Labels:bulletin board | person | poster | reckoner | sky | stairway | tabloid | tie OCR: Qaptain Stanley Lord Stanley Lord. 35 was bo.rnin Bolton and went to sea at I4 on the barque Naiad. Whille serving on the Iquique hemet William Murdoch, later orTitanic 1897 the West Jndia Steam Navigation whiah was purchased three vears late the LevlandLine :ereceivedl master's an xtramaste certificates 100. andy rst command the Antillian 1906. Over the years he wasmaster ofthreemore ships includingthe Olifornian. on April4 1912. en route from Liverpool to Boston Oalifor-nian stopped Ifor theni .ht surroundec icel between five andr Tmiles north .of Titanic Jastknown position. Although officers sawsig.nalrockets, their attemptto theship failed. Lord was sure that this was mot Titanic, hut the 0 British inquiries foundhim negligent resigned f-o-m1 land 1T lisgrace In1913 he vear career with ...