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From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Mon Sep 17 23:46:29 1990
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From: woody <djcl%contact.uucp@eecs.nwu.edu>
Subject: 800 prefixes chart - updating things
To: telecom%nucsrl.uucp@eecs.nwu.edu
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 90 20:16:55 EDT
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Status: R
I took the Telecom Digest guide to the 800 prefixes, turned them into a
chart form and updated with new prefixes (including Sprint's 800-800 prefix,
which is dialable from Canada) to the extent that the long distance network
in Canada will allow. Further updates to this list would be welcome, considering
the posting claiming that almost 800 NXX's have been assigned to 800 service.
Exchanges - 800 Service (15 September 1990)
888 000 000 // 2222 000 000 55555 999 999
8 8 0 0 0 0 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9 9 9
888 0 0 0 0 // 222 0 0 0 0 === 5555 9999 9999
8 8 0 0 0 0 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9
888 000 000 // 22222 000 000 5555 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |20
21| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |21
22| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | LDL | AT&T | MIC | AT&T | AT&T | C&W |22
23| NTK | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | MCI | AT&T | SCH | AT&T | AT&T |Delta |23
24| SIR | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |24
25| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | TTU | AT&T | LSI | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |25
26| ---- | SCH | AT&T |CanCO | ICT |CanSWO| COM |CanEO |CanTor| FDG |26
27| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | MCI | ITT | ONE | SNT | ---- | MAL |27
28| ADG | ---- | AT&T | MCI | MCI | ---- | ---- | ---- | MCI | MCI |28
29| ---- | ---- | AT&T | PRO | ---- | ---- | ---- | ARE | ---- | CDC |29
30| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |30
31| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |31
32| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | HNI | AT&T |Sprint| AT&T | AT&T | TET |32
33| TET | AT&T | AT&T | MCI | AT&T | SCH | AT&T | FST | AT&T | ---- |33
34| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T |Sprint| AT&T | DCT |34
35| COM | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | ---- | AT&T |Sprint|35
36| ---- |CanMtl| AT&T |CanMtl| HNI | MCI |Sprint| AT&T | AT&T |Teleco|36
37|Teleco| ---- | AT&T |Teleco| ---- |ATCCig| ---- |Telnet| ---- | ---- |37
38| ---- | ---- | AT&T |Teleco| FDT |Hedges| TBQ |CanTor| MCI | ---- |38
39| ---- | ---- | AT&T | EXF | ---- | MCI | ---- |Teleco| ---- |Americ|39
40| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |40
41| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |41
42| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | TTH | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | ---- |42
43| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AGN | AT&T | IDN | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |43
44| TXN | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | MCI | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |44
45| USL | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | ALN | ---- | MCI | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |45
46| ---- |CanNCO| AT&T |CanEQu| ---- |CanNWO| ALN | ICT | AT&T | ---- |46
47| ---- | ALN | AT&T |Sprint| ---- |Teleco|Teleco| MCI |Alascm| ---- |47
48| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- |Teleco|Teleco| C&W |Sprint|Sprint| TOM |48
49| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |49
50| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |50
51| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |51
52| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T |Midco |52
53| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | ALN | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |53
54| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T |Sprint| AT&T | AT&T | ---- |54
55| CMA | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T |[Diry]| AT&T | ALN | AT&T | ---- |55
56| ---- |CanNB | AT&T |CanNfl| ---- |CanNSP| ALN |CanWQu| ---- | ---- |56
57| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | AMM | ---- | ---- |Telnet| ---- | LNS |57
58| WES | ---- | AT&T |Teleco|Teleco| ---- |Action| LTQ |Action| LGT |58
59| ---- | ---- | AT&T |Teleco|Teleco| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - 800 Service (15 September 1990)
888 000 000 // 66 000 000 999 999 999
8 8 0 0 0 0 // 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9
888 0 0 0 0 // 6666 0 0 0 0 === 9999 9999 9999
8 8 0 0 0 0 // 6 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9
888 000 000 // 666 000 000 9 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
60| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |60
61| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |61
62| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | NLD | AT&T | MCI | AT&T | ---- |62
63| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | CQU | AT&T | AT&T | BUR |63
64| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | CMA | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |64
65| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- |Teleco|Teleco| ---- |65
66| ---- |CanAlb| AT&T |CanBC |Sprint|CanMan| MCI |CanSsk|CanTor|Sprint|66
67| ---- | ---- | AT&T |Teleco|Teleco| ---- |Sprint| MCI | MCI | ---- |67
68| ---- | ---- | AT&T | MTD | ---- | ---- | LGT | NTS | MCI | ---- |68
69| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | MCI | ---- | ---- | NYC | PLG |69
70| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |70
71| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |71
72| TGN | ---- | AT&T | ---- | RCI | SAN |Sprint| MCI |Teleco|Sprint|72
73| ---- | ---- | AT&T |Sprint| ---- |Sprint|Sprint| MEC | MEC | ---- |73
74| ---- | MIC | AT&T | EDS | ---- |Sprint| ---- |Teleco|Teleco|Teleco|74
75| ---- | ---- | AT&T | MCI | TSH | SPR | ---- | TID | ---- | MCI |75
76| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- |Alascm| MCI | MCI |Sprint| SNT | ---- |76
77| GCN | SNT | AT&T | CTI | ---- | ---- |Sprint| MCI |Sprint|Teleco|77
78|Teleco| ---- | AT&T | ALN |Allnet| SNH |(Futu)| ---- | ---- | TMU |78
79| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | TID |Teleco| ---- |79
80|Sprint| ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |80
81| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |81
82| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | THA | AT&T | MCI | AT&T |Sprint| AT&T |Sprint|82
83| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | AT&T |Teleco|Teleco| ---- | Star |83
84| ---- | AT&T | AT&T | AT&T | LDD | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | AT&T | ---- |84
85| TKC | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | AT&T | AT&T | ---- | TLS | AT&T | ---- |85
86| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ALN | TEN | ---- | MCI | ---- | SNT |Sprint|86
87| ---- | ---- | AT&T | MCI | AT&T | ALN | MCI |Sprint| ALN | MCI |87
88| NAS | NAS | AT&T | ---- |Sprint| AT&T | ALN | ETS | MCI | ---- |88
89| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | ---- | TXN | ---- | CGI | C&W |89
90| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |90
91| ---- | ---- |(Pagr)| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |91
92| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ALN | ---- | ---- | MCI |Sprint| CIS | ---- |92
93| ---- | ---- | AT&T | MCI | ---- | ---- |R-Comm| MCI | ---- | ---- |93
94| TSF | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |94
95| MCI |PhAmer| AT&T | ---- | ---- | MCI | ---- | ---- |[T-??]|[T-??]|95
96| CNO | ---- | AT&T | SOC | ---- | ---- | C&W | ---- | TED | C&W |96
97| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |97
98| ---- | ---- | AT&T | WUT | ---- | ---- | WUT | ---- | WUT | C&W |98
99| ---- | ---- | AT&T | ---- | ---- | ---- | Valu | ---- | ---- | MCI |99
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - 800 Service - Appendix
Abbreviations of carriers/regions used in the table:
Action - Action Telecom Co.
ADG - Advantage Network, Inc.
Alascm - ALASCOM
Allnet - Allnet Communication Services
Americ - AmeriCall Corporation (Calif.)
AMM - Access Long Distance
ARE - American Express TRS
ATCCig - ATC Cignal Communications
BUR - Burlington Tel.
C&W - Cable & Wireless Comm.
CanAlb - Telecom Canada/Alberta (403)
CanBC - Telecom Canada/British Columbia (604)
CanCO - Telecom Canada/Central Ontario (416)
CanEO - Telecom Canada/Eastern Ontario (613)
CanEQu - Telecom Canada/Eastern Quebec (418)
CanMan - Telecom Canada/Manitoba (204)
CanMtl - Telecom Canada/Montreal Area (514)
CanNB - Telecom Canada/New Brunswick (506)
CanNfl - Telecom Canada/Newfoundland (709)
CanNCO - Telecom Canada/North Central Ontario (705)
CanNSP - Telecom Canada/Nova Scotia, PEI (902)
CanNWO - Telecom Canada/NW Ontario (807)
CanSsk - Telecom Canada/Saskatchewan (306)
CanSWO - Telecom Canada/SW Ontario (519)
CanTor - Telecom Canada/Toronto Area (416)
CanWQu - Telecom Canada/Western Quebec (819)
CDC - ClayDesta Communications
CNO - COMTEL of New Orleans
COM - COM Systems
CQU - ConQuest Comm. Corp
CTI - Compu-Tel Inc.
DCT - Direct Communications, Inc.
Delta - Delta Communications, Inc.
EDS - Electronic Data Systems Corp.
ETS - Eastern Telephone Systems, Inc.
EXF - Execulines of Florida, Inc.
FDG - First Digital Network
FDN - Florida Digital Network
FDT - Friend Technologies
FST - First Data Resources
GCN - General Communications, Inc.
Hedges - Hedges Communications
HNI - Houston Network, Inc.
ITT - United States Transmission System
LDL - Long Distance for Less
LNS - Lintel Systems
LSI - Long Distance Savers
LTQ - Long Distance for Less
MCI - MCI Telecommunications Corp.
MDE - Meade Associates
MEC - Mercury, Inc.
MIC - Microtel, Inc.
Midco - Midco Communications
MTD - Metromedia Long Distance
NLD - National Data Corp.
NTK - Network Telemanagement Svcs.
NTS - NTS Communications
ONE - One Call Communications, Inc.
PhAmer - Phone America
PHE - Phone Mail, Inc.
PLG - Pilgrim Telephone Co.
R-Comm - R-Comm
RCI - RCI Corporation
SAN - Satelco
SCH - Schneider Communications
SIR - Southern Interexchange Services
SLS - Southland Systems, Inc.
SNH - Sunshine Telephone Co.
SNT - SouthernNet, Inc.
SOC - State of California
Sprint - U.S. Telcom, Inc. (U.S. Sprint)
TBQ - Telecable Corp.
TED - TeleDial America
Teleco - Teleconnect
Telnet - Telenet Comm. Corp.
TEN - Telesphere Network, Inc.
TET - Teltec Savings Communications Co.
TGN - Telemanagement Consult't Corp.
THA - Touch America
TID - TMC South Central Indiana
TKC - TK Communications, Inc.
TMU - Tel-America, Inc.
TOM - TMC of Montgomery
TSH - Tel-Share
TTH - Tele Tech, Inc.
TTU - Total-Tel USA
TXN - Tex-Net
USL - U.S. Link Long Distance
Valu - Valu-Line
WES - Westel
WUT - Western Union Telegraph Co.
Other abbreviations
(Futu) - for future assignment
(Pagr) - reserved for radio paging
[Diry] - Directory Assistance Exchange
[T-??] - reserved for testing
Notes on 800
Much of this was adapted from Telecom Digest's guide to codes, of which
the 800 prefixes were included. This has been updated according to new
prefixes available under Canadian dialing.
New prefixes added on top of the Telecom Digest list: 354, 388, 395, 473,
477, 487, 488, 676, 677, 688, 695, 745, 753, 755, 765, 766, 800, 866, 879,
884, 926, 927, 933.
Where local telcos, such as Illinois Bell offer 800 service, they purchase
blocks of numbers from AT&T on prefixes assigned to AT&T. They are free
to purchase blocks of numbers from any carrier of their choice however.
Often, exchanges of the form NN2 are used internally within an area code
or region, such as 552 or 772 in Saskatchewan, or for intra-state use.
Specific intra-state or intra-provincial uses are not mentioned in this
The information was updated according to carriers accessible from Canada.
As far as can be determined, only the AT&T, MCI and Sprint 800 services
are accessible from Canada at present. However, 337 (assigned to First Data
Resources) seems to be connected to MCI. This could be due to the purchase
of some companies; the prefixes would then be assumed by the buyer.
N0X/N1X prefixes for 800 service are starting to appear. The first widely-known
one is 800 used by Sprint (as in 1 800 800 xxxx). This is the only N(0/1)X
prefix for 800 to be accessible from Canada at present.