install NetTerm in
the same directory. You must unzip the NetTerm distribution
in a temporary directory, then install into it's permanent
4. Is it possible to limit the number of NetTerm sessions?
Yes, just add the MAXINSTANCE=x keyword in the netterm.ini file
where x = the maximum number of NetTerm sessions. The keyword
should be placed in the top portion of the netterm.ini file under
the section [TERM].
5. I cannot find my modem in your list of supported modems.
Trying to keep up with all of the available modems and buying each one
for testing would be very expensive. We would also suggest that you
select the TAPI option if your systems supports it. A source for most
modem setup strings can be found at:
6. Will the FTP Server work with BBS's that support this feature?
Yes, we have tried it with bbs.execpc.com and got excellent results.
7. Will NetTerm work with the Netscape WWW client?
Yes, just define NetTerm to Netscape by using Netscape's Options,
Preferences menu. Select the "Applications and Directories" tab.
On the line "Telnet Application", use the browse button to locate
NetTerm and you ready to telnet directly from Netscape.
8. How do I get the correct international characters for my country?
NetTerm has the ability to map both the keyboard and video with
the use of country tables. The country table can be defined by
host, using the 'Mapping' push button within the phone directory.
A country table must be created by copying the country.ini file
to another file prefixed with the desired country name, such as
norway.ini. Then define this mapping file to one of your hosts
and use the Options-Setup-International menu to map both the
video and keyboard sections. The example file norway.ini contains
the following mappings:
Video KeyBoard Normal KeyBoard Shifted
0x7b --> 0xe6 0x1a --> 0x7d 0x1a --> 0x5d
0x7c --> 0xf8 0x27 --> 0x7c 0x27 --> 0x5c
0x7d --> 0xe5 0x28 --> 0x7b 0x28 --> 0x5b
0x5b --> 0xc6
0x5c --> 0xd8 Note that the keyboard mapping uses
0x5d --> 0xc5 the unique Windows key scan code.
The Options-Setup-International menu also has a global flag that
will enable/disable mapping for all hosts.
InterSoft will accept unique country files and will include them
in the normal distribution of NetTerm. Once you have tested out
your country file, email to the address shown in the About box.
9. How can I print files that contain HP printer escape sequences?
The program netsend.c should be uploaded to your host and compiled.
This program is designed to handle files with HP printer
control sequences and extremely long lines which would normally
not work correctly with the standard netprint script file.
The SmartPrint option of "Write direct to printer port" or
"Send direct to Windows spool queue" should be chosen for
final printing (NetTerm Options-Setup-Global Settings-Printing).
10. For the Unix WordPerfect users, from one of our clients:
A hint: If any other Netterm users inquire about using
your telnet with WP5.2+ for Unix, ensure they use
386CONS as the value for the environment variable
WPTERM52 when using KEYS-WORDPERFECT. Even though they
are actually using vt100 emulation, this will ensure the
system anticipates the correct codes.
11. The protection logic for versions 3.2.0 and higher has been
changed to allow more complete control of the toolbar, menu
items, and submenu items. A new file named protect.ini has
been included with the NetTerm distribution which controls
the new protection logic. This file can be located anywhere
and it's location is specified in the netterm.ini file with
the PROTECTFILE keyword. To enable protection, set the
PROTECT keyword to a 1. For example, to enable protection
using a protect.ini file located on D: drive in the data
directory, place the following in the netterm.ini file:
The protect.ini file has three major areas. They are:
Toolbar Protection - Control icons displayed on the toolbar
Menu Protection - Controls the high level menu items
Sub menu Protection - Controls individual sub menu items
To disable a icon, menu item or sub menu item, simply change
the value ON to OFF. If you turn off a high level menu, it
is not necessary to turn off it's lower level menu items.
12. Can I use the SmartButtons to select a menu item such as
Print Screen? Yes, if you place ~99999 in the Transmitted
Key Data field (where 99999 is one of the menu item codes)
NetTerm will select that menu item.
Refer to the table below for valid menu item codes.
If you place a valid key definition name after the ~, NetTerm
will immediately load that key definition. For example, placing
~EMACS in the Transmitted Key Data field will load the key
definitions for EMACS. This technique allows you to switch
between key definitions by just pressing the SmartButtons.
This technique normally requires at least two SmartButtons,
one for the special key definition such as EMACS and one to
return to the 'normal' definitions such as DEFAULT.
If you place a valid html URL within a SmartButton, NetTerm
will call your user defined browser for processing. This
works for all URL's including the ftp:// URL.
Can I have more than just eight SmartButtons.
Yes, you can define three sets with eight buttons each. To
switch to another set, right mouse click anywhere on the
SmartButton toolbar.
13. Can I use the Smartbuttons to run a script or a program?
Yes, if you place an @ character as the first character in
the Transmitted Key Data field, NetTerm will then look at
the data following. If it finds the value .exe in the data
string, it will start the program specified. Command line
arguments can also be specified. Note that the .exe must be
in lowercase. For example:
If the value .exe is not found, NetTerm will then process the
string as a script file. Note that you must be online and the
complete path to the script must be supplied. For example:
14. I can't get the modem to be silent while dialing, why not?
NetTerm recently changed the way it sets the modem up in order
to handle some of the newer PCMCIA modems on the market. If
your current modem setup sting looks something like:
AT %F1 M0 S11=40 S2=128
change it to:
AT%F1\rATM0\rATS11=40 S2=128
The ATM0 portion of the command is what tells the modem to be
15. From one of our clients. If you use the Norton program FASSINT,
watch out! It causes NetTerm and other programs to crash.
16. Will NetTerm work with netcom?
The basic telnet client of NetTerm will work with the netcom TCP/IP
software, but not the zmodem or FTP server. We are currently working
on ways to resolve this. NetTerm will however work completely if you
use a winsock such as Trumpet instead of the normal netcom software.
We have included a script file, netcom.txt, which can be used with
Trumpet to access netcom. Based upon our tests with netcom, the
purchase of Trumpet WinSock is a very wise investment and will make
your WWW surfing much faster and enjoyable.
17. Can I use the Transparent print feature on hosts that do not support
this feature?
Yes, we have added a new menu item under the "File" menu called
"Formatted Transparent Printing On". This feature allows limited
control and formatting of data that is normally sent only to the
screen to be also sent to the printer using the same options that
are available to normal transparent print requests. The following
two keywords in the netterm.ini control the formatting:
The FORMATPRINT_START keyword specifies what string should be sent
to the host to start the printout. When the formatted transparent
print option is selected, the internal transparent print logic is
turned on and the FORMATPRINT_START string is sent to the host to
indicate that the printing should be started. The FORMATPRINT_LINES
keyword specifies the number of lines (line feeds) that should be
processed as one page. When this value is reached, a form feed
will be added to the printer data to force a new page. Once the
host has completed sending all the data, the 'Transparent Printing
Off' menu item should be selected. This will instruct NetTerm to
print the data using the options selected in the Options-Setup-
Global Settings-Printing dialog panel.
Note that since both menu items that control this feature are menu
items, SmartButtons can be defined to start and stop the transparent
printing. Refer to FAQ number 14.
18. Instructions for rlogin support.
Initial rlogin support has been added to NetTerm. To use, set the
telnet port to 513 in the phone book and then place your host userid
in the desktop dialog panel.
19. Looking for a nice font that will display almost full screen at
1024 x 768 resolution? Try Courier New, 14 points, bold.
20. From one of our clients. On selected machines, the text on the
Smartbuttons turned into Greek! After looking at this problem
for some time, the problem is related to what fonts are defined
or not defined on the workstation. NetTerm determines the font
point size to use on the SmartButtons by calculating the length
of the largest text contained within the SmartButtons and the
current screen resolution. It then suggests to Windows that it
use either the MS Sans Serif or Arial Narrow, depending upon the
outcome of the calculation. However, Windows also tries to
select the best font, based upon what is available, and this
may not be either MS Sans Serif or Arial Narrow.
// NetTerm Menu Items
// File Menu
#define IDM_CONNECT 10000
#define IDM_DISCONNECT 10001
#define IDM_PHONE 10002
#define IDM_BBSLIST 10003
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_10004 10004
#define IDM_PRINT 10005
#define IDM_SETUP 10006
#define IDM_SPRINT 10007
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_10008 10008
#define IDM_LOGPRINT 10009
#define IDM_LOGFILE 10010
#define IDM_EJECTP 10011
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_10012 10012
#define IDM_TPON 10013
#define IDM_TPOFF 10014
#define IDM_STPON 10015
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_10015 10016
#define IDM_EXIT 10017
// Edit Menu
#define IDM_SCB 11001
#define IDM_RCB 11002
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_11003 11003
#define IDM_RESET 11004
#define IDM_ERESET 11005
#define IDM_SBREAK 11006
#define IDM_LBREAK 11007
#define IDM_AP 11008
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_11009 11009
#define IDM_SAVESCREEN 11010
#define IDM_CLEAR 11011
#define IDM_CLEARS 11012
#define IDM_SAVEAS 11013
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_11014 11014
#define IDM_PASTEIPA 11015
#define IDM_PASTEIP 11016
// Options Menu
// Setup Main
#define IDM_FONT 12000
#define IDM_SETTINGS 12001
#define IDM_ANSIC 12002
#define IDM_KB1 12003
#define IDM_DESKTOP 12004
#define IDM_DBBAR 12005
#define IDM_PIN 12006
#define IDM_SETTELNET 12007
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_12008 12008
// International Video/Keyboard
#define IDM_SS 12300
#define IDM_AM 12301
#define IDM_VM 12302
#define IDM_KM 12303
#define IDM_KO 12304
#define IDM_LCD 12305
// Options Tools
#define IDM_FINGER 12400
#define IDM_RESOLVE 12401
#define IDM_MYIP 12402
#define IDM_FTPD 12403
#define IDM_PRINTER 12404
#define IDM_FTPC 12405
// Options Trace
#define IDM_TRACE1 12501
#define IDM_TRACE2 12502
// Send Menu
#define IDM_SASCII 906
#define IDM_SKERMIT 905
#define IDM_SZMODEM 900
// Receive Menu
#define IDM_RASCII 916
#define IDM_RKERMIT 915
#define IDM_RZMODEM 917
// Window Menu
#define IDM_NEWWINDOW 15000
#define IDM_QUICK 15001
#define IDM_EDITOR 15002
#define IDM_TITLE 15003
#define IDM_SAVEXY 15004
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_15004 15005
#define IDM_HOSTSTART 15500
#define IDM_HOSTEND 15549
// Help Menu
#define IDM_HELP 16000
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_16001 16001
#define IDM_ORDERING 16002
#define IDM_REGISTER 16003
#define IDM_LEGAL 16004
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_16005 16005
#define IDM_ABOUT 16006
// Mouse Menu
#define IDM_URL 17000
#define IDM_PSTRING1 17001
#define IDM_PSTRING2 17002
#define IDM_BBSDOOR 17003
#define IDM_SKEY 17004
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_17005 17005
#define IDM_MSCB 17006
#define IDM_MRCB 17007
#define IDM_MRSCB 17008
#define IDM_MCLEAR 17009
#define IDM_MPRINT 17010
#define IDM_MRESET 17016
#define IDM_ESCROLL 17011
#define IDM_MCLEARS 17017
#define IDM_PSCROLL 17012
#define IDM_MSAVEAS 17018
#define IDM_PRINTH 17013
#define IDM_SHOWCLIP 17014
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_17019 17019
#define IDM_MPASTEIPA 17020
#define IDM_MPASTEIP 17021
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_17022 17022
#define IDM_MSFONT 17023
#define IDM_MMFONT 17024
#define IDM_MLFONT 17025
#define IDM_SEPARTOR_17026 17026
#define IDM_MSSFONT 17027
#define IDM_MSMFONT 17028
#define IDM_MSLFONT 17029
#define IDM_NOOP 17031