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Date: Sat, 21 May 1994 22:08:50 edt
From: "Dale Wharton" <dale@dale.cam.org>
Message-Id: <2ddec07d.dale.CAM.ORG@dale.cam.org>
Subject: Glossary, special ops/LIC
Patrick: here is a list of US military acronyms, mainly for special
operations and "low intensity conflict." It contains so many telecom
items that you might be interested. Best wishes...
Dale Wharton dale@dale.cam.org M O N T R E A L Te souviens-tu?
8<--------------------------- cut here --------------------------->8
AABNCP Advance Airborne National Command Post
ACOUSTINT Acoustical Intelligence
AESOP Airborne Electro-optical Special Operations Payload
AFRIMP Air Force Reconnaissance and Intelligence Master Plan
AN/PAQ-4 Infrared arming light
APERS Antipersonnel fragmentation warhead
ASDS Advanced SEAL Delivery System
BECONET Beam Control Experimental Technology
BEEHIVE Flechette-loaded fragmentation shells
BETA Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition
BLU-26/B SADEYE One-lb fragmentation bomb with 600 lethal steel shards
BLU-42 WAAPM Wide-area antipersonnel bomb
BYEMAN Clearance category for highly secret signals
intelligence and satellite imaging data
C3CM Command, Control, and Communications Countermeasures
C4I Command/Control/Communications/Computers/Intelligence
CATIS Computer-Aided Tactical Information System
CEB Combined Effects Bomblet
CEOI Communications-Electronic Operating Instructions
CEP Circular Error Probable
CHALET Reconaissance satellite (National Security Agency)
CHIP Communications Handbook for Intelligence Planners
CIPHONY Enciphered telephone
CIRIS Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information System
COIN Counterinsurgency
COINS Community Online Intelligence System
COMIREX Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation
COPERNICUS Navy C4I architecture
CRIMP Crisis Management Plan
CRITICOMM Critical Intelligence Communications (National Security
Agency's world network for military/civilian leaders)
CUBIC Common User Baseline for Intelligence Community
DEFSMAC Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center
DIANE Digital Integrated Attack Navigator Equipment (Navy)
DIIP Defense Intelligence Interoperability Panel
DOCKLAMP Defense Attache System
DRSP Defense Reconnaissance Support Center
DRUID Secret information from a third party intercept
DTM Data Transfer Module
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
ECM Electronic Countermeasures
EFLS Electronic Filmless Camera System
EMERALD Counternarcotics database (Defense Intelligence Agency)
ENSCE Enemy Situation Correlation Element (Air Force)
EOCM Electro-Optical Countermeasures
ESI Extremely Sensitive Information
FID Foreign Internal Defense (Special Forces, SEALs
overseas training)
FIRMS Foreign Intelligence Relations Management System
FISINT Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence
FLEETSAT Fleet Satellite
FLIR Forward Looking Infrared Radar
GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program
GOLDFINGER Ocean surveillance data management system
HITS Human Intelligence Tasking System
HOMERUN Tactical electronic jamming system
HOTPHOTOREP Hot Photo interpretation Report
HOTSIT Hot Situation message
HTKP Hard Target Kill Potential
IDHS Intelligence Data Handling System
ILSP Integrated Logistic Support Plans
IMAAP Intelligence Mission Area Analysis Plan (Air Force)
IMD Intelligence Management Document
INCA Intelligence Communications Architecture (Def Int Agcy)
INEWS Integrated Electronic Warfare System (Air Force)
INSCOM Intelligence and Security Command (Army)
IPSP Intelligence Priorities for Strategic Planning
(forecasts covering years 1-10 in a 20-year span)
ISSMS Special Operations Signal Intelligence Manpack System
IUG Intelligence User's Guide (Defense Intelligence Agncy)
JASORS Joint Advance Special Operations Radio System
JCSP/Annex E Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan/Special Operations
JILE Joint Intelligence Liaison Element (CIA)
JITC Joint Interoperability Test Center (Army intelligence
center and school, Ft Huachuca AZ)
JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System
JSOSE Joint Special Operations Support Element
JSPS Joint Strategic Planning System
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
KISS Korean Intelligence Support System
LAAT Laser Augmented Airborne TOW (helicopter-mounted
antitank missile sight)
LAMPS Light Airborne Multipurpose System
LOROP Long Range Oblique Photography
LPI/LPD Low Probability Intercept/Low Probability Detection
LRRP Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
LTD/LRF Laser Target Designator/Laser Range Finder
MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detection (Navy)
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence
MAU(SOC) Marine Amphibious Unit (Special Ops Capable)
MDCI Multidisciplinary Counterintelligence
MEBE Middle East Basic Encyclopedia
MERIT Military Exploitation of Reconnaissance and
Intelligence Technology
MILSTAR Military Strategic, Tactical, and Relay (for satellite
MISREP Joint tactical air reconnaissance/surveillance Mission
MLS Microwave Landing System
MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain
MRASM Medium Range Air-to-Surface Missile
MTT Mobile Training Teams (Special Forces, overseas)
MUTES Multiple Threat Emitter System
NARCOG Narcotics Coordination Group
NAVSPECWARCOM Naval Special Warfare Command
NETCAP Tactical exploitation of national space Capabilities
NIPS Naval Intelligence Processing System
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format
NMSD National Military Strategy Document
NOD Night Observation Device
NOIAN National Operations and Intelligence Analysis Net
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NSOC National Signals intelligence Operations Center (NSA)
OPSEC Operations Security
OTAU Over The Air Updating
PAVE PAWS Phased-array radar system
PFADS Psychological operations Foreign Area Data Subsystem
PKO Peacekeeping Operation
PLSS Precision Location Strike System
POE Plan of Execution
PPBS Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (produces
a two-year budget for the Pentagon)
PSYOPS Psychological Operations
RATSCAT Radar Target Scatter System
RAWSII Raw Statement of Intelligence Interest
RECCEXREP Reconnaissance Exploitation Report
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle
SAGE Semiautomatic Ground Environment
SCRAP Super Caliber Rocket-Assisted Projectile (Army)
SEALS Sea/Air/Land commando teams (Navy)
SENTINEL BRIGHT Signals intelligence cryptology training (Air Force)
SERE Survival, Evasion, Resistance to interrogation (Army
training program)
SIGVOICE Special Interest Group on Voice (NSA)
SIPS Secondary Imagery Processing System (Defense Int Agncy)
SKYMASTER OV-2A reconnaissance aircraft
SLAR Side-Looking Aircraft Radar (used in reconnaissance
aircraft and satellites)
SLQ-33 Cover and deception hardware (Navy)
SOADS Special Operations Automated Data Base
SOCRATES Special Operations Research, Analysis, and Threat
Evaluation System (CIA "umbrella program")
SOF-ATS Special Operations Forces Aircrew Training System
SOFPARS Special Operations Forces Planning and Rehearsal System
SPICECOM Special Purpose Integrated Communications Equipment
SPINTCOMM Special Intelligence Communications (Defense Int Agncy)
SPIREP Spot Intelligence Report
STOC Special Technical Operations Center (Pentagon command
center for supersecret "black operations")
TACAMO Tactical Airborne Command communications aircraft
TAGINT Tagging Intelligence
T-AGOS Ocean surveillance ship
TECRAS Technical Reconnaissance and Surveillance
TIAP Theater Intelligence Architecture Program
TIARA Tactical Intelligence And Related Activities
TIGERSHARK F-20 jet fighter aircraft
TIP Target Intelligence Package
TMIP The Military Industrial impact Program
TPFDL Time, Phased Force, and Deployment List
TR-1 Current generation of U-2 reconnaissance aircraft
TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command (Army)
TRAM Target Recognition and Attack Multisensor
TRINE One of hundreds of self-contained, compartmented
"special access" programs requiring clearance beyond
Top Secret for the most sensitive intelligence
TRSSCOMM Technical Research Ship Special Communications
UDT Underwater Demolition Teams (Navy)
USAJFKSWCS John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School,
Ft Bragg NC (Army)
USALWL US Army Limited War Laboratory
USSOCOM US Special Operations Command
UWOA Unconventional Warfare Operational Area
VIGILANTE A-5 jet reconnaissance aircraft
VOODOO F-101 interceptor aircraft
WAAM Wide-Arm Antiarmor Munitions
WAR Weekly Activity Report (NSA)
WETEYE 750-lb chemical bomb with 403 lbs lethal GB (Sarin) gas
WICS Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
WTM World Target Mosaic
XPLT Exploitation
YG Garbage transport disposal craft (Navy)
The list is part of an analysis by Louis Wolf: "Refurbishing Special
Operations for the 1990s." It appeared in _Covert Action Quarterly_ #42,
Fall 1992 (Wolf is director of research and copublisher of the journal).
_Covert Action Quarterly_: ISSN 0275-309X (University Microfilms,
_Alternative Press Index_). Back issues available ($8 per copy in US)
from Covert Action Publications Inc, 1500 Massachusetts Ave NW (#732),
Washington DC 20005, phone (202) 331-9763, fax (202) 331-9751.