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Assembly Source File
3,998 lines
page 66,132
; BAT2EXEC.COM - a batch file compiler
; Syntax:
; BAT2EXEC filename
; Revision History:
; Version 1.0 Initial Release PC Magazine Vol 9 Num 14
; Version 1.1 Bug Fixes July 19, 1990
; Version 1.2 Bug Fixes July 28, 1990
; Added ability to read large BAT files.
; Version 1.3 PATH cmd fix. Oct. 3, 1990
; Echo cmd fix
; Other small bug fixes.
; Version 1.4 Redirection to soft May. 12, 1991
; parameter bug fixed.
; Version 1.5 Fixed lost label bug June 20, 1991
; Parse like BAT files
code segment
assume cs:code
org 2ch
local_environment dw ? ;Word containing the segment
; of the program's env. block.
org 80h
command_tail db ? ;Offset of the command tail.
org 100h
main: jmp initialize
program db 13,10,"BAT2EXEC 1.5 "
copyright db "(c) 1990, 1991 Ziff Communications Co.",10,13
author db "PC Magazine ",254," Douglas Boling"
db 10,13,"$",1Ah
;Equates used to find data offsets in the compiled program.
BUFF_SIZE equ 255 ;Size of runtime buffers
std_data_size equ offset data_end - data_start
code_start_ptr equ [bp + offset code_start - offset data_start]
com_stack_ptr equ [bp + offset stack_ptr - offset data_start]
com_prog_size equ [bp + offset prog_segsize - offset data_start]
com_label_start equ [bp + offset label_list_strt - offset data_start]
parse_buff equ [bp + offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start]
parse2_buff equ [bp + offset prs2_buff_ptr - offset data_start]
exec_buff equ [bp + offset exec_buff_ptr - offset data_start]
forloop_buff equ [bp + offset for_buff_ptr - offset data_start]
forloop_ptr equ [bp + offset floop_ptr - offset data_start]
stdout_hdl equ [bp + offset file_handle1 - offset data_start]
outfile_hdl equ [bp + offset file_handle2 - offset data_start]
stdin_hdl equ [bp + offset file_handle3 - offset data_start]
infile_hdl equ [bp + offset file_handle4 - offset data_start]
environment_seg equ [bp + offset master_env - offset data_start]
dos_version equ [bp + offset version_num - offset data_start]
process_rc equ [bp + offset proc_rc - offset data_start]
shift_count equ [bp + offset shift_cnt - offset data_start]
code_call_size equ offset code_call_end - offset code_call
code_jmp_size equ offset code_jmp_end - offset code_jmp
code_jc_size equ offset code_jc_end - offset code_jc
code_jnc_size equ offset code_jnc_end - offset code_jnc
code_jmpdis_size equ offset code_jmpdis_end - offset code_jmpdis
code_leasi_size equ offset code_leasi_end - offset code_leasi
code_movsi_size equ offset code_movsi_end - offset code_movsi
code_movsiim_size equ offset code_movsiim_end - offset code_movsiim
code_leadi_size equ offset code_leadi_end - offset code_leadi
code_movdi_size equ offset code_movdi_end - offset code_movdi
code_movdiim_size equ offset code_movdiim_end - offset code_movdiim
;Compiler data
command_table db "IF",0 ;Commands processed by
db "REM",0 ; compiler
db "FOR",0
db "ECHO",0
db "GOTO",0
db "EXIT",0
db "PAUSE",0
db "SHIFT",0
db "SET",0
db "CALL",0
db "PATH",0
db "PROMPT",0
db "CD",0 ;DOS commands internal to
db "MD",0 ; command.com.
db "RD",0
db "CLS",0
db "DIR",0
db "DEL",0
db "REN",0
db "VER",0
db "VOL",0
db "CTTY",0
db "CHCP",0
db "TYPE",0
db "COPY",0
db "DATE",0
db "TIME",0
db "ERASE",0
db "CHDIR",0
db "MKDIR",0
db "RMDIR",0
db "BREAK",0
db "RENAME",0
db "DELETE",0
db "VERIFY",0
db "COMMAND",0,0
batcmd_jmptbl dw if_cmd ;if command
dw rem_cmd ;rem command
dw for_cmd ;for command
dw echo_cmd ;echo command
dw goto_cmd ;goto command
dw rem_cmd ;exit command
dw pause_cmd ;pause command
dw shift_cmd ;shift command
dw set_cmd ;set command
dw internal_cmd ;call command
dw path_cmd ;Path command
dw prompt_cmd ;Prompt command
dw internal_cmd ;DOS internal command
dw external_cmd ;DOS program
dw label_cmd ;Process BAT label
batcmd_jmptbl1 = $
ifstr1 db "ERRORLEVEL"
ifstr2 db "EXIST"
internal_cmdsw db "/C " ;Switch for transient commands
for_active_flag db 0 ;Set if parsing a FOR loop
goto_active db 0 ;Set if goto parsed
goto_data_ptr dw 0 ;Data offset of last goto
temp1 dw 0 ;Temp data storage.
cmd_switches db ? ;Used if command line switches
cmd_switch_end = $ ; needed.
last_routine dw offset init_code_next ;Last canned routine used.
codebuff_start dw 0 ;Buffer to construct the code
codebuff_ptr dd 0 ; image of the COM file.
databuff_start dw ? ;Buffer to hold the data
databuff_end dw ? ; image of the COM file.
firstlabel dw -1 ;Ptr to 1st label in COM file
outbuff_ptr dd 0 ;Buffer to hold the final
outbuff_end dw 0 ; image of the COM file.
quote_flag db 0 ;Disable translate flag
redirect_in db 0 ;Input redirection flag
redirect_out db 0 ;Output redirection flag
pipe_toggle db 0 ;Piping file flag
pipein_file dw 0
pipein_flag db 0
pipeout_file dw 0
pipeout_flag db 0
pipe1_file dw 0
db "T^M^P_$1.!!!",0 ;Name of piping file 1
pipe2_file dw 0
db "T^M^P_$2.!!!",0 ;Name of piping file 2
inbuff_ptr dw offset end_of_code+512 ;Buffer for BAT file
inbuff_size dw 1024 ;Size of input buffer
file_handle dw -1 ;Handle of BAT file
file_linecount dw 0 ;Line number being processed.
com_string db ".COM",0 ;Extension for output file
outfile_name db 13 dup (" ") ;Name of output file.
filemsg1 db 13,10,"Error in line $" ;File identification message.
errmsg0 db "Need DOS 2.0 or greater$"
errmsg1 db 13,10,"Syntax: BAT2EXEC filename.ext",13,10,"$"
errmsg2 db "Can",39,"t find input file$"
errmsg3 db "Not enough memory$"
errmsg4 db "No input file specified$"
errmsg5 db "COM file size too big$"
errmsg6 db "Syntax error$"
errmsg7 db "Compiler data buffer full$"
errmsg8 db "Label defined more than once$"
errmsg9 db "Label "
errmsg9labl db 8 dup (" ")
db "not found$"
errmsg10 db "Illegal disk specified$"
errmsg11 db "FOR loops cannot be nested$"
endmsg db 13,10,"$"
; Start of compiler code.
initialize proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
mov dx,offset program ;Display copyright message.
mov ah,9
int 21h
cld ;Set string operations 'up.'
mov ah,30h ;Get DOS version, run only
int 21h ; if 2.0 or greater.
xchg al,ah ;Swap major, minor numbers
mov dx,offset errmsg0 ;Bad DOS version
cmp ah,2
jb jmp_disp_error
mov sp,offset end_of_code + 512 ;Move stack
mov ah,4ah ;Reduce memory
mov bx,1000h ; allocation to 64K
int 21h
mov ax,inbuff_ptr ;Compute start of buffer for
add ax,inbuff_size ; COM file data.
mov databuff_start,ax
mov ah,48h ;Allocate memory block for
mov bx,1000h ; intermediate buffer.
int 21h
mov dx,offset errmsg3 ;Not enough memory msg
jc jmp_disp_error
mov word ptr codebuff_ptr[2],ax ;Save segment.
mov ah,48h ;Allocate memory block for
mov bx,1000h ; output file buffer.
int 21h
jc jmp_disp_error
mov word ptr outbuff_ptr[2],ax ;Save segment.
;Parse the command line for switches.
mov si,offset command_tail
xor cx,cx
or cl,[si] ;Get command line length
je init_0 ;If zero, report no filename
inc si
xor bl,bl ;Search for the next
call scan4char ; non-space character.
jnc init_1 ;If zero, report no filename
mov dx,offset errmsg1
jmp short jmp_disp_error ;If none, report no filename
mov al,[si]
cmp al,"/" ;See if command switch
je parse_error
call loadbatfile ;Load input BAT file
jc jmp_disp_error
jmp short parse_cmdline_end
mov dx,offset errmsg2
jmp disp_error
;Compile BAT file line by line.
mov si,inbuff_ptr ;SI points to input BAT file
mov di,databuff_start ;DI points to COM file data.
add di,std_data_size ;Make room for std data set.
inc file_linecount ;Inc line number
xor bl,bl ;Look for 1st character
call scan4char ;If nothing on line, check
jc comp_endcheck ; for EOF
call redirect_check
cmp byte ptr [si],'@' ;See if non echo prefix
jne comp_1
inc si ;Move past @
call parse ;Parse 1st word in the line.
jc jmp_disp_error
jmp short new_line
cmp al,13 ;See if carrage return, if so
je new_line ; continue.
cmp file_handle,-1 ;If at end of buffer, check
je comp_end ; to see if any more of the
call loadbatfile ; file to read.
jc jmp_disp_error
mov si,inbuff_ptr ;Reset SI to start of buffer.
jmp short new_line1
;Inline code complete, append terminate code.
call redirect_close
mov databuff_end,di ;Save ptr to end of data.
les di,codebuff_ptr
assume es:nothing
mov si,offset end_code ;Append terminate code
mov cx,offset end_code_end-offset end_code
rep movsb
mov word ptr codebuff_ptr,di ;Save ptr to end of COM code.
;File processed. Assemble data and code into one routine. Start by
;stringing the canned routines together using the links set by the
;INCLUDE routine.
les di,outbuff_ptr ;Get ptr to output buffer
mov si,offset init_code_next ; for COM file.
file_1: mov cx,[si-2] ;Get size of routine
push [si] ;Save pointer to next routine
add si,4 ;Skip past number of links
rep movsb ;Copy routine to COM file.
pop si
or si,si ;See if last routine
jne file_1 ;No, loop back.
;Save starting offset of data to be used by the COM program.
mov bp,offset data_start_ptr-offset init_code
mov ax,100h ;AX = end pointer
add ax,di ;Add length of canned routines.
mov es:[bp],ax ;Save data start pointer
mov bp,di ;Use BP as starting data offset
mov si,databuff_start ;Compute length of COM data
mov cx,databuff_end ; plus the canned routines.
sub cx,si
add ax,cx ;Add data length to end ptr
;Now that we have the length of the canned routines and the data, we can
;compute the starting offset of the inline code. Use this number to adjust
;the jump table entries in the label list. While fixing offsets check to
;see that all labels have code offsets, if not, print no label error msg.
;When complete, append data to file.
mov bx,offset firstlabel ;Get pointer to the first label
mov dx,[bx] ;Get offset to 1st label entry
add dx,bx ;Add in BX to get absolute off
cmp word ptr [bx],-1 ;See if at end of label list.
je file_13
add bx,[bx] ;Get next in list
cmp word ptr [bx+2],-1 ;See if label ptr to code
je file_12 ; initialized. No, error.
add [bx+2],ax ;Add starting offset of code
jmp short file_11
mov si,bx ;Label not defined as a
add si,5 ; destination. Print error
xor cx,cx ; message inc lost label.
mov cl,[bx+4] ;Get size of label
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset errmsg9labl
rep movsb
mov dx,offset errmsg9 ;Label not found msg
jmp disp_error
rep movsb ;Append data to COM file.
sub dx,databuff_start ;Set pointer to 1st label list
mov es:com_label_start,dx ;Initialize pointer.
;Append the inline code to the program.
mov ax,100h
add ax,di
mov es:code_start_ptr,ax ;Save offset of main code.
mov cx,word ptr codebuff_ptr
mov si,codebuff_start ;Get pointer to code
mov ds,word ptr codebuff_ptr[2]
assume ds:nothing
sub cx,si ;Get size of code
add ax,cx ;Make sure canned routines
jnc file_2 ; and data < 64 K bytes.
file_too_big: mov dx,offset errmsg5 ;COM file too big msg
jmp disp_error
rep movsb ;Append inline code.
;Compute the size of the data buffers and the stack used by the COM program.
;Write these numbers to the COM file data area.
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
add ax,512 ;Add room for stack
jc file_too_big
and ax,0fffeh ;Set stack on even word.
mov es:com_stack_ptr,ax ;Save run time stack pointer
add ax,2 ;Make room for buff length word
mov es:parse_buff,ax ;Save ptr to parsing buffer.
add ax,BUFF_SIZE+2 ;Add room for buffer 2
jc file_too_big
mov es:parse2_buff,ax ;Save ptr to parsing buffer 2
add ax,BUFF_SIZE+2 ;Add room for buffer
jc file_too_big
mov es:exec_buff,ax ;Save ptr to exec buffer
add ax,BUFF_SIZE+2 ;Add room for buffer
jc file_too_big
mov es:forloop_buff,ax ;Save ptr to For loop buffer
add ax,BUFF_SIZE ;Add room for buffer
jc file_too_big
mov outbuff_end,di ;Save end pointer to file
add ax,15
jc file_3 ;Compute size of COM file
mov cl,4 ; in paragraphs.
shr ax,cl
mov es:com_prog_size,ax ;Save file size
mov byte ptr es:shift_count,0 ;Clear shift count
mov byte ptr es:process_rc,0 ;Clear return code
;Write file to disk.
mov ah,3ch ;Create file
xor cx,cx ;Normal attributes
mov dx,offset outfile_name ;Name of file
int 21h
mov bx,ax ;Copy handle
mov ah,40h ;Write file
push ds
lds dx,outbuff_ptr ;Get start of buffer
mov cx,cs:[outbuff_end] ;Get number of bytes to write
sub cx,dx
int 21h ;Write file to disk
pop ds
mov ah,3eh ;Close file
int 21h
;Compile complete. Clean up and end.
xor al,al ;Return code = 0
push ax ;Save return code
mov ah,49h ;Release memory block used
mov es,word ptr cs:[codebuff_ptr+2] ; for file buffer.
int 21h
mov bx,file_handle
cmp bx,-1 ;See if input file closed.
jne exit_1 ; If not, do so.
mov ah,3eh ;Close file.
int 21h
pop ax ;Get back return code
mov ah,4Ch ;Terminate
int 21h
;Display error message.
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
cmp file_linecount,0
je disp_error1 ;If processing a file, print
push dx ; a message informing the
mov dx,offset filemsg1 ; user the line that
call printmsg ; contained the error.
mov ax,file_linecount
call hex2asc
mov dx,offset endmsg
call printmsg
pop dx
call printmsgcr ;print string
mov al,01 ;Terminate with RC = 1
jmp short exit
; PARSE Parse a statment.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to string to parse.
; DI - Pointer to end of COM file data.
; Exit: CF - Set if error.
; SI - Updated.
parse proc near
mov bx,14
mov al,[si] ;See if label, if so, skip
cmp al,":" ; cmd search.
je parse_2
mov bx,12
cmp al,"%" ;See if cmd line param or env
je parse_2 ; var. If so, internal cmd
mov ax,[si+1] ;See if change to default disk
cmp al,":"
jne parse_1
mov bx, 12 ;Set internal command.
cmp ah," "
jbe parse_2
call capsalpha ;Capitalize batch command
push di ;Search list of BAT cmds.
mov di,offset command_table
call findstr
pop di
push bx ;Scan past command except for
cmp bx,8 ; external progs, inter cmds,
ja parse_3 ; and labels.
mov bl,1
call scan4char
jnc parse_3 ;If end of line, back up to
dec si ; show CR.
pop bx
shl bx,1 ;Compute offset of routine to
add bx,offset batcmd_jmptbl ; call.
call [bx] ;Call routine to compile line.
parse endp
; FINDSTR determines if a string is in a list.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to ASCII string to find.
; DI - Pointer to list of ASCIIZ strings.
; CX - Size of string
; Exit: CF - Clear if string found
; BX - If CF clear, index into list
findstr proc near
push cx
push es
push cs ;Point ES:DI to table of
pop es ; batch commands.
xor dx,dx
or dx,cx ;Save length of string
je finds_3
xor bx,bx ;Zero index counter
push si
mov cx,dx ;Restore command size
repe cmpsb ;Compare command
pop si
jne finds_11
cmp byte ptr [di],0 ;See if at end of compare str
je string_found
inc bx
xor al,al
cmp [di-1],al
jne finds_2
dec di
mov cx,10 ;Scan to next zero
repne scasb
cmp byte ptr [di],0 ;See if second zero. If so
jne finds_1 ; end of list.
mov bx,13
stc ;Indicate string not found
pop es
pop cx
cmp bx,12 ;If past the BAT commands,
jb findstr_3 ; then it is an internal cmd.
mov bx,12
clc ;Set string found flag
jmp short findstr_exit
findstr endp
; CAPSALPHA capitalizes word pointed to by SI
; Entry: SI - Pointer to ASCII word to capitalize
; Exit: CX - Size of word
capsalpha proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push ax
xor ax,ax ;Exit on non-alpha chars
jmp short capsword_entry2
capsalpha endp
; CAPSWORD capitalizes word pointed to by SI
; Entry: SI - Pointer to ASCII word to capitalize
; Exit: CX - Size of word
capsword proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push ax
mov ah,1 ;Ignore extra characters
push di
push si
push es
push ds ;Set ES:DI = DS:SI
pop es
mov di,si
xor cx,cx ;Clear byte counter.
lodsb ;Get character
cmp al," " ;Allow any non-space character
jbe caps_exit
call capschar
jnc caps_2
or ah,ah
je caps_exit
stosb ;Save character
inc cx ;Inc byte counter
jmp short caps_1
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop ax
capsword endp
; CAPSCHAR capitalizes character in AL
; Entry: AL - ASCII char to capitalize
; Exit: CX - Size of word
capschar proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
cmp al,"a" ;If between a and z,
jb caps_char_2 ; capitalize it.
cmp al,"z"
ja caps_char_exit
and al,0DFh
jmp short caps_char_exit
cmp al,'Z'
ja caps_char_3
cmp al,'A'
jae caps_char_1
capschar endp
; REDIRECT CLOSE post process redirection commands
; Entry: DI - Pointer to end of COM file data.
; Exit: CF - Set if error.
; Batch file line updated to remove any redirection symbols
redirect_close proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
cmp redirect_in,0 ;See if redirecton active
je redirclose_1
mov redirect_in,0
mov bx,offset redirci_next ;Append close redirect file
call include_code ; routine to code.
xor cx,cx
call inline_code
cmp redirect_out,0 ;See if redirecton active
je redirclose_2
mov redirect_out,0
mov bx,offset redirco_next ;Append close redirect file
call include_code ; routine to code.
xor cx,cx
call inline_code
cmp pipein_flag,0 ;See if in pipe curr active
je redirclose_3
mov dx,pipein_file ;Get offset of input pipe file
mov cx,1 ;Indicate parameter type
mov bx,offset redirdel_next ;Delete the piping file
call include_code
call inline_code
mov pipein_flag,0 ;Clear flag
cmp pipeout_flag,0 ;See if out pipe curr active
je redirclose_exit
mov dx,pipeout_file ;Get offset of input pipe file
xor bx,bx ;Add output redirection code
xor ax,ax ; to file.
call redirect_openi
mov pipein_flag,1 ;Set pipe input flag
mov pipeout_flag,0 ;Clear pipe output flag
mov pipein_file,dx ;Copy pointer to filename
redirect_close endp
; REDIRECT CHECK process redirection commands
; Entry: SI - Pointer to current BAT file line
; DI - Pointer to end of COM file data.
; Exit: CF - Set if error.
; Source file line updated to remove any redirection symbols
redirect_check proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push si
call redirect_close
mov quote_flag,0
mov bp,si ;Save current position
cmp al,'"' ;See if quote
jne redirect_2
not quote_flag
cmp quote_flag,0 ;Ignore characters in quotes
jne redirect_1
; Check for piping
cmp al,'|' ;Check for piping symbol
jne redirect_5
mov byte ptr [si-1],13 ;Replace | with CR
mov bx,offset pipe1_file ;Get offset of pipe file to
cmp pipe_toggle,0 ; use. Alternate files so
jne redirect_3 ; that input and output files
mov bx,offset pipe2_file ; don't get mixed up.
not pipe_toggle
xor dx,dx ;If file not already used,
or dx,[bx] ; load the filename into
jne redirect_4 ; the COM data buffer.
mov dx,di
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset of filename
mov [bx],dx ;Save pointer to filename
lea si,[bx+2] ;Get address of filename
mov ah,1
call copy_string ;Copy name to COM data buffer
xor al,al ;Terminate filename with zero
mov pipeout_file,dx
mov pipeout_flag,1
xor bx,bx ;Add output redirection code
xor ax,ax ; to file.
call redirect_openo
jmp short redirect_exit ;Terminate line scan.
; Check for output redirection
cmp al,'>' ;Check for redirect out
jne redirect_7
xor bx,bx
cmp byte ptr [si],'>' ;Check for append redirect
jne redirect_6
lodsb ;Remove 2nd >
inc bx ;Set append flag
push bx ;Save append flag
xor bl,bl
call scan4char ;Get filename
mov dx,di
mov ah,1 ;Copy only one word
call copy_string
xor al,al ;Terminate name with zero
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset of filename
pop ax ;Get append flag
call redirect_openo
call erase_redirect ;Erase redirect from line.
jmp short redirect_1
cmp al,'<' ;Check for redirect in
jne redirect_10
xor bl,bl
call scan4char ;Get filename
mov dx,di
mov ah,1 ;Copy only one word
call copy_string
xor al,al ;Terminate name with zero
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset of filename
call redirect_openi
call erase_redirect ;Erase redirect from line.
jmp redirect_1
cmp al,13
je redirect_exit
jmp redirect_1
pop si
redirect_check endp
; REDIRECT OPENO process redirection commands
; Entry: AX - 1 = append file.
; Entry: DX - Offset from data buffer start of file name
; BX - 0 no translation of filename.
redirect_openo proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push si
push ax ;Save append flag
mov cx,0031h ;Indicate parameter type
or bx,bx ;See if env var or cmd line
je redirect_oo1 ; parms.
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine. Include if needed.
push bx
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx
pop bx
mov cx,32h
mov bx,offset rediroo_next ;Append open redirect file
call include_code
pop bx ;Restore append flag
call inline_code
mov redirect_out,1 ;Set redirect active flag
pop si
redirect_openo endp
; REDIRECT OPENI loads code to open a file for input redirection
; Entry: DX - Offset from data buffer start of file name
; BX - 0 no translation of filename.
redirect_openi proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push si
mov cx,1 ;Indicate parameter type
or bx,bx ;See if env var or cmd line
je redirect_oi1 ; parms.
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine. Include if needed.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,21h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx
mov cx,2
mov bx,offset rediroi_next ;Append open redirect file
call include_code
call inline_code
mov redirect_in,1 ;Set redirect active flag
pop si
redirect_openi endp
; Entry: BP - Pointer to redirect character
; SI - Pointer to end of redirect phrase.
erase_redirect proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push di ;Save ptr to data buffer
mov al,' '
mov di,bp ;Get start of redirect string
dec si
cmp di,si
jb erase_1
pop di
erase_redirect endp
; IF CMD compiles an IF command.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the IF command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
if_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
xor bl,bl ;Find 1st char of next word
call scan4char
mov cx,si ;Save pointer to test
mov dx,di
mov bp,0 ;Clear 'NOT' flag
;See if NOT prefix is used in test
lodsw ;Get 1st two chars of test
or ax,2020h
cmp ax,'on' ;See if 'no'
jne if_cmd_chk_cmp
lodsw ;Get 2nd and 3rd characters
or al,20h ;Convert 3rd char to lower
cmp al,'t' ; case. See if last char is
jne if_cmd_chk_cmp ; 't' followed by s space
cmp ah,' '
ja if_cmd_chk_cmp
inc bp
xor bl,bl ;Find next word
call scan4char
mov cx,si
;Test for string compare by looking for == signs.
mov si,cx ;Restore pointer to condition
mov bl,3 ;Find next space or equal sign
call scan4char
jc if_syntax_jmp
xor bl,bl
call scan4char ;Find next word
cmp word ptr [si],"==" ;See if string compare
je if_cmd_cmp1 ;No, check other tests
jmp if_cmd_chk_errlev
inc si ;Move SI past equals signs
inc si
xor bl,bl ;Find second string
call scan4char
jnc if_cmd_cmp2
jmp short if_syntax
push si ;Save pointer to 2nd string
mov si,cx ;Restore ptr to 1st string
push di ;Save ptr to size byte
inc di
mov dx,di ;Save ptr to start of string
sub dx,databuff_start
mov ah,2 ;Copy only one word
call copy_string ;Load string into data space
xor al,al
or bx,bx ;See if translation is needed
pop bx ;Restore pointer to size byte
mov [bx],cl ;Save length of string
mov cl,1 ;Assume LEA parameter call
je if_cmd_03
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Append translate string
call include_code ; routine to code.
mov bx,offset prs2_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx ;Copy ptr to buffer.
mov cx,2 ;Use MOV parameter type
pop si ;Restore ptr to 2nd string
push dx ;Save pointer to 1st string
push cx ;Save parameter type
push di ;Save ptr to size byte
inc di
mov dx,di ;Save ptr to start of string
sub dx,databuff_start
mov ah,2
call copy_string ;Load string into data space
xor al,al
or bx,bx ;See if translation is needed
pop bx
mov [bx],cl ;Save length of string
mov cx,10h ;Set parameter type
je if_cmd_06
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Append translate string
call include_code ; routine to code.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx ;Copy ptr to buffer.
mov cx,20h ;Use proper parameter type
mov bx,offset ifequal_next ;Append comparison code
call include_code
pop bx ;Restore param 1 type
and bl,0fh
or cl,bl ;Combine parameter types
mov bx,dx ;Move parameter 2
pop dx ;Restore parameter 1
call inline_code ;Add call to string compare
jmp if_cmd_10
mov dx,offset errmsg6 ;Syntax error.
jmp if_exit
;See if ERRORLEVEL test.
mov si,cx ;Restore pointer to 1st string
mov bx,cx ;Save pointer to 1st string
mov di,offset ifstr1 ;See if ERRORLEVEL test
call capsalpha
cmp cx,10
jne if_cmd_2
repe cmpsb ;Compare strings
jne if_cmd_2
mov bx,offset iferrlev_next ;Save offset of errlev code
push bx ; on stack. Use exist code
xor bl,bl
call scan4char ;Scan to next word.
cmp byte ptr [si],'='
jne if_cmd_21
inc si
xor bl,bl
call scan4char ;Scan to next word.
jmp short if_cmd_21 ; to append error code.
;See if EXIST test.
mov si,bx ;Restore pointer to 1st string
mov di,offset ifstr2 ;See if EXIST test
cmp cx,5 ;Check length of string
jne if_syntax
repe cmpsb ;Compare strings
jne if_syntax
mov bx,offset ifexist_next ;Save test existance code off
push bx
xor bl,bl
call scan4char ;Scan to next word.
mov di,dx ;Restore data pointer
sub dx,databuff_start
mov ah,2
call copy_string
xor al,al ;Terminate string with zero.
mov cl,21h ;Set parameter type
or bx,bx ;See if translation is needed
je if_cmd_3
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Append translate string
call include_code ; routine to code.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx ;Copy ptr to buffer.
mov cl,22h ;Use proper parameter type
pop bx ;Restore test code offset
call include_code
mov bx,offset prs2_buff_ptr - offset data_start
call inline_code ;Insert exist test call
mov cx,200h ;Include Jump if carry opcode
or bp,bp
je if_cmd_12
mov cx,300h ;Change to Jump if not carry
call inline_code
push ax ;Save address of jmp to modify
push word ptr codebuff_ptr ;Save current code buff ptr
;Compile the remainder of the line as if it were a normal statment.
xor bl,bl ;Scan for next word
call scan4char
call parse ;Compile remainder of line.
pop cx ;Compute the difference for the
pop bx ; jmp opcode.
jc if_exit ;If error during parse, exit.
push es
mov ax,word ptr codebuff_ptr
mov es,word ptr codebuff_ptr[2]
sub ax,cx
mov es:[bx],ax ;Save jmp offset
pop es
if_cmd endp
; FOR CMD compiles an FOR command.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the FOR command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
for_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
cmp for_active_flag,0
je for_cmd_0
mov dx,offset errmsg11 ;No nested FOR loops
jmp for_exit
mov goto_active,0 ;Clear goto detect flag
inc for_active_flag
xor bl,bl ;Find 1st char of next word
call scan4char
jc jmp_for_syntax
mov bp,si ;Save pointer to loop variable
mov dx,di
sub dx,word ptr databuff_start
;Copy the set data to the com file data area. As always, if environment
;variables or command line parameters are in the data, insert a call to
;the translate routine before calling the for loop routine.
lodsb ;Scan until '(' is found
cmp al,13 ; indicating the start of the
jne for_cmd_2 ; data set.
jmp for_syntax
cmp al,'('
jne for_cmd_1
mov ah,3 ;Copy until ')' found.
call copy_string
xor al,al ;Terminate string with zero.
mov cx,11h
or bx,bx
je for_cmd_3
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Append translate string
call include_code ; routine to code.
mov bx,offset for_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx ;Copy ptr to buffer.
mov cl,12h ;Use proper parameter type
push word ptr codebuff_ptr ;Save current code buff ptr
mov bx,offset forloop_next
call include_code
mov bx,di ;Initialize for loop data
sub bx,databuff_start ; structure.
mov word ptr [di],0
inc di
inc di
call inline_code ;Insert call to loop code.
mov cx,200h ;Include Jump if carry opcode
call inline_code
push ax ;Save address of jmp to modify
push word ptr codebuff_ptr ;Save current code buff ptr
;Scan the remainder of the line. Replace all instances of the loop variable
;with a special code that the run time translate routine understands.
xor bl,bl ;Find DO
call scan4char
jc for_syntax_1
push si
lodsw ;Confirm DO exists
and ax,0dfdfh ;Convert to upper case
cmp ax,"OD"
pop si
jne for_syntax_1
mov bl,1 ;Find end of 'DO'
call scan4char
jc for_syntax_1
xor bl,bl ;Find start of loop command.
call scan4char
jc for_syntax_1
push si ;Save pointer to command.
push di ;Save data buffer pointer.
mov di,si
mov bl,2 ;Find the end of the line.
call scan4char
mov dx,si ;Save pointer to end of line
mov si,bp ;Get ptr to loop variable.
mov cx,3 ;Scan the remainder of the
repe cmpsb ; line for the loop variable.
jne for_cmd_5 ; When found, replace with
dec di ; % followed by 7f7fh. This
dec di ; flag tells the runtime
mov ax,7f7fh ; xlate routine to sub in
stosw ; the loop string.
cmp di,dx ;See if at the end of the line.
jb for_cmd_4
pop di ;Restore data buffer ptr
pop si ;Restore ptr to command.
;Compile the remainder of the line as if it were a normal statment.
call parse ;Compile remainder of line.
pop cx ;Get code ptr after loop code
pop bx ;Get addr of JC
pop ax ;Get code ptr to loop code
jc for_exit1
mov dx,cx ;DX may have had an error msg
sub ax,word ptr codebuff_ptr ;Compute displacment from END
sub ax,3 ; of JMP opcode.
mov cx,400h ;Insert JMP opcode after code
call inline_code ; for statments inside FOR
mov ax,word ptr codebuff_ptr; loop.
sub ax,dx
push es
mov es,word ptr codebuff_ptr[2]
mov es:[bx],ax
pop es
; If goto parsed during FOR, place jump for goto after FOR loop
cmp goto_active,0
je for_exit
mov dx,goto_data_ptr
mov bx,offset gotodly_next ;Append goto delay
call include_code ; routine to code.
mov cx,1
call inline_code ;Add code to COM file.
mov for_active_flag,0 ;Clear flag
add sp,6 ;Clean off stack
mov dx,offset errmsg6 ;Syntax error
jmp short for_exit1
for_cmd endp
; GOTO CMD compiles a goto command.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to first character after the command.
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
goto_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov goto_active,1 ;Needed for FOR loop
mov bp,di ;Save ptr to start of string.
xor bl,bl ;Find the first nonspace char.
call scan4char
mov dx,offset errmsg6 ;Check for Syntax error
jc goto_cmd_error
cmp byte ptr [si],':' ;See if leading :. If so,
jne goto_c0 ; don't include in label.
inc si
push si
xor ax,ax
stosw ;Save word in case FOR loop
xor ah,ah ; delay goto.
call copy_string ;Copy label to COM data.
xor al,al ;Terminate label with zero
pop si
mov dx,offset errmsg8 ;Check to see if label found.
or cx,cx ;If not, error.
je goto_cmd_error
cmp for_active_flag,0 ;If in for loop, force eval
jne goto_c1 ; Jmp must occur after FOR
or bx,bx ;See if env var or cmd line
je goto_c2 ; parms. If not hard code jmp
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine. Include if needed.
mov dx,bp ;Get pointer to label.
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset.
mov goto_data_ptr,dx ;Save offset in case FOR loop
add dx,2 ;Move past word ptr
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx
mov cx,32h ;Use proper parameter type
mov bx,offset goto_next ;Append goto string
call include_code ; routine to code.
xor bx,bx
cmp for_active_flag,0 ;If in FOR loop delay goto.
je goto_c11 ; Pass ptr to word to save
mov bx,goto_data_ptr ; destination address.
call inline_code ;Add code to COM file.
jmp goto_cmd_exit
;Since label doesn't use env vars or cmd line params, hard code JMP.
mov di,bp ;Reset data ptr to ignore label
call getlabel ;See if label in list.
mov ax,bx ;Copy pointer to label pointer
add ax,2 ; to code.
sub ax,databuff_start ;Compute offset of pointer
mov cx,100h ;Insert JMP opcode.
call inline_code
mov bl,2
call scan4char ;Scan to the end of the line.
goto_cmd_exit1: ret
jmp short goto_cmd_exit1
goto_cmd endp
; LABEL CMD processes a label found in the bat file.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to first character of the label
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
label_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
inc si ;Move past ':'
call getlabel
cmp word ptr [bx+2],-1 ;See if list entry initialized
jne label_error ; if so error.
mov ax,word ptr codebuff_ptr
mov [bx+2],ax ;Save code ptr in COM data
mov bl,2
call scan4char ;Scan to the end of the line.
mov dx,offset errmsg8 ;Two identical labels
jmp short label_exit
label_cmd endp
; GETLABEL searches the label list in the data area. If a matching label entry
; is found it is returned, if not a label entry is created.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to first character of the label
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: BX - Points to label entry.
; SI,DI updated.
getlabel proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
call capsword ;Convert to caps & get length.
cmp cx,8 ;Max length of a label 8
jbe getlabel_1 ; characters to be consistant
mov cx,8 ; with DOS.
mov bp,di ;Save data ptr
mov di,offset firstlabel ;Get ptr to the 1st label
mov bx,di
cmp word ptr [di],-1 ;See if any labels defined.
je getlabel_2 ;No, skip label list search.
push cx ;Save label size
add bx,[bx] ;Point to first label
call lblsrch_code ;Search label list.
pop cx
mov di,bp ;Create label entry.
jnc getlabel_exit
mov di,bp ;Create label entry.
mov ax,-1
stosw ;Clear end of list tag
stosw ;Indicate unitialized label
mov al,cl
stosb ;Save length of label
rep movsb ;Copy label into data buffer
mov ax,bp
sub ax,bx ;Compute offset to new label
mov [bx],ax ;Load offset in prev. label
mov bx,bp ;Get start of label entry
getlabel endp
; EXTERNAL CMD compiles a routine to exexute a program.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
external_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov dx,di ;Save ptr to filename
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset.
mov ah,1
call copy_string ;Copy filename to COM data.
mov temp1,bx ;Save translate flag
dec si ;Back up one char
xor al,al ;Terminate filename with zero
inc di
push di ;Save ptr to command line tail
xor ah,ah
call copy_string ;Copy command line tail.
mov ax,000dh ;Append CR and zero
pop bp ;Save length of cmd line tail.
inc cl ; Adjust for the CR since
mov [bp-1],cl ; ProcStr will add CR to the
sub bp,databuff_start ; count. Exec prog fixes
mov cx,11h ; this at run time.
or bx,bx ;See if translation code needed
je externalcmd_1
;See if we need translation for command line tail.
push dx
mov dx,bp ;Get pointer to cmd line tail
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,21h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov cx,21h ;Use proper parameter type
mov bp,bx
pop dx
;See if we need translation for param.
mov ax,temp1 ;Get translate flag for cmd
or ax,ax ;See if extern cmd needs
je externalcmd_2 ; translation.
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine.
mov bx,offset prs2_buff_ptr - offset data_start
push cx
mov cx,21h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
pop cx
and cl,0f0h ;Use proper parameter type
or cl,02h ; retain the prev param type
mov dx,bx ; for cmd line tail.
mov bx,offset external_next ;Append prog launch code
call include_code
mov bx,bp ;Get ptr to filename
call inline_code ;Add code to COM file.
external_cmd endp
; INTERNAL CMD compiles a command internal to command.com
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
internal_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
inc di ;Make room for string size.
push di ;Save ptr to internal command.
push si
mov si,offset internal_cmdsw
movsw ;Copy /C switch to tell
movsb ; COMMAND.COM to execute and
pop si ; terminate.
xor ah,ah
call copy_string ;Copy internal command
mov ax,000dh ;Append CR and zero
pop bp
add cl,3 ;Add length of /c switch
mov [bp-1],cl ;Save length of command line
mov dx,bp ;Get pointer to internal cmd
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset.
mov cx,1
or bx,bx ;See if translation code needed
je internalcmd_1
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov cx,2 ;Use proper parameter type
mov dx,bx ;Get input from str1 buffer
mov bx,offset intcmd_next ;Append internal cmd routine
call include_code ; to code.
call inline_code ;Add code to COM file.
internal_cmd endp
; PATH CMD compiles a path command
; Entry: Same as SET command
path_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov bp,2
push si
add si,4 ;Move past path cmd
xor bx,bx ;Find the first nonspace char.
call scan4char ;If no characters, set flag
pop si
jnc set_entry1 ; to print path string.
mov bp,3
jmp short set_entry1
path_cmd endp
; PROMPT CMD compiles a path command
; Entry: Same as SET command
prompt_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov bp,1
jmp short set_entry1
prompt_cmd endp
; SET CMD compiles a command to change variables in the environment
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: CF - Set if error
; DX - Offset to error message if CF set.
; SI,DI updated.
set_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov bp,0 ;Assume not PATH or PROMPT
push bp
xor bx,bx ;Find the first nonspace char.
call scan4char
mov dx,di ;Save ptr to set command.
jc setcmd_0
xor ah,ah
call copy_string ;Copy string to COM data
xor al,al ;Append zero
sub dx,databuff_start ;Compute offset of data.
mov cx,31h
or bx,bx ;See if translation code needed
je setcmd_1
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Get offset of translate
call include_code ; routine.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,21h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov cx,32h ;Use proper parameter type
mov dx,bx ;Get input from str1 buffer
mov bx,offset setenv_next ;Append set routine to code.
call include_code
pop bx ;Get PATH/PROMPT flag
call inline_code ;Add code to COM file.
set_cmd endp
; ECHO CMD compiles an ECHO command.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the ECHO command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
echo_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov dx,si ;Save pointer to string start
inc dx ;Move pointer past 1st space
xor bl,bl ;Echo can either echo a
call scan4char ; string to the keyboard or
jc echo_c01 ; toggle the echo flag.
or al,20h ;Check for on or off keyword
cmp al,"o" ; to indicate what type of
jne echo_c0 ; Echo this is.
mov ax,[si+1] ;Get next two characters
or al,20h ;Make lower case
mov bl,1
cmp al,"n" ;Check for echo on
je echo_c00
or ah,20h ;Make lower case
cmp ax,"ff" ;Check for echo off
jne echo_c0
dec bl
mov ah,[si+3] ;Get character past word
cmp ah," " ;Make sure not just the start
ja echo_c0 ; of another word.
mov bl,2
call scan4char ;Find end of line.
jmp short echo_exit
;Echo ASCII line, Include code in COM file to echo string.
mov si,dx ;Restore data pointer
cmp byte ptr [si-2],'.' ;See if Echo.
jne echo_exit
mov dx,di
jmp short echo_c1
mov si,dx ;Restore data pointer
mov dx,di
xor ah,ah
call copy_string ;Copy string to COM data.
mov ax,0a0dh ;Terminate line with CRLF
xor al,al ;Append zero byte
mov cx,1 ;Append runtime routines.
sub dx,databuff_start
or bx,bx ;Check translate flag, if set
je echo_c21 ; append translate code 1st.
mov bx,offset procstr_next ;Append translate string
call include_code ; routine to code.
mov bx,offset prse_buff_ptr - offset data_start
mov cx,0021h ;Indicate parameter type
call inline_code ;Insert translate code.
mov dx,bx
mov cx,2 ;Use proper parameter type
mov bx,offset echo_msg_next ;Append echo string
call include_code ; routine to code.
call inline_code ;Add code to COM file.
echo_cmd endp
; PAUSE CMD compiles a PAUSE command.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the PAUSE command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
pause_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
;Append routine if necessary
mov bx,offset pause_next ;Append PAUSE routine if
call include_code ; necessary.
mov cx,0 ;Add inline code with 0 params
call inline_code ; to call pause routine.
mov bl,2 ;Scan to end of line
call scan4char
pause_cmd endp
; SHIFT CMD compiles a SHIFT command.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to character after the SHIFT command
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; Exit: AL - Error code if CF set
; CF - Set if error
; SI,DI updated.
shift_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov bx,offset shift_next ;Append shift routine if
call include_code ; necessary.
mov cx,0 ;Add inline code with 0 params
call inline_code ; to call pause routine.
mov bl,2 ;Scan to end of line
call scan4char
shift_cmd endp
; REM CMD Processes remark lines in batch file.
; Entry: SI - pointer to line in BAT file
rem_cmd proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
dec si ;Back up to make sure we don't
rem_c1: lodsb ; miss a carrage return.
cmp al,1ah ;Loop until end of line or end
je rem_exit ; of file.
cmp al,13
jne rem_c1
rem_cmd endp
; COPY STRING copies a string to the com file data buffer.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to 1st character of the string.
; DI - Pointer to end of compiled data.
; AH - 0 = copy until end of line
; 1 = copy only one word
; 2 = copy only one word, break on /
; 3 = copy until ')'
; Exit: BX - 0 if no environment variables or command line parameters.
; CX - Size of string.
; SI,DI updated.
copy_string proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push dx
mov dx,di ;Copy pointer to string
xor bx,bx ;Clear param/env flag
xor cx,cx ;Clear count
lodsb ;Get byte
cmp al,13 ;See if carrage return
je copystr_exit ;Yes, quit.
cmp al,1ah ;See if EOF
je copystr_exit
cmp ah,3 ;See if set copy
jne copystr_3 ;No, skip next test.
cmp al,')' ;See if end of set
je copystr_exit ;Yes, quit.
jmp short copystr_4
or ah,ah ;See if phrase or word copy
je copystr_4 ;Phase, skip next test.
cmp al,' ' ;See if end of word.
jbe copystr_exit ;Yes, quit.
cmp al,'=' ;Equal sign indicates end of
je copystr_exit ; word.
cmp ah,2
je copystr_4
cmp al,'/' ;/ indicates end of word.
je copystr_exit
inc cx
cmp al,'%' ;See if translation needed.
jne copystr_6
inc bh ;Set env/cmd line param flag
or bl,bl ;See if already set.
mov bl,0 ;Clear caps flag
jne copystr_6 ;If caps set, trailing %
cmp byte ptr [si],7fh ;Check for For loop var. If
jne copystr_5 ; found, copy it removing
stosb ; the extra 7f.
inc si
jmp short copystr_6
cmp byte ptr [si],'9' ;If char after % is number,
ja copystr_51 ; this is a command line
cmp byte ptr [si],'0' ; parameter, else an env
jae copystr_6 ; var.
inc bl ;Set caps flag
or bl,bl
je copystr_7
call capschar
stosb ;Save byte
jmp short copystr_1 ;Loop back.
pop dx
copy_string endp
; INLINE CODE Adds the necessary inline code to call a canned
; routine.
; Entry: AX - Offset of canned routine.
; CL - (low nibble) Method to pass parameter one
; CL - (high nibble) Method to pass parameter two
; CH - (low nibble) Call/Jump method
; DX - Parameter one
; BX - Parameter two
inline_code proc near
push bp
push si ;Save pointer to input buffer.
push di
push es
les di,codebuff_ptr ;Point ES:DI to buffer
mov bp,cx
and cl,0fh ;Look only at SI code nibble
cmp cl,1 ;Check for LEA SI
jne inline_1
mov si,offset code_leasi
mov [si+2],dx ;Load paramter one
mov cx,code_leasi_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_10
cmp cl,2 ;Check for MOV SI
jne inline_2
mov si,offset code_movsi
mov [si+2],dx ;Load parameter one
mov cx,code_movsi_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_10
cmp cl,3 ;Check for MOV SI Immediate
jne inline_10
mov si,offset code_movsiim
mov [si+1],dx ;Load parameter one
mov cx,code_movsiim_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
mov cx,bp ;Get back code
and cl,0f0h
cmp cl,10h ;Check for LEA DI
jne inline_11
mov si,offset code_leadi
mov [si+2],bx ;Load paramter two
mov cx,code_leadi_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_13
cmp cl,20h ;Check for MOV DI
jne inline_12
mov si,offset code_movdi
mov [si+2],bx ;Load parameter two
mov cx,code_movdi_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_13
cmp cl,30h ;Check for MOV immed DI
jne inline_13
mov si,offset code_movdiim
mov [si+1],bx ;Load parameter two
mov cx,code_movdiim_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
mov cx,bp
and ch,0fh
jne inline_20
mov si,offset code_call ;Code to call the canned
mov cx,code_call_size ; routine.
mov [si+1],ax ;Insert the destination offset.
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_30
cmp ch,01 ;Check for jmp
jne inline_21
mov si,offset code_jmp ;Code to jmp to destination.
mov cx,code_jmp_size
mov [si+2],ax ;Insert the destination offset.
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_30
cmp ch,02 ;Check for jc
jne inline_22
mov si,offset code_jc ;Code to jc to destination.
mov cx,code_jc_size
lea ax,[di+3] ;Save offset of JMP to mod
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_30
cmp ch,03 ;Check for jnc
jne inline_23
mov si,offset code_jnc ;Code to jnc to destination.
mov cx,code_jnc_size
lea ax,[di+3] ;Save offset of JMP to mod
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
jmp short inline_30
cmp ch,04 ;Check for jmp displacment
jne inline_30
mov si,offset code_jmpdis ;Code to jmp IP relative.
mov [si+1],ax
mov cx,code_jmpdis_size
rep movsb ;Copy routine into COM file.
mov word ptr cs:codebuff_ptr,di
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
inline_code endp
; INCLUDE CODE - Appends the routine to the append list if necessary and
; returns the offset of the routine in the compiled program.
; Entry: BX - Pointer to header of canned routine to append.
; Exit: AX - Offset of canned routine in COM file.
include_code proc near
assume ds:code,es:nothing
push cx
push dx
mov ax,[bx-4] ;Get COM file offset
or ax,ax ;If zero, routine has not
jne include_exit ; been appended.
mov cx,bx ;Save pointer to new routine
;Address the prevous 'last' routine header. Update that header, then use
;information in that header to compute the offset of the new routine.
xchg bx,last_routine
mov [bx],cx ;Add code to chain.
mov ax,[bx-2] ;Compute offset of new routine
add ax,[bx-4] ; by adding the offset of the
sub ax,[bx+2] ; prevous routine to its size.
mov bx,cx
mov cx,[bx+2] ;Get number of called routines.
add ax,cx
mov [bx-4],ax ;Set offset of code.
jcxz include_exit
shr cx,1 ;If this routine needs other
add bx,4 ; routines, include them in
push ax ; the COM file.
push cx
push bx
mov bx,[bx]
call include_code
pop bx
mov [bx],ax
add bx,2
pop cx
loop include_1
pop ax
pop dx
pop cx
include_code endp
; PRINTMSG prints the message pointed to by DX to the screen.
; Entry: DX - pointer to ASCII message terminated by $
printmsg proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push ds
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
mov ah,9 ;Print message
int 21h
pop ds
printmsg endp
; PRINTMSGCR calls PRINTMSG, then appends a carriage return to the message.
; Entry: DX - pointer to ASCII message terminated by $
printmsgcr proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push dx
call printmsg
mov dx,offset endmsg
call printmsg
pop dx
printmsgcr endp
; HEX2ASC converts a binary number to ASCII and prints it to the screen.
; Entry: AX - binary number
hex2asc proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push bx
mov cx,5 ;Allow max of five digits
xor dx,dx ;Clear high word
mov bx,10 ;Load number base
div bx ;Divide by base (10)
add dl,30h ;Convert to ascii
push dx ;Save digit on stack
loop hex_loop1
mov cx,5 ;Allow max of five digits
mov bl,"0" ;Set leading zero indicator
pop dx ;Get digit off stack
or bl,dl ;Don't print leading zeros.
cmp bl,"0" ;The first non zero will
je hex_1 ; change bl to non-zero.
mov ah,2 ;DOS character output
int 21h
loop hex_loop2
pop bx
hex2asc endp
; LOADBATFILE loads the input BAT file.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to the name of the file to open
; Exit: CF - clear if successful
; Support for BAT files larger than 16 K is not currently implimented.
loadbatfile proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push di
push si
mov bx,file_handle
cmp bx,-1
jne loadfile_3
mov dx,si ;Save filename pointer
mov di,offset outfile_name ;Point DI to buffer to hold
mov cx,8 ; the output file name.
lodsb ;Copy the name until the
cmp al,' ' ; extension is reached.
je loadfile_2
cmp al,'.'
je loadfile_2
loop loadfile_1
mov si,offset com_string ;Append COM extension to
movsb ; output file name.
mov si,dx ;Get back filename pointer
mov bl,1 ;Find end of filename
call scan4char
dec si
mov byte ptr [si],0 ;Make filename ASCIIZ.
mov ax,3d00h ;Open file (Read only)
int 21h
jc loadfile_error
mov bx,ax ;Copy file handle
;Read contents into file buffer.
mov file_handle,-1 ;Assume file completely read.
mov ah,3fh ;Read input BAT file into
mov dx,inbuff_ptr ; memory above stack space
mov cx,inbuff_size ;Get size of buffer
sub cx,4
int 21h
mov di,dx ;Point DI to end of the file
add di,ax
cmp ax,cx ;Check if complete file read.
jb loadfile_4
std ;If there is more of the file
push dx ; to read, scan backwards to
mov dx,ax ; the end of the last line.
mov cx,ax ;Get file length
mov al,13 ;Scan for last CR
cmp [di-1],al ;If last byte in buffer a CR
jne loadfile_30 ; back up 2 CRs. Fixes bug
dec di ; in Ver 1.4.
dec di
dec cx
dec cx
repne scasb
cld ;Reset string flag
add di,3
add cx,3
xchg cx,dx ;Compute the number of bytes
sub dx,cx ; to back up the file pointer
mov cx,0 ; The filepointer is a 32
jz loadfile_31 ; bit number in CX,DX.
dec cx
mov ax,4201h ;Move file pointer backwards
int 21h
mov file_handle,bx
pop dx
mov ax,1a1ah
stosw ;Append EOF bytes.
cmp file_handle,-1
jne loadfile_exit
mov ah,3eh ;Close file.
int 21h
pop si
pop di
mov dx,offset errmsg2 ;Bad filename specified.
jmp short loadfile_exit1
loadbatfile endp
; SCAN4CHAR scans a string to find the first character.
; Entry: SI - pointer to ASCII string
; BL - 0 = find next char,
; 1 = find next space,
; 2 = find end of line,
; 3 = find next space or =.
; Exit: AL - matching character
; SI - pointer to matching character
; CF - set if carriage return or EOF found
scan4char proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
cmp al,13 ;Check for carriage return.
je scan4_eol
cmp al,1ah ;Check for end of file char.
jne scan4_1
jmp short scan4_exit1
cmp bl,3
je scan4_equal
cmp bl,1 ;Check if searching for space,
je scan4_space ; character, or end of line.
ja scan4loop
cmp al," " ;Check for space or other
jbe scan4loop ; 'white' characters.
jmp short scan4_exit
cmp al,"=" ;Check for exit
je scan4_exit
cmp al," " ;Check for characters.
ja scan4loop
dec si ;Back up before character
scan4char endp
;Routines used by compiled program.
;Code fragments used to call canned routines.
code_call proc near
mov ax,1234h ;Set address to call routine.
call ax ;Call canned routine.
code_call_end = $
code_call endp
code_jmp proc near
mov ax,[bp+1234h] ;Set address to call routine.
jmp ax ;Jump to new offset.
code_jmp_end = $
code_jmp endp
code_jc proc near
jnc code_jc_end ;Jump over long jmp
jmp initialize ;This jmp will be modified
code_jc_end = $
code_jc endp
code_jnc proc near
jc code_jnc_end ;Skip over long jmp
jmp initialize ;This jmp will be modified
code_jnc_end = $
code_jnc endp
code_jmpdis proc near
jmp initialize ;This jmp will be modified
code_jmpdis_end = $
code_jmpdis endp
code_leasi proc near
lea si,[bp+1234h] ;Load address of data
code_leasi_end = $
code_leasi endp
code_movsi proc near
mov si,[bp+1234h] ;Load data
code_movsi_end = $
code_movsi endp
code_movsiim proc near
mov si,1234h ;Load immediate data
code_movsiim_end = $
code_movsiim endp
code_leadi proc near
lea di,[bp+1234h] ;Load address of data
code_leadi_end = $
code_leadi endp
code_movdi proc near
mov di,[bp+1234h] ;Load data
code_movdi_end = $
code_movdi endp
code_movdiim proc near
mov di,1234h ;Load immediate data
code_movdiim_end = $
code_movdiim endp
;Predefined data needed for all compiled programs.
data_start = $
code_start dw ? ;Offset of main code routine
stack_ptr dw ? ;Offset of end of code + stack
prog_segsize dw ? ;Size of COM prog in paragraphs
prse_buff_ptr dw ? ;Buffer for parsing strings
prs2_buff_ptr dw ? ;Buffer for parsing strings
exec_buff_ptr dw ? ;Buffer for exec function
for_buff_ptr dw ? ;Buffer for For loop variables
floop_ptr dw ? ;Pointer to for loop string
file_handle1 dw ? ;Saved handle of std output
file_handle2 dw ? ;Handle of output file
file_handle3 dw ? ;Saved handle of std input
file_handle4 dw ? ;Handle of input file
label_list_strt dw ? ;Offset into data of 1st label.
master_env dw ? ;Segment of environment blk
version_num dw ? ;DOS version number
proc_rc db ? ;Return code of last program.
shift_cnt db ? ;Count of shift parameter
data_end = $
;INIT CODE Routine at the start of all compiled programs.
init_code_off dw 100h ;Pointer to offset in COM file
init_code_size dw offset init_code_end-offset init_code_start
init_code_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
init_code_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
init_code_start = $
init_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
jmp init_code_1
db "Compiled by BAT2EXEC 1.5",13,10
db "PC Magazine ",254," Douglas Boling",13,10,1ah
mov bp,ds:[offset data_start_ptr - offset init_code + 100h]
mov bp,[bp]
mov sp,com_stack_ptr ;Move stack pointer
mov bx,com_prog_size ;Reduce memory allocation
mov ah,4ah ;Resize memory block
int 21h
mov ax,ds:[2ch] ;Get program environment seg
mov environment_seg,ax ; use unless SET cmd used.
mov bx,code_start_ptr ;Get starting code offset
jmp bx ;Jump to start of code.
data_start_ptr dw ? ;Offset of data area.
init_code endp
init_code_end = $
;END CODE Routine appended at the end of all compiled programs.
end_code_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
end_code_size dw offset end_code_end-offset end_code_start
end_code_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
end_code_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
end_code_start = $
end_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov ax,4c00h ;Terminate program
int 21h
end_code endp
end_code_end = $
;ECHO MSG CODE Routine used print a string to the standard output device
; Entry: DS:SI - offset of string to print.
echo_msg_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
echo_msg_size dw offset echo_msg_end-offset echo_msg_start
echo_msg_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
echo_msg_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
echo_msg_start = $
echo_msg_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
mov dl,[si] ;Get character
inc si
or dl,dl
je echo_msg_1
mov ah,2 ;Print character
int 21h
jmp short echo_msg_code
echo_msg_code endp
echo_msg_end = $
;ECHO STATUS CODE Routine used to report the status of the echo flag.
; Entry: AL - Echo flag.
echo_stat_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
echo_stat_size dw offset echo_stat_end-offset echo_stat_start
echo_stat_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
echo_stat_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
echo_stat_start = $
echo_stat_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
call echo_stat_1 ;Push IP on stack
echo_msg db "ECHO is $"
echo_on db "on",10,13,"$"
echo_off db "off",10,13,"$"
pop dx ;Pop offset of echo message
push ax ;Save status of echo flag
mov ah,9
int 21h
add dx,offset echo_on-offset echo_msg ;Point to 'on' msg
pop ax
or al,al ;Check status of echo flag
je echo_report_1
add dx,offset echo_off-offset echo_on ;Point to 'off' msg
add dx,5 ;Point to off message.
mov ah,9 ;Print last part of echo stat
int 21h
echo_stat_code endp
echo_stat_end = $
;PAUSE CODE Routine used pause execution of the COM file.
pause_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
pause_size dw offset pause_end-offset pause_start
pause_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
pause_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
pause_start = $
pause_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
call pause_1 ;Push IP on stack
pause_msg db "Strike any key when ready...",13,10,"$"
pop dx ;Pop offset of message
mov ah,9 ;Print message.
int 21h
mov ah,7 ;Keyboard unfiltered input
int 21h ; without echo.
pause_code endp
pause_end = $
;SHIFT CODE Routine used shift the input parameters by one.
shift_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
shift_size dw offset shift_end-offset shift_start
shift_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
shift_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
shift_start = $
shift_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
inc byte ptr shift_count ;Inc shift count.
shift_code endp
shift_end = $
; SCAN_CHAR scans a string to find the first character.
; Entry: SI - pointer to ASCII string
; DL - 0 = find next char, 1 = find next space
; CX - file length
; Exit: AL - first nonspace character
; CF - set if carriage return found
scan4_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
scan4_size dw offset scan4_end - offset scan4_start
scan4_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
scan4_lnks dw 0
scan4_start = $
scan_char proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
cmp al,9 ;See if char is tab
je scan_space ;If before, end of line
cmp al,";"
je scan_space
cmp al,","
je scan_space
cmp al," " ;See if char is space.
jb scan_eol ;If before, end of line
je scan_space
or dl,dl ;Not space, if looking
jne scan_loop ; for space continue.
jmp short scan_exit
or dl,dl ;Space found, see if looking
je scan_loop ; for one.
scan_char endp
scan4_end = $
; GETMEMBER returns a pointer to the Nth word in a line.
; Entry: SI - pointer to line of words
; DH - number of the word to return
; Exit: SI - pointer to word
; CF - Set if word not in line.
getmember_scan4 equ [bx-6]
getmember_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
getmember_size dw offset getmember_end - offset getmember_start
getmember_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
getmember_lnks dw 2 ;Bytes in the dependancy header
getmember_start = $
dw offset scan4_next ;Offset of called routine.
getmember proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call getmember_0
pop bx
xor dl,dl
call getmember_scan4 ;Find next word
jc getmember_notfound
dec dh ;Dec parameter count
jle getmember_2
inc dl
call getmember_scan4 ;Find next space
jc getmember_exit
jmp short getmember_1 ;If not done, loop back.
dec si ;Backup to 1st char in word.
pop bx
jmp short getmember_exit
getmember endp
getmember_end = $
; PROCSTRING processes a string to convert any environment variables or
; command line variables.
; Entry: DS:SI - ASCIIZ string to process
; ES:DI - pointer to output buffer.
; Exit: DS:SI - pointer to beginning of new ASCIIZ string.
; [SI-1] - Length of new string.
procstr_cmdl equ [bx-8]
procstr_env equ [bx-6]
procstr_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
procstr_size dw offset procstr_end - offset procstr_start
procstr_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
procstr_lnks dw 4 ;Bytes in the dependancy header
procstr_start = $
dw offset subparm_next ;Offset of called routines.
dw offset subenv_next
procstr_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code
push bx
call procstr_0
pop bx
push di
push si
mov ah,BUFF_SIZE ;Set size of buffer
lodsb ;Get byte from string
or al,al ;Check for end of string
je procstr_exit
cmp al,"%" ;See if special character
je procstr_3 ;Yes, process special char.
stosb ;Store byte from string
dec ah
jne procstr_1
xor al,al ;Force zero byte end.
pop si
pop di
mov bl,BUFF_SIZE
sub bl,ah
mov ds:[di-1],bl ;Store length of string
pop bx
;A percent sign has been found indicating a 'soft' parameter. Three types of
;soft parameters are allowed; command line parameter, environment variable,
;and for loop parameter.
lodsb ;Get next character
dec cx
cmp al,"%" ;If double %, include one
je procstr_2 ; in string.
cmp al,7fh ;See if for loop var
jne procstr_32
push si
mov si,forloop_ptr ;Get ptr to for loop string
cmp al,0 ;If zero, end of string
je procstr_31
dec ah ;Dec buffer size counter
jne procstr_30 ;If buffer not full, continue
pop si ;Get back source string pointer
jmp short procstr_4
mov dh,al ;Copy and check to see if
sub dh,"0" ; the next char is a number.
jb procstr_5 ; If so, assume a line
cmp dh,9 ; parameter.
ja procstr_5
call procstr_cmdl ;Call cmd line param routine
or ah,ah
jne procstr_1
jmp short procstr_exit ;If at end of string, done
dec si ;Backup to 1st character
inc cx
call procstr_env
jmp short procstr_4
procstr_code endp
procstr_end = $
; SUBLINEPARAM substitutes a parameter from the command line.
; Entry: ES:DI - pointer to buffer to copy the line parameter
; DH - binary number of the line parameter
; AH - size of buffer
; Exit: ES:DI - pointer to byte after the parameter in the buffer
; CX - remaining length of the buffer
subparm_getmem equ [bx-6]
subparm_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
subparm_size dw offset subparm_end - offset subparm_start
subparm_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
subparm_lnks dw 2 ;Bytes in the dependancy header
subparm_start = $
dw offset getmember_next ;Offset of called routine.
sublineparam proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call sublineparam_1
db "DOS2X",0 ;Dummy %0 parameter for DOS 2x
pop bx
push cx
push si
push ds
mov si,80h ;Get ptr to cmd line
xor cx,cx
mov cl,[si] ;Get number of chars in buffer.
inc si ;Point to data
add dh,ds:shift_count ;Add in shift count.
or dh,dh ;Check count of param to find.
jnz sublineparam_12
;For parameter 0, attempt to look in the env block for the name of the prog.
push ax ;Save buffer size in AH
mov ah,30h ;Get DOS version
int 21h ;If DOS 2.x, program nane not
cmp al,2 ; in the env segment. Use
pop ax
ja sublineparam_10 ; dunny name instead.
lea si,[bx] ;Point to dummy parameter
jmp short sublineparam_2
push es
push di
mov es,ds:[2ch] ;Get segment of local env
xor al,al
xor di,di
mov cx,8000h
repne scasb ;Find double zero
jne sublineparam_11
scasw ;Scan to name
mov si,di ;Copy pointer to name
pop di
pop es
mov ds,ds:[2ch]
jmp short sublineparam_2
call subparm_getmem ;Get pointer to proper word.
jc sublineparam_exit
lodsb ;Get character from parameter
cmp al," " ;If space, parameter done
jbe sublineparam_exit
cmp al,";" ;Comma and semicolon also
je sublineparam_exit ; delimit a command line
cmp al,"," ; parameter.
je sublineparam_exit
dec ah ;Dec buffer size counter
jnz sublineparam_2
pop ds
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
sublineparam endp
subparm_end = $
; SUBENVVAR substitutes a parameter from the program environment block.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to enviroment variable.
; ES:DI - pointer to buffer.
; AH - size of buffer.
; Exit: ES:DI - pointer to byte after the parameter in the buffer
; DS:SI - pointer to the character after the line parameter number
; CX - remaining free bytes in the buffer.
subenv_srchenv equ [bx-6]
subenv_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
subenv_size dw offset subenv_end-offset subenv_start
subenv_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
subenv_lnks dw 2 ;Bytes in the dependancy header
subenv_start = $
dw offset searchenv_next ;Call to search environment blk
subenvvar proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call subenvvar_0
pop bx
push ds
;Compute the length of the variable name.
mov cx,255
push di ;Save pointer to internal buff
mov di,si ;Compute the length of the
mov dx,cx ; environment variable by
mov al,"%" ; searching for the trailing
repne scasb ; % sign.
sub dx,cx ;Compute length of variable.
dec dx ;Subtract % byte from length.
mov cx,di
pop di
push cx ;Save ptr to end of var
call subenv_srchenv ;Search environment block.
jc short subenvvar_exit ;CF set, variable not found.
;Environment variable found. Substitute into string.
lodsb ;Get env var character
or al,al ;Check for end of string
je subenvvar_exit
stosb ;Save character in string
dec ah ;Dec buffer size count.
jne subenvvar_1 ;If buffer not full, continue
pop si ;Restore string pointer
pop ds ;Restore segment register
pop bx
subenvvar endp
subenv_end = $
; SEARCH_ENV scans the environment block for a string.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to ASCII string
; DX - length of string
; Exit: DS:SI - points to first character of environment string
; CF - clear if string found
searchenv_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
searchenv_size dw offset searchenv_end - offset searchenv_start
searchenv_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
searchenv_lnks dw 0
searchenv_start = $
search_env proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push bx
push cx
push di
push es
mov es,environment_seg ;Get seg of environment blk
xor di,di ;Point ES:DI to environment.
mov bx,si ;Save pointer to var name
mov si,bx ;Get back ptr to var name.
mov cx,dx ;Compare env var to var in
repe cmpsb ; string.
je search_env_2 ;Variable found, exit loop
xor al,al ;Find next environment var.
mov cx,-1 ;Scan the entire segment.
repne scasb
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;If double zero, end of env
jne search_env_1 ; block. else, loop back.
mov si,di ;Point SI to end of env data
push es
pop ds
jmp short search_env_exit
;Environment variable found. Point DS:SI to the string.
mov si,di
push es ;DS:SI points to env string
pop ds
lodsb ;Move environment pointer past
cmp al,"=" ; the equals sign.
jne search_env_3
cmp byte ptr [si],0
je search_env_not_found
lodsb ;Move pointer to first
or al,al ; non-space character.
jb search_env_5
cmp al," "
jb search_env_4
dec si
pop es
pop di
pop cx
pop bx
search_env endp
searchenv_end = $
;EXTERNAL CMD Routine used to launch programs from the COM file.
; Entry DS:SI - Pointer to the ASCIIZ program name
; ES:DI - Pointer to the ASCIIZ command line tail
extern_intcmd equ [bx-14]
extern_echomsg equ [bx-12]
extern_parspath equ [bx-10]
extern_launch equ [bx-8]
extern_ifexits equ [bx-6]
extern_pathcnt equ [bx]
extern_path_var equ [bx+1]
extern_file_ext equ [bx+6]
extern_filename equ [bx+15]
extern_filetail equ [bx+17]
extern_lostmsg equ [bx+19]
extern_cmdparm equ [bx+46]
extern_pathflag equ [bx+49]
external_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
external_size dw offset external_end - offset external_start
external_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
external_lnks dw 10 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
external_start = $
dw intcmd_next ;Call to launch COMMAND.COM
dw echo_msg_next ;Call to display string
dw parsepath_next ;Call to get part of path
dw launch_next ;Call execute file
dw ifexist_next ;Call to find file
external_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push bx
call external_0
db 0 ;Cnt to track path search.
db "PATH="
dw 0 ;Pointer to filename
dw 0 ;Pointer to command line tail
db "Bad command or file name",13,10,0
db "/C "
db 0 ;Flag for path search
pop bx ;Get pointer to local vars.
mov extern_filename,si ;Save ptr to file name
mov extern_filetail,di ;Save ptr to command line tail
mov dx,exec_buff ;Get pointer to free buffer.
add dx,4 ;Make room for /C if needed.
mov byte ptr extern_pathflag,0
mov byte ptr extern_pathcnt,0
;Parse path to generate filename.
mov di,dx ;Get ptr to start of buffer
xor cx,cx ;Check to see if we need to
or cl,extern_pathcnt ; check the directorys in
jne external_19 ; the path.
;The first time through, parse the name without using the path.
push dx
push si
xor dx,dx ;Assume default drive
cmp byte ptr [si+1],':' ;See if drive specified
jne external_11
mov dl,[si]
and dl,0dfh ;Set to upper case
sub dl,'@' ;Convert ASCII to number
movsw ;Copy drive letter
add word ptr extern_filename,2 ;Don't use drive in path
cmp byte ptr [si],'\' ;See if starting at root.
je external_110
mov al,'\' ;Start at root dir
push si
mov si,di ;Get pointer to buffer.
mov ah,47h ;Get current directory
int 21h
pop si
xor al,al
mov cx,64
repne scasb ;Find end of directory string
dec di
cmp byte ptr [di-1],'\' ;Unless at root dir, add
je external_110
mov al,'\'
xor ax,ax
lodsb ;Get a byte
cmp ax,2e2eh ;See if we need to back up
jne external_13 ; one directory.
mov al,'\' ;Scan backwards to erase
mov cx,18 ; last directory.
repne scasb
repne scasb
inc di
jmp short external_12
mov ah,al ;Copy last character.
cmp al,'\' ;See if name specifies a path
jne external_14
inc byte ptr extern_pathflag
cmp al,0
jne external_12
dec di ;Since DOS does not let the
mov dx,di ; user specify the file ext.
std ; scan back to make sure one
mov cx,5 ; is not attached.
mov al,'.'
repne scasb
jne external_16
inc di
mov dx,di
mov di,dx
pop si
pop dx
jmp short external_4
;Parse the path string to search remaining directorys.
cmp byte ptr extern_pathflag,0 ;If a complete path was
jne external_badcmd ; specified, don't search
mov si,extern_filename ; the path.
call extern_parspath
jnc external_2 ;If we have checked all
lea si,extern_lostmsg ; directories in the path,
call extern_echomsg ; display file not found msg.
jmp short external_exit
;Append filename to the end of the path.
mov cx,73 ;Max length of filename
cmp al,' ' ;See if end of word
jbe external_4
cmp al,'.' ;See if end of filename
je external_4
loop external_3
mov al,'.' ;Append '.' to filename
lea si,extern_file_ext ;Get pointer to extensions
mov cx,3 ;3 extension types COM EXE BAT
movsw ;Append extension to filename
xor al,al ;Termainate with zero
push dx
push si
push cx
mov si,dx ;Get ptr to start of name
call extern_ifexits ;Search for file
pop cx
pop si
pop dx
jnc external_6
sub di,4 ;Backup to file extension
loop external_5
inc byte ptr extern_pathcnt ;Look in the next path str
jmp external_1
cmp cx,1 ;See if BAT extension
jne external_8
lea si,extern_cmdparm ;Get pointer to /C
sub dx,3
mov di,dx ;Get ptr to string buffer
movsw ;Copy /C param
xor al,al
mov cx,252
repne scasb ;Find end of filename
mov byte ptr [di-1],' ' ;Fill in zero with space
mov si,extern_filetail ;Get ptr to command line tail
cmp [si-1],cl
ja external_7
mov cl,[si-1] ;Get length of cmd line tail
rep movsb
mov byte ptr [di],13 ;Append CR to cmd line.
mov si,dx ;Get pointer to BAT filename
mov ax,di ;Compute length of cmd line.
sub ax,dx
mov [si-1],al
call extern_intcmd ;Launch COMMAND.COM
jmp short external_exit
mov di,extern_filetail ;Get ptr to command line tail
dec di ;Back up to buffer length
dec byte ptr [di] ;Sub CR from length
push di
mov si,dx ;Get ptr to start of name
call extern_launch ;Execute program
pop di
inc byte ptr [di] ;Restore cmd line length
pop bx
external_code endp
external_end = $
; PARSEPATH Parses the PATH and returns a qualified directory from the path.
; Entry: ES:DI - pointer to destination buffer.
; CX - index into the path variable. (zero based.)
; Exit: ES:DI - pointer to ASCIIZ destination filename.
; CF - Set if past end of the path
parsepath_srenv equ [bx-6]
parsepath_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
parsepath_size dw offset parsepath_end - offset parsepath_start
parsepath_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
parsepath_lnks dw 2
parsepath_start = $
dw offset searchenv_next ;Call to search env block
parsepath proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call parsepath_1
db "PATH"
pop bx
push dx
push si
push ds
mov dx,4 ;Length of PATH string
mov si,bx ;Point SI to PATH string
call getcom_srchenv ;PATH var ptr return in DS:SI
dec cx ;Dec path segment count
jcxz parsepath_4
lodsb ;Get character
or al,al ;See if end of path string
je parsepath_notfound
cmp al,';' ;See if end of path segment
jne parsepath_3
jmp short parsepath_2
cmp al,';' ;See if end of path segment
je parsepath_5
or al,al ;See if end of path
je parsepath_5
jmp short parsepath_4
push cs
pop ds
cmp byte ptr es:[di-1],'\' ;Append \ if necessary.
je parsepath_6
mov al,'\'
pop ds
pop si
pop dx
pop bx
jmp short parsepath_exit
parsepath endp
parsepath_end = $
; INTCMD Launches the shell ,usually COMMAND.COM, to run an internal command.
; Entry DS:SI - pointer to the ASCIIZ internal command to run.
intcmd_launch equ [bx-8]
intcmd_getcom equ [bx-6]
intcmd_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
intcmd_size dw offset intcmd_end - offset intcmd_start
intcmd_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
intcmd_lnks dw 4
intcmd_start = $
dw offset launch_next ;Call to load and run program.
dw offset getcom_next ;Call to find shell name.
intcommand proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call intcmd_1
pop bx ;Get pointer to sub calls.
mov di,si ;Copy ptr to command
dec di ;Back up to cmd line size.
mov al,process_rc ;Get and save return code
push ds
push ax
call intcmd_getcom ;Get comspec string.
call cs:intcmd_launch ;Run program.
pop ax
pop ds
mov process_rc,al ;Restore return code
pop bx
intcommand endp
intcmd_end = $
; GETCOMSPEC Gets the name of the shell program running
; Exit: DS:SI - pointer to the ASCIIZ name of the shell porgram.
getcom_srchenv equ [bx-6]
getcom_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
getcom_size dw offset getcom_end - offset getcom_start
getcom_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
getcom_lnks dw 2
getcom_start = $
dw offset searchenv_next ;Call to search environment blk
getcomspec proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call getcom_1
getcom_str db "COMSPEC"
pop bx
mov dx,offset getcom_1 - offset getcom_str
mov si,bx
call getcom_srchenv ;Get pointer to comspec string
pop bx
getcomspec endp
getcom_end = $
;LAUNCH PROG Routine used to load and run programs.
; Entry DS:SI - pointer to the program name to run.
; ES:DI - pointer to the command line tail.
; Exit return code variable set.
launch_fcb1 equ [bx]
launch_fcb2 equ [bx+16]
launch_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
launch_size dw offset launch_end - offset launch_start
launch_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
launch_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
launch_start = $
launch_code proc near
assume cs:code,ss:code
push bx
call launch_1 ;Push IP on stack
db 0 ;Dummy FCB for program
db 0,0,0,0
db 0 ;Dummy FCB for program
db 0,0,0,0
pop bx ;Get pointer to local vars.
push ds
push es ;Save stack ptr since it is not
mov com_stack_ptr,sp ; saved under DOS 2.x.
;Parse first two parameters into FCBs.
push di ;Save ptr to tail
push si ;Save ptr to name
mov si,di ;Copy ptr to cmd line
inc si ;Skip size byte
lea di,launch_fcb1
mov ax,2903h ;Parse FCB
int 21h
lea di,launch_fcb2
mov ax,2903h
int 21h
pop si
pop di
push cs ;Create Parameter block on
lea dx,launch_fcb2 ; the stack. Start with 2nd
push dx ; FCB.
push cs
lea dx,launch_fcb1
push dx
push cs ;Push ptr to command line tail.
push di
mov ax,cs:[environment_seg] ;Use env block set by prog.
push ax
mov bx,sp ;Copy pointer to parameter blk
mov ax,4b00h ;DOS EXEC program.
mov dx,si ;Get pointer to filename
int 21h
mov bp,offset data_start_ptr - offset init_code + 100h
mov bp,cs:[bp]
mov bx,cs ;Reload BP to access local data
mov ss,bx ;Restore stack
mov sp,com_stack_ptr
cld ;Restore default direction
pop es
pop ds
;Get return code
mov ah,4dh ;Get return code
int 21h
mov process_rc,al ;Save
pop bx
launch_code endp
launch_end = $
;GOTO Routine to jump to a label pointed to by a cmd line parameter or
; environment variable.
; Entry DS:SI - pointer to label to find.
; DI - Wait flag/ptr. If <> 0, put goto address at pointer.
; Exit This routine does not return unless the label is not found.
goto_echomsg equ [bx-7]
goto_lblsrch equ [bx-5]
goto_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
goto_size dw offset goto_end - offset goto_start
goto_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
goto_lnks dw 4 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
goto_start = $
dw echo_msg_next ;Used to print error msg
dw lblsrch_next ;Used to find label
goto_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
call goto_1
db 8 dup (" ")
db " Label not found",13,10,0
pop bx
push di ;Save wait flag/pointer
mov di,bx ;Load label into error msg
xor dx,dx ;Get size of label as it is
mov cx,8 ; copied into error msg.
cmp al," "
jbe goto_4
cmp al,'a'
jb goto_3
and al,0dfh ;Capitalize label
cmp al,'Z'
ja goto_4
inc dx
loop goto_2
mov cx,dx ;Get size of label
mov si,bx ;Get pointer to label
mov di,com_label_start ;Get ptr to start of label list
add di,bp ;Add offset of data
push bx ;Save ptr to msg
call goto_lblsrch ;Call search routine
pop dx ;Restore ptr to message
pop si ;Restore Wait flag/pointer
jc goto_5 ;CF set, label not found.
mov ax,[bx+2] ;Get destination ptr
or si,si ;See if delay flag <> 0
je goto_41 ;If 0, no delay
mov [bp+si],ax ;Save ret addr at pointer
pop ax ;Remove return address
push [bx+2] ;Push new return address
mov bx,dx ;Set addressability to call
call goto_echomsg ;Print error message.
goto_code endp
goto_end = $
;GOTO DLY Routine used if goto statment is inside a FOR loop. Since a for
; loop cannot be exited before it ends, this routine checks to see if
; the GOTO statment was ever executed. If so, we now can jump.
; Entry DS:SI - pointer to destination pointer. 0 = no jump.
; Exit This routine does not return unless the ptr = 0
gotodly_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
gotodly_size dw offset gotodly_end - offset gotodly_start
gotodly_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
gotodly_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
gotodly_start = $
gotodly_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
xor ax,ax ;Get pointer, test if zero.
or ax,[si] ;If zero, return. If not
je gotodly_exit ; push the new destination
pop bx ; on the stack and return.
push ax
gotodly_code endp
gotodly_end = $
;LABEL SEARCH Routine to search list of labels to determine goto destination.
; Entry ES:DI - pointer to the first entry in the list. (Assume ES = DS)
; DS:SI - pointer to label to find.
; CX - Length of label
; Exit BX - pointer to matching list entry, or last entry if not found.
; CF - Set if label not found.
lblsrch_ptr dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
lblsrch_size dw offset lblsrch_end - offset lblsrch_start
lblsrch_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
lblsrch_lnks dw 0 ;Bytes in the dependancy header ;Number of routines called
lblsrch_start = $
lblsrch_code proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code
push si
mov dx,si ;Save ptr to label
mov ax,cx ;Save label length
mov bx,di ;Get ptr to list
mov di,bx
add di,4 ;Move to label string
mov si,dx ;Get ptr to new label
mov cx,ax ;Get length of label
cmp [di],cl ;Compare lengths of the labels
jne lblsrch_2
inc di ;Skip past length byte
repe cmpsb ;Compare labels.
je lblsrch_4
cmp word ptr [bx],-1 ;See if at end of list
je lblsrch_3
add bx,[bx] ;Point to next label
jmp short lblsrch_1
stc ;No label found.
jmp short lblsrch_exit
clc ;Label found
pop si
lblsrch_code endp
lblsrch_end = $
; IFEQUAL Compares two strings.
; Entry: DS:SI - Pointer to first ASCIIZ String
; ES:DI - Pointer to second ASCIIZ String
; CX - Length of strings.
; Exit: CF - Clear if equal
ifequal_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
ifequal_size dw offset ifequal_end - offset ifequal_start
ifequal_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
ifequal_lnks dw 0
ifequal_start = $
ifequal proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
xor cx,cx
mov cl,[si-1] ;Get size of string
cmp cl,[di-1] ;Compare sizes of strings
jne ifequal_notequal
rep cmpsb ;Compare strings
jne ifequal_notequal
ifequal endp
ifequal_end = $
; IFEXIST Determines if a file exists.
; Entry: DS:SI - Pointer to ASCIIZ filename.
; DI - Pointer to buffer for disk transfer area.
; Exit: CF - Clear if file exists
; DI - IF file exists, points to filename.
ifexist_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
ifexist_size dw offset ifexist_end - offset ifexist_start
ifexist_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
ifexist_lnks dw 0
ifexist_start = $
ifexist proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
mov dx,di
mov ah,1ah ;Set DTA
int 21h
mov dx,si ;Copy pointer to filename
xor cx,cx ;Normal attributes
mov ah,4eh ;DOS Find First
int 21h
jc ifexist_exit
add di,1eh ;Point DI to filename in DTA
ifexist endp
ifexist_end = $
; IFERRLEV Compares the value passed with the return code of the last
; program executed.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to ASCIIZ Error level.
; Exit: CF - Clear if process error level above or equal to SI
iferrlev_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
iferrlev_size dw offset iferrlev_end - offset iferrlev_start
iferrlev_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
iferrlev_lnks dw 0
iferrlev_start = $
iferrlev proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
xor ax,ax ;Convert ASCIIZ number into
mov bx,ax ; decimal
mov bl,[si] ;Convert error level number
sub bl,'0' ; from ASCII to decimal.
jb iferrlev_2
cmp bl,9
ja iferrlev_2
mov dx,10
mul dx
jc iferrlev_2
add ax,bx ;Add in digit
inc si
jmp short iferrlev_1
cmp process_rc,al ;Compare to last program
iferrlev endp
iferrlev_end = $
; FORLOOP Processes commands in a FOR loop.
; Entry: SI - Pointer to ASCIIZ set of parameters.
; DI - Pointer loop structure in data area
; LoopCnt db 0 Member of the set to use
; FirstFlag db 0 Indicates Find first/next
; Exit: CF - Set if FOR loop complete.
forloop_getmem equ [bx-6]
forloop_savchr equ [bx]
forloop_eptr equ [bx+1]
forloop_dta equ [bx+3]
forloop_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
forloop_size dw offset forloop_end - offset forloop_start
forloop_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
forloop_lnks dw 2
forloop_start = $
dw getmember_next
forloop proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
call forloop_0
db 0 ;Saved termaination character
dw 0 ;Ptr to term character address
db 43 dup (0) ;Used for DTA
pop bx
push si
mov si,forloop_eptr
or si,si
je forloop_01
mov al,forloop_savchr
mov byte ptr [si-1],al ;Remove zero terminator
pop si
;Set DTA. If 2nd time or later time looping on a member, use find next to
;determine the string for this time through the loop.
lea dx,forloop_dta
mov ah,1ah ;Set DTA
int 21h
cmp byte ptr [di+1],0 ;See if first time for member
je forloop_1
mov ah,4fh ;Find next file
int 21h
jc forloop_1 ;Not found, go to next member
lea dx,[bx+21h] ;Point to filename in DTA
jmp short forloop_notdone ;Execute loop body
;First time with this member of the set, if wildcards are in the member,
;use DOS find first to get the loop string.
mov byte ptr [di+1],0 ;Clear first/next flag
inc byte ptr [di] ;Look at next member of the set
mov dh,[di] ;Get loop count
call forloop_getmem ;Get member of set. If no
jc forloop_done ; more members, loop done.
mov dx,si ;Save pointer to member
xor ah,ah ;Clear wildcard flag
lodsb ;Scan set member to check for
cmp al,' ' ; any wildcard chars.
jbe forloop_4
cmp al,'?'
jne forloop_3
inc ah ;Set wildcard found flag
cmp al,'*'
jne forloop_2
inc ah ;Set wildcard found flag
jmp short forloop_2
xor al,al
xchg byte ptr [si-1],al ;Set zero terminator.
mov forloop_savchr,al ;Save char over written
or ah,ah ;If no wildcards, execute
je forloop_notdone ;Execute loop body
mov byte ptr [di+1],1 ;Set first/next flag
xor cx,cx ;Normal attributes
mov ah,4eh ;DOS find first
int 21h
jc forloop_1 ;If not found, get next member
lea dx,[bx+1eh] ;Set ptr to filename in DTA
mov forloop_ptr,dx ;Set loop data ptr
mov forloop_eptr,si
pop bx
mov word ptr [di],0 ;Clear loop variables
mov word ptr forloop_eptr,0
jmp short forloop_exit
forloop endp
forloop_end = $
; FINDENV Finds the environment block of the local command processor.
; Exit: Variable environment_seg set with segment of the environment.
findenv_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
findenv_size dw offset findenv_end - offset findenv_start
findenv_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
findenv_lnks dw 0
findenv_start = $
findenv proc near
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
push bx
push es
mov ax,ds:[2ch] ;Get default env
cmp environment_seg,ax ;Check to see if already
jne findenv_exit ; found.
push cs
pop es
mov ax,es:[16h] ;Get parent's PSP
mov dx,ax ;Save PSP segment
push ax
dec ax ;Point to mcb
mov es,ax
cmp byte ptr es:[0],"M" ;check for mcb signature
pop es
jne findenv_exit
cmp dx,es:[16h] ;See if PSP is own parent
jne findenv_1 ;No, keep looking
mov cx,30
mov es,ax
add ax,es:[3] ;Add size of memory block
inc ax
mov es,ax
cmp byte ptr es:[0],"M" ;check for mcb signature
jne findenv_exit
cmp dx,es:[1] ;See if this owned by cmd proc
je findenv_3
loop findenv_2
jmp short findenv_exit
inc ax
mov environment_seg,ax ;Save pointer to master env
pop es
pop bx
findenv endp
findenv_end = $
; SET_ENV Sets/resets environment variables.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to ASCII string containing the environment variable
; and, optionally, the string to assign.
; If no string specified, the environment is dumped to the
; screen.
; DI - Flag to indicate setting of PATH and PROMPT vars
; 0 = Normal Env var, 1 = PROMPT var, 2 = PATH var.
setenv_findenv equ [bx-10]
setenv_echo equ [bx-8]
setenv_serchenv equ [bx-6]
setenv_pathflag equ [bx]
setenv_varlen equ [bx+1]
setenv_fullmsg equ [bx+2]
setenv_crmsg equ [bx+29]
setenv_nopath equ [bx+32]
setenv_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
setenv_size dw offset setenv_end - offset setenv_start
setenv_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
setenv_lnks dw 6
setenv_start = $
dw offset findenv_next ;Call to find the master env
dw offset echo_msg_next ;Call to print line.
dw offset searchenv_next ;Call to search environment blk
set_env proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
push bx
call setenv_1
db 0 ;PATH/PROMPT flag storage
db 0 ;Var length.
db "Out of environment space",13,10,0
db 13,10,0
db "No Path",0
pop bx ;Set up local addressing
mov ax,di
xchg al,ah
mov setenv_pathflag,ah
push ax
call setenv_findenv ;Find master env block
pop ax
push bp
push es
;See if we need to simply print the PATH statment.
cmp ah,3
jne setenv_19
mov dx,4
call setenv_serchenv ;Get pointer to variable
jnc setenv_11
lea si,setenv_nopath ;If path string not found,
push cs ; print no path msg.
pop ds
jmp short setenv_12
sub si,5 ;Back up to start of PATH
call cs:setenv_echo ;Print string
push cs
pop ds
lea si,setenv_crmsg ;Append CR.
call setenv_echo
jmp setenv_8
mov cx,BUFF_SIZE
xor dx,dx
push si ;Save ptr to new env var
mov di,si
or ah,ah ;See if PATH or PROMPT
je setenv_23
cmp al," " ;If PATH or PROMPT statments,
jne setenv_23 ; remove any spaces between
mov al,"=" ; variable and assignment.
push di
lodsb ;Scan past equal sign
cmp al," "
je setenv_20
cmp al,"="
je setenv_20
or al,al
je setenv_22
lodsb ;Remove spaces in set string.
jmp short setenv_21
pop di
jmp short setenv_4
or al,al
je setenv_4
cmp al,"=" ;Scan until end of variable
je setenv_4 ; found.
cmp al,'a'
jb setenv_3
cmp al,'z'
ja setenv_3
and al,0dfh ;Capitalize variable
cmp al," " ;Keep a count of non-space
jbe setenv_31 ; characters.
inc dh
inc dl ;Var length count.
loop setenv_2
pop si
;If no characters after SET, dump env vars to screen.
mov setenv_varlen,dl ;Save length of env var.
mov al,dh
xor dh,dh
or dh,dh ;See if path or prompt
jne setenv_40
or al,al ;If second Zero, end of vars.
jne setenv_48
push ds
mov ds,cs:[environment_seg] ;Get segment of environment
xor si,si
lea di,setenv_crmsg ;Get address of CR string
mov cx,cs
call cs:setenv_echo ;Print var
push ds
push si
mov ds,cx
mov si,di
call cs:setenv_echo ;Print CR
pop si
pop ds
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0 ;If next char 0, end of block
jne setenv_41
pop ds
jmp setenv_8
;Set or Clear env var.
mov ax,si
inc di
cmp byte ptr cs:[di]," " ;If nothing past '=' then
jae setenv_49 ; simply erase var from env.
xor ax,ax
push ax ;Save set/erase flag
call setenv_serchenv ;Get pointer to variable
pop dx
push ds ;ES = env segment
pop es
mov di,si ;Copy pointer to variable
jc setenv_61
xor al,al ;Scan backwards to find start
std ; of var name
mov cx,256
repne scasb
inc di
inc di
push di
cld ;Scan forward to find end of
mov cx,256 ; variable.
repne scasb
mov si,di
pop di
xor ah,ah
lodsb ;Move byte from past var to
stosb ; cover up current assignment
or ah,al ;If two zeros in a row then
je setenv_6 ; end of env vars.
mov ah,al
jmp short setenv_5
dec di ;Back up before last zero
push cs
pop ds
mov si,dx ;Get back ptr to env var
or si,si ;See if var assignment
je setenv_8
push es ;Get size of the environment
mov ax,es ; block by reading the size
dec ax ; in the memory control block.
mov es,ax
mov bp,es:[3]
mov cl,4
shl bp,cl ;Convert to bytes.
dec bp
dec bp
pop es
xor ax,ax ;See if there is room in the
mov al,setenv_varlen ; env block for the var name.
inc al ; If not, don't even start.
add ax,di ; If room for name, copy as
cmp ax,bp ; much of the var as possible
jae setenv_72
mov ah,setenv_pathflag ;Get pathflag byte
cmp di,bp ;Check for end of env block.
jae setenv_72
lodsb ;Copy new env var
cmp ah,2
jne setenv_71 ;If PATH var, make upper case.
cmp al,'a'
jb setenv_71
cmp al,'z'
ja setenv_71
and al,0dfh
or al,al ;Check for end of variable.
jne setenv_7
jmp short setenv_8
xor al,al
push cs
pop es
lea si,setenv_fullmsg ;If environment block full,
call setenv_echo ; print message.
pop es
pop bp
pop bx
set_env endp
setenv_end = $
; REDIROO Opens a file for output redirection.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to ASCII filename to open.
; DI - 0 open new file, 1 append to existing file.
rediroo_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
rediroo_size dw offset rediroo_end - offset rediroo_start
rediroo_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
rediroo_lnks dw 0
rediroo_start = $
rediroo proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
mov word ptr stdout_hdl,-1 ;Clear handle
mov dx,si ;Get ptr to outfile file
xor cx,cx ;Normal attributes
mov ax,3c02h ;Create file
or di,di ;See if append or new file
je rediroo_2
inc ah ;Open file
int 21h
jc rediroo_exit
mov bx,ax ;Copy file handle
or di,di
je rediroo_3
mov ax,4202h ;Move file ptr to end of file
xor dx,dx
mov cx,dx
int 21h
jc rediroo_exit
mov outfile_hdl,bx ;Save output file handle
push bx
mov ah,45h ;Duplicate output handle
mov bx,1 ;Std output handle
int 21h
mov stdout_hdl,ax ;Save dup std output handle
mov cx,1
pop bx
mov ah,46h ;Force dup file handle
int 21h
rediroo endp
rediroo_end = $
; REDIRCO Closes a file used for output redirection.
redirco_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
redirco_size dw offset redirco_end - offset redirco_start
redirco_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
redirco_lnks dw 0
redirco_start = $
redirco proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
cmp word ptr stdout_hdl,-1 ;If error on redirect, skip
je redirco_exit ; restore.
mov ah,46h ;Force restore of std out
mov bx,stdout_hdl
mov cx,1
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ;Close file
mov bx,outfile_hdl ;Get output file handle
int 21h
redirco endp
redirco_end = $
; REDIROI Opens a file for input redirection.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to ASCII filename to open.
; DI - 0 open new file, 1 append to existing file.
rediroi_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
rediroi_size dw offset rediroi_end - offset rediroi_start
rediroi_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
rediroi_lnks dw 0
rediroi_start = $
rediroi proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
mov word ptr stdin_hdl,-1 ;Clear handle
mov dx,si ;Get ptr to outfile file
mov ax,3d00h ;Open file, Read only
int 21h
jc rediroi_exit
mov infile_hdl,ax ;Save input file handle
push ax
mov ah,45h ;Duplicate input handle
xor bx,bx
int 21h
mov stdin_hdl,ax ;Save dup std input handle
xor cx,cx
pop bx
mov ah,46h ;Force dup file handle
int 21h
rediroi endp
rediroi_end = $
; REDIRCI Closes a file used for input redirection.
redirci_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
redirci_size dw offset redirci_end - offset redirci_start
redirci_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
redirci_lnks dw 0
redirci_start = $
redirci proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
cmp word ptr stdin_hdl,-1 ;If error on redirect, skip
je redirci_exit ; restore.
mov ah,46h ;Force restore of std in hdl
xor cx,cx
mov bx,stdin_hdl
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ;Close file
mov bx,infile_hdl ;Get input file handle
int 21h
redirci endp
redirci_end = $
; REDIRDEL Deletes piping file.
; Entry: DS:SI - pointer to ASCII filename to delete.
redirdel_off dw 0 ;Pointer to offset in COM file
redirdel_size dw offset redirdel_end - offset redirdel_start
redirdel_next dw 0 ;Ptr to next routine to append
redirdel_lnks dw 0
redirdel_start = $
redirdel proc near
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
mov dx,si ;Copy pointer to filename
mov ah,41h ;Delete file
int 21h
redirdel endp
redirdel_end = $
initialize endp
even ;compiler stack on word boundry
end_of_code = $
code ends
end main