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From @mail.uunet.ca:dleibold@gvc Tue Jan 3 23:51:14 1995
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Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 00:40:00 -0500
From: dleibold@gvc.com (Dave Leibold)
To: ptownson@eecs.nwu.edu
Subject: Area 604 chart - for archives
Status: RO
Exchanges - Area Code 604 - British Columbia - 1 of 2 (21 December 1994)
66 000 44 // 2222 000 000 55555 999 999
6 0 0 4 4 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9 9 9
6666 0 0 44444 // 222 0 0 0 0 === 5555 9999 9999
6 6 0 0 4 // 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 9
666 000 4 // 22222 000 000 5555 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20|(Van*)|(Van*)|[T-??]| - - | - - |[T-??]| - - | - - | - - | - - |20
21| - - |[T-ID]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |21
22|<---- Vancouver --->|Boswel| Van |Rionde|Vallic|Crawfo| Van |Balfou|22
23| Van |Richmo|ToadRi|McDame|Iskut |Telegr|Bearsk|TatsLk|Goldbr|Cassia|23
24| Van |Richmo|Tumble|BeaveV|Richmo|Ladysm|Chemai|Gabrio|Parksv|Bouchi|24
25|<------------ Vancouver ------------>|Lilloo|Richmo| Van |Shalal|25
26| - - | Van |Attach|< Vancouver >|Nakusp|<---- Vancouver --->|Fauqui|26
27|<--------------------------- Richmond -------------------------->|27
28| Van |WossLk|PtAlic|GoldRi|PtAlic|Quadra|<Campbell Rv>|Holber|OceanF|28
29|< Vancouver >|Hedley|< Vancouver >|Prcton|150Mil|McLees|< Vancouver >|29
30| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |30
31| - - |[T-??]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |31
32|<------------- Vancouver ------------->|Kincol|<---- Vancouver --->|32
33|RedRoc| Van |Kyuquo|Lasque|Courte|UnionB|Cumber|Mervil|Courte|Comox |33
34|Donald| Van |Inverm|Field |Golden|Fairmo|Spilli|Radium|Parson|CanalF|34
35|Dougla|NewWes|Nelson|Kaslo |Nelson|Slocan| Vic |Salmo |NewDen|SSloca|35
36|<- Victoria >|Rossla| Vic |Trail |Castle|DuncLk|Fruitv|Trail |TroutL|36
37| Vic |<- Kamloops >|Savona|Kamloo|Westwo|NKamlo|NewWes|Merrit|Falkla|37
38|<--------------------------- Victoria -------------------------->|38
39|Lantzv| Vic |Willia|Hendri|Alexis|100Mil|LacHac|Forest|Willia|Thrums|39
40| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |40
41| - - |[Diry]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |41
42|< Vancouver >|Skooku|Fernie| Yahk |Sparwo|Cranbr|Kimber|Cresto|Jaffra|42
43|<-------------------------- Vancouver -------------------------->|43
44|Alkali|Clucul|GrandF|< Vancouver >|Greenw|RockCr|ChriLk|Richmo|Midway|44
45|<-Vancouver->|DArcy |Ashcro|Nimpki|Lytton|70 Mil|CacheC|Spence|Clinto|45
46|PittMe|PtMood|Whonno|Haney |PtCoqu|PittMe|<-- Haney -->|Nanoos|PtMood|46
47|Kelown|FtWare|<------- Victoria ------>|TatlaL|<--- Victoria --->|47
48| Vic |Puntzi| Van |Powell|Beavdl|Westvi|Vanand|BlacPt| Van |Cranbr|48
50| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |50
51| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |51
52|<--New Westminster->|LoganL|<------- New Westminster ------>| Elko |52
53|Langle|WhiteR|<--- Langley --->|<-White Rock>|Ganges|WhiteR|GulfIs|53
54|NewWes|WhiteR|Vernon|Newton|WhiteR|Vernon|Armstr|Lumby |Oyama |Vernon|54
55| - - |NewWes|PtCoqu| Loos |NKamlo|[Diry]|Abbots|PtClem|Vernon|QCCity|55
56|Chilak|<-------- Prince George ------->|Valemo|Vander|Giscom|McBrid|56
57| Van |NewWes|Newton|Dallas|Clover|Highla|Clover|Pritch|AspenP|Westsy|57
58|<----------------- Whalley ---------------->|Blackp|<- Whalley ->|58
59|<-- Newton ->| Vic |Bridge|Newton| Vic |<-- Newton ->| Vic |Newton|59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchanges - Area Code 604 - British Columbia - 2 of 2 (21 December 1994)
66 000 44 // 66 000 000 999 999 999
6 0 0 4 4 // 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9
6666 0 0 44444 // 6666 0 0 0 0 === 9999 9999 9999
6 6 0 0 4 // 6 6 0 0 0 0 9 9 9
666 000 4 // 666 000 000 9 9 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
60| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |60
61| - - |[Repr]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |61
62|Horsef|Greenv|PrRupe| Van |PrRupe|PtSimp|Masset|PrRupe|PtEdwa|PendIs|62
63|Prespa| Van |Kitima|Aiyans|Kemano|Terrac|Stewar|Sandsp|Terrac|Kitima|63
64|<-Vancouver->|Sooke |<---- Vancouver --->|Jordan|PtRenf|Tachie| Van |64
65| Van |Atlin |Saanic|Fulfor| Van |<- Saanich ->| Van | Vic |RiskeC|65
66|<-------------------------- Vancouver -------------------------->|66
67|Ahousa|Richmo|Barrie|BlueRi|Clearw|Sorren|Vavenb|Little|Avola |Chase |67
68|<-------------------------- Vancouver -------------------------->|68
69|FtFras| Van |BurnsL|Genell|Grassy|Franco|Topley|Granis|Decker|Fraser|69
70| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |70
71| - - |[TTYR]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |71
72|[Prt?]| Vic |Cedar |<Port Alberni|Tofino|Ucluel| Vic |Bamfie|Keatin|72
73| Van |<------------------------ Vancouver ----------------------->|73
74|Sechel|Nanaim|NimpoL|Cobble| Vic |Youbou|Duncan|Dragon|Duncan|LakeCo|74
75|McLeod|Wellin|Qualic|<---- Nanaimo --->|Wellin|Bowser|Wellin|Rolla |75
76|NewWes|Zeball|<- Kelowna ->|OkMiss|Rutlan|Winfie|Peachl|Westba|Lakevi|76
77| - - |DeaseL|Wonowo|Minake|FtNels| Van |Muncho| - - |Cassia|LowerP|77
79|Likely|108Mil|<Chilliwack >|Roseda|Chilli|Agassi|HemlkV|Lakels|BellaC|79
80| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |80
81| - - |[BCTB]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |81
82|Missio|Richmo| Van |Yarrow|Sardis|NNelso|Missio|Montne|Kamloo|Moyie |82
83| Van |Kitsau|<-Salmon Arm>|MicaCr|Tappen|Sicamo|Revels|Enderb|Klemtu|83
84|Mannin|Hartle|Hazelt|Willbk| Van |Housto|Telkwa|Smithe|Kitkat|Kitwan|84
85|Abbots|Kamloo|<------ Abbotsford ----->|<-Aldergrove>|Sardis|Abbots|85
86|<--- Kelowna --->| Yale |Abbots|Elkfor|Wynnde|Boston|Kelown| Hope |86
87| - - |<----------------------- Vancouver ---------------------->|87
88| Van | Vic |FtLang|PendHb|PtMell|Sechel|Gibson|Grasme|FtLang|NewWes|88
89|Comox | Van |Squami|Britan|Pember| Van |Britan|Woodfi|Bracke| Van |89
90| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |90
91| - - |[Emrg]| - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - |91
92|WillFl|<West Vancvr>|WillPt|NorVan|<West Vancvr>|PtCoqu|BeaveC|NorVan|92
93|Whalle|PtMood|Whistl|PtMood|Tahsis|Cortes|<-Port Moody>|Whistl|PtMood|93
94|Ladner|<Port Coquit>|BeachG|<Port Coquit>|Ladner|BowenI|BeachG|PtHard|94
95|[T-??]|NewWes|<- Victoria >|Parksv|Celist|PtMcNe|BellaB|[T-PT]|[T-PT]|95
96|Vanway| Van |Hartwa|Pinevi|Vanway|Summit|Hansar|ChiefL|Dunste|Winter|96
97| Van |SalVal|BearLk|Sointu|AlertB|FtBabi|(976S)|<--- Vancouver -->|97
98|<N Vancouver>|Hagens|<---------- North Vancouver ---------->|Wildwo|98
99|NorVan|<- Quesnel ->|Kersle|Wells | Vic |FtStJa|MacKen|Hixon | Van? |99
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart
Abbots - Abbotsford Cobble - Cobble Hill Hagens - Hagensborg
Agassi - Agassiz Comox - Comox Haney - Haney
Ahousa - Ahousat Cortes - Cortes Island Hansar - Hansard
Aiyans - Aiyansh Courte - Courtenay Hartle - Hartley Bay
Alderg - Aldergrove Cranbr - Cranbrook Hartwa - Hartway
AlertB - Alert Bay Crawfo - Crawford Bay Hazelt - Hazelton
Alexis - Alexis Creek Cresto - Creston Hedley - Hedley
Alkali - Alkali Lake Cumber - Cumberland HemlkV - Hemlock Valley
Armstr - Armstrong DArcy - D'Arcy Hendri - Hendrix Lake
Ashcro - Ashcroft Dallas - Dallas Highla - Highland Valley
AspenP - Aspen Park Dawson - Dawson Creek Hixon - Hixon
Atlin - Atlin DeaseL - Dease Lake Holber - Holberg
Attach - Attachie Decker - Decker Lake Hope - Hope
Avola - Avola Donald - Donald Horsef - Horsefly
Balfou - Balfour Dougla - Douglas Lake Housto - Houston
Bamfie - Bamfield Dragon - Dragon Lake Hudson - Hudsons Hope
Barrie - Barriere Duncan - Duncan Inverm - Invermere
BeachG - Beach Grove DuncLk - Duncan Lake Iskut - Iskut
BearLk - Bear Lake Dunste - Dunster Jaffra - Jaffray
Bearsk - Bearskin Lake EastPi - East Pine Jordan - Jordan River
BeaveC - Beaver Cove Elkfor - Elkford Kamloo - Kamloops
BeaveV - Beaver Valley Elko - Elko Kaslo - Kaslo
Beavdl - Beaverdell Enderb - Enderby Keatin - Keating
BellaB - Bella Bella Fairmo - Fairmont Kelown - Kelowna
BellaC - Bella Coola Falkla - Falkland Kemano - Kemano
Blackp - Blackpool Fauqui - Fauquier Kereme - Keremeos
BlacPt - Black Point Fernie - Fernie Kersle - Kersley
BlueRi - Blue River Field - Field Kimber - Kimberley
Boston - Boston Bar FlatRo - Flat Rock Kincol - Kincolith
Boswel - Boswell Forest - Forest Grove Kitima - Kitimat
Bouchi - Bouchie Lake FtBabi - Fort Babine Kitkat - Kitkatla
BowenI - Bowen Island FtFras - Fort Fraser Kitsau - Kitsault
Bowser - Bowser FtLang - Fort Langley Kitwan - Kitwanga
Bracke - Brackendale FtNels - Fort Nelson Klemtu - Klemtu
Bridge - Bridge Lake FtStJa - Fort St James Kyuquo - Kyuquot
Britan - Britannia Beach FtStJo - Fort St John LacHac - Lac La Hache
BurnsL - Burns Lake FtWare - Fort Ware Ladner - Ladner
CacheC - Cache Creek Franco - Francois Lake Ladysm - Ladysmith
Campbell Rv - Campbell Fraser - Fraser Lake LakeCo - Lake Cowichan
River Fruitv - Fruitvale Lakels - Lakelse
CanalF - Canal Flats Fulfor - Fulford Harbour Lakevi - Lakeview
Cassia - Cassiar Gabrio - Gabriola Island Heights
Castle - Castlegar Ganges - Ganges Langle - Langley
Cedar - Cedar Genell - Genelle Lantzv - Lantzville
Celist - Celista Gibson - Gibsons Lasque - Lasqueti Island
Chase - Chase Giscom - Giscome Likely - Likely
Chemai - Chemainus GoldRi - Gold River Lilloo - Lillooet
Chetwy - Chetwynd Goldbr - Goldbridge Little - Little Fort
ChiefL - Chief Lake Golden - Golden LoganL - Logan Lake
Chilak - Chilako GrandF - Grand Forks Loos - Loos
Chilli - Chilliwack Granis - Granisle LowerP - Lower Post
ChriLk - Christina Lake Grasme - Grasmere Lumby - Lumby
Clearw - Clearwater Grassy - Grassy Plains Lytton - Lytton
Clinto - Clinton Greenv - Greenville MacKen - MacKenzie
Clover - Cloverdale Greenw - Greenwood Mannin - Manning Park
Clucul - Cluculz Lake GulfIs - Gulf Island Masset - Masset
Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart (continued)
McBrid - McBride PtMcNe - Port McNeil Telegr - Telegraph Creek
McDame - McDame Lake PtMell - Port Mellon Telkwa - Telkwa
McLees - McLeese Lake PtMood - Port Moody Terrac - Terrace
McLeod - McLeod Lake PtRenf - Port Renfrew Thrums - Thrums
Merrit - Merritt Puntzi - Puntzi Mountain ToadRi - Toad River
Mervil - Merville PtSimp - Port Simpson Tofino - Tofino
MicaCr - Mica Creek QCCity - Queen Charlotte Topley - Topley
Midway - Midway City Trail - Trail
Minake - Minaker Quadra - Quadra Island TroutL - Trout Lake
Missio - Mission Qualic - Qualicum Tumble - Tumbler Ridge
Montne - Montney Quesne - Quesnel Ucluel - Ucluelet
Moyie - Moyie Radium - Radium Hot UnionB - Union Bay
Muncho - Muncho Lake Springs Valemo - Valemount
Nakusp - Nakusp RedRoc - Red Rock Vallic - Vallican
Nanaim - Nanaimo Revels - Revelstoke Vanand - Vananda
Nanoos - Nanoose Bay Richmo - Richmond Vander - Vanderhoof
Narama - Naramata Rionde - Riondel Vanway - Vanway
Nelson - Nelson RiskeC - Riske Creek Vavenb - Vavenby
NewDen - New Denver RockCr - Rock Creek Vernon - Vernon
NewWes - New Westminster Rolla - Rolla Van - Vancouver
Newton - Newton Roseda - Rosedale Vic - Victoria
Nimpki - Nimpkish Lake Rossla - Rossland Wellin - Wellington
NimpoL - Nimpo Lake Rutlan - Rutland Wells - Wells
NKamlo - North Kamloops Saanic - Saanich Westba - Westbank
NNelso - North Nelson Salmo - Salmo Westsy - Westsyde
NorVan - North Vancouver Salmon - Salmon Arm WestVa - West Vancouver
OceanF - Ocean Falls SalVal - Salmon Valley (also as West Vancvr)
OkFall - Okanagan Falls Sandsp - Sandspit Westvi - Westview
OkMiss - Okanagan Mission Sardis - Sardis Westwo - Westwold
Oliver - Oliver Savona - Savona Whalle - Whalley
Osoyoo - Osoyoos Sechel - Sechelt Whistl - Whistler
Oyama - Oyama Shalal - Shalalth WhiteR - White Rock
Parksv - Parksville Sicamo - Sicamous Whonno - Whonnock
Parson - Parson Sidney - Sidney Whytec - Whytecliffe
Peachl - Peachland Skooku - Skookumchuck Wildwo - Wildwood
Pember - Pemberton Slocan - Slocan Willbk - Willowbrook
PendHb - Pender Harbour Smithe - Smithers WillFl - Willow Flats
PendIs - Pender Island Sointu - Sointula Willia - Williams Lake
Pentic - Penticton Sooke - Sooke WillPt - Willow Point
PittMe - Pitt Meadows Sparwo - Sparwood Winfie - Winfield
Pinevi - Pineview Sorren - Sorrento Winter - Winter Harbour
PouceC - Pouce Coupe Spence - Spences Bridge Wonowo - Wonowon
Powell - Powell River Spilli - Spillimacheen Woodfi - Woodfibre
Prespa - Prespatou Squami - Squamish WossLk - Woss Lake
Prince George SSloca - South Slocan Wynnde - Wynndel
PrRupe - Prince Rupert Stewar - Stewart Yale - Yale
Prcton - Princeton Summer - Summerland Yarrow - Yarrow
Pritch - Pritchard Summit - Summit Lake Youbou - Youbou
PtAlbe - Port Alberni Tachie - Tachie Zeball - Zeballos
PtAlic - Port Alice Tahsis - Tahsis 70 Mil - 70 Mile House
PtClem - Port Clements TaklaL - Takla Landing 100Mil - 100 Mile House
PtCoqu - Port Coquitlam Tappen - Tappen 150Mil - 150 Mile House
(also as Port Coquit) TatlaL - Tatla Lake 108Mil - 108 Mile House
PtEdwa - Port Edward TatsLk - Tats Lake
PtHard - Port Hardy Taylor - Taylor
Other abbreviations and notes
??? - active as local to Vancouver, or unknown, or active in error
?L? - active; long distance to Vancouver
[BCTB] - BC Tel business office numbers
[Diry] - Directory Assistance Exchange
[Emrg] - Emergency service code
[Prt?] - Partyline - had been special toll conference service listed as
having Port Alberni place; may have been reassigned for regular
exchange use
[Repr] - Repair service code
[TTYR] - TTY/TDD Relay service
[T-PT] - Used for phone test
[T-??] - Unknown type of test
(Van*) - formerly a Vancouver-based exchange, unknown purpose
Van? - 999 seems to be a Vancouver exchange, though activity unclear
(950S) - reserved for future long distance services
(976S) - reserved for special announcements services
(T-PT) - Reserved for phone testing
Note and Comment
December 1994: 604 is extremely close to saturation, including the new
Loos exchange (553) and plenty of new numbers in the Vancouver region.
The dialing changes to accomodate new North American area codes (ie. need
to dial 1+604 for long distance within BC now) will open up some new
exchanges within 604. However, an area code split is inevitable.
New listings for August 1993 include Port Coquitlam 945, interesting
considering the old Point Roberts, Washington exchange was also 945
and formerly a local call in the Vancouver area. Takla Landing 448
seems to have disappeared, and 448 is now a Richmond number. Otherwise,
growth appears to be new exchanges in major B.C. centres.
New listings for October 1992 include Vancouver (323, 871, 880),
New Westminster (889, 951), Victoria (952, 953, 995), Parksville (954),
Salmon Arm (833), Kelowna (491), Richmond (231).
New listings for 1991 include Vancouver (230, 268, 739, 822), Richmond (244),
New Westminster (351), Vernon (558). There seem to be new dialable locations
opening up: Takla Landing (448 - see above comments as this exchange is
now for Richmond), Hartley Bay (841), Kitkatla (848), Winter Harbour (969)
and Fort Babine (975).
The 200, 201 and 205 were at one point apparently dialable, active
exchanges. 604 is not formally using the "interchangeable" prefix
format where exchanges can have 0 or 1 as the middle digit. However,
the 200, 201 and 205 numbers would terminate in such locations as
the "Mutual" central office and the "22 exchange" office. These are
no longer active from the looks of things. However, BC Tel has started
up business office numbers on an "811" prefix (such as 811.xxxx) which
is accessible, but seems to be a special hack and not an official
start of interchangeable prefixes as such. 604 is close to the point
where something will need to be done to expand prefix capacity, though.
Of note are some exchange names: the "Mutual" office, sometimes referred
to in recorded error/problem announcments as "Mutual DS4" is the
big downtown Vancouver exchange. The "Mutual" includes some 66x and 68x
exchanges, among others; the letters MU of Mutual represent 68, a
holdover from the days when letters were used for exchange names.
Another popular exchange out in the University of British Columbia area
is the "22" or "Castle" (CA) exchange.
363 was listed in one source for Vernon Lake; 363 has now become a
Victoria number, but 363 might have represented an exchange that was
used before being discontinued or amalgamated with another service.
Thanks to Dan Fandrich (dan@fch.wimsey.bc.ca), here are other
items of interest about the Vancouver area:
- University of British Columbia has moved from the 228 prefix to what
appears to be their own prefix, 822 (822-XXXX = UBC-XXXX); 228 is still
being used by other customers.
- There is evidence that 280 (Vancouver) is a choke exchange, as the
common use of this exchange among radio stations, ticket agencies,
etc. indicates.
- 291 (Vancouver) is used by Simon Fraser University administration;
as other businesses, etc. use 291, it is unlikely that SFU has
exclusive use of 291, but perhaps a block of numbers in that prefix
- Local calls may now be dialed with the area code 604-; all calls
dialed with 1-604- are intercepted. Unitel allows 1-, 604- and 1-604-
for long-distance calls; all local calls are intercepted.
- Dialing 10XXX-XXXXX... causes the switch to timeout after the last of N
digits and give an intercept.