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- From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Wed Nov 21 20:57:18 1990
- Received: from hub.eecs.nwu.edu by gaak.LCS.MIT.EDU via TCP with SMTP
- id AA12400; Wed, 21 Nov 90 20:57:11 EST
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 19:56:59 CST
- From: TELECOM Moderator <telecom@eecs.nwu.edu>
- To: ptownson@gaak.LCS.MIT.EDU
- Subject: [JAJZ801: Genie Star*Services (tm?) summary]
- Message-Id: <9011211957.aa09010@delta.eecs.nwu.edu>
- Status: RO
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- Received: from nuacc.acns.nwu.edu by delta.eecs.nwu.edu id aa11109;
- 21 Nov 90 12:35 CST
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- 90 10:31:55 PST
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 90 10:31:53 PST
- From: JAJZ801@calstate.bitnet
- Subject: Genie Star*Services (tm?) summary
- To: TELECOM@eecs.nwu.edu
- Message-id: <FF4A8A0EC9BF001183@nuacc.acns.nwu.edu>
- X-Envelope-to: TELECOM@EECS.NWU.edu
- A recent inquiry to the digest request information on the new Genie
- Star*Services (which arose from the discussion of Prodigy). The following
- is an announcement which I obtained from a local BBS. I don't know the
- original source but it *appears* to have come from Genie itself (captured
- or downloaded ?).It rather long so you may want to add it to the archives
- and annouce it rather than distributing it as part of the digest. Also a
- commercialization problem ??
- ======================== slice and dice here ==========================
- On October 1, GEnie will introduce GEnie Star*Services. For $4.95 a month, you
- are entitled to unlimited non-prime time use of the following services:
- GEnie Star*Services:
- * News, Weather, Sports Top Stories
- * Travel Information & Reservations
- * Closing Stock Quotations
- * Electronic Encyclopedia
- * GE Mail (TM) electronic mail
- * Leisure and Professional Bulletin Boards
- * Classic GEnie single player games
- * Shopping Services
- * Subscription to GEnie's LiveWire
- Magazine
- GEnie Star*Services are available from 6 PM to 8 AM local time on weeknights,
- all day Saturday and Sunday and on GEnie weekday holidays.
- GEnie Star*Services accessed during prime time hours are charged at the prime
- time rates, but during non-prime time they can be accessed with no standard
- connect time rates! So for $4.95 a month, during non prime time, you can send
- and receive all the email you want, get unlimited closing stock quotes, use our
- online encyclopedia, shop GEnie Mall, get information about your favorite
- hobby, and more! There are NO standard connect charges when accessing GEnie
- Star*Services during non prime time. All other GEnie services will be charged
- at normal connect rates. Telecommunications surcharges, if applicable, still
- apply.
- To make it less expensive to use other GEnie services, GEnie will lower its non
- prime time 2400 baud rate to $6 per hour, versus the current $10 per hour on
- October 1st. That's a 40% reduction! So all GEnie users with 2400 baud modems
- (now may be the time to get one if you don't have one yet) will enjoy the
- faster speed at a greatly reduced rate.
- So GEnie's rates on October 1 will be:
- USA $18.00 $6.00 $4.95
- Canada C$25.00 C$8.00 $5.95
- Star*Services are not available at this time in any other country.
- Considering $4.95 is less than the current cost of a month's subscription to
- the encyclopedia, we think you'll find the over 100 services offered to be an
- exceptional value. Now more than ever, GEnie is the place to stay online
- longer for less.
- GEnie Star*Services begin on October 1st. If you agree to join the plan, you
- will be charged $4.95 on the 1st, and you will be given unlimited access to all
- those great services. If you decide not to join, you can access GEnie until
- September 30 at standard GEnie connect rates. After October 1, you must join
- to continue to access GEnie. GEnie will bill you automatically each month for
- $4.95. You may cancel at any time. If you cancel, you must re-signup to
- access GEnie.
- We are so sure you'll find GEnie Star*Services to your liking, we are offering
- a money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the service
- you may cancel during the first month and we will refund your initial $4.95
- subscription fee.
- October 1st will mark a new era on GEnie. Join us in ushering in an exciting
- new age in information services!
- ROCKVILLE, MD, Aug. 29, 1990 -- The GEnie[SM] service, one of the leading
- online information services, has announced the introduction, effective Oct. 1,
- 1990, of a flat subscription rate of just $4.95 (U.S.) per month including
- unlimited, non-prime time access to more than 100 products and services.
- This new monthly rate will make it possible for GEnie service subscribers
- -- and members of their families -- to access a wide variety of popular
- products and services on the GEnie service without the concern of running up
- costly fees each month as a result of hourly access rates.
- In making the announcement, Bill Louden, general manager of the GEnie
- service, said, "Our market research told us that the number one thing our
- subscribers wanted in an online information service was a flat monthly rate for
- accessing a wide variety of products and services.
- "As a result, we will be launching, effective Oct. 1, 1990, our GEnie
- Star*Services with a subscription rate of only $4.95 per month," said Louden.
- "Our new pricing structure on GEnie is similar to the concept of Cable TV where
- viewers pay a monthly rate for unlimited access to basic services, and an
- additional cost for value added services," he explained.
- "With this new flat monthly rate for non-prime time access to over 100 of
- the GEnie service features, the online costs of many GEnie service subscribers
- could be reduced," added Louden.
- The rate for U.S. access to those GEnie service products/services not
- covered under the flat monthly rate -- such as all personal computing bulletin
- boards, all software libraries, financial services, value added services, chat
- lines and Real Time Conferences, Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC), and
- multi-player games -- has been set at just $6 per hour during non-prime time
- for all three access speeds (300, 1200 and 2400 baud). This is a $4 per hour
- reduction in the current 2400 baud non-prime time rate. The prime time rate
- remains at $18 per hour for all three access speeds.
- Since more than 60 percent of the 209,000 subscribers on the GEnie service
- have 2400 baud modems, this lower non-prime time rate of only $6/hour for 2400
- baud access also will result in faster, more cost-effective software downloads
- on the GEnie service, which has more than 85,000 files available for
- downloading.
- To access the GEnie Star*Services in Canada, the monthly subscription rate
- is $5.95 (Canadian), with a non-prime time rate of $8 (Canadian) per hour for
- all three access speeds. Prime time rate is $25.00 (Canadian) per hour for all
- three access speeds.
- The $29.95 sign-up fee for the GEnie service also has been eliminated for
- all new subscribers effective immediately. As a result, there is no real cost
- to subscribe to the GEnie service, except for the first month subscription rate
- of $4.95 (U.S.).
- After trying the GEnie Star*Services for the first month, if a subscriber
- does not like it, he/she can cancel his/her membership and the GEnie service
- will refund the $4.95 subscription fee to them. (This offer applies only to
- first time new subscribers to the GEnie service, once per household.)
- "We feel this new monthly rate for non-prime access to GEnie will be
- eagerly accepted by many of our subscribers as they will no longer have to
- watch the clock when they are using the GEnie Star*Services," said Louden.
- "The GEnie service will now provide its U.S. and Canadian subscribers with
- the most extensive and cost-effective package of online services available
- today for a flat monthly rate," remarked Louden. "GEnie's original motto of
- 'Stay Online Longer for Less' is even more appropriate now with the
- introduction of this flat monthly rate," he remarked.
- First operational in 1985, the GEnie service is one of the fastest growing
- online information services with more than 209,000 individual subscribers.
- Available throughout the U.S. and Canada, the GEnie service also can be
- accessed in Japan, West Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
- For further information in the U.S. and Canada on the GEnie service,
- offered by GE Information Services, please call 1-800-638-9636. GE Information
- Services, a division of General Electric Company, U.S.A, is headquartered in
- Rockville, Md.
- NOTE: GEnie is a service mark of General Electric Company, U.S.A.
- GEnie STAR*SERVICES Product List
- As of 10/1/90, subject to change
- GEnie Info:
- Top Banners... news of what's happening now on GEnie
- Info... about GEnie
- Tips... how to get more out of GEnie
- Rates... current connect rates
- Phones... up-to-date telephone access list to the network
- Policy... GEnie policies
- Index... complete list of GEnie services, searchable
- New... what's new on GEnie
- Contest... information on current and upcoming contests
- Press Releases... GEnie and GE press releases
- Aladdin Bulletin Board... for users of the free GEnie PC Aladdin program
- GEnie Users Bulletin Board... for all users of GEnie
- Admin:
- Set... terminal settings
- Manual... online GEnie manual
- Bill... check your bill
- Password... change your password
- Electronic Mail:
- Read Mail
- Send Mail
- Search GE Mail Directory... to find the email address of another member
- GEmail Command Mode... advanced mail functions like REPLY and FORWARD
- News:
- US News.. top stories from the wire services
- World News... top stories
- Weather... from our news wires
- Sports... top stories from the world of sports
- Bowen "A Networker's Journal"... weekly column on telecomputing
- Computing Across America... travelling on a high tech bicycle
- Gutman "Computers & Technology"... personal computing column
- Money Matters:
- Personal Loan Calculator... amortize loans
- Closing Stock Quotes... database of stock prices
- Dr. Job... weekly column for job seekers
- Charles Schwab Investors Bulletin Board... discussions for all investors
- Home Office/Small Business Bulletin Board... work at home discussions
- Real Estate Bulletin Board... for realtors and home buyers/sellers
- Education:
- Groliers Encyclopedia... research tool for students, updated quarterly
- Education Bulletin Board... for teachers, students, and parents
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Bulletin Board... engineering school
- Entertainment/Games:
- Black Dragon... descend through the dungeon and slay the black dragon
- Castle Quest... dungeon adventure
- Original Adventure... classic text adventure game
- Adventure 550... advanced version of adventure
- Dor Sageth... dungeon adventure
- Banner Maker... create your own text banners (for printout)
- Show Biz Quiz... test your knowledge
- Rainbo... online reviews of books, movies
- Cineman... movie reviews
- Hollywood Hotline... news from tinseltown
- Soap Opera Summaries... keep up with the soaps
- Show Biz Bulletin Board... discussions on TV and movies
- Music Bulletin Board... talk about records
- TeleJoke Bulletin Board... the latest humor
- Hobbies & Leisure Bulletin Boards:
- Hobby... all hobbies from model railroading to stamp collecting
- Sports... sports talk
- Pets... for pet lovers
- Radio & Electronics... people who like to solder
- Aviation... for pilots, professional and amateur
- MIDI/WorldMusic... electronic music talk
- Writers... for writers, poets, and hopefuls
- Spaceport... the latest news from outer space
- Science Fiction... fantasy, science fiction, comic books, movies, and TV
- Genealogy... trace your ancestors
- Scuba... underwater fun
- Photography... for professionals and amateur shutterbugs
- Military... for soldiers, ex-soldiers, and interested parties
- Human Interest Bulletin Boards:
- Public Forum... current events around the world, plus non-profit news
- Japan Bulletin Board... Japan and Japanese culture
- Deutschland Bulletin Board... news from Germany
- Law... for lawyers
- Medical... for doctors and those interested in medicine
- Jerry Pournelle... talks about science, computers, and the world
- Law Enforcement... for cops
- Religion & Ethics... talk about religion and the way we should act
- Travel:
- EAASY SABRE... American Airlines and others, schedules and reservations
- Travellers Information Service Bulletin Board... talk about traves
- Destination Florida... Florida attractions discussions
- Shopping:
- Gift Of Time... give GEnie time to a friend
- GEnie Classified Ads... buy, sell, and promote
- GiftQuick... quick guide to online bargains
- Alaska General Store... items from the frozen north
- AT&T... phones and more
- Autoquot-R... car prices
- Computer Express... computer supplies
- Computer Shopper... subscriptions
- Direct Micro... computer supplies at discount prices
- Engraving Connection... brand name items
- Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies... cookies by mail
- Godiva Chocolatier... chocolate by mail
- Hearthside Books... great books
- 21st Century Hobbies... online hobby shop
- Hypermail... catalogs
- Walter Knoll Florist... flowers
- Long Distance Roses... roses by mail
- MacUser... subscriptions
- MaryMac... Tandy products
- Noteworthy Music... compact discs at discount prices
- OAG Mall... information on the Official Airline Guide
- PC Computing... subscriptions
- PC Magazine... subscriptions
- Programs Plus... Apple software
- Safeware... computer insurance
- Sears... the Sears catalog online
- Software Discounters... software for home computers
- Superstore... consumer electronic goods
- Tall Tails... pet items
- Tiffany & Co.... gifts
- TRW Credentials... enroll in personal credit service
- Wall Street Journal... subscriptions
- ----- End of forwarded messages