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From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Wed Nov 21 20:57:18 1990
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Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 19:56:59 CST
From: TELECOM Moderator <telecom@eecs.nwu.edu>
To: ptownson@gaak.LCS.MIT.EDU
Subject: [JAJZ801: Genie Star*Services (tm?) summary]
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Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 10:31:53 PST
From: JAJZ801@calstate.bitnet
Subject: Genie Star*Services (tm?) summary
To: TELECOM@eecs.nwu.edu
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A recent inquiry to the digest request information on the new Genie
Star*Services (which arose from the discussion of Prodigy). The following
is an announcement which I obtained from a local BBS. I don't know the
original source but it *appears* to have come from Genie itself (captured
or downloaded ?).It rather long so you may want to add it to the archives
and annouce it rather than distributing it as part of the digest. Also a
commercialization problem ??
======================== slice and dice here ==========================
On October 1, GEnie will introduce GEnie Star*Services. For $4.95 a month, you
are entitled to unlimited non-prime time use of the following services:
GEnie Star*Services:
* News, Weather, Sports Top Stories
* Travel Information & Reservations
* Closing Stock Quotations
* Electronic Encyclopedia
* GE Mail (TM) electronic mail
* Leisure and Professional Bulletin Boards
* Classic GEnie single player games
* Shopping Services
* Subscription to GEnie's LiveWire
GEnie Star*Services are available from 6 PM to 8 AM local time on weeknights,
all day Saturday and Sunday and on GEnie weekday holidays.
GEnie Star*Services accessed during prime time hours are charged at the prime
time rates, but during non-prime time they can be accessed with no standard
connect time rates! So for $4.95 a month, during non prime time, you can send
and receive all the email you want, get unlimited closing stock quotes, use our
online encyclopedia, shop GEnie Mall, get information about your favorite
hobby, and more! There are NO standard connect charges when accessing GEnie
Star*Services during non prime time. All other GEnie services will be charged
at normal connect rates. Telecommunications surcharges, if applicable, still
To make it less expensive to use other GEnie services, GEnie will lower its non
prime time 2400 baud rate to $6 per hour, versus the current $10 per hour on
October 1st. That's a 40% reduction! So all GEnie users with 2400 baud modems
(now may be the time to get one if you don't have one yet) will enjoy the
faster speed at a greatly reduced rate.
So GEnie's rates on October 1 will be:
USA $18.00 $6.00 $4.95
Canada C$25.00 C$8.00 $5.95
Star*Services are not available at this time in any other country.
Considering $4.95 is less than the current cost of a month's subscription to
the encyclopedia, we think you'll find the over 100 services offered to be an
exceptional value. Now more than ever, GEnie is the place to stay online
longer for less.
GEnie Star*Services begin on October 1st. If you agree to join the plan, you
will be charged $4.95 on the 1st, and you will be given unlimited access to all
those great services. If you decide not to join, you can access GEnie until
September 30 at standard GEnie connect rates. After October 1, you must join
to continue to access GEnie. GEnie will bill you automatically each month for
$4.95. You may cancel at any time. If you cancel, you must re-signup to
access GEnie.
We are so sure you'll find GEnie Star*Services to your liking, we are offering
a money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the service
you may cancel during the first month and we will refund your initial $4.95
subscription fee.
October 1st will mark a new era on GEnie. Join us in ushering in an exciting
new age in information services!
ROCKVILLE, MD, Aug. 29, 1990 -- The GEnie[SM] service, one of the leading
online information services, has announced the introduction, effective Oct. 1,
1990, of a flat subscription rate of just $4.95 (U.S.) per month including
unlimited, non-prime time access to more than 100 products and services.
This new monthly rate will make it possible for GEnie service subscribers
-- and members of their families -- to access a wide variety of popular
products and services on the GEnie service without the concern of running up
costly fees each month as a result of hourly access rates.
In making the announcement, Bill Louden, general manager of the GEnie
service, said, "Our market research told us that the number one thing our
subscribers wanted in an online information service was a flat monthly rate for
accessing a wide variety of products and services.
"As a result, we will be launching, effective Oct. 1, 1990, our GEnie
Star*Services with a subscription rate of only $4.95 per month," said Louden.
"Our new pricing structure on GEnie is similar to the concept of Cable TV where
viewers pay a monthly rate for unlimited access to basic services, and an
additional cost for value added services," he explained.
"With this new flat monthly rate for non-prime time access to over 100 of
the GEnie service features, the online costs of many GEnie service subscribers
could be reduced," added Louden.
The rate for U.S. access to those GEnie service products/services not
covered under the flat monthly rate -- such as all personal computing bulletin
boards, all software libraries, financial services, value added services, chat
lines and Real Time Conferences, Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC), and
multi-player games -- has been set at just $6 per hour during non-prime time
for all three access speeds (300, 1200 and 2400 baud). This is a $4 per hour
reduction in the current 2400 baud non-prime time rate. The prime time rate
remains at $18 per hour for all three access speeds.
Since more than 60 percent of the 209,000 subscribers on the GEnie service
have 2400 baud modems, this lower non-prime time rate of only $6/hour for 2400
baud access also will result in faster, more cost-effective software downloads
on the GEnie service, which has more than 85,000 files available for
To access the GEnie Star*Services in Canada, the monthly subscription rate
is $5.95 (Canadian), with a non-prime time rate of $8 (Canadian) per hour for
all three access speeds. Prime time rate is $25.00 (Canadian) per hour for all
three access speeds.
The $29.95 sign-up fee for the GEnie service also has been eliminated for
all new subscribers effective immediately. As a result, there is no real cost
to subscribe to the GEnie service, except for the first month subscription rate
of $4.95 (U.S.).
After trying the GEnie Star*Services for the first month, if a subscriber
does not like it, he/she can cancel his/her membership and the GEnie service
will refund the $4.95 subscription fee to them. (This offer applies only to
first time new subscribers to the GEnie service, once per household.)
"We feel this new monthly rate for non-prime access to GEnie will be
eagerly accepted by many of our subscribers as they will no longer have to
watch the clock when they are using the GEnie Star*Services," said Louden.
"The GEnie service will now provide its U.S. and Canadian subscribers with
the most extensive and cost-effective package of online services available
today for a flat monthly rate," remarked Louden. "GEnie's original motto of
'Stay Online Longer for Less' is even more appropriate now with the
introduction of this flat monthly rate," he remarked.
First operational in 1985, the GEnie service is one of the fastest growing
online information services with more than 209,000 individual subscribers.
Available throughout the U.S. and Canada, the GEnie service also can be
accessed in Japan, West Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
For further information in the U.S. and Canada on the GEnie service,
offered by GE Information Services, please call 1-800-638-9636. GE Information
Services, a division of General Electric Company, U.S.A, is headquartered in
Rockville, Md.
NOTE: GEnie is a service mark of General Electric Company, U.S.A.
GEnie STAR*SERVICES Product List
As of 10/1/90, subject to change
GEnie Info:
Top Banners... news of what's happening now on GEnie
Info... about GEnie
Tips... how to get more out of GEnie
Rates... current connect rates
Phones... up-to-date telephone access list to the network
Policy... GEnie policies
Index... complete list of GEnie services, searchable
New... what's new on GEnie
Contest... information on current and upcoming contests
Press Releases... GEnie and GE press releases
Aladdin Bulletin Board... for users of the free GEnie PC Aladdin program
GEnie Users Bulletin Board... for all users of GEnie
Set... terminal settings
Manual... online GEnie manual
Bill... check your bill
Password... change your password
Electronic Mail:
Read Mail
Send Mail
Search GE Mail Directory... to find the email address of another member
GEmail Command Mode... advanced mail functions like REPLY and FORWARD
US News.. top stories from the wire services
World News... top stories
Weather... from our news wires
Sports... top stories from the world of sports
Bowen "A Networker's Journal"... weekly column on telecomputing
Computing Across America... travelling on a high tech bicycle
Gutman "Computers & Technology"... personal computing column
Money Matters:
Personal Loan Calculator... amortize loans
Closing Stock Quotes... database of stock prices
Dr. Job... weekly column for job seekers
Charles Schwab Investors Bulletin Board... discussions for all investors
Home Office/Small Business Bulletin Board... work at home discussions
Real Estate Bulletin Board... for realtors and home buyers/sellers
Groliers Encyclopedia... research tool for students, updated quarterly
Education Bulletin Board... for teachers, students, and parents
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Bulletin Board... engineering school
Black Dragon... descend through the dungeon and slay the black dragon
Castle Quest... dungeon adventure
Original Adventure... classic text adventure game
Adventure 550... advanced version of adventure
Dor Sageth... dungeon adventure
Banner Maker... create your own text banners (for printout)
Show Biz Quiz... test your knowledge
Rainbo... online reviews of books, movies
Cineman... movie reviews
Hollywood Hotline... news from tinseltown
Soap Opera Summaries... keep up with the soaps
Show Biz Bulletin Board... discussions on TV and movies
Music Bulletin Board... talk about records
TeleJoke Bulletin Board... the latest humor
Hobbies & Leisure Bulletin Boards:
Hobby... all hobbies from model railroading to stamp collecting
Sports... sports talk
Pets... for pet lovers
Radio & Electronics... people who like to solder
Aviation... for pilots, professional and amateur
MIDI/WorldMusic... electronic music talk
Writers... for writers, poets, and hopefuls
Spaceport... the latest news from outer space
Science Fiction... fantasy, science fiction, comic books, movies, and TV
Genealogy... trace your ancestors
Scuba... underwater fun
Photography... for professionals and amateur shutterbugs
Military... for soldiers, ex-soldiers, and interested parties
Human Interest Bulletin Boards:
Public Forum... current events around the world, plus non-profit news
Japan Bulletin Board... Japan and Japanese culture
Deutschland Bulletin Board... news from Germany
Law... for lawyers
Medical... for doctors and those interested in medicine
Jerry Pournelle... talks about science, computers, and the world
Law Enforcement... for cops
Religion & Ethics... talk about religion and the way we should act
EAASY SABRE... American Airlines and others, schedules and reservations
Travellers Information Service Bulletin Board... talk about traves
Destination Florida... Florida attractions discussions
Gift Of Time... give GEnie time to a friend
GEnie Classified Ads... buy, sell, and promote
GiftQuick... quick guide to online bargains
Alaska General Store... items from the frozen north
AT&T... phones and more
Autoquot-R... car prices
Computer Express... computer supplies
Computer Shopper... subscriptions
Direct Micro... computer supplies at discount prices
Engraving Connection... brand name items
Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies... cookies by mail
Godiva Chocolatier... chocolate by mail
Hearthside Books... great books
21st Century Hobbies... online hobby shop
Hypermail... catalogs
Walter Knoll Florist... flowers
Long Distance Roses... roses by mail
MacUser... subscriptions
MaryMac... Tandy products
Noteworthy Music... compact discs at discount prices
OAG Mall... information on the Official Airline Guide
PC Computing... subscriptions
PC Magazine... subscriptions
Programs Plus... Apple software
Safeware... computer insurance
Sears... the Sears catalog online
Software Discounters... software for home computers
Superstore... consumer electronic goods
Tall Tails... pet items
Tiffany & Co.... gifts
TRW Credentials... enroll in personal credit service
Wall Street Journal... subscriptions
----- End of forwarded messages