Labels:bulletin board | gazette | hakham | mirror | person | poster | reckoner | sky | tabloid OCR: Becker Famih saved The Rev AllenO. andNellieE. Feeeer were Ltheran missionaries whose daughter Ruth was the first iucasian PHP born in Guntur Indta 1912 w.hen her fourth bab became Nellie decid was time returnwith him andher two survivingchild ren to Benton Harbor, Michi igan. Allen still had finish his commitment SO his36 year-old wifelefit without him, accompanied by Ruth (age I2. Marion (age four). andRichard (age one The Beckerssailledfr:om Madras to London bookeda Second Oilass passage to America the ship sailing: Titanic. thenight tofthe collision, Nellie pagromoum easily, woke when theenginesstopped Her stewardfitrstsaid there was no emergenay butlater admitted Mad aml you have time The Beckersrushed out oftheir heir ikets Ruth was separatedfrom her were rea lowere Sixth Officer Moo ...