Labels:person | reckoner | sky | tie OCR: Sixth. Officer. James Mood lostatsea Paul Moody. 24 camef:om lafamily ofpoliticians End in Scarborough ngland Hewas agraduate of King Edward Nautical Schoo linLondon, where he aminationin April I91. Captain Smithrequested his trans from the White Star Lines Oceanic to be themost junior officer We was on watch at the time ofthe colliston Lookout FrederidkHleet's callto First Officer Murdoch. During rthe he wasresponsible for loading the aftward port lfeboats. Unlike theother junior officers, Moodyrefusedto take OfE Ieboat Hewas last seen at 2.18 Em attenpting to launch Coll apsibleA famitly built am hismem ugustines .ch Grimsby incoln shire his Sisth Cihurch