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- 6 Mar 95 5:30 EST
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- id AA27822; Mon, 6 Mar 95 00:56:23 CST
- Date: Mon, 6 Mar 95 00:56:23 CST
- From: telecom@delta.eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Digest (Patrick Townson))
- Message-Id: <9503060656.AA27822@delta.eecs.nwu.edu>
- To: telecom
- Subject: Legal Notice: MCI Class Action Lawsuit Settlement
- The following is a legal notice. It is intended for the persons described
- in the lines in UPPER CASE below. If you are a person described in the UPPER
- CASE lines below, then please read this notice carefully, as your rights may
- be affected. Before taking any action as a result of this notice, you
- should show this notice to your attorney, and seek the advice of your
- attorney regards an appropriate response.
- -------------------------------
- In 1991 and 1992, two class action lawsuits were filed against MCI Tele-
- communications, Inc. These are commonly known as the Andrews Action and
- the Harper Action. They are identified in court records as:
- Andrews Action, Docket CV 191-175
- Harper Action, Docket CV 192-134
- both in the United States District Court for the Southern District of
- Georgia, Augusta Division.
- Summary of Notice of Pendency and Proposed Settlements of Class Actions
- as to MCI Telecommunications, Inc. and Settlement Hearing.
- Settlement Agreements have been reached between MCI Telecommunications,
- Inc. (hereinafter MCI) and Plaintiffs in two class action lawsuits pending
- against MCI. The lawsuit docket identification numbers are listed above.
- In the Andrews lawsuit, it is alleged that MCI and other defendants who
- are not participating in the proposed settlement violated federal racketeering
- and communications laws by operating an illegal gambling business and
- accepting wagers using 900 number programs offering sweepstakes, games of
- chance, awards, 'free' prizes, gifts or information on unclaimed funds.
- During the course of the Andrews litigation, the Plaintiff filed documents
- with the Court which further alleges the defendant MCI and other defendants
- committed racketeering by engaging in wire and mail fraud in connection
- with these 900 number programs.
- In the Harper lawsuit, plaintiff alleges that MCI and other defendants
- who are not participating in the proposed settlement committed the offense
- of racketeering by engaging in mail fraud and wire fraud in connection with
- 900 number programs offering financial information programs, credit
- cards, credit repair, catalog cards, or information on how to obtain
- credit cards and make adjustments to the record in credit reports.
- MCI and the other defendants have expressly denied and continue to deny
- all the allegations of the plaintiffs Harper and Andrews. The Court has
- not yet ruled on the merits of the allegations or claims against the
- defendants or the defenses given by any defendant.
- The Court, for the purposes of settlement only, preliminarily certified
- the following classes:
- 1) In Andrews, the Settlement Class consists of all persons who between
- January 1, 1988 and November 1, 1994:
- a) paid for one or more telephone calls to 900 numbers where the
- 900 number was maintained by MCI in connection with programs offering
- sweepstakes, wagering, games of chance, awards, free prizes, gifts
- or information on unclaimed funds; and
- b) did not receive a credit or refund of any kind from MCI and/or
- any other telephone company for each paid call.
- 2) In Harper, the Settlement Class consists of all persons who between
- January 1, 1988 and November 1, 1994:
- a) paid for one or more telephone calls to 900 numbers where the
- 900 number was maintained by MCI in connection with programs offering
- financial information services, credit cards, credit repair, catalog
- cards, or information on how to obtain credit cards, how to effect
- changes and/or adjustments in credit bureau reports; and,
- b) did not receive a credit or refund of any kind from MCI and/or
- any other telephone company for each paid call.
- MCI, while completely denying liability, has agreed that a settlement
- with the Andrews Settlement Class and the Harper Settlement Class is
- is appropriate and fair. The Court has yet to rule on the fairness or
- appropriateness of the settlement offer.
- MCI has made available $43 million in long distance certificates (herein-
- after, 'Certificates') to cover potential claims by members of the
- Settlement Classes. Persons who paid for sweepstakes-type 900 calls
- and claim a loss occured to them may be eligible to claim Certificates
- for long distance services up to a maximum of $40.00, net of any refunds
- or credits previously paid by MCI and/or any other telephone company.
- Persons who paid for credit card/credit information type 900 calls may
- be eligible to claim Certificates for long distance service up to a
- maximum of $50.00 net of any refunds or credits previously paid by MCI
- and/or any other telephone company. The Certificates are non-transferrable
- and must be used exclusively toward charges for making future long distance
- calls on MCI's network.
- The Settlement Class(es) Member does not have to be an MCI customer to
- use the Certificates. A universal, toll-free access number will be
- provided for non-MCI customers who receive Certificates. MCI customers who
- receive Certificates will be able to use them through normal and conventional
- dialing procedures, commonly known as 'one plus'.
- MCI reserves the right to investigate and challenge any claims submitted
- and may use available data in its possession to verify the information
- provided. Fraudulent claims presented to MCI will be at its option prose-
- cuted by the Court. In addition, $17 million is included in the amount of
- the settlement for attorney fees and Court costs, including the fee of the
- administrator employed by the Court to oversee the settlement process.
- The proposed settlement with MCI does not include other defendants in the
- litigation. It does not include any payments made for telephone calls to
- 900 numbers provided by AT&T, Sprint, or any other telephone company. It
- does not affect any rights you may have in relation to calls made to such
- 900 numbers or the telephone company which provided the number or established
- the connection.
- AT&T and Sprint expressly are not participating in the proposed settlement
- between MCI and the Plaintiffs.
- In the event the Court detirmines that the proposed settlement with MCI
- is fair, adequate and reasonable, a Proof of Claim form will be mailed to
- all members of the Settlement Classes who request it. The Proof of
- Claim forms must be properly filled out and submitted in order for a
- Settlement Class member to receive a Certificate. The Proof of Claim form
- will require the Settlement Class member to provide the following inform-
- ation:
- 1) His or her name and current address;
- 2) his or her current telephone number;
- 3) the telephone number(s) used to place each call for which
- a claim is submitted;
- 4) whether the telephone number was used to call 900 numbers
- offering sweepstakes-type programs and/or credit card/credit
- information type programs;
- 5) the actual or estimated payment for such calls, less any
- credits or refunds given by any Plaintiff or telephone
- company;
- 6) other identifying information about the member of the
- Settlement Classes the Court may require for its convenience
- in administering claims presented to it.
- If the total amount of valid claims exceeds $43 million, the amount of
- each class member's valid claim will be reduced on a pro-rated basis
- among all the members of the Settlement Classes. If the total amount
- of valid claims is less than $43 million, the residue of Certificates
- will be distributed to charitable organizations over a five year period.
- If members of the Settlement Classes do not wish to remain a member for
- purposes of the proposed settlement, they may exclude themselves from
- one or both of the Settlement Classes by submitting a Request for
- Exclusion in writing. All Requests for Exclusion must be signed by or
- or behalf of the class member requesting exclusion and must be sent by
- mail postmarked no later than May 12, 1995 to the address given below.
- By excluding yourself, you will not be entitled to share in any of
- the settlement, should same be approved by the Court, but you will be
- entitled to take actions of your own you deem proper and appropriate at
- some later time against MCI and/or the other defendants.
- Class members who wish to remain a member of one or both of these
- Settlement Classes do not have to do anything. The interests of Settlement
- Classes members are represented by Class Plaintiff's Counsel, whose name
- is shown below. If you remain a member of one or both Settlement Classes
- then you are bound by the terms of any Final Judgment that may be
- entered and will be deemed to have released MCI from all possible causes
- of action related to these lawsuits. You will not, however, be bound
- in reference to the other non-participating defendants, and further action
- against the non-participating defendants is still possible.
- The Court will hold a hearing at the United States District Court for
- the Southern Division of Georgia, Augusta Division, 985 Broad Street,
- Augusta, Georgia 30901 on June 1, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. to detirmine whether
- the proposed settlements of the Andrews and Harper class actions against
- MCI should be approved as fair, adequate and reasonable and to detirmine
- the amount of the attorney's fees and reimbursement of litigation costs
- and expenses that should be awarded to Class Plaintiff's Counsel.
- Any member of the Settlement Classes who has not submitted a Request For
- Exclusion may object to the terms of the proposed settlements and to
- the petition by Class Plaintiff's Counsel for attorney's fees and
- reimbursement of litigation costs and expenses and may appear at the
- Settlement Hearing.
- In order to object, the class member must file a written objection with
- the Court at the above address by May 12, 1995, with copies sent to
- Class Plaintiff's Counsel and counsel for MCI at the addresses given
- below. Any such objection or request to address the Court must state
- each specific reason the proposed settlements should not be approved
- and/or the specific reason the petitioning member of the class(es)
- wishes to address the Court. Legal support and citations should be
- included with each specific request.
- Contacts are:
- Attornies for Class Plaintiffs:
- Melvyn I. Weiss, Esq. John C. Bell, Esq.
- Michael C. Spencer, Esq. (or) Pamela S. James, Esq.
- Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach Bell & James
- One Pennsylvania Plaza 619 Greene Street, Box 1547
- New York, NY 10119 (or) Augusta, GA 30901
- Counsel for MCI:
- John P. Wintrol, Esq.
- Eugene I. Goldman, Esq.
- McDermott, Will & Emery
- 1850 K Street N.W.
- Washington, DC 20006
- To register as a member of the Settlement Class(es) or to request a
- Request for Exclusion, or for other information including a complete
- copy of the terms of settlement which are expressed in summary above:
- Administrator
- 900 Number Class Actions
- Post Office Box 1707
- Augusta, GA 30903
- You may telephone the Administrator to request addition or exclusion from
- the Settlement Class(es) if desired: 1-800-871-5409
- but completed forms including your signature must be returned by mail.
- ONLY. TELEPHONE 1-800-871-5409.
- DO NOT telephone the Court or the Clerk of the Court.
- DO NOT telephone the attornies for the Plaintiff Class or the Defendant.
- DO NOT telephone MCI Telecommunications, Inc, its service representatives
- or the representatives of any other telephone company regards this
- matter.
- DO NOT respond by electronic mail to the originator of this posting nor
- attempt to discuss this proceeding with the Court, the attornies
- or MCI through electronic mail.
- ALL INQUIRIES must be addressed to the Administrator, and Requests for
- Exclusion, or to address the Court if you choose to file one, must be
- mailed to the Administrator with copies mailed to the attornies listed
- above.
- 985 Broad Street
- Augusta, GA 30901
- Dated: December 14, 1994
- ------------------------------
- If you are a member of the Settlement Class(es) described at the beginning
- of this notice, you have been served notice by this publication of same.
- Always consult your attorney for advice before proceeding in any legal
- matter. Show this notice to your attorney.