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Assembly Source File
175 lines
; File......: HANDCNT.ASM
; Author....: Bob Clarke
; CIS ID....: 72621,3563
; Date......: $Date: 15 Aug 1991 23:06:52 $
; Revision..: $Revision: 1.2 $
; Log file..: $Logfile: E:/nanfor/src/handcnt.asv $
; This is an original work by Bob Clarke and is placed in the
; public domain.
; Modification history:
; ---------------------
; $Log: E:/nanfor/src/handcnt.asv $
; Rev 1.2 15 Aug 1991 23:06:52 GLENN
; Forest Belt proofread/edited/cleaned up doc
; Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1991 19:54:36 GLENN
; Minor edit to file header
; Rev 1.0 07 Jun 1991 21:58:52 GLENN
; Initial revision.
; $DOC$
; Count number of available DOS (not network) file handles
; FT_HANDCNT() -> nHandles
; None
; numeric, long integer
; FT_HANDCNT() finds the internal DOS Device Control Blocks used for
; storing file information and counts the number of DCB entries. The
; DCB is set up by reading the FILES= line in CONFIG.SYS, and there
; is one DCB entry for each file handle.
; NOTE: For Novell networks, the number of network file handles is
; controlled by SHELL.CFG. To date, I know where this information
; is stored after SHELL.CFG has been read, but have not come up
; with a reliable way to retrieve the information. There is no
; public variable associated with the storage location, and the
; location can change from version to version of NETx.EXE.
; Novell Tech Support's response, though friendly, was "Nope, we
; don't know of a way for you to do it, either. Good luck."
; nHandles := FT_HANDCNT()
; ? "This PC has " + LTRIM( STR( nHandles ) ) + " set by CONFIG.SYS."
; $END$
Extrn __RETNL:Far
_NanFor Segment Word Public 'CODE'
Assume CS:_Nanfor
push bp
push es
push ds
push si
push di
mov ah,52h ;Get Configuration Variable Table
push es
push ds
int 21h
; ES:BX now contains pointer to CVT (Configuration Variable Table)
;CVT structure for DOS 3.x:
; (The ampersand indicates the address in ES:BX)
;offset byte field length description
;----------- ------------ ------------
; -08h double word current buffer in BUFFERS= chain
; -04h word offset within current buffer
; -02h word segment of first memory control block
;& 00h double word pointer to first Drive Parameter Block
; 04h double word Pointer to first DCB (system file table
; Device Control Block)
; 08h double word pointer to CLOCK$ device driver
; 0Ch double word pointer to CON device driver
; 10h word maximum bytes per sector on any block
; device
; 12h double word pointer to start of disk buffer chain
; 16h double word pointer to Logical Drive Table
; 1Ah double word pointer to start of DOS's FCB chain
; 1Eh word number of FCBs to keep when swapping
; 20h byte number of block devices
; 21h byte number of logical drives, set by value
; of LASTDRIVE in CONFIG.SYS (defaults
; to 5 if not specified)
; 22h Beginning of NUL device driver;
; first device in the device-driver
; chain
; For DOS 4.x, the only change in the CVT was the item at offset 12h. It is
; now a double word pointer to EMS link record that leads to the DOS buffer
; chain. All other items and addresses are the same as for DOS 3.x.
; The number of DCBs in a system is established by the FILES= line in
; CONFIG.SYS. The default number is 8 if no FILES= line is found.
; DCBs are grouped in "links" and each link is preceded by a 3-word header.
;Structure of device control block header:
;offset byte field length description
;----------- ------------ ------------
; 00h double word Far pointer to next link header,
; or xxxx:FFFFh to indicate that this
; is final link in chain.
; 04h word number of blocks in this link
; For more detailed information, see "DOS Programmer's Reference: 2nd Edition"
; by Que Corporation, pages 807-818.
add bx,4 ;move to address of first DCB
mov si,word ptr es:[bx] ;get offset of DCB
mov ds,word ptr es:[bx+2] ;get segment of DCB
; DS:SI now contains a pointer to header of first DCB
xor ax,ax ;use as a count holder
xor dx,dx ;use as a count holder
hand1: add ax,word ptr [si+4] ;adjust running total
adc dx,0
mov cx,word ptr [si] ;offset of next link header
mov bx,word ptr [si+2] ;segment of next link header
mov si,cx
mov ds,bx
cmp cx,0ffffh ;possible end of list?
jne hand1 ;if not, keep looking
pop ds
pop es
; sum of dcbs from all links is now in DX:AX
pop di ;restore registers before returning value
pop si
pop ds
pop es
pop bp
push dx
push ax
call __retnl
add sp,4
_NanFor Ends