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- Date: Sun, 5 Jun 1994 05:05:20 -0700
- From: Marcus L. Endicott <mendicott@igc.apc.org>
- Subject: New Book: The Electronic Traveler
- copyright 1994 M. L. Endicott all rights reserved worldwide
- With a Forward by Steven K. Roberts
- of Nomadic Research Labs
- as the title says, The Electronic Traveler is a directory of tourism
- information available to everyone with a computer and a telephone: it
- is a guidebook to travel information sources on the emerging
- information superhighway.
- Although the much touted "information superhighway" is under
- construction, its principal components are already in evidence and
- many lanes are open for use. As this historic technological
- convergence and social restructuring takes place right before our
- eyes, The Electronic Traveler provides signposts, empowering you to
- participate in this process. It explains exactly what travel and
- tourism information is available on the information highway and how to
- access it. It covers the vast Internet, popular proprietary
- interactive systems, Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs), independent
- bulletin board systems (BBSs), and commercial fulltext databases. It
- is for everyone who loves travel and the world: from the traveling
- public to the industry that provides them with services and products.
- The Electronic Traveler will help you learn of and about destinations
- and how best to get there, including buying transportation and
- accommodation. It will help you find people and places, organizations
- and events, restaurants and stores, museums and libraries, historic
- sites and scenic vistas, entertainment and adventure to satisfy your
- individual needs and desires. It will help you amuse yourself in
- transit, as well as keep you in better contact with home while away.
- It will help you connect with travel partners. The Electronic
- Traveler will not only do all this and more but will also help you get
- the best value for your time and money.
- The Electronic Traveler: Directory of Tourism Information Sources
- Publication Date: June 1, 1994
- Format: Spiral Bound, approx. 130 pages
- Cost: U.S. $50.00, postpaid (priority mail U.S., airmail outside U.S.)
- Enclose check or money order payable to M. L. Endicott with order form and
- mail to:
- M. L. Endicott, P.O. Box 20837, Saint Simons Island, Georgia 31522-0437,
- Number of Copies:
- Amount Enclosed:
- Your Name:
- Street Address or P.O. Box:
- City and State:
- Postal Code and Country:
- 0.0 Introduction
- 0.1 Origins Of The Information Superhighway
- 0.2 Origins Of This Book
- 0.3 What To Expect From This Book
- 0.4 What To Bring To This Book
- 0.5 Short List Of Useful Books And Periodicals
- 0.6 Overview Of The Matrix
- 0.7 About The Internet
- 0.8 Some Major Online Functions
- 0.9 Information Technology In Travel And Tourism Today
- 1.0 Internet/Usenet/Bitnet
- 1.1 Newsgroups
- 1.2 Mailing Lists
- 1.4 List of Travel Related Worldwide Web and Gophers on the Internet
- 2.0 Proprietary Systems
- 2.1 America Online (AOL.COM)
- 2.2 CompuServe (CompuServe.COM)
- 2.3 Delphi (Delphi.COM)
- 2.4 eWorld (eWorld.COM)
- 2.5 GEnie (genie.geis.com)
- 2.6 Institute for Global Communications (IGC.APC.ORG)
- 2.7 National Videotex Network (NVN.COM)
- 2.8 Prodigy (prodigy.com)
- 2.9 TogetherNet (together.org)
- 2.10 Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (well.com)
- 3.0 Computer Reservation Systems/Consumer CRS
- 3.1 Eaasy Sabre
- 3.2 OAG Electronic Edition
- 3.3 WORLDSPAN Travelshopper
- 3.4 TravelFile/ORG
- 4.0 Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)
- 4.1 BBS Software Support BBS
- 4.2 List of Travel-Related BBS Listkeepers
- 4.3 BBS Networks
- 4.4 Travel BBS List - Short
- 4.5 Travel BBS List - Long
- 5.0 Commercial Fulltext Databases
- 5.1 General Fulltext Databases
- 5.2 Travel Periodicals Online
- 5.3 Travel Databases
- 6.0 International Telephony/Connectivity
- 6.1 Where-To
- 6.2 How-To
- 6.3 What-To
- 7.0 Travel Information Technology Trade Organizations
- 7.1 HEDNA
- 7.2 ITTA
- 7.3 CASMA
- 8.0 Bibliography
- 8.1 Travel Information Technology Books
- 8.2 Internet Books
- 8.3 Travel Information Technology Periodicals
- 4.4 Travel BBS List - Short
- Active as of April 1994:
- Access America 918-747-2542
- Alaska Information Cache 907-373-3205
- American Travel Network 704-567-0893
- Back Lounge of the Tour Bus 908-637-6336
- Backpacker's Wilderness 305-245-7601
- CABB (Consular Affairs Bulletin Board) 202-647-9225
- Cave God BBS 513-890-6261
- ChicAAgo Hanger & The Eagles Nest BBS 708-980-1613
- Colorado TravelBank 303-671-7669
- Digital Inn 303-296-1300
- DirectLink subscriber-only
- Europe Through The Back Door(ETBD)BBS 206-771-1902
- Export-Import (ExIm) Bank BBS 202-566-4699
- FAA Headquarters BBS 202-267-5697
- FedWorld Gateway 703-321-8020
- Fountain Travel BBS 0273 584827
- Gaia Passage 912-265-0784
- Hawaii DBED BBS 808-586-2496
- Home Exchange Network 407-869-5956
- Immigration Law BBS 718-463-1091
- Independent Travel Technology Association (ITTA) BBS
- (c/o ARINC BBS) 410-573-3244
- LeisureTyme Free Travel Club 401-943-7093
- Modern Traveller 7-0562-425901
- National Park Service 215-597-2710
- OSSN BBS subscriber-only
- Outdoor Almanac 206-363-0195
- Outdoor Education BBS 216-374-8850
- Outdoors BBS 317-887-9466
- PCTravel 919-831-4848
- Sun Vacation & World Travel 914-758-2485
- Time Traveler BBS 886-4-276-0160
- Travel Connection 415-691-0954
- Travel Friends Information Service 800-328-2427 (Interspan)
- 303-573-1800 (US West)
- Travel Info Net 519-428-9287
- Travel Mates BBS 708-928-0281
- Travel Online (St. Louis Online) 314-973-4073
- 314-625-3874
- 314-625-4045
- Travel Online Recreation Info System 708-830-4BBS
- Travel Search BBS 914-358-0480
- Traveller-Box 49-7664-95185
- Travelmatic 39-11-502423
- USCS BBS (U.S. Customs Service) 703-440-6155
- Vacation Source 800-868-7555
- 303-738-0972
- Vacationland (New Hampshire) 603-444-0701
- World Travel Online 212-717-5922
- Worldwide Brochures 218-847-3027
- Apparently defunct:
- Airline BBS/DFW (System One) 817-540-2794
- Alexair Travel 513-836-8170
- AlpineTrail Source 206-882-0110
- Belize Tourism 011501233711
- Boundary Waters BBS 218-365-6907
- Game & Travel BBS 415-221-6456
- International Travel Briefing Service n.a.
- ModemCity/Europe-On-Line n.a.
- Premier Vacations & Travel BBS 619-741-2392
- The Traveler BBS 804-420-9573
- The Traveler 305-944-4394
- US Information Agency Bulletin Service
- (USIA) BBS n.a.