Titanic Explorer - A His…ney on the Ship of Dreams
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Text File
154 lines
-- for James Cameron's Titanic Explorer
-- last updated: 981103 /bak
on startup
----- standard startup calls: -----
-- Following line prevents crashes on Windows systems when using math functions
-- such as power or log and passing bogus or extremely large/small values.
-- Invoking the float->string conversion code with a valid value prevents
-- future crashes in this routine. drs 1mar96
if string(0.0)="a" then nothing
----- Titanic Explorer startup: -----
global gQT3WinSndMix
-- This global specifies if QuickTime and regular audio streams can be mixed together
-- and played at the same time. The default is no mixing; 'click' sounds and other
-- sound effects do not play when QuickTime movies are already playing.
-- Before enabling this value, you MUST also have up-to-date Intel RSX or DirectX
-- (aka DirectSound) sound drivers installed on your PC. You can get current
-- RSX drivers from: http://www.intel.com/ial/rsx/
-- Follow the installation directions carefully.
-- -- following line overrides Windows' default and enables QuickTime sound mixing,
-- -- /when appropriate Intel RSX or DirectSound drivers are correctly installed/
-- -- (and 'QT3Mix.dll' remains enabled in 'Titanic.ini')
set gQT3WinSndMix = TRUE
global gQT3AllowDirectToScreen
-- This global explicitly enables direct-to-screen video playback, which will
-- greatly improve the performance of QuickTime and QuickTime VR movies.
-- Normally, you should leave the following lines commented out and Titanic Explorer
-- will determine proper settings on startup, enabling direct-to-screen video whenever
-- possible. The exception is:
-- > full-screen playback of Titanic Explorer (the originally installed file 'Titanic.exe'),
-- > Windows 95 or 98 (not NT),
-- > and ONLY when running in 8-bit color (256 colors) mode (higher color depth are fine).
-- If you specifically have the above configuration, by default, Titanic Explorer will
-- disable direct-to-screen video. This ensures that the video colors display correctly,
-- at the expense of reduced playback performance.
-- In this case, to improve performance, try one of the following:
-- 1. See if you can adjust your monitor's settings to display at higher color depths
-- (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel => Display => Settings -> Color Palette).
-- This is the easiest solution and will greatly improve Titanic Explorer's appearance
-- and performance. Note that you may be able to display more colors by first
-- setting a smaller desktop area (down to a minimum of 640x480). Setting a smaller
-- desktop area will also allow Titanic Explorer to fill your display.
-- [NOTE: In this case, you do /not/ need to change this file.]
-- or,
-- 2. If you must run Windows 95 or 98 in 8-bit color mode, use the special 'in-a-window'
-- version of Titanic Explorer included on CD-ROM Volume 1. This version allows
-- fast direct-to-screen video but does not 'black-out' your desktop (so
-- your desktop may appear to display in 'wrong' colors while Titanic Explorer
-- is running).
-- To install the special 'in-a-window' version of Titanic Explorer:
-- a. you MUST have the 'standard' version of Titanic Explorer already installed
-- on your hard drive.
-- b. from Windows, locate and open the 'Titanic Explorer' folder you originally
-- installed on your hard drive.
-- c. insert Titanic Explorer CD-ROM Volume 1 in your CD-ROM drive, and:
-- * open the CD-ROM's icon,
-- * locate and open the folder 'Titanic8'. then,
-- d. select all the items inside the 'Titanic8' folder and copy them into
-- the 'Titanic Explorer' folder on your hard drive. (If necessary, click OK to
-- replace any old versions of the files.)
-- (for more information on accessing and copying files, please refer to the manuals
-- that came with your computer)
-- To run the modified program, open the 'Titanic Explorer' folder where you just
-- copied the files, and double-click the application (.exe file) labelled 'Titanic8'.
-- (note that the original shortcut installed in your Start menu will /not/
-- automatically run the 'in-a-window' version, you MUST explicitly double-click
-- the 'Titanic8' application icon.)
-- [NOTE: In this case, you do /not/ need to change this file.]
-- or,
-- 3. If necessary (or directed by tech support), you can override the default settings and
-- initialize the gQT3AllowDirectToScreen flag in this startup file. Do this by
-- uncommenting one of the the following lines, saving and closing this file, and
-- then starting the 'Titanic' application.
-- -- following line overrides defaults and /always/ allows direct-to-screen video.
-- -- performance will improve over non- direct-to-screen but colors may appear incorrectly
-- -- for the configurations identified above
--set gQT3AllowDirectToScreen = TRUE
-- -- OR:
-- -- following line overrides defaults and /never/ allows direct-to-screen video.
-- -- colors will appear correctly but at the expense of playback performance
-- -- (in this case, you should also set 'reduced' video size from within Titanic
-- -- Explorer itself, either on the main menu or in Global Controls).
--set gQT3AllowDirectToScreen = FALSE
global gCDDeviceControl
-- This global specifies a preferred method for Titanic Explorer to use
-- in controlling your computer's CD-ROM drive. The default is to use the
-- Enhanced CD Control DLL (eCDCtrl.dll) for Windows 95 and 98, and standard
-- Windows Media Control Interface (MCI) calls for Windows NT.
-- -- following line overrides defaults and /always/ tries to use the eCDCtrl DLL:
--set gCDDeviceControl = "eCdCtrl"
-- -- OR:
-- -- following line overrides defaults and /always/ tries to use MCI:
--set gCDDeviceControl = "mci"
global gWinDissolveStyle
-- This global specifies a preferred method for dissolve transitions under Windows.
-- The default is a boxy square style, which is a chunkier dissolve but more compatible
-- with older video cards. The alternative is a pattern dissolve, which is more
-- aesthetically pleasing but can result in very slow performance on some video cards.
-- -- following line is equivalent to defaults and forces a blocky square dissolve:
--set gWinDissolveStyle = "dissolveBoxySquares"
-- -- OR:
-- -- following line overrides defaults and uses the pattern dissolve style:
--set gWinDissolveStyle = "dissolvePatterns"
global gWinAllowVRO
-- Allow display of QTVR Objects within Titanic Explorer (may cause crashes)
-- Default = FALSE
-- -- following line overrides defaults and tries to display QTVR Objects:
--set gWinAllowVRO = TRUE
end startup