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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-01-01  |  2MB  |  2864x2424
Labels: book | box | bulletin board | compact disk | reckoner
OCR: ART VILLE STOCKIMAGES SYSTEM REOUIREMENTS RESPECTIVECOMPAN and After onscreen Macintod GETTING GETTING color doblestel inserting to diaplay System inatall STARTED STARTED the the ithe 70r browser srvoer creater yOu WINDOWS MACINTOSH Afera orowte Windows CD-ROM 952 syatem docurment drive restart, 3.1orgreater WINDOWS the you're double-ctick uocer 5 NT ready Jett on mecabytes the corner Ute the ofthe "Browser RAM Kudo windorm Inotaer Browrer megabre: icon Open the offree Foon the hare CD BOM AHer inserting the CD -ROM into your comouter on Treta and the Hthe installaticn an Artville CD-ROM you be promoted to cverwrite the path CAKUDOREADL Chck on correctly install your new CD ROM To launch the browser, go to the Artville orogran grouc from the "Starf" seler the catalog the CD ROM you wart Ho ...