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Perl Script
334 lines
#! /usr/local/bin/perl4.035
# tpage.pl -- front-end to tpage system.
# by Tom Limoncelli, tal@warren.mentorg.com
# Copyright (c) 1992, Tom Limoncelli
# The sources can be freely copied for non-commercial use only
# and only if they are unmodified.
# $Header: /home/tal/work/beep2/RCS/tpage.pl,v 1.2 1992/09/21 20:11:51 root Exp $
# Version 2.0 -- See file HISTORY for details.
# $Log: tpage.pl,v $
# Revision 1.2 1992/09/21 20:11:51 root
# new tr's to remove high bits
# Revision 1.2 1992/09/21 20:11:51 root
# new tr's to remove high bits
# Revision 1.1 1992/09/21 20:09:37 root
# Initial revision
# Parameters that the user can set:
$debug = 0;
# leave that off
#This is the number of charactors at a time do you see on your
# pager. This is used when word-wrapping.
# How many bytes can one message be. This must be less than 250
# minus the length of your PIN. This is because each packet in the ixo
# protocol must be less than 250 chars. If you have a pager that can
# receive longer messages, you'll have to modify the ixocico.c program
# to handle the "packet continuation" feature. No biggie, just
# something that I didn't feel like implementing since I can't even
# test it with my pager.
$DEFAULT_S = '/home/adm/lib/tpage/schedule';
# (default: '/home/adm/lib/tpage/schedule')
# If you plan on using the schedule feature, this is the file
# name where beep2.pl will look for the schedule. It must be accessable
# on the machine that runs tpage.pl, not the machine that runs the
# daemon (tpaged.pl).
$DEFAULT_T = '/home/adm/lib/tpage/table';
# (default: '/home/adm/lib/tpage/table')
# If you plan on using the table feature (that is, store a list
# of people and their paging info), this is the file name where tpage.pl
# will look for the data. It must be accessable on the machine that
# runs tpage.pl, not the machine that runs the daemon (tpaged.pl).
$QUEUE_DIR = '/home/adm/lib/tpage/pqueue/';
# (default: '/home/adm/lib/tpage/pqueue/'
# This is the directory where messages will be queued. The trailing "/"
# is required.
# some helping functions
sub strip_string {
local($s) = @_;
print "DEBUG: REMOVE_CONTROLS :", $s, ":\n" if $debug;
$s =~ tr/\200-\377/\000-\177/; # remove high-bit
$s =~ tr/\000-\037\177//d; # delete unprintables
$s =~ s/\s+/ /g; # change groups of white space into
" "
$s =~ s/^ //; # remove spaces from the front
$s =~ s/ $//; # remove spaces from the end
print "DEBUG: REMOVE_DONE :", $s, ":\n" if $debug;
return $s;
# Here's the actual program
# Get the command line options.
# set the defaults
print "\n";
# -S schedule file
$opt_S = $DEFAULT_S;
# -T pager table
$opt_T = $DEFAULT_T;
# -U use urgent schedule if no one is scheduled for that time.
$opt_U = 0;
# -d number to dial. (first name in list only)
$opt_d = "";
# -p pager id to use. (first name in list only)
$opt_p = "";
# -t tee all stdin into stdout.
$opt_t = 0;
# -v verbose mode.
$opt_v = 0;
# -m input will be in RFC822, skip boring stuff.
$opt_m = 0;
# -M like -m but also skip >-quoted text.
$opt_M = 0;
# -e if it errors, send email to this person.
$opt_e = "";
$line_from = "";
$line_subj = "";
$line_prio = "";
do Getopts('S:T:Ud:p:tvmMe:');
# get the wholist
$opt_wholist = shift (@ARGV);
$opt_wholist = "special" if $opt_d && $opt_p;
# Get the message (either on the command line or stdin; handle -t -m -M
# bunch up all the rest
$opt_message = join(' ', @ARGV);
print "opt_message = :$opt_message:\n" if $debug;
$opt_message = &strip_string( $opt_message ) if $opt_message;
print "opt_message = :$opt_message:\n" if $debug;
die "$0: No message. Cat got your tongue?" if ( $opt_message eq "" );
die "$0: Can't use -m/-M and have message on the command line"
if ($opt_m || $opt_M) && $opt_message ne '-';
# maybe get message from stdin, echoing to stdout if $opt_t;
if ($opt_message eq '-') {
$opt_message = '';
# handle -m headers first
if ($opt_m) {
print "DEBUG: Doing -m work\n" if $debug;
local($line) = "";
while (<>) {
if ( /^\S/ || /^$/ ) { # start of new header, do previous
$line_from = substr($line, 6) if $line =~ /^From/;
$line_subj = substr($line, 9) if $line =~
/^Subject: /;
$line_prio = substr($line, 10) if $line =~
/^Priority: /;
$line = $_;
} else {
$line .= $_;
last if /^$/; # end of headers, start
$line_from = &strip_string( $line_from ) if $line_from;
$line_subj = &strip_string( $line_subj ) if $line_subj;
$line_prio = &strip_string( $line_prio ) if $line_prio;
while (<>) {
# -M means skip if the line is news quoted email.
# a line is news quoted if it begins with one of the following:
# [white] [word] quote
# where "white" is any amount of whitespace (zero or one times)
# where word is any letters/numbers (userid) (zero or one times)
# where quote is any of >, <, }, or {.
next if $opt_M && /^\s*\S*[\>\}\<\{]/;
print if $opt_t;
$_ = &strip_string( $_ );
$opt_message .= $_;
$opt_message .= " ";
# once we've got quite a bunch, screw the rest.
if ( length($opt_message) > ($MAX_MESSAGE * 8)) {
while (<>) { print if $opt_t; }
# massage the message
if ($debug) {
print "DEBUG: pre-processed messages\n";
print "FROM=:$line_from:\n";
print "PRIO=:$line_prio:\n";
print "SUBJ=:$line_subj:\n";
print "MESS=:$opt_message:\n";
$line_from = substr( "F: " . $line_from . ' ' x $MAX_WINDOW,
0, $MAX_WINDOW) if $line_from; # pad to display size
$line_prio = substr( "P: " . $line_prio . ' ' x $MAX_WINDOW,
0, $MAX_WINDOW) if $line_prio; # pad to display size
$l = $MAX_WINDOW * int ((length($line_subj)+$MAX_WINDOW+2) / $MAX_WINDOW);
$line_subj = substr( "S: " . $line_subj . ' ' x $MAX_WINDOW,
0, $l) if $line_subj; # pad to display size
$opt_message = &strip_string( $opt_message );
# put it all together
$the_message = substr( $line_prio . $line_from . $line_subj . $opt_message, 0,
if ($debug) {
print "DEBUG: post-processed messages\n";
print "FROM=:$line_from:\n";
print "PRIO=:$line_prio:\n";
print "SUBJ=:$line_subj:\n";
print "MESS=:$opt_message:\n";
print "COMPLETE=:$the_message:\n";
# At this point we can do some more of the sanity checking.
#die "$0: Conflicting verbosity levels" if ($opt_s && ($opt_v || $opt_V));
die "$0: Schedule file $opt_S can't be read/found"
unless ( ($opt_wholist eq '-') || (-r $opt_S && -r $opt_T) );
die "$0: Pager table $opt_T can't be read"
unless ($opt_d && $opt_p) || ( -r $opt_T );
# use the schedule to fill in "who" if we need.
if ($opt_wholist eq '-') {
local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
local($l) = $wday;
local($h) = $hour * 2 + int ($hour / 30) + 1;
local($w,$found1) = 0;
print "L = $l\n" if $debug;
print "H = $h\n" if $debug;
print "U = $opt_U\n" if $debug;
# Read from schedule until you hit a line beginning with $l.
# At that point, get the char $h bytes in. If that byte is "-",
# and $opt_U, keep going.
print "\nChecking schedule:\n\n";
open(SCHED, "<$opt_S") || die "Can't open $opt_S: $!";
while (1) {
$w = '';
while (<SCHED>) {
last if /^${l}/;
$w = substr($_, $h, 1);
$found1 = 1 if $w; # we found one!
next if $opt_U && $w eq '-';
die "$0: Schedule doesn't have a line for this day of the week.\n" unless
die "$0: No one is assigned to be on duty at this time.\n" if $w eq '-';
# Now search until a line begins with $w= and assign line to wholist
$opt_wholist = '';
while (<SCHED>) {
next unless /^${w}\=/;
chop( $opt_wholist = substr($_, 2) );
die "$0: Schedule error: No people assigned to '" . $w . "'\n" unless
close SCHED;
# we we still don't know who to call, bail out.
die "$0: The schedule didn't specify anyone to call!"
unless ($opt_wholist) || ($opt_d && $opt_p);
die "$0: There isn't anyone scheduled for this time of day."
if $opt_wholist eq '-';
# rotate through "$opt_wholist" and queue each person
$cnt = 0;
foreach $who ( split(',', $opt_wholist) ) {
# look up "who"'s information
open(TABL, "<$opt_T") || die "Can't open $opt_T: $!";
while (<TABL>) {
next if /^#/;
local($name,$phonen,$phonea,$pin) = split;
if ($name eq $who) {
$opt_d = $phonea unless $opt_d; # might have it from ARGV
$opt_p = $pin unless $opt_p; # might have it from ARGV
print "Got $who is :$opt_d:$opt_p:\n" if $debug;
close TABL;
die "$0: We were not able to find a phone number for $who.\n" unless
die "$0: We were not able to find a PIN for $who.\n" unless $opt_p;
# write into the queue the proper information.
chop( $thishost = `hostname` );
$qname = $QUEUE_DIR . "P" . $thishost . time . $cnt;
print "QUEUE=$qname\n" if $debug;
local($um) = umask 2;
open(QU, ">$qname" ) || die "Can't open $qname for writing: $!";
umask $um;
print QU "A\n";
print QU $opt_d, "\n";
print QU $opt_p, "\n";
if ($opt_e eq '-') { # '-' means send errors to $who,
print QU $who, "\n";
} else {
print QU $opt_e, "\n";
print QU $the_message, "\n";
print QU "X\n";
close QU;
print "Message queued for $who: $the_message\n";
# zap the phone# and PIN so that ARGV's info only effects us once.
$opt_d = "";
$opt_p = "";
print "\n";