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Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 09:42:41 CST
From: telecom@delta.eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Digest (Patrick Townson))
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To: telecom
Subject: Vice-President Gore Speaking at Telecom Summit
Bryan K. Douglas sent along the following transcription of Vice-President
Al Gore's remarks to the Telecom Summit meeting in Washington, DC on
January 9, 1995. This file will be made available for future reference
in the Telecom Archives.
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 07:16:18 CST
From: bkdougla@rockdal.aud.alcatel.com (Bryan K. Douglas)
Subject: Al Gore at Telecom Summit
The following may be an interesting addition to the archives.
Bryan Douglas
Alcatel Network Systems
Document-Date:Mon, 09 Jan 1995 14:53:00 -0400 (EDT)
Content-Length: 25897
JANUARY 9, 1995
All of us here today know we are in the midst of an
Information Revolution. Last year, when I visited students
at the Monta Vista High School in California, they showed me
how to use their computer network to retrieve a speech I had
made one day earlier about the Information Superhighway
delivered at UCLA. Then they showed me how to retrieve a
pamphlet written years earlier -- "Common Sense," written
by Thomas Paine. Paine used the information infrastructure
of his day in the service of a different kind of revolution
-- the fruits of which we enjoy today.
Paine wasn't re-inventing government, of course. He
and his contemporaries were inventing a representative
democratic government for the first time in history.
But Paine's insistence on the test of common sense is
as important in this information revolution as it was to our
American revolution two centuries ago.
How can we best serve the cause of liberty and
enterprise in cyberspace? By working to reach a
revolutionary goal through common sense means.
A time comes in any revolution when expectations are
very high but accomplishments are not yet concrete. It is
at such a time that we must re-dedicate ourselves to the
fundamental purpose of our efforts, measure how far we have
come, and consider how best to accomplish the revolutionary
That is the place we occupy today as we take stock of
the efforts to develop the National Information
Infrastructure and, more broadly, the Global Information
Last October, I announced that we would hold this
summit in order to ensure that we remain connected to you --
the people who daily represent the public in exploring the
details, opportunities and impacts of the emerging
information superhighway.
Of course, this is far from the first time this
Administration has reached out to state and local officials.
Indeed, ever since I began working to create a national
information superhighway some 18 years ago, I have been
working closely with many of you here today and your
We share a common purpose, a purpose President Clinton
and I outlined over two years ago when we described our
essential vision of the coming American information
marketplace. We seek open and free competition in which any
company is free to offer any information good or service to
any customer.
Why is that important? Very simply. Because
competition lowers prices, increases choices, improves
quality and creates jobs. Competition is the key.
Competition in the information marketplace will provide
Americans lower prices for their telephone, cable and
information goods and services and give them more and better
choices in the information and programming available to
them. Greater competition will unleash consumer demand for
the new information services and products that will educate,
entertain and empower our people. And that will lead to
new, higher-paying jobs and an economy better prepared for
the challenges of the 21st century.
How do we move toward that goal? By implementing five
simple principles, principles that the Administration has
promoted aggressively for the past two years. These
principles were embraced by the International
Telecommunications Union in Buenos Aires last March. They
were the framework for discussions at both the Asian Pacific
Economic Conference and Hemispheric Summits. Also they will
be the focus of the upcoming G-7 Ministerial Conference on
the Information Society in Brussels in late February.
You know what those principles are. I've recited this
list so often I feel as if I'm reading the Miranda rights of
the information superhighway. They are competition,
universal service, private investment, open access, and
flexible governmental action.
Today, I am very pleased to announce that our
Administration and a number of groups representing state and
local officials are jointly issuing a "Statement of Policy
Objectives" that address issues of mutual interest
concerning the future of advanced telecommunications and the
role of each level of government in building that future.
This statement of policy objectives is a major step toward
consensus on how to build the information superhighway.
By issuing this statement all of you gathered here today
make a clear statement of your -- and our -- vision of the
path toward telecommunications reform and the development of
the NII. By endorsing this statement we each:
? recognize the paramount importance of private
investment to build the NII;
? show our support for public policies to promote
competition as the best stimulus for innovation
and efficiency;
? confirm the need for open access to public
switched networks for program providers;
? re-affirm the importance of universal service in
our telecommunications system;
? recognize the necessity of keeping regulations
agile enough to match the pace of technological
and market changes, and
? assert the importance of government action to
protect consumers from raids on their pocketbooks
and their privacy.
I fully agree with the statement's recognition of the
fact that:
"[t]he regulatory framework needed to manage the
transition from a system of regulated monopolies to
competition should utilize the expertise and experience that
has been developed at each level of government."
You have developed expertise and experience in
promoting competition while protecting consumers, preventing
discrimination among providers or users, ensuring universal
service for all Americans. And we intend to draw upon that
enormous expertise in the months ahead.
Again, competition is the key. In the long distance
market, in the telephone equipment industry and elsewhere,
in the computer industry we have seen the benefits of real
competition often made possible by intelligent government
When monopolies such as the original AT&T or the local
cable company deprived the consumers of the benefits of
competition, government has acted as a counterweight to
protect consumers and give potential competitors a fair
chance. Since the break-up of AT&T eleven years ago, the
use of long distance is up and prices are down more than 60%
in real terms.
When competition came to the telephone equipment
business, consumers discovered that they could buy a
telephone of their choice for less than $25 instead of
renting one for $60 a year.
We protected consumers in the Cable Act of 1992 by
regulating prices and ensuring high-quality services only
where no effective competition existed. According to the
FCC, the 1992 cable law has potentially saved consumers $3
The free and competitive market for computers has
brought previously unimaginable technological capacity to
our offices and our homes. Forty years ago it was predicted
that the worldwide market for computers would be ten to
fifteen machines. In 1980 there were, in essence, no
personal computers in existence. But in less than a decade,
PC prices have dropped sharply while computing power has
accelerated dynamically -- virtually doubling every eighteen
months. In the last quarter of 1994 Americans bought over
5.8 million personal computers.
At the federal, state, and local levels, we must
continue to find new ways to promote competition and
We must spur private investment. The current auctions
of PCS spectrum, proposed by President Clinton in 1993, are
opening the door to new wireless technologies while raising
billions of dollars for the U.S. Treasury. The result for
consumers will be lower prices for wireless communication.
Also, it will mean new wireless services, new jobs and
more efficient, more competitive workers; office workers who
will be able to work from their computers anywhere and still
be connected to their homes or offices; truck drivers who
will be able to get instant information on delivery
requirements; or police officers who will be able to get mug
shots and police reports on a computer terminal located in
their patrol car.
In addition, we can create the conditions for real
competition by ensuring program providers nondiscriminatory
access to information conduits and networks. We have heard
much in recent months about the strong beginnings of Direct
Broadcast Satellite services -- bringing up to 150 channels
into every home anywhere in the country; allowing customers
to watch every NFL game and hundreds of basketball games,
and already serving 300,000 households across the nation.
I've been a supporter of satellite services for a long
time. But today's competitive successes did not arise by
happenstance or merely by the workings of an invisible hand.
The program access provisions of the Cable Act of 1992
guaranteed that direct satellite services would have
programming to provide -- a sound example of common sense
governmental action that helps to create the conditions for
real competition. There was a problem because of
distortions in the marketplace. The federal government
fixed that problem by opening up the market to competition.
And where competition can come to the marketplace and
put government out of business, it is critically important
that it does so. President Clinton and I have worked hard
to reinvent the federal government. Ninety-three per cent
of the reinventing government proposals are in some stage of
implementation. In December, the President announced the
major restructuring of five federal agencies. And right now
we have underway a comprehensive review in a second round of
reinventing government.
We have initiated a regulatory reform effort that will
match good intentions with good regulations by encouraging
citizen participation, simplifying regulatory processes and
using information technology everywhere we can to meet our
national goals of better customer service, innovation, and
measurable results.
I encourage you to do the same -- to look hard at the
tasks you perform, to decide which are necessary and which
have become superfluous -- to drive your own agencies to
work faster, better and smarter.
The issuance of our Joint Statement today comes at a
critical -- and critically appropriate -- time as Congress
begins debate over new telecommunications legislation, as
state and local governments are building increasing momentum
to open markets, and as nations around the world look to the
United States for leadership. The framework we issue today
-- the fact that we at the federal and state levels can
agree on the guideposts for the path to reform -- will send
a clear signal that our resolve for revolutionary change is
greater than ever before.
Last year, unfortunately, telecommunications reform
legislation fell by the wayside in the waning days of the
Congress as the many varied participants responded more to
their fears than to their hopes.
That's not a surprise. Any revolutionary era means, by
definition, that great change is underway -- change that
mixes legitimate concern about the shifting nature of
competitive advantage with unrealistic fears of the unknown.
Each industry is trying to enter new markets while
keeping competitors out of its own old market. The motto
seems to be, "What's mine is mine -- what's yours is
negotiable." We have to break this impasse if we are going
to create a vibrant, competitive information marketplace.
Let me give you some examples.
The regional phone companies legitimately want to use
their expertise to compete in other markets. But they fear
that before they can do so, they will become "hollow
monopolies" -- the purveyors of local telephone services,
but only to customers that others do not wish to serve.
As a result of those fears, most local phone companies
are trying to delay the inevitable -- genuine competition
for local telephone services. They are viewed as delaying
the game when they could be partners in negotiating the
rules of the game.
Long distance companies -- large and small -- want to
ensure that their businesses are primarily dependent on a
local telephone monopolist to reach their customers and vice
versa; and they especially do not want to be dependent on a
monopolist who is permitted to compete with them in their
markets at the same time that they and local customers have
no real choices for local service.
So they are proposing a level of detail difficult to
achieve in federal legislation before they are willing to
support change. They, in effect, are demanding that the
footnotes to the rulebook be written before the game can
Cable companies, too, want to offer new services, like
local telephony. But they, too, fear that other competitors
will use past regulatory advantage -- or the capital gained
from past monopoly status -- to overwhelm them.
Because of this fear, they are using the regulatory
process and legal challenges to delay local telephone
company entry into the cable market. Some of them would
like to bring the game to a halt before it even starts.
Information service providers are concerned that
telephone companies and cable companies will abuse their
control of both content and conduit. They will benefit from
the buildout of high-speed networks, but fear being left out
of the game altogether and being denied access to American
And consumers themselves have fears; as workers and
citizens, they don't want to be left out. The Joint
Statement that we issue today accurately describes advanced
telecommunication services as a potential tool that can
empower Americans, that can enhance economic opportunity and
improve the delivery of public services. But a tool can be
used only by those who hold it in their hands.
Consumers want to ensure that they are not
disadvantaged by the change that does come to them -- that
they do not find the cost of being in the game rising
constantly with little benefit to justify it and no increase
in the quality of play.
As you know, because you deal with these issues every
day, there is some truth and some exaggeration in each of
these fears -- particularly the fears expressed by private
economic interests. We need to listen carefully to the
voices of industry, but at the end of the day we must ensure
that the marketplace favors real competition which is after
all never without risk -- not only the desires or well-being
of a particular competitor.
How do we reconcile all these fears? Not by making
small changes to the present regulatory system. Nor by
discounting the legitimate concerns of market players
because of the validity of these concerns. Nor by
continuing to protect monopolies and artificially
subdividing the telecommunications marketplace.
We can deal with all the fears of all the different
players only by having the courage to throw out the
regulated monopoly model that we've used for more than 60
years and instead create a truly competitive marketplace
where regulation is replaced by competition on a level
playing field.
We propose that the Administration work with the
Congress, the industry, the public interest community and
all of you gathered here today to decide in a timely manner
the rules necessary for a fair game and let the play begin.
No team should be allowed to bring in ringers or begin with
unfair advantages gained from previous monopolistic
positions and practices and no team should be allowed to
unduly slow or complicate play.
But the game should not begin on some arbitrary date
without rules at all on the mistaken assumption that a
calendar can replace a rulebook. Too many people and
businesses have too much at stake to be subject to the
vagaries of trying to play now and figure out the rules
In this new competitive world, interconnection rules
will ensure that new network service providers -- including
utilities and cable companies that wish to offer switched
digital services -- can compete fairly with incumbent phone
companies. The regional phone companies can compete on even
terms with inter-exchange companies in both local and long-
distance markets. Thousands of information service
providers and programmers will be able to compete because we
will work with the states to ensure they all have non-
discriminatory access to regulated networks.
And new, more effective universal service provisions
will ensure that all consumers will be able to enjoy the
lower prices and greater choices competition will make
We can create such a world -- indeed, we must -- in
order to meet the needs and eliminate the fears of
But we will not have full and open competition if
private interests use regulatory and legislative proceedings
as tools for short-term competitive advantage rather than a
mechanism for the long-term public good. Regulatory delay
must never be permitted to become a tactic of private,
competitive advantage.
So I hope that in your discussions today you will begin
to cut through the stalemate by carefully unbundling the
real from the imaginary.
I suggest a straightforward approach. Competition is
always better than monopoly. But monopoly power must never
be confused with competition. Two enemies of competition
are monopoly power and unwise government regulation.
We must remember, after all, that the goal we seek is
real competition. Not the illusion of competition; not the
distant prospect of competition. Because only real
competition can meet the test that consumers rightly demand
-- that prices be lower; quality higher; and choice,
greater. That's just common sense.
That is why, for example, we have already said that we
cannot support a proposal to fully deregulate the local
telephone exchanges upon the mere prospect that some
theoretical competitor might be able to provide some
services to some hypothetical customer. That is an allusion
of competition. It's not competition. Competition must be
real. But by the same token, we must not use the rationale
of scarcity to limit competition in a time of technological
Where real competition is possible, we must ready the
stage for its appearance.
And where it is real, we must be prepared to re-examine
past regulatory mechanisms. For example, current cable
legislation established rate regulation in monopoly markets.
But some are suggesting that cable markets are changing
faster than anticipated. If the arrival of direct broadcast
satellite and video dialtone eliminates the need for rate
regulation, so much the better. I have no interest in
seeing regulatory mechanisms perpetuated one instant longer
than necessary. I'm sure everyone feels that way.
We will listen with an open mind. We will ask what
competition exists, for what markets and for what services.
We will ask what can be done to speed up competition even
more. We consider how best to reach our essential goal of
protecting consumers -- and liberating consumer demand.
It is to learn from and listen to you that I called
this summit today. And it is why I encourage you to join
the issues today with a common vision and common goals.
We all look forward to working with the leaders of the
104th Congress. We are already building a bi-partisan
coalition for reform. We are eager to work with Leader Dole
and Speaker Gingrich, Senators Pressler and Hollings, and
other Senators working in this field; and with Congressmen
Bliley and Dingell, Fields and Markey. As last year's
overwhelming vote in the House of Representatives
demonstrated, the case for change transcends political
That signal is amplified by your efforts that are
already underway. Represented here are state and local
governments that are introducing competition to markets that
were previously the domain of monopoly providers; that are
introducing new models of telemedicine to reduce costs and
improve health care delivery; and that are linking their
schools, libraries and citizens to the Information
superhighway -- a goal of particular importance to us.
You have been the innovators -- you have had to be, in
order to keep pace with technology. While much attention
has been focused on the federal government, many of you have
completely rewritten your states' telecommunications rule
books. You've introduced competition into the marketplace
and found ways to promote new services, better quality, and
lower prices all at the same time. There are many inspiring
examples. I salute you on the work you've done and are
Not just communities but whole nations will be helped
by the coming of the information revolution. Because open
markets are just as critical around the world as they are in
the United States.
Free market access will provide critical support for
the economic development of other nations, whose businesses
and workers need access to advanced technologies if they are
to remain -- or to become -- competitive in a global
And open markets will allow people around the world to
have access to and choose from the best in educational,
entertainment and creative products such as films, sound
recordings, computer software and books.
When nations close markets they close minds and
opportunities as well. In Europe, quotas on television
limit U.S. programming; in Canada, my home state's favorite
cable channel has been forced off the air; in Australia,
preferences are provided to domestic films, and in Columbia
a new law just passed to set day-time quotas for television.
The United States must fight for open markets so that
our products can be sold worldwide. We must fight for open
markets because the principle of free expression of ideas is
at stake. We must fight for open markets to protect the
hundreds of thousands of jobs in the entertainment and
content industry. And we will do so -- including at the
upcoming G-7 ministerial conference in Brussels next month.
Still, there are challenges that remain in translating
our purpose and our objectives into action.
The words of Alexis de Toqueville, written in 1835,
demonstrates that the case for change transcends boundaries
of time as well.. A keen observer of American democracy, de
Toqueville wrote:
I think that it is an arduous undertaking to
excite the enthusiasm of a democratic nation for
any theory that does not have a visible, direct,
and immediate bearing on the occupations of their
daily lives.... For it is enthusiasm which makes
men's [and women's] minds leap off the beaten
track and brings about great intellectual, as well
as political, revolution.
We have seen -- and I have described today -- the
evidence of the information revolution that is already upon
us. Its historical genesis is inseparable from our quest
for freedom -- from the printing press that Thomas Paine
used to print "Common Sense" to the explosion of talk radio
and the growth of the Internet. Its prospect is for the
pursuit of happiness, from jobs and education and health
care to the simpler pleasure of watching football on a
Sunday afternoon. Its time has come.
Almost exactly a year ago today, I told industry
leaders that we were meeting on common ground, not to
predict the future, but to make firm the arrangements for
its arrival. Today, with you, we meet again on common
ground, again to make firm the arrangements that will allow
the information revolution to have an even more visible,
direct and immediate impact on the lives of all Americans.
The President, Secretary Brown and I, and all the
members of this Administration here today, look forward to
working together with you.
Thank you.