ocr: INEOPMATION EAIDATA SERTICE Tom Edisee-pareak =:5:11 AEVIFX OF wia phamey handle FCCP MANS JAMES ECNEANE 25E SUFT:TCR ECTH EY KIR: SAICN ATST Poor Man's Jares Ep-d 15 an arazire Enc The Elephant shcckice book. It's tasically a manual et vialert maytem that covers homerade veapess. and the Gnat arson, exflosives. cirty tricks. and coynter- feitinf. Saxon accurately bills 1t es tte A ssonllian per-year Nambo gant- most ever. outrdeeous book on improrised veaponry :hat 1971. Since axIh shen. phone Es company in hallonned ito a stS-tllion-dillar EMJP is civiced ir:o tvo sections. The first per. ye ...