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285 lines
-- vars.e
-- declarations of global variables and constants
global constant TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0
global constant CRT = 1 -- output device
global constant G_SIZE = 7 -- the galaxy is a G_SIZE x G_SIZE
-- grid of quadrants
global constant INVISIBLE_CHAR = ' ' + 256 -- prints as ' '
-- but has different value
global type boolean(object x)
return x = TRUE or x = FALSE
end type
global type char(integer c)
-- true if c is a character that can be printed on the screen
return c >= ' ' and c <= 127 or c = INVISIBLE_CHAR
end type
global type byte(integer x)
return x >= -1 and x <= 255
end type
global type natural(integer x)
return x >= 0
end type
global type positive_atom(atom x)
return x >= 0
end type
-- the 2-d quadrant sequence: status of all objects in the current quadrant
-- The first object is always the Euphoria. There will be 0 or more
-- additional objects (planets/bases/enemy ships).
global constant EUPHORIA = 1 -- object 1 is Euphoria
global constant QCOLS = 12 -- number of attributes for each object in quadrant
global constant
Q_TYPE = 1, -- type of object
Q_EN = 2, -- energy
Q_TORP = 3, -- number of torpedos
Q_DEFL = 4, -- number of deflectors
Q_FRATE = 5, -- firing rate
Q_MRATE = 6, -- moving rate
Q_TARG = 7, -- target
Q_DOCK = 8, -- docked yet?
Q_PBX = 9, -- planet/base sequence index
Q_X = 10, -- x coordinate
Q_Y = 11, -- y coordinate
Q_UNDER = 12 -- characters underneath
global sequence quadrant
quadrant = repeat(repeat(0, QCOLS), 1)
global type valid_quadrant_row(integer x)
-- true if x is a valid row number in the quadrant sequence
return x >= 1 and x <= length(quadrant)
end type
global type quadrant_row(object x)
-- either a quadrant row or -1 or 0 (null value)
return valid_quadrant_row(x) or x = -1 or x = 0
end type
-- the 3-d galaxy sequence: (records number of objects of each type in
-- each quadrant of the galaxy)
-- first two subscripts select quadrant, 3rd is type...
global constant DEAD = 0 -- object that has been destroyed
global constant
G_EU = 1, -- Euphoria (marks if Euphoria has been this quadrant)
G_KRC = 2, -- K&R C ship
G_ANC = 3, -- ANSI C ship
G_CPP = 4, -- C++
G_BAS = 5, -- basic
G_FOR = 6, -- fortran
G_PL = 7, -- planet
G_BS = 8, -- base
NTYPES = 8, -- number of different types of (real) object
G_POD = 9 -- temporary pseudo object
global sequence otype
global type object_type(integer x)
-- is x a type of object?
return x >= 1 and x <= NTYPES
end type
global sequence galaxy
-- the planet/base 2-d sequence (info on each planet and base in the galaxy)
global constant NBASES = 3, -- number of bases
NPLANETS = 6 -- number of planets
global constant
PCOLS = 9 -- number of planet/base attributes
global constant
P_QR = 2, -- quadrant row
P_QC = 3, -- quadrant column
P_X = 4, -- x coordinate within quadrant
P_Y = 5, -- y coordinate within quadrant
P_EN = 6, -- energy available
P_TORP = 7, -- torpedos available
P_POD = 8 -- pods available
global sequence pb
pb = repeat(repeat(0, PCOLS), PROWS)
global type pb_row(integer x)
-- is x a valid row in the planet/base sequence?
return x >= 1 and x <= PROWS
end type
global type g_index(integer x)
-- a valid row or column index into the galaxy sequence
return x >= 1 and x <= G_SIZE
end type
global boolean gameover -- is game over?
global g_index qrow, qcol -- current quadrant row and column
-- BASIC status:
global constant
TRUCE = 0,
type basic_status(object x)
return find(x, {TRUCE, HOSTILE, CLOAKING})
end type
global basic_status bstat -- BASIC status
global quadrant_row basic_targ -- BASIC group target
global boolean truce_broken -- was the truce with the BASICs broken?
global boolean shuttle -- are we in the shuttle?
-- multiple tasks
-- This game has 10 independent tasks running
global constant NTASKS = 10 -- number of independent tasks
global constant
TASK_KEYB = 1, -- keyboard input
TASK_EMOVE = 2, -- Euphoria move
TASK_LIFE = 3, -- life support energy consumption
TASK_DEAD = 4, -- dead body cleanup
TASK_BSTAT = 5, -- BASIC status change
TASK_FIRE = 6, -- enemy firing
TASK_MOVE = 7, -- enemy moving
TASK_MESSAGE = 8, -- display messages
TASK_DAMAGE = 9, -- damage count-down
TASK_ENTER = 10 -- enemy ships enter quadrant
global type task(integer x)
-- is x a valid task number?
return x >= 1 and x <= NTASKS
end type
global task current_task -- current task executing
global sequence tcb -- task activation times
global sequence eat -- early activation tolerance
global sequence wait -- waiting time, in seconds, between activations
-- damage report:
global constant NSYS = 5 -- number of systems that can be damaged
global constant ENGINES = 1,
global constant dtype = {"ENGINES",
global type subsystem(integer x)
return x >= 1 and x <= NSYS
end type
global sequence reptime -- time to repair a subsystem
reptime = repeat(0, NSYS)
type damage_count(integer x)
return x >= 0 and x <= NSYS
end type
global damage_count ndmg
-- warp speed:
global constant MAX_WARP = 5
global type warp(integer x)
return x >= 0 and x <= MAX_WARP
end type
global warp curwarp, wlimit
global type direction(atom x)
return x >= 0 and x < 10
end type
global direction curdir -- current direction
-- Graphic symbols for some objects --
global constant
STAR = '.',
TORPEDO = '*',
POD = '@',
BASE = "<>-<>", -- both halves
BASIC_L = "-=##:",
BASIC_R = ":##=-",
SHUTTLE_L = "-=:",
SHUTTLE_R = ":=-",
FORTRAN_L = "-+<",
FORTRAN_R = ">+-",
KRC_L = "O**<",
KRC_R = ">**O",
ANC_L = "-8**<",
ANC_R = ">**8-",
CPP_L = "=8**<",
CPP_R = ">**8="
global constant MAX_SHIP_WIDTH = 5 -- widest flying ship width
-- Euphoria position and direction:
type euphoria_x_inc(integer x)
return x >= -3 and x <= +3
end type
type euphoria_y_inc(integer x)
return x >= -1 and x <= +1
end type
global euphoria_x_inc exi
global euphoria_y_inc eyi
global sequence esym, -- euphoria/shuttle symbol
esyml, -- euphoria/shuttle facing left
esymr -- euphoria/shuttle facing right
global sequence nobj -- number of each type of object in galaxy
global positive_atom dist
global valid_quadrant_row shooter
global quadrant_row victim
global sequence wipeout
wipeout = {}
type game_level(integer x)
return x = 'n' or x = 'e'
end type
global game_level level