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From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Thu Apr 11 01:35:52 1991
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To: telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 09:06:45 CDT
From: Al L Varney <varney@ihlpf.att.com>
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.telecom
Path: varney
Subject: Re: Caller*ID Specifications Needed
Message-Id: <1991Apr8.140632.17303@cbnewsd.att.com>
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Organization: AT&T Network Systems
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Resent-Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 0:36:41 CDT
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In article <telecom11.269.8@eecs.nwu.edu> @comspec.uucp (David Berman) writes:
>Northern Telecom has had their Maestro phones out a while, I think.
>And I also believe that the Caller*ID transmissions from the phone
>company are kind of standardized. I think.
Depends on who/what you mean by the "phone company". Bellcore client
companies have a standard. Canada may have another. Independents could
have a third. PBX vendors can do all kinds of "secret" transmissions, etc.
>Question: Does anyone reading know what is sent out? How the phone
>number or alpha information is encoded on the ring cycle? Has it been
>done in a reasonable way so that decoding is sensible? (etc) Addresses
>the future?
Yes. Yes. Yes, it's expansible. It's in there.
>Or: Does anyone know where such information is published for
OK... One more time, with feeling:
The information is published FOR PROFIT by Bellcore, and is
periodically updated by them.
The interface spec. for the actual Customer Premises interface for
analog telephone lines is in
TR-TSY-000030, "SPCS Customer Premises Equipment Data Interface",
Issue 1, November 1988 + Bulletin 1, April 1989 {may be at Issue 2
by now.}
This is the electrical interface, at about the level of describing how
to build a 1200-baud modem with FSK signaling.
The actual messages sent to the interface are in ASCII, detailed in
each spec. that describes a particular feature using the interface.
TR-TSY-000031, "CLASS(sm) Feature: Calling Number Delivery", Issue 2,
June 1988, + Revision 1, January 1990
TA-NWT-001188, "CLASS(sm) Calling Name Delivery and Related Features",
Issue 1, March 1991 {Waiting for Industry Comments}
These are 2 relevant documents, but there are no real limits imposed
by TR-30 on the usage of the interface.
Use of the interface during Call Waiting is under study.
The requirements for ISDN interfaces are documented in other TR's (many).
Bellcore documents can be ordered by calling (908) 699-5800,
(Mon.-Fri. 8 am to 6 pm) Visa, Mastercard, American Express
FAX orders: (908) 699-0936
Telex orders: (908) 275-2090
Mail (with payment in U.S. funds, or credit card information):
Customer Service
60 New England Avenue
Piscataway, NJ 08854-4196
All this and more is available as SR-TSY-000264, "Catalog of Technical
Information" and updates/etc. are detailed in the monthly periodical,
"Bellcore's Digest of Technical Information"
Prices (in an old catalog):
TR-TSY-000030, $25 (includes Bulletin)
TR-TSY-000031, $23 Revision 1 $12 (may be included in new orders?)
SR-TSY-000264, No Price stated!
Bellcore Digest $60/year, includes the SR-TSY-000264 yearly catalog!
(Prices do not include sales tax, Canadian/Mexican or Foreign
surcharges, multi-year discounts, etc.)
>Further: Will Toronto (416)'s Caller ID transmissions be compatible
>with the ones in the United States, say, in AT&T territory? Or will
>they be similar, but different, so that Maestro phones in Atlanta, GA,
>won't work in Toronto, even though they have fixed the design flaw down
Who knows? Depends on Canadian requirements.
>(I have even more questions, but hope that I will be able to follow
>the thread as others ask in response to your answers ...) [thanks]
Well, ask away, but don't expect to be able to construct an interface
of understand the messages from the Net, any more than you could construct
a real telephone from information only from the Net.
Patrick, could you snapshot the Bellcore information for Frequently
Asked Questions database?
Al Varney, AT&T Network Systems