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- Received: from delta.eecs.nwu.edu by MINTAKA.LCS.MIT.EDU id aa16538;
- 3 Oct 94 18:31 EDT
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- id AA04740; Mon, 3 Oct 94 11:40:15 CDT
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- Received: by delta.eecs.nwu.edu (4.1/SMI-4.0-proxy)
- id AA04723; Mon, 3 Oct 94 11:39:59 CDT
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 11:39:59 CDT
- From: telecom@delta.eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Digest (Patrick Townson))
- Message-Id: <9410031639.AA04723@delta.eecs.nwu.edu>
- To: telecom
- Subject: Status of Regional PCS Bidding; Remote PCS Bidding Requirements
- Bob Keller, a Washington, DC attorney specializing in telecommunications
- law and proprietor of the FCC BBS (aka telecomlaw.com) has been a
- participant in TELECOM Digest for quite some time. He has submitted a
- public notice issued by the Federal Communications Commission which should
- be of interest to many Digest readers, and it appears below. This will
- become a permanent file in the Telecom Archives. My thanks to Bob for
- sending it along. First is a status report, followed by remote bidding
- requirements.
- Patrick Townson
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:01:24 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Bob Keller <rjk@telcomlaw.com>
- Subject: Status of Regional PCS Applications
- September 28, 1994
- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has received 53
- applications to participate in the Regional Narrowband Personal
- Communication Service (PCS) license auction beginning October
- 26, 1994, at the Postal Square Building, Washington, D.C.
- These applications have been reviewed for completeness and
- compliance with the Commission's rules and have been classified
- into three categories:
- Each of these categories has been sorted and is presented in
- one of two formats: one lists the applications alphabetically
- by name of the applicant and the other sorts the markets
- numerically, with each applicant for that specific market
- listed alphabetically.
- Unless otherwise directed by the FCC, those applications which
- are ACCEPTABLE FOR FILING need no further action with respect
- to their applications before auction day except to submit their
- upfront payments and to keep their applications up to date.
- See Section 1.65, 47 C.F.R., Part 1 of the FCC Rules. These
- applicants are identified in Attachment A to this Public Notice.
- Those applications in the INCOMPLETE category are identified in
- Attachment B; these applications must be amended or
- supplemented to correct minor deficiencies indicated in the
- Block Number corresponding to block in their Form 175
- applications that is unacceptable. (The Block Numbers are
- further defined in the legend included with the attachment.)
- Whether mailed, hand delivered or sent by private courier, the
- amended Form 175 or supplement is due no later than 5:30 PM EDT
- Wednesday, October 5, 1994, at Tradewinds International, Inc.,
- General Aviation Terminal, Suite 219, No. 7 Thomas Avenue,
- Washington National Airport, Washington, D.C. 20001. A new
- Form 175 correcting the identified deficiency(ies) and signed
- with an original signature, including any supplementary
- information required, must be received at Tradewinds prior to
- the cutoff date and time or the application will be dismissed.
- In addition, three (3) microfiche copies of the corrected
- applications are required for all applications in excess of
- five (5) pages. Amendments will not be accepted at any other
- location, and this will be the only opportunity to correct your
- Form 175. Faxed amendments are unacceptable, and late
- amendments will not be accepted. No new applications will be
- accepted.
- All applicants should note that the upfront payment for this
- auction is due at Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by
- 11:59 PM ET, October 5, 1994, in accordance with the
- Procedures, Terms and Conditions for this auction as contained
- in the Bidder's Information Package. The revised Form 175 is
- due October 5, 1994. Thus, applicants submitting corrected
- Form 175 applications must submit their upfront payment amount
- by the required due date without knowing if the corrected
- application is accepted for filing. Upfront payments will be
- refunded in the event that a corrected application is found
- unacceptable. If the corrected application is not accepted,
- the upfront payment will be refunded. Those applications that
- are UNACCEPTABLE FOR FILING are identified in Attachment C to
- this Public Notice. These applicants cannot participate in
- this auction.
- Another Public Notice will be issued after amendments to Form
- 175 or supplementary submissions have been received and
- processed which will list all applicants eligible to bid at the
- auction. Additional applications that are unacceptable for
- filing will also be listed but will be ineligible to
- participate in the auction.
- For further information or inquiries related to application
- status, please contact Tradewinds International, the
- Commission's auction contractor at 202-637-3221 or by facsimile
- at 202-637- 3222.
- - FCC -
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:02:21 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Bob Keller <rjk@telcomlaw.com>
- Subject: Remote Electronic PCS Bidding
- October 3, 1994
- This Public Notice details the various bidding options that
- will be available to bidders in the FCC's October 26, 1994
- auction of regional narrowband PCS licenses, and announces a
- series of auction simulations beginning October 10, 1994 that
- the FCC will conduct to further test the remote access bidding
- option.
- Bidders that have qualified for the regional narrowband auction
- will have three bidding options: remote electronic bidding,
- telephonic bidding and on-site bidding. A detailed discussion
- of each option follows.
- A. Remote Access Bidding
- After completing initial testing of the FCC Auction Bidding
- System and FCC Auction Line, the FCC has decided to offer
- applicants that qualify to participate in the regional
- narrowband PCS auction beginning October 26, 1994 the option of
- bidding electronically from remote locations. Applicants who
- are interested in the remote bidding option should complete and
- return the FCC Auction Line Order Form included in the regional
- narrowband PCS Bidder's Information Package no later than
- Wednesday, October 5, 1994. Applicants may request delivery of
- their Auction Line set-up kit either by Federal Express or UPS
- overnight delivery. The set-up kit, along with a login code and
- password, will be mailed separately from the bidder
- identification number and may only be delivered to the
- applicant at the applicant's address specified on the FCC Form
- 175 application. Applicants may also have one of the authorized
- representatives designated on their Form 175 application pick
- up their set-up kit, login code and password beginning Friday,
- October 7th, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at:
- FCC Auction Line
- c/o Businesses Information Network
- 9400 Livingston Road, Suite 420
- Ft. Washington, MD 20744
- For those applicants that wish to pick up their set-up kit,
- login code and password, only authorized representatives with
- two forms of identification (one form of photo identification
- and one additional form of identification) will be permitted to
- obtain a software kit on the applicant's behalf. Applicants
- who have submitted this Order Form will not be required to
- register in person for the auction. However, as a
- precautionary measure, bidders who elect to bid by remote
- access should have designated at least one individual who will
- be present in Washington, D.C. during the course of the auction
- as one of their authorized representatives on their FCC Form
- 175 application.
- The software set-up kit, login code and password will be mailed
- immediately after receipt of an applicant's Order Form if a
- delivery method has been selected. Each applicant's bidder
- identification number will be mailed after the FCC issues a
- Public Notice announcing all qualified bidders.
- There will be a $200 charge for the software set-up kit.
- Additionally, on-line users will be charged a $23 per hour
- on-line access charge for submitting bids, withdrawing bids and
- downloading auction round results.
- In order to use the remote bidding option applicants will need
- to have the following hardware:
- + an IBM compatible XT or greater computer and 1
- megabyte of RAM and a hard disk drive (the remote
- access bidding software for Macintosh is not yet
- available);
- + a Modem (2400 - 14.4 Baud);
- + a standard telephone line; and
- + a fax machine.
- B. Telephonic Bidding
- Bidders in the regional narrowband PCS auction will also be
- able to submit and withdraw bids by telephone. Qualified
- applicants interested in bidding by telephone should complete
- the attached registration form and mail it no later than
- October 8, 1994 to:
- Tradewinds International, Inc.
- Attention: Narrowband PCS Processing
- General Aviation Terminal, Hanger 7
- No. 7 Thomas Avenue
- Washington National Airport
- Washington, D.C. 20001
- Qualified bidders may request delivery of their auction system
- login code and password either via Federal Express or UPS
- Overnight Delivery. The Auction system login code and password
- will be mailed separately from the bidder identification number
- and may only be delivered to the applicant at the applicant's
- address specified on the FCC Form 175 application. Applicants
- may also have one of their authorized representatives
- designated on their Form 175 application pick up their login
- code, password and bidder identification number during the
- auction registration periods.
- Bidders electing to bid via telephone who do not want their
- login code, password and bidder identification number mailed
- will be required to have one of their authorized
- representatives register in person at the auction site.
- Registration will held from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
- October 25, 1994 and from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday,
- October 26, 1994 at the auction site, Postal Square Building, 2
- Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002.
- Qualified applicants selecting this option may place and
- withdraw their bids by calling an FCC authorized bid operator
- who will be located at the auction site. The telephone number
- will be provided in the registration package, which will be
- sent only to qualified bidders at the applicant address listed
- on the FCC Form 175. Only authorized representatives specified
- on an applicant's FCC Form 175 will be permitted to place bids
- by telephone. As a precautionary measure, the FCC will record
- all bid and withdrawal transactions conducted by telephone.
- The bid operator will input the applicant's bid or withdrawal
- into the system. Bidders will receive a hard copy bid
- confirmation which will be sent by facsimile.
- C. On-Site Bidding
- Alternatively, applicant's may elect to bid on-site in
- Washington at the Postal Square Building Bidders electing to
- bid on-site will be required to have one of their authorized
- representatives register in person at the auction site.
- Registration will held from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
- October 25, 1994 and from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday,
- October 26, 1994 at the auction site. A login code, password
- and bidder identification number will be provided to each
- qualified applicant during the on-site registration. All
- applicants registering on-site will be required to submit two
- forms of identification, one form of photo identification
- (e.g., a valid driver's license or passport) and one additional
- form of identification.
- D. General Bidding Procedures/Round Results
- Bidders may elect any combination of bidding options outlined
- above. In order to submit or withdraw bids using any of the
- bidding options, qualified applicants must have a login code,
- password, bidder identification number and FCC account number.
- The high bids and all acceptable bids will be available after
- the bid submission period ends in each round. Withdrawn bids
- and high bids, reflecting any withdrawals will be available
- once the bid withdrawal period ends in each round. In
- addition, the minimum acceptable bid for the next round will be
- available at the end of each round. Hard copy results reports
- will be made available to on-site bidders. Electronic round
- results may be obtained through the FCC Auction Line (Business
- Information Network) in DBF and ASCII file formats and through
- Internet. Therefore those bidders that choose only telephonic
- bidding will have access to round results only over the
- Internet.
- The Federal Communications Commission plans to offer potential
- bidders who may want to use the remote access bidding option
- the opportunity to conduct independent auction simulations or
- participate in auction simulations with other bidders. The
- objectives of these simulations are to allow industry
- participants to familiarize themselves with the auction
- software and to provide the FCC with additional input from
- bidders to facilitate the creation of the most user-friendly,
- reliable bidding software possible.
- A. General Information
- Two types of auction simulations may be conducted depending on
- the level of interest in each simulation. The first simulation
- will allow participants from the same company the opportunity
- to conduct an independent mock auction ("Mock Auction"). The
- second scenario will allow each participant the opportunity to
- participate in an auction simulation with other bidders
- ("Auction Simulation").
- Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served
- basis but applicants who are registered for the regional
- narrowband auction will be given preference. Participation in
- these tests is not guaranteed. Additional tests in the same or
- similar format will be conducted after the regional narrowband
- PCS auction. Interested parties must complete the attached FCC
- Remote Access Bidding Mock/Simulated Auction Order Form and
- return it to Business Information Network via facsimile at
- (301) 248-1606 no later than 5:00 EDT Monday, October 3, 1994
- to register to participate either in a Mock Auction or an
- Auction Simulation. Applicants will not be allowed to
- participate in both the Mock Auction and the Auction Simulation
- unless space permits so that we may accommodate the maximum
- number of participants.
- Bidders participating in the Mock Auction and Auction
- Simulation will bid from remote locations through the use of a
- value added network. In order to cover the Commission's
- expenses in running these tests, there will be a charge of
- approximately $500 per user to participate in a Mock Auction
- and approximately $300 per company to participate in an Auction
- Simulation as well as a $23 per hour on-line access charge to
- submit and withdraw bids and download results. Fifty percent
- of the maximum on-line access time must be paid in advance.
- Unused time can be applied to future auctions or simulations.
- These costs include a communications software package that may
- be re-used to bid from remote locations in future FCC auctions.
- All registered participants will be sent a communications
- software package, login code, password, FCC account number and
- bidder identification number which are pre-registered with the
- FCC. The communications software package will contain complete
- instructions regarding software installation, network access,
- bidder identification and bid entry. Each profile assumes that
- the participant has applied for all the regional narrowband
- licenses and has submitted an up-front payment for every
- license to provide for maximum flexibility in the testing.
- An on-line suggestion box will be available for participants'
- feedback as to the software's performance. Additionally, a help
- line will be available to answer questions during the tests.
- B. Mock Auctions
- The Mock Auctions will begin on Monday, October 10th and will
- continue for five days. Each auction will consist of
- approximately 20 rounds, four each day. Each round will last
- approximately one hour and will be divided as follows: (a) 45
- minutes for bid submission; (b) 10 minutes for bid withdrawal;
- and (c) 5 minutes for round results.
- C. Auction Simulations
- The Auction Simulations will be held beginning Monday, October
- 10th. Each Auction Simulation will consist of approximately
- four rounds. Each round will last approximately one hour and
- will be divided as follows: (a) 45 minutes for bid submission;
- (b) 10 minutes for bid withdrawal; and (c) 5 minutes for round
- results.
- Applicant
- Name _______________________________________________
- Address* _______________________________________________
- _______________________________________________
- _______________________________________________
- Phone _______________________________________________
- Fax _______________________________________________
- Modem # _______________________________________________
- Method of Delivery of Login Code/Password
- ___ Federal Express - Billing Number ___________________
- ___ UPS Overnight Delivery Airborne
- Billing Number ________________________________
- ___ Pick up by Authorized Representative**
- * Login code/password and confidential bidder identification
- number (BIN) will be sent in two separate mailings to the
- address specified on the FCC Form 175 application submitted
- by your firm.
- ** Only those authorized representatives designated on an
- applicant's Form 175 (with proper identification) will be
- allowed to pick up the system access codes.
- Type of Auction: _____ Mock _____ Simulated
- Number of People Participating (Mock Auction Only): __________
- Name of contact person: ______________________________________
- Participants: ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- Company ____________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________
- Phone ________________ Fax ________________
- Are you an applicant for the October 26th regional narrowband
- PCS auction?
- Yes ______ No _____
- Size of IBM disk_______ 3.5" ________ 5.0"
- Delivery Method
- _____ Fedex Account Number _______________
- _____ UPS Account Number _______________
- _____ Pick Up
- Method of Payment:
- _____ Amex _____ Visa _____ Mastercard
- (exact costs to be determined)
- Name on Card ___________________
- Card Number ___________________
- Expiration ___________________
- Signature ___________________
- Please fax to:
- FCC Auction Line
- Fax: 301-248-1606
- - FCC -
- --
- FCC documents ported from ftp.fcc.gov by:
- Bob Keller (KY3R)
- Robert J. Keller, P.C. (Federal Telecommunications Law)
- <rjk@telcomlaw.com> Tel: 301-229-5208 Fax: 301-229-6875
- 4200 Wisconsin Ave NW #106-261 Washington DC 20016-2146