Labels:text | black and white | publication | newspaper | paper | printing | font | document OCR: Radio Shack are very good and deserve a plug from you (plug=mention, in case of language barrier. Oscar Wilde: makes a neat jap between 1700 and 2100 - to wit: 1300Hz, Radio One Hijack Crystal Palace Jam "the English and the Americans are separated by a common our magic Open Sesame frequencies. Your mission, shoul language") should you decide to accept it, is to test 700 & 1900, 900 & 1900, 1100 & 1900, 1300 & 1900, 1500 & 1000, and perhaps SPOILSPORT RADIO jammen ut playing : sich dy pass of cat- Would anyone wany a standard English phone in exchange even 1700 & 1900 (since 1700 is used as a control frequency AN AMAZING hijack of BBC Radio took place on the whole of and mouse mtl Post Office engiasen is the greet of South London Lons And as BBC off-air receivers South is England reosatiy. ...