Labels:text | black and white | font | ink | printing | document OCR: GET DOWN! by TOM EDISON generator at this frequency is often low. 20 cycles is also the lowest frequency that most audic amplifiers will amplify so to LETTERS FROM READERS borst up this signal I designer a circuit using the doorbell SECURITY OITKE Over the last few months I have been searching for a new transformers. See fig. 4. title for my old "Cdis " Ends" column. I thought that I had With this circuit the output from the audio amplifier is now NOTICE THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY finally found the perfect title, "Up Yours!", but I was wrong. connected to the two low voltage secondaries that are connected Dear Telephone User. 177 East Colorado Blvd ., Room 244 Pasadena, California 91105 From here on, my column title will be "Get Down!", taken series aiding. The 48 volt pow ...