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Internet Message Format
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 18:13:27 -0500
From: TELECOM Digest (Patrick Townson) <telecom@delta.eecs.nwu.edu>
Subject: Bibliography of Telecom Publications
Recently an inquiry in the Digest asked how to contact {Telephony Magazine}.
I wondered if they were still in business. Several responses came in on
this, of which two are printed below. About the same time I got a very
lengthy list of telecom magazines and periodicals available. I decided to
put all this information together in a special mailing which you may want
to keep with other telecom related reference materials.
The person preparing the bibliography did not mention the publication
you are reading right now -- TELECOM Digest -- but read through the
list he did prepare; I will discuss the Digest at the end of his message.
From: Noah Davids <Noah_Davids@vos.stratus.com>
Subject: Re: Subscription Details Wanted For "Telephony"
Date: 6 May 1995 00:24:15 GMT
Organization: Stratus Computer Inc.
The copy of {Telephony} I have has an ISSN number of 0040-2656. Don't
know if its the one you are interested in or not. But for the record
its published by Intertec.
Customer Service is located at:
P.O. Box 12901
Overland Park, KS 66282-2901
1-800-441-0294 or 913-967-1707
I would expect that they could sign you up or at least send you a
subscription form.
From: bruce.roberts@greatesc.com (Bruce Roberts)
Date: Sun, 7 May 1995 18:47:00 GMT
Organization: The Great Escape - Gardena, CA - (310) 676-3534
NS> Subject: Subscription Details Wanted For "Telephony"
NS> From: nirad@cs.uq.oz.au (Nirad Sharma)
NS> A friend of mine is trying to find out how to subscribe to "Telephony"
NS> but cannot get hold of a copy to get the subscription details (nor can
NS> I). Can anyone provide the fax number or e-mail address for
NS> subscribing to this periodical?
NS> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Is {Telephony} still in business? I've
As of a couple years ago this still worked for me:)
Global Telephony
55 East Jackson Blvd., Suite 1100
Chicago, Illinois 60604-4188
Telephone (312) 922-2435
fax (312) 922-1408
TTFN -br-
From: Tom Farley <privateline@delphi.com>
Subject: Long list of telecom related magazines and newsletters
Date: Sun, 7 May 95 02:11:35 -0500
Organization: Delphi (info@delphi.com email, 800-695-4005 voice)
Prepared by:
Tom Farley / private line
5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-348
Carmichael, CA 95608 USA
private line@delphi.com
My magazine is $24 a year for six issues. Text of back issues are
at the etext archive at Michigan. Gopher over or ftp to:
Telecom Related Magazines and Newsletters
Welcome to the telecom related magazine list of _private line_. This
is an update to the list that first appeared in issue Number 5. I
think it is the best magazine list on the Internet. I hope to update
this every two months or so. Addresses are for subscriptions and
samples. I didn't include editorial addresses to save space. Quoted
material comes from a magazine's masthead or from a reader's comments.
Let me know if you find any mistakes in this list or if you find a
magazine that I should be aware of. Feel free to distribute freely.
Just keep the file intact and send me corrections so I can keep the
list going!
Some of these magazines will give you free subs if you take it third
class and are "qualified" to have it. My advice is to ask for a sub,
fill out their form and let them make the decision. Who knows? Maybe
the magazine needs more subscribers so that they can charge higher ad
rates. I personally am always willing to pay for a sample copy.
See what happens after you write in. Then start filling out product
information cards in the magazines that arrive. Be specific. The trick
is to get a low cost flow of information into your mailbox. Really
broke but still interested? Ask for their writers' guidelines along
with a sample. Or ask for a media kit. Dummy up some letterhead at
Office Depot and call yourself a consultant if you have to. But I just
use my real name. That's worked so far.
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
General hacking. Some of the best telephone hacking articles in
print. 10 years worth of back issues available.
2600 Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 752
Middle Island, NY 11953
(516) 751-2600
Quarterly. U.S. and Canadian subscriptions: $21 individual and
$50. Overseas: $30 individual and $50 corporate in US Funds.
Advanced Wireless Communications
A newsletter from the Telecom group. They do say that they won't
charge for a sample. And they did send me a nice catalog of their
expensive publications.
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
$492. Bi-weekly with a fax alert.
America's Network
Formerly Telephone Engineer and Management, a well respected industry
magazine. "I tried to find info for you on TE&M since I used to get it
free as a kid. Loved it! Looked for it on my last dumpster mission.
Alas, all I got from the spoils were a couple issues of Telephony."
Advantstar Communications
131 West First Street
Duluth MN 55802-2065
Twice a month. $44 a year to United States addresses. A sample is
Antique Telephone Collectors Association Newsletter
A publication of the ATCA. It contains news of their organization as
well as interesting articles on the history of telephony. It also has
classified ads, some with pictures, from members looking to buy and
sell old phones, phone parts, books, phone memorabilia and other
collector items. Fascinating reading. The newsletter comes free with
your membership. Write for a sample as well as for a membership
Ann Manning, Office Manager
P.O. Box 94
Abilene, KS 67410
(913) 263-1757
The newsletter is monthly. Dues are $30 a year to U.S. members, paid
on a calendar basis. People joining mid-year pay pro-rated dues of
$2.50 a month. There is a one time fee of $5.00 for new members.
AT&T Technical Journal
Not as technical as the old B.S.T.J. nor understandable as the old
Bell Laboratories Record., the AT&T Technical Journal does come up
with some fascinating articles. No. 73 was on AT&T switches. The
5ESS-2000 and the 4ESS were both reviewed along with a lengthy
discussion of how cellular and PCS calls are switched.
Circulation Group, Room 3C-417
AT&T Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Ave.
P.O. Box 636
Murray Hill, N.J. 07974-0636
(908) 582-4019
Six times a year. $55 domestic. $11.00 for single copies. They may
have two years of back issues available but some editions are sold
out. Best to write first for info on back issues and subscribing.
Bell Labs News
Nicely done tabloid sized, 6 page newspaper that's published bi-
weekly. Closed subscriber list. Limited to employees of AT&T . I got a
copy from a subscriber but you may want to try the person below:
Linda Crockett, Editor
Room 3C-420 A
AT&T Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Avenue
P.O. Box 636
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
(908) 582-4739
Blacklisted! 411
"The Official Hacker's Magazine". A nicely done magazine out of
southern California. It's well worth looking for. You'll probably want
to subscribe if you enjoy 2600 or my magazine.
P.O. Box 2506
Cypress, CA 90630
(310) 596-4673
Quarterly. $20 a year. $5.00 for a sample.
Cabling Business Magazine
"The Only Telecommunications Copper and Fiber Optics Cabling and
Wiring Magazine for Voice, Data, and Image." These people seem a
little too eager to give you a subscription. Wouldn't even tell me the
price of a sample or sub over the phone. They insisted on sending a
free copy. In addition, the publication is very practical and
interesting. Write for this one!
Cabling Business Magazine
P.O. Box 496177
Garland TX 754049-6177
(214) 328-1717
Call Center
A call center is a place that takes a customer's calls. It might be a
catalog sales center or a cable TV company's order department.
Interesting enough to check out. "Ten Ways To Foil a Hacker" was a
good, non-hysterical article on fraud.
Call Center
1265 Industrial Highway
Southampton, PA 18966
MCI Mail 627-4700.
Monthly. US: 12 issues for $14. Canada: $20. I just got an app for a
free sub so you may want to inquire . . .
Cellular Business
"This rag sucks and doesn't contain much more than fluffy press
releases from the manufacturers of phones and accessories. No
technical information, and they ran an article on cellular fraud that
was grossly inaccurate and belonged in a Sunday newspaper supplement.
I subscribed, and then refused to send them the $39 they wanted for a
subscription. Just glossy garbage." Your editor, though, thinks that
it really is worth a look, they seem to be getting better.
Cellular Business
Intertec Publishing Corp.
P.O. Box 12901
Overland Park, KS 66282-2901
(913) 341-1300
Monthly. $24 a year to qualified subscribers. Call for free sample.
Cellular Marketing
Another publication that I haven't seen but one that David Crowe
recommends. He says it is trying to take on a more technical focus.
Write for a sample.
Argus Circulation Center
P.O. Box 41528
Nashville, TN 37204
$29 for a U.S. sub and $39 for a Canadian or Mexican subscription.
Cellular Network Perspectives
Expertly done, professional newsletter. David Crowe focuses on
networks, protocols and general cellular concepts, rather than on
exact technical details. It gives you the big picture without any
corporate slant. It is really the only publication that goes into
details on standards.
Cellular Networking Perspectives
2636 Toronto Crescent NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3W1 Canada
(403) 289-6609
(403) 289-6658 FAX
Monthly. $150 a year for small business and educational customers.
$250 otherwise. All back issues available. He'll mail or fax you a
copy of "IS-41 Explained" if you like.
Computer Telephony
Driven by ads and corporations. Same folks as Call Center and
Teleconnect. Some interesting articles on occasion. A recent article
by Mitel predicts the death of PBX's as we understand them. They're
giving away subs so you might as well sign up.
Computer Telephony
1265 Industrial Highway
Southampton, PA 18966
1015032@mcimail.com 70600.2451@compuserve.com
Electronic Design
A real find. Features articles occasionally on telecom. Goldberg's
article on PCS, for example, was a better read than a similar article
that ran about the same time in the expensive IEEE Personal
Electronic Design, A Penton Publication
Penton Publishing Subscription Lockbox
P.O. Box 96732
Chicago, Ill 60693
Supposedly $105 a year. Write for a sample -- you should be able to
wrangle a free sub from them.
FCC Report
Another newsletter from Telecom.
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
$591. They say they don't charge for a sample. People on the phone
are sometimes confused.
Fiber Optic News
Newsletter. "Covers management and marketing of optical fibers and
laser technology"
Phillips Business Information, Inc.
12051 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 208564
Weekly. 50 times a year. 10 pages. $697 a year. $37.50 for a
Full Disclosure
Glen Roberts puts out this interesting, newspaper like publication. It
deals with many electronic privacy issues but it has some nice
telephone articles from time to time. I see it only rarely on
newsstands. Ask your magazine dealer to order it through Fine Print
First Amendment Press, Inc.
8129 N. 35th Ave., Suite 134
Phoenix, AZ 85051
Monthly. $29.95 for 12 issues. Canadian subscriptions add $15.00.
For all other countries add $25.00 per twelve issues.
Global Telephony
Another one from Intertec. I haven't called for prices yet.
Intertec Publishing Corp.
P.O. Box 12901
Overland Park, KS 66282-2901
(913) 341-1300
IEEE Communications Magazine
Occasionally interesting telephone pieces. I read it from time to time
at a university libary.
IEEE Service Center
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, N.J. 08855-13311
(908) 981-0060
Monthly. $23 to members, $135 to non-members, single issue copies are
$10 to members and $20 to non-members.
IEEE Personal Communications
"The Magazine of Nomadic Communications and Computing" Winter 1994
edition had lots of stuff on the development of PCS protocols.
Cutting edge information if you can understand it or afford it.
IEEE Service Center
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, N.J. 08855-13311
(908) 981-0060
Quarterly. $80 a year to non-members. A single copy to non-members
costs $20.
This is Protel's own quarterly newsletter. They're the largest COCOT
maker in the country. It's small (4 pp) but well done and it's free.
Greg Hogan, National Accounts Manager, does a good job explaining the
NANP or North American Numbering Plan in issue 7. Send a postcard
requesting it to:
Teresa Frueh Blocher
Protel Inc.
4150 Kidron Rd.
Lakeland, Fl 33811-1274
BTW, she wants your name, company name, and your daytime phone
number. Yeah, right.
Another expensive newsletter from Phillips.
Phillips Business Information, Inc.
12051 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 208564
25 times a year for $597 a year. $35 for a sample. They'll send you a
free brochure on it if you want one.
Land Mobile Radio News
Newsletter. They'll send you a free brochure on it.
Phillips Business Information, Inc.
12051 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 208564
Weekly. 50 times a year. 12 to 14 pages an issue. $597 a year. $35
for a sample.
Local Competition Report
Another newsletter from Telecom.
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
$425 yearly. Comes out every two weeks. They say they don't charge
for a sample.
Local Telecom Competition
Newsletter. They'll send you a free brochure about it if you want
Phillips Business Information, Inc.
12051 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 208564
Bi-weekly. 25 times a year. 12 to 14 pages an issue. $597 a year. $35
for a sample.
Microwave Journal
" . . . I get more technical info about the direction and technology
of cellular from one issue of RF Design News or Microwave Journal than
I could from a whole year of Cellular Business."
Horizon House Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 850949
Braintree MA 02185-0949
(617) 356-4595
Monthly. Domestic, one year, $67.00, two year $110, foreign $120 one
year, two year subscriptions $230, back issues (if available) and
single copies, $8.00 domestic and $17.00 foreign.
Microwaves & RF
Heavy duty publication for the radio engineer.
Microwaves and RF
A Penton Publication
1100 Superior Avenue
Cleveland OH 44197-8101
(216) 696-7000
Monthly. $60 for US subscriptions. Free to qualified individuals.
Mobile Communications
Magazine. Haven't seen it.
Central House
27 Park Street
Croydon CRO 1YD
+44 (0)81 686 5654
Monthly. 40 pounds UK, overseas 60 pounds ($120) per year.
Mobile Data Report
Another newsletter from the folks at Telecom.
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
$597. Every two weeks. They say they don't charge for a sample.
Mobile Phone News
Phillips Business Information, Inc. 12051 Seven Locks Road Potomac,
MD 208564 1-800-777-5006
Newsletter. Weekly. 50 times a year. $597 a year. $35 for a
sample. They'll send you a free brochure on it if you want one.
Mobile Satellite News
Phillips Business Information, Inc.
12051 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 208564
Newsletter. Weekly. 50 times a year. $597 a year. $35 for a
sample. They'll send you a free brochure on it if you want one.
Monitoring Times
Grove Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 98,
300 S. Highway 64 West
Brasstown, North Carolina 28902-0098
Monthly. $21.95 in the U.S. and
$32.00 elsewhere. Newsstands.
Nuts and Volts
Arguably better than Popular Electronics at its height. Great ads and
even better articles. Damien Thorn's cellular articles were especially
good. I usually find Nuts and Volts at a ham radio stoe. Write for a
Nuts and Volts Magazine
430 Princeland Court
Corona, CA 91719
(909) 371-8497
Monthly. 3d class: $17.00 a year or 2 years for $31. 1st class: $34.00
for one year in the USA. $5.00 for back issues.
On the Line
"The National Publication of the California Payphone Association". A
regional publication that does cover national issues. Another resource
for COCOTs. No reader service cards but worth getting.
California Payphone Association
c/o On the Line
2610 Crow Canyon Rd., Suite 150
San Ramon, CA 94583
(510) 855-3880
Six times a year. $25 a year. Send $5.00 and you'll get a sample. Or
call them up and use your social engineering skills. . .
Outside Plant
Outside plant is an old telephone term for everything outside of the
switching center. It's a nice publication but I doubt you are going to
get a free sub -- I'm still working on them to give me a discount or
to trade subs.
Practical Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 183
Cary, Illinois 60013-0183
One year $30 domestic, one year for Canadian addresses is $64 US.
Phone +
Another COCOT related magazine. A good place to get more information
on a hard to research topic. Write or call for a free sample.
Phone +
Box 5400
Scottsdale, AZ 85261-5400.
(602) 990-1101
15 times a year for $50.00
Popular Communications
The "Telephones Enroute" column written by Tom Kneitel (K2AES) is very
good. Mostly product announcements regarding cellular equipment but
analyzed by someone who knows what they're talking about.
CQ Publications
76 N. Broadway
Hicksville, NY 11801
(516) 681-2926
Monthly. Domestic rate is $21.50 You can get it from any magazine
Premier Telecard Magazine
Another telecard magazine. I haven't seen it. I'd send at least five
dollars for a sample. Or call first
BJE Graphics and Pub., Inc
P.O. Box 2297
Paso Robles, CA 93447
(805) 547-8500
A $30 subscription gets you the mag, two telecards and a telecard
calendar for 1995.
private line
"A journal of inquiry into the telephone system" Okay, you didn't
think that I'd leave mine out, did you? The finest, self indulgent
nonsense about the telephone system in print today.
private line
5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-348
Carmichael, CA 95608
$24 a year for six issues. Goes up to $27.00 July, 1. $4.00 for a
sample. Back issues $5.00. Text of back issues are on line at:
Public Communications Magazine
A hoot. COCOTs and more. The November, 1994 issue featured an
article on how raising a local payphone call to $.35 will benefit
everyone. Really. I got a free sample by calling the 800 line.
My sample came with a form for a free subscription which they did
give me.
Public Communications
P.O. Box 6246
Syracuse, NY 13217-7920
Radio Communications Report
"For cellular phone information, my favorite is a weekly tabloid
called Radio Communications Report. It has every thing that
Phillips newsletters have (plus a lot more) at 1/10 the price.
It's also a lot better than the glossies like Cellular Business
for following current events in the business."
RCR Publications Inc.
777 East Speer Blvd.
Denver, C0 80203
Semi-monthly. 1 year $39; 2 years - $59. Wouldn't tell me the
sample price -- insisted on mailing me a free copy.
RBOC Update
Worldwide Videotext
P.0. Box 138
Babson Park, Boston MA
(508) 477-8979
Monthly newsletter. $150 a year
Report on AT&T
Newsletter. "Reports on all activities of AT&T" Focuses on "AT&T
and its bloody turf battles."
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
Twice a month. $697 a year with a fax alert. They say they will send
you a free sample if you are interested.
Satellite Times
Grove Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 98,
300 S. Highway 64 West
Brasstown, North Carolina 28902-0098
(704) 837-9200
Bi-monthly-- $19.95 in the U.S.
and $26.00 elsewhere .
State Telephone Regulation Report
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
Twice a month newsletter. $535 a year. They say they will send you a
free sample if you are interested.
TeleCard World
"America's Leading Magazine for the Telephone Card Industry" Very
interesting. Your place to find O.J. calling cards. They'll send you
an old issue as a free sample.
Telecard World
P.O. Box 6246
Syracuse, NY 13217-7920
$36.00 yearly for US subscriptions.
Telecom Gear
"The National Marketplace To Buy & Sell Telecommunications Equipment"
They focus more on used PBX and office equipment, rather than telco
equipment which Telephone International covers.
15400 Knoll Train
Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75248
(214) 233-5131
Monthly 3d class: $31 a year. They sent me a free sample when I
wrote for information.
Telecommunications: Americas' Edition
The best corporate telecom magazine that I've seen. Same group
that publishes Microwave Journal.
Horizon House Publications
P.O. Box 850949
Braintree, MA 02185-0949
Monthly. $67.00 a year US, $120 foreign, single issues are $8 US
and $17 for foreign.
Telco Business Report
Was Telephone Week. Another expensive newsletter from Telecom.
Telecom Publishing Group
1101 King St. Suite 444, Box 1455
Alexandria, VA 22313-20555
Twice a month newsletter. $695 a year. They say they will send you
a free sample if you are interested.
Telecommunications Policy
Academic publication. Policy stuff and more. Explains and comments on
technology to non-engineer university types. Uses side margins to
footnote! Worth looking at but you'll have to search.
Turpin Distribution Services Ltd. Blackhorse Road
Letchworth. Herts SG6 IHN. UK
Nine times a year. Corporate subscriptions: 270 pounds to UK and
Europe, 285 pounds to the rest of the world. Individual: 90 pounds.
(Specify Telecommunications Policy when ordering)
Teleconnect is more practically oriented than most corporate
publications. Available through the Tower chain and at many
1265 Industrial Highway
Southampton, PA 18966
1-800-677-3435 70600.2451 @compuserve.com
12 issues for $15 -- Canada: $30. Retails for $4.00 a copy.
"The Authority on Inbound, Out bound and Customer Service
One Technology Plaza
Norwalk , CT 06854
1 -800-243-6002
Bi-monthly. $49 in the U.S. Call for a sample.
Some value because it is timely and widely available. Guest editorials
are good. Lots of product announcements and self serving press
P.O. Box 12976
Overland Park. Kansas 66282-9940
(312) 922-1408
4944254@mcimail .com
Weekly. $45.00 domestic. Single copies are $5.00.
Telephone International
"Published for buyers and sellers of telecommunications equipment
since 1985" This newspaper like publication has display ads and
classifieds. Caters to the telco crowd. Small but interesting photos
of GTD5s, DMS lOOs, etc. in the ads. This may be your best chance of
seeing some inside plant equipment. Fairly easy to get a free sub.
Telephone International
P.O. Box 3589 -- Hwy. 70 N.
Crossville, TN 38557-3589
(615) 484-3685
Monthly. Domestic is $50.00 for two years if mailed first class.
Ask for a sample.
"Effective Marketing Via Telecommunications" I think that
telemarketing is a terrible thing but the technology involved is
fascinating. An easy one to get a free sub from.
209 West Fifth Street Suite N
Waterloo, Iowa 50701 -5420
(319) 235-4473
$39 a year. They were running a $10 subscription promo when I
called. And they happily sent a sample.
Voice Processing Magazine
"The source for applications of computer-telephone integration &
voice automation"
Advanstar Communications
131 W. Birst Street
Duluth, MN 55802
$39 for one year or $59 for two years. $4.95 for a sample.
Washington Telecom News
Phillips Business Information, Inc.
12051 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 208564
1 -800-777-5006
Newsletter. Weekly. 50 times a year. 8 to 10 pages an issue. $597
a year. $35 for a sample. They'll send you a free brochure on it
if you want one.
"For the corporate user". Wireless is the future. This magazine covers
it well with nice articles on many aspects. Good reader service cards.
Circulation Department: Wireless
Three Wing Drive, Suite 240
Cedar Knolls NJ 07927-1000
(201) 285-1500
Every two months (bi-monthly). Free to qualified subscribers. $30 to
US subscribers and $36 for our Canadian and Mexican friends. They did
send me a free sample.
AT&T Technology,
Common Carrier,
Global Telecommunications,
Telecom and Network Security Review, Telecommunications Journal of
Australia, Telesis,
World Wide Telecom,
Telekom Praxis,
Commutations and Refutations,
Phillips' Telecommunications Review
Ericsson Review,
Siemens' Telecom Report
Northern Telecom Magazine
This list is available for $2.00 in hardcopy. Just send cash.
See you on the net!
Tom Farley
5150 Fair Oaks Blvd. #101-348
Carmichael, CA 95608
And now that I have given a free advertisment to all the publications
mentioned above, let me mention the one Mr. Farley did not bother to
include in his list for whatever reason ... the one you are reading
now -- TELECOM Digest.
() The oldest continuing newsletter/ezine on the internet,
having started in 1981 and published continuously since
then. Other journals which were originally part of this
Digest are themsevles now several years old.
() Exclusively electronic; no print edition.
() Unlike the ones mentioned above, instead of a weekly or
bi-weekly or monthly edition, there are *several hundred*
issues per year. Typically it averages out to two or three
issues daily.
() No rip off subscription prices; very little that could be
considered advertising. Mostly just reader-written questions,
answers and commentary.
Instead of charging $100-500 per year and sending out one issue per
week, I request a donation of $20 per reader per year, and this is
used to supplement the grant the Digest receives from the International
Telecommunication Union each month.
Whether you send a donation or not, you are provided with the Digest
simply by requesting it. But I would like to point out that the
Digest is SHAREWARE ... not FREEWARE. If you benefit by what you
read here from day to day, then your support is ernestly solicited
to help keep the Digest publishing, and to allow the additional work
and periodic updates needed in the Telecom Archives, where all the
output from this Digest for the past fifteen years and lots more is
available for your use at no charge.
Thank you for your help and for reading this.
9457-D Niles Center Road
Skokie, IL 60076
Phone: 500-677-1616 (708-329-0571)
Fax: 708-329-0572