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- From ptownson@massis.lcs.mit.edu Wed Dec 13 12:50:18 1995
- Return-Path: <ptownson@massis.lcs.mit.edu>
- Received: by massis.lcs.mit.edu (8.7.1/NSCS-1.0S)
- id MAA23471; Wed, 13 Dec 1995 12:50:18 -0500 (EST)
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 12:50:18 -0500 (EST)
- From: ptownson@massis.lcs.mit.edu (Patrick A. Townson)
- Message-Id: <199512131750.MAA23471@massis.lcs.mit.edu>
- To: ptownson
- Subject: Congress: Indecency and the Internet
- The actions in the United States Congress this past week regarding the
- Internet and 'indecency' has spurred a considerable protest by many on
- the net. A "Day of Protest" -- which actually is going on all this
- week -- has been called. The articles below discuss it in detail.
- From: ROGOR@delphi.com
- Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 13:23:48 -0500 (EST)
- Subject: *** URGENT ACTION ALERT - Stop Net Censorship ***
- Do you oppose censorship? Do you want the "Religious Right" running
- our country? In the 1994 campaign, Republicans promised to "get
- government off the backs of the people." Now, under pressure from the
- Christian Coalition and other pro-censorship groups, the Congress is
- on the verge of passing legislation will impose extensive censorship
- on computer networks and online services.
- Last week, the House Conference Committee on Telecommunications Reform
- voted to approve a proposal to impose "decency" regulations on material
- transmitted on online services and computer networks, which represents a
- violation of the First Amendment freedom of speech rights of all
- Americans who use online services and networks.
- The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), an organization active in
- online policy issues, reported:
- "The provisions adopted today would make the Internet and Interactive
- media the most heavily regulated communications medium in the United
- States, and severely threaten the future of free expression and
- democratic values in the information age.
- "The proposal, if agreed to by the full conference committee, would
- impose $100,000 fines and prison terms for anyone who posts any
- "indecent" material, including the "7 dirty words", the text of classic
- works of fiction such as The Catcher In The Rye, or Ulysses, artwork
- containing images of nudes, rap lyrics, in a public forum.
- "CDT strongly opposes the legislation agreed to by the House conferees
- today. We believe this proposal threatens the very existence of the
- Internet as a means for free expression, education, and political
- discourse. The proposal is an unwarranted, unconstitutional intrusion
- by the Federal government into the private lives of all Americans."
- The proposal approved by the committee totally reverses the Cox/Wyden
- Internet Freedom and Family Empowerment Act that passed overwhelmingly
- in the House of Representatives on August 4 by a vote of 420 to 4. The
- Cox/Wyden Amendment was designed to protect free speech online and
- encourage the development of technologies to enable users and parents to
- be given the choice of blocking indecent material or material they
- consider offensive if they wish to do so.
- Christian Coalition spokesman Mike Russell stated "We felt we came out of
- this with a decisive victory." CDT executive director Jerry Berman
- stated "This action is indecent. The chilling effect on adult
- communications is enormous."
- In case you are not aware of activities planned in opposition to this
- legislation, I am forwarding to you a copy of a CDT alert regarding a
- National Day of Protest planned for Tuesday, December 12, that is being
- organized by a coalition of organizations supporting freedom of speech
- for online users (see next message).
- If you are interested in preserving freedom of expression and opposing
- online censorship, please join in contacting the key members of the
- House and Senate listed in the CDT message that follows, by phone, fax,
- or e-mail, and express your opposition to this legislation.
- You may also contact your Senators and Representative, and President
- Clinton, let them know your views on this issue, and ask them to vote
- against, and the President to veto, the final Telecommunications Reform
- Bill and any other legislation that includes provisions to censor our
- communications media and to restrict the freedom of speech of the
- American people.
- To contact the President, you can write/call/fax/e-mail:
- President Bill Clinton
- The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500
- Phone: (202) 456-1111 Fax: (202) 456-2461
- E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov
- To contact a Senator or Representative, you can write/call:
- Senator (Senator's full name)
- U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
- Representative (Representative's full name)
- U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515
- Phone: (202) 225-3121 (Main Capitol Switchboard)
- You can also obtain the office addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and
- e-mail addresses of your Senators and Representative, as well as voting
- records, campaign finance information, ratings by various interest
- groups, and a "U.S. Government: Owner's Manual", by contacting:
- Project Vote Smart
- 129 NW Fourth St. #204, Corvallis, OR 97330
- Phone: (503) 754-2746 Fax: (503) 754-2747
- E-mail: pvs@neu.edu WWW: http://www.vote-smart.org
- Voter's Research Hotline: (800) 622-SMART
- (Project Vote Smart is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit
- organization that provides "Voter's Self-Defense" information services.
- They do not accept contributions from political, corporate or special
- interests, or endorse or oppose any legislation or candidates. Join
- or support them if you can!)
- If you would like to obtain further information on the activities of the
- Religious Right, or to join or support organizations that are involved in
- monitoring the Religious Right and working to preserve our religious
- freedoms, the following are some organizations you can contact:
- The Interfaith Alliance
- 1511 K Street NW, #738, Washington, DC 20005
- Phone: (202) 639-6370
- E-mail: TIAlliance@intr.net WWW: http://www.intr.net/tialliance
- (The Interfaith Alliance's purpose is "to provide people of faith with
- an alternative to radical religious right groups who use religion as
- a weapon to promote an extreme political agenda." TIA state and local
- alliances "monitor radical right activity, shine the light on 'stealth'
- candidates, and speak out against groups and individuals who seek to
- manipulate religion for political gain.")
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State
- 1816 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, DC 20036
- Phone: (202) 466-3234
- E-mail: amerunited@aol.com
- WWW: http://www.netplexgroup.com/americansunited
- (The purpose of Americans United for Separation of Church and State is
- to "bolster support for the religious freedom provisions of the U.S.
- Constitution", and to "promote and defend church-state separation".)
- C.C. Watch
- 3741 NE 163rd St, #311, Sunny Isles, FL 33160-4104
- Phone: (305) 751-5001 Fax: (305) 759-7193
- E-Mail: Watch97@aol.com
- Subscription orders: (800) WATCH97 ($29.95 for a 1 year subscription)
- (C.C. Watch is "an electronic news service monitoring the religious
- right", whose aim is to "keep an eye on the Christian Coalition" and
- other "groups and individuals that use the Bible, faith and prayer
- aggressively for exclusive political gain." C.C. Watch operates an
- e-mail news network to provide subscribers with updates and alerts on
- the activities of the Religious Right.)
- People for the American Way
- 2000 M St. NW, #400, Washington, DC 20036
- Phone: (202) 467-4999
- Center for Democratic Renewal
- P.O. Box 50469, Atlanta, GA 30302-0469
- Phone: (404) 221-0025 Fax: (404) 221-0045
- E-mail: CDR@igc.apc.org
- (The Center for Democratic Renewal's mission is "to advance the vision
- of a democratic, diverse and just society free of racism and bigotry.")
- Institute for First Amendment Studies
- P.O. Box 589, Great Barrington, MA 01230
- Phone: (413) 528-3800 Fax: (413) 528-4466
- E-mail: ifas@berkshire.net WWW: http://www.berkshire.net/~ifas/
- (The Institute for First Amendment Studies is dedicated to "preserving
- First Amendment freedoms, with particular emphasis on the separation
- between church and state.")
- National Center for Science Education
- P.O. Box 9477, Berkeley, CA 94709-0477
- Phone: (510) 526-1674 or (800) 290-6006 Fax: (510) 526-1675
- E-mail: ncse@crl.com
- (The National Center for Science Education's goals are "improving and
- supporting evolution education, and assuring inclusion of evolution
- (and not sectarian "creation science") in public school curricula.")
- This Urgent Action Alert is provided by the Coalition of America, a
- public information project of Rowe Communication Services, dedicated to
- promoting freedom, equality and respect, social and economic justice,
- and a nation of opportunity and compassion.
- Please note that the organization listings in the message above are for
- your reference only, and do not imply endorsement by these organizations
- of the campaign to stop net censorship.
- Please distribute this message and the CDT message that follows to anyone
- you think may be interested. If you have already received this
- information from other sources, my apologies for the inconvenience!
- Thank you for your attention,
- Ron Rowe
- National Project Director
- Coalition of America
- Rowe Communication Services
- 2828 Cochran St. #283, Simi Valley, CA 93065
- Phone/Fax: (805) 579-3825 (voice calls: press "5" when machine answers)
- Voicemail: (805) 378-5530 E-mail: rogor@delphi.com
- >>> Please support the Human Rights and Freedom of Speech organizations
- of your choice! <<<
- >>> Be intolerant of intolerance! <<<
- >>> Stand up for freedom, equality and respect! Help make America a
- "kinder, gentler nation", not a "meaner, tougher nation"! <<<
- >>> "We are calling on all organizations concerned about retaining a
- pluralistic and just society to build a movement for social justice
- for the 21st century that advances true democracy and human rights."
- (Center for Democratic Renewal - The Monitor - Spring 1995) <<<
- >>> Be sure to exercise your right to vote - if the idea of voting for
- "the lesser of two evils" turns you off, remember that a lot of
- people will be voting for "the greater of two evils"! <<<
- From: ROGOR@delphi.com
- Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 13:24:19 -0500 (EST)
- Subject: CDT alert
- From: IN%"editor@cdt.org" 9-DEC-1995 21:05:01.38
- Subj: ALERT - Protest Internet Censorship Bills, Tues 12/12/95
- Date: Sat, 09 Dec 1995 21:05:13 -0500 (EST)
- From: editor@cdt.org
- Subject: ALERT - Protest Internet Censorship Bills, Tues 12/12/95
- To subscribers of CDT's policy-posts:
- CDT has joined forces with the ACLU, EFF, EPIC, and the Voters
- Telecommunications Watch (VTW), and other free speech groups to
- organize a National Day of Protest on Tuesday December 12, 1995
- against Congressional attempts to censor the Internet.
- We hope you will join us and hundreds of thousands of your fellow
- net.citizens in this effort.
- Congress is expected to cast a final vote on this issue next week.
- The fate of the Internet as a viable medium for free expression,
- education, and commerce hangs in the balance.
- Please take a moment to read the attached alert and get ready to
- flood Capitol Hill with phone calls, faxes, and email messages
- on Tuesday. Please also forward this alert to all of your wired
- friends.
- Together we *can* make a difference.
- Jonah Seiger
- (editor@cdt.org)
- On Tuesday December 12, 1995, Join With Hundreds of Thousands
- Of Your Fellow Internet Users In
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Internet Day of Protest: Tuesday December 12, 1995
- What You Must Do On Tuesday December 12, 1995
- List of Participating Organizations
- Where Can I Learn More?
- Outrageous proposals to censor the Internet demand that the Internet
- Community take swift and immediate action. We must stand up and let
- Congress know that we will not tolerate their attempts to destroy this
- medium! Please join hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens in a
- National Day of Protest on Tuesday December 12, 1995.
- As you know, on Wednesday December 6, 1995, the House Conference
- Committee on Telecommunications Reform voted to impose far reaching and
- unconstitutional "indecency" restrictions on the Internet and other
- interactive media, including large commercial online services (such as
- America Online, Compuserve, and Prodigy) and smaller Internet Service
- Providers such as Panix, the Well, Echo, and Mindvox.
- These restrictions threaten the very existence of the Internet and
- interactive media as a viable medium for free expression, education,
- commerce. If enacted, the Internet as we know it will never be the
- same.
- Libraries will not be able to put any books online that might
- offend a child somewhere. No "Catcher in the Rye" or "Ulysses" on the net.
- Internet Service Providers could face criminal penalties for allowing
- children to subscribe to their Internet Services, forcing many small
- companies to simply refuse to sell their services to anyone under 18. Worst
- of all, everything you say and publish on the net will have to be "dumbed
- down" to that which is acceptable to a child.
- As Internet users, we simply must not allow this assault against the
- Internet and our most basic freedoms to go unchallenged.
- On Tuesday December 12, the organizations below are urging you to
- join us in a NATIONAL DAY OF PROTEST. The goal is to flood key members of
- the House and Senate with phone calls, faxes and email with the message
- that the Internet community WILL NOT TOLERATE Congressional attempts to
- destroy the Internet, limit our freedoms and trample on our rights.
- Below are the phone, fax, and email address of several key members of
- Congress on this issue and instructions on what you can do to join the
- National Day of Protest to save the Net.
- 1. Throughout the day Tuesday December 12, please contact as many
- members of Congress on the list below as you can. If you are only
- able to make one call, contact House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Finally,
- if the Senator or Representative from your state is on the list
- below, be sure to contact him or her also.
- 2. Urge each Member of Congress to "stop the madness". Tell them that
- they are about to pass legislation that will destroy the Internet as
- an educational and commercial medium. If you are at a loss for
- words, try the following sample communique:
- Sample phone call:
- Both the House and Senate bills designed to protect children
- from objectionable material on the Internet will actually
- destroy the Internet as an medium for education, commerce, and
- political discourse. There are other, less restrictive ways to
- address this issue.
- I urge you to oppose both measures being proposed in the
- conference committee. This is an important election issue to
- me.
- Sample letter (fax or email):
- The Senate conferees are considering ways to protect children
- from inappropriate material on the Internet. A vote for either
- the House or Senate proposals will result in the destruction of
- the Internet as a viable medium for free expression, education,
- commerce. Libraries will not be able to put their entire book
- collections online. Everyday people like me will risk massive
- fines and prison sentences for public discussions someone s
- somewhere might consider "indecent".
- There are other, less restrictive ways to protect children from
- objectionable material online. This is an important election
- issue to me.
- 3. If you're in San Francisco, or near enough to get there, go to
- the Rally Against Censorship from Ground Zero of the Digital Revolution:
- WHEN: Monday, December 11, 1995 12:00 - 1:00 PM
- WHERE: South Park (between 2nd and 3rd, Bryant and Brannon) San Francisco.
- SPEAKERS: To be announced
- BRING: Attention-grabbing posters, signs, and banners that demonstrate
- your committment to free speech and expression, and your feelings
- about Congress.
- FOR UPDATED INFORMATION (including rain info):
- http://www.hotwired.com/staff/digaman/
- 4. Mail a note to protest@vtw.org to let us know you did your part.
- Although you will not receive a reply due to the number of
- anticipated responses, we'll be counting up the number of people that
- participated in the day of protest.
- P ST Name and Address Phone Fax
- = == ======================== ============== ==============
- R AK Stevens, Ted 1-202-224-3004 1-202-224-1044
- R AZ McCain, John 1-202-224-2235 1-602-952-8702
- senator_mccain@mccain.senate.gov
- D HI Inouye, Daniel K. 1-202-224-3934 1-202-224-6747
- R KS Dole, Robert 1-202-224-6521 1-202-228-1245
- D KY Ford, Wendell H. 1-202-224-4343 1-202-224-0046
- wendell_ford@ford.senate.gov
- R MS Lott, Trent 1-202-224-6253 1-202-224-2262
- R MT Burns, Conrad R. 1-202-224-2644 1-202-224-8594
- conrad_burns@burns.senate.gov
- D NE Exon, J. J. 1-202-224-4224 1-202-224-5213
- D SC Hollings, Ernest F. 1-202-224-6121 1-202-224-4293
- senator@hollings.senate.gov
- R SD Pressler, Larry 1-202-224-5842 1-202-224-1259
- larry_pressler@pressler.senate.gov
- R WA Gorton, Slade 1-202-224-3441 1-202-224-9393
- senator_gorton@gorton.senate.gov
- D WV Rockefeller, John D. 1-202-224-6472 n.a.
- senator@rockefeller.senate.gov
- Dist ST Name, Address, and Party Phone Fax
- ==== == ======================== ============== ==============
- 6 GA Gingrich, Newt (R) 1-202-225-4501 1-202-225-4656
- 2428 RHOB georgia6@hr.house.gov
- 14 MI Conyers Jr., John (D) 1-202-225-5126 1-202-225-0072
- 2426 RHOB jconyers@hr.house.gov
- 1 CO Schroeder, Patricia (D) 1-202-225-4431 1-202-225-5842
- 2307 RHOB
- 18 TX Jackson-Lee, Sheila (D) 1-202-225-3816 1-202-225-3317
- 1520 LHOB
- 6 TN Gordon, Bart (D) 1-202-225-4231 1-202-225-6887
- 2201 RHOB
- 4. Forward this alert to all of your wired friends.
- At this moment, there are several organizations with WWW sites that now
- have, or will have, information about the net censorship legislation and
- the National Day Of Protest:
- American Civil Liberties Union (ftp://ftp.aclu.org/aclu/)
- Center for Democracy and Technology (http://www.cdt.org/)
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (http://www.eff.org/)
- Electronic Privacy Information Center (http://www.epic.org/)
- Wired Magazine (http://www.hotwired.com/special/indecent/)
- Voters Telecommunications Watch (http://www.vtw.org/)
- In order to use the net more effectively, several organizations have
- joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the
- Communications Decency Act.
- American Civil Liberties Union * American Communication Association *
- American Council for the Arts * Arts & Technology Society * Association
- of Alternative Newsweeklies * biancaTroll productions * Boston
- Coalition for Freedom of Expression * Californians Against Censorship
- Together * Center For Democracy And Technology * Centre for Democratic
- Communications * Center for Public Representation * Citizen's Voice -
- New Zealand * Cloud 9 Internet *Computer Communicators Association *
- Computel Network Services * Computer Professionals for Social
- Responsibility * Cross Connection * Cyber-Rights Campaign * CyberQueer
- Lounge * Dorsai Embassy * Dutch Digital Citizens' Movement * ECHO
- Communications Group, Inc. * Electronic Frontier Canada * Electronic
- Frontier Foundation * Electronic Frontier Foundation - Austin *
- Electronic Frontiers Australia * Electronic Frontiers Houston *
- Electronic Frontiers New Hampshire * Electronic Privacy Information
- Center * Feminists For Free Expression * First Amendment Teach-In *
- Florida Coalition Against Censorship * FranceCom, Inc. Web Advertising
- Services * Friendly Anti-Censorship Taskforce for Students * Hands
- Off! The Net * Inland Book Company * Inner Circle Technologies, Inc. *
- Inst. for Global Communications * Internet On-Ramp, Inc. * Internet
- Users Consortium * Joint Artists' and Music Promotions Political Action
- Committee * The Libertarian Party * Marijuana Policy Project *
- Metropolitan Data Networks Ltd. * MindVox * MN Grassroots Party *
- National Bicycle Greenway * National Campaign for Freedom of Expression
- * National Coalition Against Censorship * National Gay and Lesbian Task
- Force * National Public Telecomputing Network * National Writers Union
- * Oregon Coast RISC * Panix Public Access Internet * People for the
- American Way * Republican Liberty Caucus * Rock Out Censorship *
- Society for Electronic Access * The Thing International BBS Network *
- The WELL * Voters Telecommunications Watch
- (Note: All 'Electronic Frontier' organizations are independent entities,
- not EFF chapters or divisions.)
- End Alert
- TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Although technical difficulties here
- prevented this message from going out earlier this week, it still is
- not too late to send your messages as described above should you wish
- to do so. PAT]