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- From telecom@delta.eecs.nwu.edu Tue Jan 12 00:46:29 1993
- Received: from delta.eecs.nwu.edu by gaak.LCS.MIT.EDU via TCP with SMTP
- id AA02647; Tue, 12 Jan 93 00:46:25 EST
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- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ptownson@gaak.lcs.mit.edu); Mon, 11 Jan 1993 23:46:15 -0600
- Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 23:46:15 -0600
- From: TELECOM Moderator <telecom@delta.eecs.nwu.edu>
- Message-Id: <199301120546.AA14163@delta.eecs.nwu.edu>
- To: ptownson@gaak.LCS.MIT.EDU
- Subject: Bellcore Public Documents
- Status: RO
- >From telecom Fri Jan 8 08:33:19 1993
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- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for \telecom); Fri, 8 Jan 1993 08:33:16 -0600
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- To: telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
- Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 08:31:03 CST
- From: varney@ihlpl.att.com
- Newsgroups: comp.dcom.telecom
- Path: varney
- Subject: Bellcore NPA/NXX information
- Reply-To: Al Varney <varney@ihlpl.ih.att.com>
- Organization: AT&T
- Distribution: na
- Message-Id: <1993Jan8.143043.14607@cbnewsd.cb.att.com>
- Lines: 118
- Status: RO
- Patrick,
- Several folks have asked for information available in some form
- from Bellcore -- and my e-mail to them failed. Perhaps you could post
- this AND include it in FAQ or archive. Thanks.
- To Bob Larribeau at <p00136@psilink.com>, asking for NPA/NXX information:
- Information about which LEC "owns" an NPA/NXX, and lots of other
- data you might want, is in several Bellcore "products". For example,
- the NPA-NXX V&H Coordinates Tape (primarily for billing) contains the
- OCN (Operating Company Number) for each NXX -- you can translate that
- to an LEC (or equivalent in Canada/Caribbean).
- To Richard Cox, who asked for information on the NPA/NXX activity guide:
- I tried to reply, but both <cix.comp@compulink.co.uk> and
- <att!compulink.co.uk!cix.comp> didn't work; SMTP says 'compulink.co.uk'
- is unknown.
- -----
- So, I've attached a canned response I use for questions about Bellcore,
- but the telephone numbers correspond to the normal TR/TA document center.
- The NPA/NXX information is maintained by the (somewhat) separate Traffic
- Routing Administration (TRA) group, at +1 201 829 3071.
- To complicate matters, there are 3 PUBLIC documents published by
- Bellcore's document center, but maintained by the TRA. These are
- available by contacting the document center as described in the attachment.
- - FA20: "Telephone Area Code Directory (TACD) Microfiche"
- Contains all customer-dialable points in the North American Numbering
- Plan with the corresponding NPA. Issued monthly. $50
- - TR-EOP-000093: "TACD Paper Report" As above, issued annually around
- September. Ordered by State and Locality. Carrier Identification
- Codes are included.
- - TR-OPT-001843: 800/900 List on Paper, giving company name and telephone
- contact for each NXX assigned with the 800 and 900 codes. Issued
- quarterly.
- [Call the document HOTLINE in the attachment for prices of paper documents.]
- For all other TRA "products", or information about on-line access to a
- database of routing data, contact the TRA Hotline at +1 201 829 3071,
- or write to:
- Traffic Routing Administration
- Bell Communications Research, Inc.
- 435 South Street, Room 1J321
- Morristown, NJ 07962-1961
- These non-public documents and on-line access require signing a "Terms
- and Conditions Agreement" before purchase. You should ask for a complete
- list of products and prices. Some of the documents do not include Canada.
- Some of the more "common-use" TRA documents are:
- - NPA-NXX Vertical and Horizontal Coordinates Tape (the "V&H Tape")
- is primarily for billing purposes, and lists (for each NXX) the type
- of NXX, major/minor V&H coordinates, LATA Code, the ROA, Time Zone,
- Place Name, OCN (TELCO) and indicators for IDDD and "Non-Dialable".
- - NPA/NXX Activity Guide lists all NPA/NXX codes schedules to be added,
- removed or "modified" (monthly). There's also an Active Code List
- that lists all NPA/NXX codes that aren't planned to be removed or
- "modified" for the next 6 months.
- - Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG)
- contains information on all USA/Caribbean destinations, switching
- entities, Rate Centers and Localities, Tandem Homing information,
- operator service codes, 800/900 NXX assignments, etc.
- (3 1600 BPI tapes!!!) Mostly useful to IXCs and other TELCos.
- Good Luck,
- Al Varney varney@ihlpl.ih.att.com
- ------ (canned response follows:) -------------------
- Bellcore TAs and other preliminary "advisories" are only available
- by writing:
- Bellcore
- Document Registrar
- 445 South Street - Room 2J-125
- P. O. Box 1910
- Morristown, NJ 07962-1910
- TRs and other "standard" documents can be ordered from:
- Bellcore Customer Service
- 60 New England Avenue
- Piscataway, NJ 08854-4196
- or by calling the document HOTLINE (menu-monster) at
- 1-800-521-CORE (1-800-521-2673).
- They take AMEX, VISA and MasterCharge, International Money Orders,
- and Checks on US Banks. If you don't have a document number handy,
- they can send you a catalog of technical documents.
- International calls are on +1 908 699 5800.
- (If you want to order a document, press 2 at the automated greeting.
- If you want to talk to a person about availability, prices, etc,
- press 4 at the automated greeting)
- FAX on (908) 699-5800.
- If you want to talk to the "pub" folks, or a technical person, the
- numbers/addresses are in the front of any TR (and the "Catalog").
- Al Varney - the above represents my opinion, and not AT&T's....
- (And I do wish Bellcore paid commissions for these referrals!)