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- From ndallen@io.org Sat Aug 20 00:31:03 1994
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- Date: Sat, 20 Aug 1994 01:29:39 -0400
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- To: ptownson@delta.eecs.nwu.edu
- Subject: file telecommunications-directory-questionnaire for archives
- From: ndallen@io.org (Nigel Allen)
- Cc:
- Status: RO
- This questionnaire appeared in the Telecom Digest in May 1994.
- Could you add it to the Telecom Archives under the name
- telecommunications-directory-questionnaire (or whatever other
- name you wish)?
- Regards,
- Nigel Allen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ndallen@io.org
- - - - - begin attached file - - - - - - - - - -
- An International Descriptive Guide to Telecommunications
- Companies, Services, Systems, and Related Organizations
- in the Field
- If you would like your telecommunications service considered
- for listing free of charge in the Telecommunications Directory
- published by Gale Research Inc. and your system or service
- is described by one or more of the categories listed below,
- please complete this questionnaire and return it to:
- Telecommunications Directory
- Gale Research Inc.
- 835 Penobscot Building
- Detroit, MI 48226-4094
- U.S.A.
- Telephone (313) 961-2242 ext. 1551
- or 800-347-GALE, ext. 1551 in Canada and the U.S.
- Fax (313) 961-6815
- If you are already listed, please ignore this questionnaire.
- Please enclose any literature or other information that
- might help the editors put together a more complete listing
- for your organization or service.
- If your organization has multiple services that should be
- described in separate listings, please complete a separate
- questionnaire for each.
- 1. Company/organization name and address:
- 2. Unit (particular system/service/unit under discussion):
- Address:
- 3. Telephone:
- Toll-free phone (if any):
- Fax:
- Electronic mail address (give system name and
- your code or address):
- Telex:
- Year organization founded:
- Year system/service established:
- 4. Head of unit listed in item 2 (name, position, unit):
- 5. Public/business contact for additional information
- (name, position, unit):
- 6. Related organizations (other sponsoring, affiliated, or supporting
- organizations - please specify relationship [i.e., wholly owned subsidiary,
- etc.] and indicate city/state/country location):
- 7. Staff of unit listed in item 2 (indicate number in each category):
- Total:
- Management:
- Technical:
- Sales and Marketing:
- Clerical:
- Other:
- 8. Service Types (Please check those boxes that describe your type of
- organizaton, system, or service. For example, a telephone resale
- carrier would designate "Long Distance Telephone Service".
- An organization that provides consulting and educational services would
- designate "Consultant" and "Conference/Seminar/Training Provider".
- Item 9, General Description, will ask you to briefly amplify the
- indicators checked here.)
- Systems or Services
- [ ] Internet Access
- [ ] Data Communications Service
- [ ] Long Distance Telephonme Service
- [ ] Intrastate [ ] Interstate [ ] International
- [ ] Cellular Radio Service
- [ ] Local Area Network Supplier
- [ ] Teleconferencing
- [ ] Audio Only Service
- [ ] Audio/Video Service
- [ ] Equipment Supplier
- [ ] Audiotex Service
- [ ] Videotex/Teletext Service
- [ ] Videotex/Teletext Equipment or Software
- [ ] Electronic Mail
- [ ] Service [ ] Equipment/Software
- [ ] Voice Store & Forward
- [ ] Service [ ] Equipment/Software
- [ ] Satellite/Microwave Networking Service
- (i.e. uplinks, downlinks, transponder leasing, etc.)
- [ ] Shared Tenant Service
- [ ] Facsimile Service (includes fax-on-demand, broadcast fax,
- or enhanced fax)
- [ ] Telegram Service
- [ ] Teletex Service
- [ ] Telex Service
- [ ] Transactional Service (electronic fund transfer, home banking,
- reservations systems, interactive shopping, etc.)
- [ ] Two-way Cable Television
- Other Organizations
- [ ] Consulting
- [ ] Legal Service
- [ ] Financial Service/Insurance Service
- [ ] Conference/Seminar/Training Provider
- [ ] Association
- [ ] Publisher/Information Service
- [ ] Government/Regulatory/Standards Body
- [ ] Research
- [ ] Other (please specify):
- 9. General description of unit listed in item 2:
- 10. Specific user applications of system/service (what is system/
- service used for?):
- 11. Geographic areas served (cities, countries, or general geographic
- regions served):
- 12. Rate structure (please indicate general rates, fees, or other
- charges, including start-up costs if applicable):
- 13. Clientele/availability (primary types of clients; any restrictions
- or limitations)
- 14. Means of access (how is the system/service accessed? what
- equipment is required?)
- 15. Equipment supplied as part of system/service
- 16. Publications (periodicals, books, documentation/user aids;
- please indicate title, price, frequency, and where available from);
- 17. Other communications services (if possible, please send
- additional literature on these services for possible inclusion
- in the Directory):
- 18. Planned new services (indicate starting date; please enclose
- additional information if available):
- 19. Key Features Summary (please recap the main advantages and
- features of your system or service):
- 20. Questionnaire completed by:
- Name:
- Title:
- Date:
- Telephone:
- Fax:
- 21. [ ] Descriptive material enclosed
- [ ] Descriptive material sent under separate cover