SENATOR SMITH: How old would you think Mr. Phillips was?
MR. BRIDE: He was around about 24.
SENATOR SMITH: And he had a larger experience?
MR. BRIDE: Larger experience.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know what wage he received?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: What were your duties as assistant operator?
MR. BRIDE: To take a watch with Mr. Phillips; to relieve Mr. Phillips.
MR. BRIDE: To keep a watch of six hours, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: To keep a watch of six hours. And during that time was there some one constantly at the instrument?
MR. BRIDE: Constantly at the instrument; yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Upon what vessel were you employed?
MR. BRIDE: The Titanic.
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Were you acquainted with any of the officers or the crew of the Titanic when you entered service on that boat?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Had you sailed with any of them before?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Were you acquainted with Mr. Phillips?
MR. BRIDE: Not until I saw him in Belfast.
SENATOR SMITH: Was he in Belfast?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Once or oftener?
MR. BRIDE: I went up to Belfast to join the Titanic.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you join her in Belfast?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Were you on board the Titanic when she made the trial tests?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you take any interest in the trial tests?
MR. BRIDE: We were kept rather busy, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: At the instrument?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you call it the key? You do not call it the key. What do you call the instrument?
MR. BRIDE: The apparatus.
SENATOR SMITH: And you were engaged at this instrument or apparatus during these trial tests?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Were you sending communications at that time?
MR. BRIDE: We were testing the apparatus, sir. It had just left the hands of the engineers. We were holding tests with Liverpool and Malin Head wireless stations.
SENATOR SMITH: Can you say of your own knowledge how long a time was devoted to these trial tests?
MR. BRIDE: The whole of Monday, as far as I know, sir. Monday we left Belfast.
SENATOR SMITH: You do not know of your own knowledge when the trial tests ceases, I suppose?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you leave the ship at all after boarding at Belfast?
MR. BRIDE: I left the ship at Southampton, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Temporarily?
MR. BRIDE: Temporarily; yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And returned to the ship?
MR. BRIDE: I returned to the ship day before sailing, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: The day before sailing?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Which would have been the 9th of April?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: At what hour?
MR. BRIDE: Well, we got on board rather late. It was half past 11 in the evening.
SENATOR SMITH: At what time was she to sail?
MR. BRIDE: Midday the next day, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Now, I wish you would describe, as near as you can, the wireless apparatus with which the Titanic was equipped.
MR. BRIDE: It was a 5­kilowatt, the disk discharger fitted with magnetic detector and valve and receiver and emergency gears.
SENATOR SMITH: Would you call it a thoroughly up­to­date apparatus?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir. It was the only set afloat with the Marconi Co., with the disk discharger.
SENATOR SMITH: And your tests of this apparatus worked out satisfactorily?
MR. BRIDE: Very satisfactorily, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: How far could you communicate, with that apparatus?
MR. BRIDE: During the daytime we reckoned to be able to do 400 miles.
SENATOR SMITH: That is a pretty broad statement.
MR. BRIDE: When you say "no limit," sir, we are talking about freak messages which you can get. We were lying off Linton when we came around Belfast, when we exchanged the last message with Tenerife and Port Said.
SENATOR SMITH: Almost any apparatus can get a freak message if it comes within the radius of that instrument?
MR. BRIDE: We had a special sending apparatus which doubled our range.
SENATOR SMITH: What wave length could you employ with that apparatus?
MR. BRIDE: Six hundred and 300 meters.
SENATOR SMITH: That is the international regulation?
MR. BRIDE: Regulation; yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And the regulation prescribed by the Marconi Co.?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you have occasion to use this wireless frequently after leaving Southampton?
MR. BRIDE: Very frequently; yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: For what purpose?
MR. BRIDE: Commercial traffic, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: With English coast stations?
MR. BRIDE: With English coast stations and with other ships.
SENATOR SMITH: And ships at sea?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: I wish you would let us know, if you can, how busy you were kept at that work?
MR. BRIDE: From leaving Southampton to the time we had finished with Cape Race, we had got through about 250 telegrams. That was the evening we struck. When we had finished with Cape Race, we had transmitted 250 telegrams just about, since leaving Southampton.
SENATOR SMITH: Up to the time you struck; up to the time of the occurrence of this impact?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Was the weather favorable for that kind of work?
MR. BRIDE: Very favorable, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Were there any officers of the White Star Line aboard the Titanic?
MR. BRIDE: The Titanic was commanded by White Star officers.
SENATOR SMITH: I understand, but any general officers?
MR. BRIDE: Any what, sir?
SENATOR SMITH: Any general officers of the White Star Line?
MR. BRIDE: We had heard Mr. Ismay was on board, but beyond that I do not know anything.
SENATOR SMITH: Where did you hear that?
MR. BRIDE: Mr. Phillips told me.
SENATOR SMITH: Your chief told you?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did he tell you who Mr. Ismay was?
MR. BRIDE: I knew it from the name who he was.
SENATOR SMITH: You knew who he was?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Had you ever seen him?
MR. BRIDE: Not before, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you see him during that voyage?
MR. BRIDE: No, I do not think I did, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: At no time?
MR. BRIDE: No, I do not think so.
SENATOR SMITH: Did he send or receive messages through you during the voyage?
MR. BRIDE: I believe there were some transmitted for him, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Official messages?
MR. BRIDE: They would rank with us as official messages.
SENATOR SMITH: Did they have to do with the direction or the speed of the ship?
MR. BRIDE: Coming around from Belfast there were messages transmitted for Mr. Ismay regarding the speed of the ship?
SENATOR SMITH: He was not then aboard? Was he aboard the ship from Belfast to Southampton?
MR. BRIDE: I believe so.
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: That was on the trial trip?
MR. BRIDE: Coming around from Belfast to Southampton, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: That is, the trial tests were made in what waters?
MR. BRIDE: Belfast Lough.
SENATOR SMITH: And then the ship was put under way for Southampton?
SENATOR SMITH: And while she was under way these messages from Mr. Ismay were sent?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And received? Did you get any reply?
MR. BRIDE: I could not tell you, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: To whom were they sent, do you remember?
MR. BRIDE: They were sent to the White Star offices at Liverpool and Southampton.
SENATOR SMITH: Liverpool or London?
MR. BRIDE: Liverpool and Southampton.
SENATOR SMITH: Can you recall what was contained in the messages?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Generally, do you know what they said?
MR. BRIDE: Generally, sir, that the trials of the speed of the ship were very favorable.
SENATOR SMITH: Were there any other messages for Mr. Ismay at that time?
MR. BRIDE: I can not recollect, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you see him aboard the Titanic after leaving Southampton?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you send or receive any messages from him after leaving Southampton?
MR. BRIDE: I could not tell you. We had too many to remember them all.
SENATOR SMITH: If you received a message for the managing director of the company, you might remember it?
MR. BRIDE: No; I can not.
SENATOR SMITH: You can not say?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did he come to the wireless office during that journey?
MR. BRIDE: Not to my knowledge.
SENATOR SMITH: From Southampton to the time of the collision?
MR. BRIDE: Not to my knowledge, sir?
SENATOR SMITH: Or after the collision?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did he send any word to you between Southampton and the time of the collision?
MR. BRIDE: Not to my knowledge.
SENATOR SMITH: Or after the collision?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know whether he sent any messages or received any messages while Mr. Phillips was at the apparatus?
MR. BRIDE: I can not say, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you hear whether he did or not?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Or whether he called upon Mr. Phillips or sent word to him after the collision?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir; he did not, sir, after the collision.
SENATOR SMITH: Or on Sunday at all?
MR. BRIDE: I could not say, sir. We had a lot of traffic on Sunday.
SENATOR SMITH: You can not recall whether Mr. Ismay sent or received any messages on Sunday?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Can you recall whether the captain of the ship received any messages on Saturday or Sunday from any White Star official regarding the movement, direction, or speed of the ship?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir; he did not.
SENATOR SMITH: How do you know he did not?
MR. BRIDE: Because I should have delivered it. I saw the captain's messages. I was delivering them for Mr. Phillips.
SENATOR SMITH: You were not on duty all of the time during those two days?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And during the time that Mr. Phillips was on duty would you know what he received?
MR. BRIDE: I should eventually, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Eventually?
MR. BRIDE: When I made up my accounts.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you ever make up the accounts?
MR. BRIDE: Not for Sunday, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Not for Sunday?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Or for Saturday?
MR. BRIDE: Saturday's accounts were made up; yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you make them up?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And you are ready to testify that the captain received no message from any source over the wireless which in any manner changed the course of his ship, its direction or its speed?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Or any other officer of the ship?
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Would the same answer apply to all?
MR. BRIDE: The same answer; Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did Mr. Phillips say to you at any time that such message had been received?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir; he did not.
SENATOR SMITH: Did the captain or any other officer of the Titanic send any message to the White Star officers respecting the direction, the speed, or the conditions of the weather, the sea, or its proximity to the Great Banks?
MR. BRIDE: Communication had been established with the Baltic on Sunday afternoon and compliments were exchanged between the two commanders, and the state of the weather.
SENATOR SMITH: What else? Anything besides the state of the weather?
MR. BRIDE: Not to my knowledge.
SENATOR SMITH: Were you on duty when the wireless message was received from the Amerika regarding the proximity of icebergs in that longitude?
MR. BRIDE: I have no knowledge of a wireless message received from the Amerika regarding any iceberg. There may have been received by Mr. Phillips, but I did not see one myself.
SENATOR SMITH: Have you heard that such a message was received?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did Mr. Phillips say that such a message had been received?
MR. BRIDE: No, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Did you ever talk with the captain about such a message?
MR. BRIDE: There was a message delivered to the captain in the afternoon, sir, late in the afternoon, regarding­­
MR. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
MR. BRIDE: Regarding the ice field.
MR. BRIDE: From the Californian, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: At what hour Sunday?
MR. BRIDE: It may not have been the Californian, but I can give you the call signal of the ship; it is "M.W.L." You can ascertain that later.
MR. BRIDE: I received that message myself and delivered it to the captain. It stated that there were three large icebergs that the ship had just passed, and it gave their position.
SENATOR SMITH: What was the hour of the day?
MR. BRIDE: Late in the afternoon, but I can not say the hour of the day.
MR. BRIDE: It was an unofficial message.
SENATOR SMITH: From whom was it?
MR. BRIDE: From this ship.
SENATOR SMITH: The Californian?
MR. BRIDE: The ship with that call signal ­ M.W.L.
SENATOR SMITH: Which was the code signal?
MR. BRIDE: The code signal of the ship.
SENATOR SMITH: Are you familiar with the code signals?
MR. BRIDE: I know a good few of them.
SENATOR SMITH: Do you know what that means?
MR. BRIDE: That particular call signal means a certain ship.
SENATOR SMITH: Yes. I want to know that ship.
MR. SAMMIS: It is the Californian. M. W. L. is the signal of the Californian.
SENATOR SMITH: What is your name?
MR. SAMMIS: I am the engineer of the Marconi Co.
SENATOR SMITH: What is your name?
MR. SAMMIS: Sammis.
SENATOR SMITH: What is your first name?
MR. SAMMIS: Frederick.
SENATOR SMITH: Who are you?
MR. SAMMIS: I am the engineer of the American company.
SENATOR SMITH: Of the American Marconi Co.?
MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And you say that this code signal­­
MR. SAMMIS: Is the signal of the Californian.
SENATOR SMITH: Was it from the Californian?
MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: That is her signal?
MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: That is a recognized signal?
MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: Among mariners or in the management of the wireless?
MR. SAMMIS: Amongst the operators. Each ship has its own call, and that is a distinctive call for each one.
SENATOR SMITH: The Californian is equipped with the Marconi?
MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir.
SENATOR SMITH: And this is her registered signal?
MR. SAMMIS: Yes, sir; her call.
SENATOR SMITH: Now, I would like to know just what that message said?