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Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 22:05:16 -0400
Sender: Small Computing Systems Software Issues Discussion List
Subject: Mosaic - New Books
To my fellow Internetters,
One of the simplest and most promising interfaces to the Internet
is known as Mosaic. I have seen a demonstration of it, and if you
can move the cursor and press the enter key, you can use Mosaic to
navigate the Internet, download, Gopher, Telnet, and access most
other Internet features. Just move the cursor and press enter.
That's all there is to it.
The following books are scheduled for release on October 4th.
Anybody that wants to get the jump on Mosaic should consider
these books, soon to be 'hot off the press.'
>Sender: ora-news@amber.ora.com
>From: Brian Erwin <brian@ora.com>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <ora-news@amber.ora.com>
>Subject: O'Reilly's Mosaic Handbooks
> The Mosaic Handbook for the Macintosh
> By Dale Dougherty and Richard Koman
> 220 (est.), ISBN: 1-56592-096-1, $29.95 (US)
> With Enhanced NCSA Mosaic from Spyglass for Macintosh V1.0 on floppy disk
> The Mosaic Handbook for Microsoft Windows
> By Dale Dougherty and Richard Koman
> 220 (est.), ISBN: 1-56592-094-5, $29.95 (US)
> With Enhanced NCSA Mosaic from Spyglass for Windows V1.0 on floppy disk
> The Mosaic Handbook for the X Window System
> By Dale Dougherty, Richard Koman, and Paula Ferguson
> 220 (est.), ISBN: 1-56592-095-3, $29.95 (US)
> With Enhanced NCSA Mosaic from Spyglass for X V2.4 CD-ROM
> On October 4, we will release these three book/software packages
>for using Mosaic to navigate and find information on the World Wide Web
>(WWW). They show how to use Mosaic to replace some of the traditional
>Internet functions like ftp (file transfer protocol) and gopher. For
>more advanced users, the books describe how to add external viewers to
>Mosaic (allowing it to display many additional file types), and how to
>customize the Mosaic interface, such as screen elements, colors, and
> It also covers HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the format for
>documents distributed on the World Wide Web, and how to create a home
>page complete with links to other servers.
> The Mosaic Handbook software will also feature the Global Network
>Navigator (GNN), our World Wide Web information service. GNN contains
>navigational guides that help Mosaic users discover Internet resources.
>It also provides news and information services in such areas as travel,
>personal finance, education, and sports.
>This and other O'Reilly products are available in the Americas
>and Japan through bookstores, or directly from the publisher
>(credit card orders 800-889-8969; email order@ora.com).
>For information: telephone 707-829-0515 (800-998-9938 in US &
>Canada); FAX 707-829-0104; email nuts@ora.com; or write O'Reilly &
>Associates, 103A Morris St., Sebastopol, CA, 95472, USA.
>GSA # GS-02F-6095A. Access our online gopher catalog via "telnet
>gopher.ora.com" (log in as "gopher" -- no password needed).
>Brian Erwin, brian@ora.com
>O'Reilly & Associates
>103A Morris Street, Sebastopol CA 95472
>707-829-0515, Fax 707-829-0104