Labels:bulletin board | daily | gazette | person | reckoner | sky | tie OCR: Qaptain Arthur. Rostron Arthur Henry Rostron. 43 was born in Bolton England and first wentto ses at5 a cadet iboard thetrainingship Co.n.way After year heoined the CunardL inein 1895 Heserved aboard Ivernia, and Roval 07 11s1t tania hereceived his first co.mmand thenew car-go steamer Brescia. He wasmaster nOJJO more some already familiar to him before joining nar 101.2 Tust after midnight April15. en nor from Gibraltar crew members lawoke bostro though she seas cou race scue andship for con itions they might find was gone, but ahle rescuesurvivors from the. lifeboats nd bring them to New York ipious methodical andhumbly heroic man, Arthur Rostron was with Congressional Medal Hono. President Taft knightedb KingGeorge 1V ar pvel oururoo dore 11 and ine