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From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Sun Sep 15 22:15:51 1991
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[Moderator's Note appended 9-29-91: At the bottom of this file see
another addition from a reader regarding MCI calls to the USA from
Switzerland. PAT]
PAT- Here is the correct list to be posted.. I decided on the phrase
PHONE HOME (USA)... I hope that is okay... Sorry for any trouble
I am includeing Copyright /Trademark names at the bottom.
Country Carrier Operator Number Customer Service
Anguilla ATT 1-800-872-2881
Antigua ATT Boatphone Marine 872
Argentina MCI 001-800-333-1111
USS 001-800-777-1111
ATT 001-800-200-1111
Aruba ATT 800-1011
Australia MCI 0014-881-100 0014-800-125-682
USS 0014-881-877
ALL 0014-800-125-197
ATT 0014-881-011
Austria^ MCI 022-903-012
ATT 022-903-011
Bahamas MCI 1-800-624-1000
ATT 1-800-872-2881
Bahrain MCI 800-002
ATT 800-001
Belize+ ATT 555
Belgium^ MCI 11-0012 11-65-80
USS 11-0014
ALL 11-8671
ATT 11-0010
Bermuda+ MCI 1-800-623-0484 1-800-623-0700
ATT 1-800-872-2881
Brazil MCI 000-8012 000814-550-1004
ATT 000-8010
Canada@ MCI 1-800-950-1022
USS 1-800-877-8000
ALL 1-800-955-1444
Cayman Islands MCI 1-624
ATT 1872
Chile MCI 00*-0316
USS 00*-0317
ATT 00*-0312
Colombia MCI 980-16-0001 980-15-1041
USS 980-13-0010
ATT 980-11-0010
Costa Rica^ MCI 162
ATT 114
Cyprus MCI 080-90000
Czecho-Slovakia ATT 00-420-00101
Denmark^ MCI 8001-0022 8001-0030
USS 8001-0877
ALL 8001-0658
ATT 8001-0010
Dominica ATT 1-800-872-2881
Dominican Republic ATT 1-800-872-2881
Ecuador+ ATT 00-110
Egypt| MCI 355-5770
MCI 356-0200
El Salvador^ ATT 190
Finland^ MCI 9800-102-80 9800-101-01
ALL 9-800-1-59601
ATT 9800-100-10
France MCI 19*-0019 05-90-2721
ALL 05-90-2919
USS 19*-0087
ATT 19*-0011
Gambia^ ATT 001-199-220-0010
Germany+ MCI 0130-0012 0130-81-5417
USS 0130-0013
ALL 0130-8-14247
ATT 0130-0010
Greece^ MCI 00-800-1211 00800-12-2007
ALL 00800-12-2100
ATT 00-800-1311
Grenada+ ATT 872
Guam+ MCI 950-1022
ATT 018-872
Guatemala^ MCI 189
ATT 190
Haiti+ MCI 001-800-444-1234
ATT 001-800-872-2881
Honduras ATT 123
Hong Kong MCI 008-1121 800-6030
USS 008-1877
ALL 800-6159
ATT 008-1111
Hungary^ MCI 00*-800-01411
ATT 00*-36-0111
Indonesia MCI 00-801-11
ATT 00-801-10
Ireland MCI 1-800-551-001
ALL 1-800-55-7508
Israel^ MCI 177-150-2727 177-150-1151
ALL 177-150-1067
ATT 177-100-2727
Italy**^ MCI 172-1022 1678-79073
USS 172-1877
ALL 1678-97038
ATT 172-1011
Jamaica+ ATT 0-800-872-2881
Japan MCI 0039-121 0031-12-1022
USS 0039-131
ALL 0031-12-2453
ATT 0039-111
Korea ATT 009-11
Liberia ATT 797-797
Liechtenstein MCI 155-0222 155-5880
Luxembourg ATT 0-800-0111
Macao ATT 0800-111
Malaysia^ MCI 800-0012
ALL 800-0758
ATT 800-0011
Monaco MCI 19*-00-19 05-90-2721
Montserrat+ ATT 1-800-872-2881
Netherlands^ MCI 06*-022-9122 06*-022-1022
USS 06*-022-9119
ALL 06*-022-8491
ATT 06*-022-9111
Netherland/Antil ATT 001-800-872-2881
New Zealand MCI 000-912
ATT 000-911
Norway^ MCI 050-12-912
ATT 050-12-011
Panama+ MCI 108
ATT 109
Peru+ MCI Special Phones Only
ATT ##0
Philippines+^ ATT 105-11
Portugal MCI 05-017-1234
San Marino MCI 172-1022 1678-79073
Saudi Arabia+ MCI 1-800-11
ATT 1-800-100
Singapore^ MCI 800-0012 800-1701
USS 800-0877
ALL 800-1881
ATT 800-0011
Spain MCI 900-99-0014
ALL 900-99-1450
ATT 900-99-0011
St Kitts ATT 1-800-872-2881
Sweden^ MCI 020-795-922 020-795-912
USS 020-799-011
ALL 020-793-934
ATT 020-795-611
Switzerland^ MCI 155-0222 155-5880
ALL 046-05-8812 (requires coin)
ATT 155-0011
ATT 046-05-0011 (requires coin)
Taiwan MCI 0080-1-34567
Thailand MCI Special Phones Only
Trinidad & Tobago MCI Special Phones Only 1-800-283-9977
Turkey+^ MCI 99-8001-1177
ATT 99-8001-2277
United Arab Emirates MCI 800-100-01
United Kingdom MCI 0800-89-0222 0800-89-1852
USS 0800-89-0877
ALL 0800-89-2695
ATT 0800-89-0011
Uruguay^ MCI 000-412
ATT 00-0410
Vatican City MCI 172-1022 1678-79073
Virgin Islands ATT 1-800-872-2881
Zimbabwe+ ATT 110-899
+ Limited Availability
* Wait for second dial tome
** Available from most major cities
| When dialing outside of Cairo, dial 02 first
^ May require coin at payphone
@ Requires calling card from carrier
MCI accepts MCI card, local US telephone card, Telecom Canada card, collect
USS - US Sprint accepts FONcard, local telephone card, collect
ALL - Allnet accepts Allnet Access Card........................
ATT - AT&T USA Direct (R) customer service call be reached collect at
+1 412 553 7458
The service goes buy various names for each IXC.. Here are the service mark
trademarks for each carrier listed.
USADirect is a registered trademark of AT&T Communications
Option USA is a service mark of Allnet Communications
Call USA is registered trade mark of MCI Communications
Sprint Express is a service mark of US Sprint Communications, LTD.
I hope these are accurate.
From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Tue Sep 24 00:20:32 1991
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23 Sep 91 6:06 CDT
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Date: Mon, 23 Sep 91 13:05
From: "Juergen, ZIEGLER" <UJ32%dkauni2.bitnet@eecs.nwu.edu>
Subject: MCI from Switzerland/Austria
To: telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
Message-Id: <"91-09-23-13:05:09.10*UJ32"@DKAUNI2.BITNET>
X-Envelope-To: telecom@EECS.NWU.EDU
Resent-Date: Mon, 23 Sep 91 23:20:17 CDT
Resent-From: telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
Resent-To: ptownson@gaak.LCS.MIT.EDU
Status: RO
Here are the access numbers for an MCI operator from Switzerland
and Austria. Since MCI offers its calling card to German citizens
as I explained in an earlier TD issue, this is maybe also the case
for citizens from Austria and Switzerland.
Here are the numbers:
MCI Operator 022 903 012
MCI Customer Service call operator
MCI Operator 155 0222
MCI Customer Service 155 5880
Ask them youself !
Save money !
| Internet : UJ32@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.dbp.de !
! X.400 : S=UJ32;OU=ibm3090;OU=rz;P=uni-karlsruhe;A=dbp;C=de !