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Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 01:27:18 -0500 (CDT)
From: Gleason Sackman <sackman@plains.nodak.edu>
Subject: BOOK> Teach Yourself the Internet by N Randall (fwd)
>SENDER: Mark Taber <mtaber@netcom.com>
Sams Publishing Presents Worldly Approach to Learning the Internet
New Addition to Best-Selling "Teach Yourself" Series
Indianapolis -- "Teach Yourself the Internet: Around the World in 21 Days,"
from Sams Publishing, takes readers on a global learning expedition of
the Internet. This book takes readers telnetting to France, FTPing to sites in
Sweden, Gophering to Japan, and taking online virtual tours of Singapore and
New Zealand with the World Wide Web and Mosaic.
Teach Yourself the Internet: Around the World in 21 Days covers all of the
basic aspects of the Internet through tutorial lessons and real-life examples.
It teaches users about the tools they'll need to successfully explore the
Internet and explains how to use the Internet both personally and
professionally. Readers will learn everything from how to plan a vacation
and find a job to how to conduct research and prepare presentations.
This tutorial and reference is aimed at beginning- and intermediate-level users
and combines a structured, step-by-step learning approach with the excitement
and allure of exploring the online world. In the popular, easy-to-follow 21-
day format, readers will discover how to collect works of art from FTP sites
in Australia; share ideas and discuss politics through e-mail, mailing lists,
and Usenet news; and take an online multimedia tours of sites from Wales to
Japan. Through numerous illustrations and practical examples, readers find out
the places they can go and things they can do on the Internet.
The author, Neil Randall (nrandall@hookup.net), has written about computer
hardware and software in such magazines as Windows, Compute, CD-ROM Today,
and Computing Canada. He is a professor of English at the University of
Waterloo, and the founding editor of CD-ROM Today.
With over 350,000 Teach Yourself... books in print, users have mastered
everything from programming and the Internet to databases and operating
systems. Organized in an easy-to-follow format, these time-oriented books use
real-world examples, detailed instructions, helpful notes and tips, as well as
workshop and Q&A sections to teach users how to use computers efficiently
within a given time period.
Book Information Ordering Information
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Teach Yourself the Internet: Sams Publishing
Around the World in 21 Days 201 West 103rd Street
Neil Randall Indianapolis, IN 46290
$25.00 USA 1-800-428-5331
ISBN: 0-672-30519-4
676 pp.
Media Contact: Christopher Bias
Macmillan Computer Publishing
(317) 581-3571