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From telecom@eecs.nwu.edu Tue Aug 20 23:17:45 1991
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Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 20:40 GMT
From: "J. Brad Hicks" <0004073044@mcimail.com>
To: Pat Townson <telecom@eecs.nwu.edu>
Subject: IXO.example
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Resent-Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 22:21:01 CDT
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Status: RO
Author: J. Brad Hicks
Language: HyperTalk
Rev. Date: 20 Aug 91
The following two HyperTalk functions implement the IXO/TAP protocol
sufficiently to handle numeric paging. To use these scripts in HyperCard
or SyperCard, place them in the stack/project script, then call them using:
DialPager param1,param2,param3
where param1 is the modem phone number of the local paging company, param2
is the phone number for the pager you want to beep, and param3 is the
message to appear on the pager.
For debugging purposes, everything sent back from the modem is stored in
global variable SaveBuffer.
CONSTRAINTS: In the above example, param2 MUST be an eight-digit number
with no punctuation, zero-padded on the left ... or so I was told by the
tech support gurus at CyberTel Paging. If you are paging a numeric pager,
param3 must be 1 to 12 bytes, and can contain any digit, a dash, or a
space. The gurus at CyberTel told me that it can contain asterisks and
pound signs, but they don't work on my pager. If you are paging an
alphabetic pager, then param3 can contain any printable ASCII characters
(32 to 126 decimal) and can be up to 120 bytes long.
REQUIREMENTS: You will also need four of the HyperCard XCMDs/XFCNs for
serial port control: configureSPort, recvUpTo, sendSPort, and closeSPort.
These commands are all availabe via the "HyperCard Serial ToolKit" from
APDA. For those of you who are translating this into other languages,
those all do what you'd expect except for recvUpTo, which takes three
parameters. Param1 is the byte to stop at; if "", then it runs until it
times out. Param2 is the maximum wait time, in 60ths of a second. Param3
is optional, and if it's anything but empty then it gets inserted before
the serial port data.
IMPLEMENTATION LIMITS: The IXO/TAP protocol supports sending multiple
messages and multiple phone numbers in a single transaction. Since I
didn't need it for my purposes, I didn't implement them. If you feel
brave (and have the cooperation of your local paging company), you can
send a theoretically infinite number of pager id/message packets in a
single phone call by ending every packet except the last one with <ETB>
instead of <ETX>.
NOTE TO HYPERCARD/SUPERCARD USERS: Since this version of this file was put
together to be distributed over non-Macintosh systems, the line-
continuation character (option-return) has been stripped off of the longer
lines. I'm giving you credit for figuring out where it belongs; the
continuation lines are indented (as per SuperCard format).
NOTE TO SUPERCARD USERS: SuperCard predefines a constant CR that means the
same thing as when I use it, so delete it from the global variable lists
and delete the line where I initialize it at the top of DialPager.
CREDITS: Thanks to Brent Chapman of Telebit for providing me with a copy
of the IXO/TAP protocol spec. The spec itself is excerpted from Glenayre
Electronics' manual number GLP-3000-180, issue 5 (30 Jan 91), chapter 7,
pages 7-1 to 7-13, and may be available from them at 1-604-263-1611. The
HyperCard Serial Toolkit is provided by Apple, and available through the
Apple Programmers and Developers Assocation (APDA). All other code was
written by Brad Hicks at MasterCard International.
CONTACTING THE AUTHOR: J. Brad Hicks can be most reliably contacted via
MCI Mail at JBHICKS or Internet to the same address, jbhicks@mcimail.com.
CompuServe users can also send mail to 76012,300. AppleLink subscribers
can send mail to B0186. Via US mail, send to 12364 Spanish Trace Dr., Apt.
G, Maryland Heights, MO 63043-2354, USA. Absolute last-ditch efforts only
may be made to 1-314-275-3645, roughly 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Central Time
DISCLAIMER: This script is provided as-is and for free, and warranted
to be worth at least that much. Although I developed it while at
MasterCard, neither MasterCard International nor its membership endorses
this product. The author denies responsibility for any consequences,
positive or negative, arising out of anybody's use of this code, or any
work derived from this code. Test thoroughly. Protect yourself.
on DialPager PhoneNumber,PagerID,theMessage
global SPortGlobals
global SaveBuffer
-- load constants
put numToChar(02) into STX
put numToChar(03) into ETX
put numToChar(04) into EOT
put numToChar(06) into ACK
put numToChar(13) into CR
put numToChar(21) into NAK
put numToChar(27) into ESC
put numToChar(30) into RS
-- initialize variables
put empty into SaveBuffer
put MsgPacket(PagerID,theMessage) into theMsgPacket
put 1 into OverAllAttempts
put false into OverAllSuccess
-- initialize port, modem
configureSPort "modemPort","baud300","stop10","parityEven","data7",
sendSPort "ATZ" & CR
get recvUpTo(empty,60,empty) -- and throw it away
repeat until OverAllSuccess or (OverAllAttempts > 5)
put "Attempt #" & OverAllAttempts && "Status: " into the message
-- hang up, dial modem
put false into DialSuccess
put false into DialFailure
put "Dialing" after the message
sendSPort "+++"
wait 1 second
sendSPort "ATH" & CR
get recvUpTo(empty,120,empty)
put it after SaveBuffer
sendSPort "ATM0DT" & PhoneNumber & CR
put the seconds + 30 into TimeOut
repeat until DialSuccess or DialFailure
get recvUpTo(CR,1800,empty)
put it after SaveBuffer
if it contains "CONNECT" then put true into DialSuccess
else if it contains "NO CARRIER" then
put true into DialFailure
put "No Carrier" into FailureReason
else if it contains "ERROR" then
put true into DialFailure
put "Unknown Error" into FailureReason
else if it contains "NO DIALTONE" then
put true into DialFailure
put "No Dialtone!" into FailureReason
else if it contains "BUSY" then
put true into DialFailure
put "Busy" into FailureReason
else if it contains "NO ANSWER" then
put true into DialFailure
put "No Answer" into DialFailure
else if it contains "VOICE" then
put true into DialFailure
put "Wrong Number! (Voice Answered)"
into last word of the message
exit to HyperCard
else if the seconds >= TimeOut then
put true into DialFailure
put "Timed Out" into FailureReason
end if
end repeat
if DialFailure then
put FailureReason into last word of the message
put "DialSuccess, Waiting" into last word of the message
-- whack CR, wait for "ID="
put the seconds + 10 into TimeOut
put true into IDSuccess
put false into IDFailure
put empty into TempBuffer
repeat until IDSuccess or IDFailure
sendSPort CR
put recvUpTo(empty,90,TempBuffer) into TempBuffer
if TempBuffer contains "ID=" then put true into IDSuccess
else if the seconds >= timeOut then put true into IDFailure
end repeat
put TempBuffer after SaveBuffer
if IDSuccess then
put false into LoginACKed
put false into HangUp
put 1 into LoginAttempts
repeat until LoginACKed or HangUp or (LoginAttempts > 5)
-- indicate paging, wait for ACK/NAK
put "LogOn" into last word of the message
sendSPort ESC & "PG1" & CR
put the seconds + 10 into TimeOut
put false into LoginACKed
put false into LoginNAKed
put false into TimeOutExceeded
put false into HangUp
put empty into TempBuffer
repeat until LoginACKed or LoginNAKed
or TimeOutExceeded or HangUp
put recvUpTo(empty,90,TempBuffer) into TempBuffer
if TempBuffer contains (CR & ACK & CR) then
put true into LoginACKed
else if TempBuffer contains (CR & NAK & CR) then
put true into LoginNAKed
else if TempBuffer contains (CR & ESC & EOT & CR) then
put true into HangUp
else if the seconds >= timeOut then
put true into TimeOutExceeded
end if
end repeat
put TempBuffer after SaveBuffer
add 1 to LoginAttempts
end repeat
if LoginACKed then
put false into MsgACKed
put false into HangUp
put 1 into SendAttempts
put "LoggedIn, Sending" into last word of the message
repeat until MsgACKed or HangUp or (SendAttempts > 5)
-- send message, wait for ACK/NAK
sendSPort theMsgPacket
put the seconds + 10 into TimeOut
put false into MsgACKed
put false into MsgNAKed
put false into MsgInvalid
put false into TimeOutExceeded
put false into HangUp
put empty into TempBuffer
repeat until MsgACKed or MsgNAKed or TimeOutExceeded or HangUp
put recvUpTo(empty,90,TempBuffer) into TempBuffer
if TempBuffer contains (CR & ACK & CR) then
put true into MsgACKed
else if TempBuffer contains (CR & NAK & CR) then
put true into MsgNAKed
else if TempBuffer contains (CR & RS & CR) then
put true into MsgInvalid
else if TempBuffer contains (CR & ESC & EOT & CR) then
put true into HangUp
else if the seconds >= timeOut then
put true into TimeOutExceeded
end if
end repeat
if MsgACKed then
put true into OverAllSuccess
put ", Success!" after the message
put ", Failure" after the message
end if
put TempBuffer after SaveBuffer
add 1 to SendAttempts
end repeat
else if HangUp then
put "CyberTelHungUp!" into last word of the message
put "LoginFailed!" into last word of the message
end if
end if
end if
-- hang up
sendSPort EOT & CR
put the seconds + 10 into TimeOut
put false into EOTrcvd
put false into TimeOutExceeded
put empty into TempBuffer
repeat until EOTrcvd or TimeOutExceeded
put recvUpTo(empty,90,TempBuffer) into TempBuffer
if TempBuffer contains (ESC & EOT & CR) then put true into EOTrcvd
else if the seconds >= timeOut then put true into TimeOutExceeded
end repeat
put TempBuffer after SaveBuffer
sendSPort "+++"
wait 1 second
sendSPort "ATH" & CR
get recvUpTo(empty,60,empty)
put it after SaveBuffer
add 1 to OverAllAttempts
end repeat
put empty into the message
end DialPager
function MsgPacket PagerID,theMessage
-- strip illegal characters from PagerID
repeat with i = the length of PagerID down to 1
get char i of PagerID
if not (it is in "0123456789") then delete char i of PagerID
end repeat
-- left-pad to 8 digits
-- recommended by CyberTel, not in IXO spec
get 8 - the length of PagerID
repeat with i = 1 to it
put "0" before PagerID
end repeat
-- clean, trim theMessage
-- NOTE: edit code below assumes numeric pager;
-- alpha pagers accept all printable ASCII,
-- up to 120 bytes per message.
repeat with i = the length of theMessage down to 1
get char i of theMessage
if not (it is in "0123456789*#- ") then delete char i of theMessage
end repeat
get char 1 to 12 of theMessage
put it into theMessage
-- assemble message packet
put STX & PagerID & CR & theMessage & CR & ETX into TempPacket
-- calculate checkSum
put 0 into checkSum
repeat with i = 1 to the length of TempPacket
add charToNum(char i of TempPacket) to checkSum
end repeat
put numToChar((checkSum div 256) mod 16 + 48) into checkSumString
put numToChar((checkSum div 16) mod 16 + 48) after checkSumString
put numToChar(checkSum mod 16 + 48) after checkSumString
-- append checksum to packet
put checkSumString & CR after TempPacket
return TempPacket
end MsgPacket