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Date: Sat, 5 Nov 1994 17:56:41 +0100
Reply-To: Odd de Presno <presno@GRIDA.NO>
Sender: The Online World book info <TOW@VM1.NoDak.EDU>
From: Odd de Presno <presno@GRIDA.NO>
Subject: The Online World handbook in print
The Online World NOW AVAILABLE
Productive Publications (Canada) publishes
A timely new book that explains The Internet and what it has to offer. The
publication almost coincides with IBM's release of its latest OS/2 Warp
Operating System, which heavily promotes ease of access to The Internet as
one of its best features.
Odd de Presno from Norway and Mike Weaver from Saskatchewan take you on a
guided tour of The Internet. They discuss the electronic mail networks that
already span the world and let you "talk" to people or businesses in
distant countries, as if they were next door.
The authors recognize the importance of THE ONLINE WORLD for business, when
they state: "The entrepreneur sees the online world as a new, profitable
playground. Many of them have made it their profession to search for
information for others, and they earn a good living doing so. Others
advertise and sell products and services by modem. Some set up their own
online services to sell knowledge and know-how, be it in aqua culture,
production of wine, marketing, or the petroleum offshore market."
To illustrate the Internet's unbelievable wealth of information, the
authors talk of Eduardo Salom who heads Software Plus SA in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, and uses it actively to find information that can help his
company develop industrial applications. They also mention civil engineer
Kai Oestreng at Ski in Norway who uses telecommunications to find programs
for his business and watch the developments in the local personal computer
The handbook is a gold mine for those wanting to gather marketing
information. It shows you how to bid on Canadian and Provincial Government
contracts. It talks about the Investors Forum which discusses the
stockmarket, moneymarkets and other financial instruments, as well as
investing techniques.
It also covers a vast array of other topics, from job hunting by modem,
working from home, personal finances, tips for home owners, education and
the exchange of knowledge, electronic conferences and building a personal
and business network. It also covers health, hobbies, games, fun and of
course the inevitable - sex!
By the year 2000, there will be over one BILLION users on the Internet.
It is a situation that no business person can afford to ignore because it
will change the way people learn, get information, do business and find
a job.
THE ONLINE WORLD - How to Profit from the Information Superhighway runs
to 300 pages and gives you a no-nonsence, but fascinating look at the
present, plus a glimpse of what lies ahead. It is published in Canada and
sold by direct mail. Copies can be obtained from Productive Publications,
P.O. Box 7200, Station A, Toronto, Ont. M5W 1X8. The cost is $39.95 plus
$4.00 postage and handling plus GST (total $47.03).
Review copies are available on request to Publisher Iain Williamson at
iain.williamson@canrem.com. Please provide full postal address and name of
publication in which the review will appear.
Odd de Presno
The Online World
ISBN: 0-920847-89-7
Odd de Presno and Mike Weaver
300 pages. 1994.
$47.00 (US and CND)
Overseas orders add $10 US for postage.
Prepaid by cheque, or international money order only.
Payable to:
Productive Publications,
P.O.Box 7200, Station A, Toronto,
Ontario M5W 1X8, Canada.
Fax:+1-416-322-7434. Email: Iain.Williamson@CANREM.COM
Shipping and handling and all taxes included.
1) Going online will make me rich, right?
2) Getting started on your own
3) Your first online trip
4) The online world
5) How to use online services
6) Information, hobbies, games, and fun
7) Work, home, and education
8) Your personal healthnet
9) Electronic mail, telex, and fax
10) Free expert assistance
11) Your electronic daily news
12) Looking for a needle in a hay stack
13) Getting an edge on your competitor
14) Practical tips
15) Cheaper and better communications
16) Keep what you find.
17) You pay little for a lot!
18) Automatic communication
19) Gazing into the future
1) List of selected online services
2) Frequently used terms
3) Books and articles for further reading
4) Important Internet tools & pointers
5) List of services offering access to the Internet
More information is also available from Odd de Presno at opresno@extern.uio.no